Sniper No.4 Mk.1(T) rifles, made during the WW2, were equipped with detachable optical scope mounts at the left side of the receiver. The scope was carried in the separate box when not in use. No.4 Mk1* rifles, made during the WW2, were equipped with the simplified, two position aperture (peep-hole) sights, marked for 300 and 600 yards ranges only. Pre-1916 Lee-Enfields were also equipped with interesting device, called the "volley" sights. This device was mounted at the left side of the stock, ahead of the magazine, and was used to provide an indirect fire capability at the ranges from 2 000 and up to outstanding 3 900 yards (1800 - 3550 meters). While the individual marksmanship at such ranges with rifle was a nonsense, the salvo firing by large squads at the distant and large targets (such as tight infantry or cavalry formations) can do some damage to the enemy. This was, obviously, an idea of the pre - machine gun and pre - light artillery period, and it was happily dropped during the WW1.
Става дума за пушка образец 1895 г. Не съм си играл да проверявам техническите данни на всички модификации, но в цитата са посочени например "режимите" на оптическия прицел - 300 и 600 ярда. Ако гледаме силата на куршума, този на М16 например си запазва смъртоносната сила до 800 метра - за Енфийлда не знам колко е, но много ме съмнява да е 2 км (че и да пробие фюзелаж преди това)
