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Добре де, латвийски
Всъщност не знаех, че и Латвия е използвала свастика, и затова се заблудих. Но благодарение на google се поправям. Разбира се, има разлика между финландската и латвийската - латвийската е "наклонена" или, ако предпочитаме, "изправена на върха", докато финландската е "хоризонтална".
Определено е впечатляващо. Цели редове гладиатори със свастики.
Всъщност интересен беше символа. На този линк http://community.livejournal.com/warhistory/649853.html може да видите не само финландски или латвийски свастики, но също така
1. Американски
2. Полски
3. Руски
и да прочетете за еврейски свастики.
На мен ми направи впечатление - а и, доколкото си спомням, не само на мен - свастиката на челото на Буда в "Индиана Джоунс и Храмът на обречените". По онова време, някъде през 1985 г., ние, децата, "знаехме", че "пречупеният кръст" е символ на "фашистите", и се чудехме какво търси върху статуята. (Много кавички станаха, ама пък без тях не върви. )
P.S. Картинките в статията не се отварят - получава се нещо като "File not found", ама с други думи.
Пропуск Господа, голям пропуск!!!!!!
За любознателните разполагам с ей тази книжка, който я иска да свирне
Все пак трябва да се поназнайва за страните използвали свастика на аеропланите сиТо исторически филми в България не се правят, щото няма продуктово позициониране - Симеон Цветков 2012г.
Оказа се, че Parabellum е почти прав. Това било австралийският CA-15 - построен в единствен екземпляр. А иначе австралийците направили 120 "Мустанг"-а.
И да не би някой да остане с впечатлението, че съм познал този самолет - до преди 5 минути не предполагах, че Австралия е проектирала и произвеждала самолети, а пък модела го намерих в Интернет, тръгвайки от предположенията по-горе за вариант на "Мустанг".
Да, това вече е друго нещо. Машината се води COMMONWEALTH CA-15 и е нещо като развитие на темата P-51D. Ето малко информация.
* The only country besides the US to build the P-51 was Australia, but no Australian-built Mustangs saw combat in World War II. Commonwealth Aircraft Corporation (CAC) of Australia obtained a license to build the P-51D in 1944, beginning with the assembly of kits provided by NAA. 80 Mustangs were built from kits and given the designation "CA-17 Mustang XX", with the first CA-17 flying in April 1944.
CAC completed 120 Mustangs of their own as well, including:
40 "CA-18 Mustang 21s", which were duplicates of the P-51D.
14 "CA-18 Mustang 22s", which were fitted with a reconnaissance camera.
66 "CA-18 Mustang 23s", which used Rolls-Royce Merlins instead of Packards.
* CAC also built an advanced piston fighter named the "CA-15", powered by the Rolls-Royce Griffon engine, that clearly had Mustang influence though it could hardly be confused as a variant of the type. It looked something like a mutant Mustang on steroids.
The CA-15 began life in 1942 with studies for a follow-on to the Commonwealth Boomerang, a fighter that the Australians had put together hastily at the beginning of the war, using the North American T-6 Texan trainer as a starting point. The Boomerang was a much better machine than could have possibly been suggested by its humble origins and provided excellent service in the South Pacific theater, but there was no way to make much more of it than it was.
Further studies on a next-generation fighter continued through 1943, though as CAC was working towards Mustang production at the time, the company didn't have many resources to spare and the investigation didn't go anywhere in a hurry. The RAAF finally issued a specification in 1944, calling for a much more capable machine than the Mustang.
Commonwealth originally considered using a turbocharged Pratt & Whitney R-2800 Double Wasp air-cooled double-row radial engine, but there were doubts that the Australians could get their hands on such engines in adequate numbers. CAC then turned to the Rolls-Royce Griffon water-cooled vee inline engine. In 1945, CAC decided to build a prototype of the "CA-15" with a turbosupercharged Griffon 61 engine with 1,520 kW (2,035 HP) at altitude, and obtained two Griffon 61s from Britain on loan. Production was to use the more powerful Griffon 125, then under development,
A general verbal description of the CA-15 matches that of the P-51D almost perfectly. The CA-15 was a low-wing, all-metal fighter with a vee inline engine driving a four-bladed prop; taildragger landing gear, with the main gear pivoting in the wings toward the fuselage and a retractable tailwheel; a cooling scoop under the fuselage; and a bubble canopy. Armament fit was to be three 12.7 millimeter Browning machine guns in each wing, for a total of six guns, though other gun fits were considered; a single stores pylon under each wing for a 450 kilogram (1,000 pound) bomb or a drop tank, for a total of two stores pylons; or five rails under each wing for rocket projectiles, for a total of ten rails.
However, the CA-15's proportions were entirely distinct from those of the Mustang, and in fact the CA-15 also had a certain resemblance to the Republic XP-72 derivative of the P-47 Thunderbolt. One of the most noticeable oddities was the undersized bubble canopy, which looked like something that would be fitted to an air racer.
Initial flight of the CA-15 was on 4 March 1946, with test pilot Jim Schofield at the controls. Trials showed the machine, which was informally named the "Kangaroo", possessed excellent performance, though its controls were on the heavy side and it unsurprisingly demonstrated strong propeller torque on takeoff. Trying to get up into the cockpit to fly the thing in the first place was a bit of chore as well.
_____________________ _________________ _______________________
spec metric english
_____________________ _________________ _______________________
wingspan 10.97 meters 36 feet
wing area 23.5 sq_meters 253 sq_feet
length 11.04 meters 36 feet 2 inches
height 4.32 meters 14 feet 2 inches
empty weight 3,420 kilograms 7,540 pounds
max takeoff weight 5,597 kilograms 12,340 pounds
max speed at altitude 720 KPH 450 MPH / 390 KT
service ceiling 11,900 meters 39,000 feet
range, internal fuel 1,850 kilometers 1,150 MI / 1,000 NMI
_____________________ _________________ _______________________
A mechanical failure led to a wheels-up landing on 10 December 1946. The pilot, Lee Archer, was unhurt, but the aircraft was badly damaged. By this time, jet fighters were clearly the way of the future, and CAC didn't get the CA-15 flying again until the spring of 1948. On 25 May, Archer dropped the Kangaroo into a dive and then leveled out, to set a speed record of 808.2 KPH (502.2 MPH) for the machine.
Performance would have been even better had the Double Wasp or Griffon 125 been fitted, but even at that, any leading-edge jet fighter of the time could still leave the Kangaroo in the dust. The CA-15 performed limited further test flights until the spring of 1950, when it was finally grounded due to lack of spares and then dismantled. The Griffon engines were returned to Britain.Peace Through Strength -- Victory Through Devastation