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    Ровейки из баналности попаднах на наистина рядка,и за мен до момента неизвестна снимка (рисунка ??).КВ-2 с командирска куполка от Т-III.

    Намира се малко по надолу в редицата,след като отворите.
    Идея си нямам кога и къде е действало това изродче или в коя танкова част са го набутали?Ако е била танкова.И дали е била само 1 такава машина ?


      Kelly написа Виж мнение
      Мноо готска тема. Ето и нещо от мен - най-тежкия танк, строен в САЩ по времето ма ВСВ - тежък танк T28 (по-късно - 105 Gun Motor Carriage T95):

      калибър 105 мм, маса около 100 тона, челна броня 300 мм, екипаж 8 човека (командир, механик-водач, помощник механик-водач и 5 души оръдейна прислуга), скорост 12 км/ч. Първия протип е бил построен през септ. 1945 и през окт. 1947 проекта е изоставен.
      На този адрес:

      го има в целия му блясък.Може да е изродче,са си го имат и в музей даже.


        Това вече наистина е хм доста особено и определено не много популярно.От сайта погледнете на тежки танкове -> Тяж¸лый танк Гроттe

        и развитието

        А това направо кърти,ако беше и розов... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flying_Elephant
        Last edited by bigbeer; 14-09-2008, 03:02.


          Забелязах тази тема, докато се чудех къде да поставя този блог:
          Извадка от план-програмата: "Данное сообщество предназначено для публикации и обсуждения иллюстраций и материалов о необычной/нестандартной/редкой и просто на удивление уродливой бронетехнике (танков, бронеавтомобилей и вспомогательных машин на их базе) в период с 1898 по 2007 годы. Современная (1955-2007) бронетехника рассматривается исключительно в тех случаях, когда современные образцы являются казусами."
          Разглеждам го и много се забавлявам



            Незадолго до войны за независимость (1948 г) в мастерских хаганы
            (еврейское подполье, из него позже появился цахаль) пытались разработать
            разного рода оружие.
            Один из выходев из Росии Давид Лейбович предложил свой вариант британского 3 инч. миномета
            минометы были немного другие- мина к нему шла 40 кг. и была шире ствола
            она надевалась на ствол сверху. понятно, что точность у него была та еще да и дальность была
            коло 300 м. однако при выстреле она издавала ужасный шум так что в результате 2-3 выпущеных снарядов большая часть
            арабского населения Хайфы подписало капитуляцию
            прошел слух что это была атомная бомба (все еще помнили Хиросиму )
            вот как выгядело это чудо.но оказывется это был окончательный вариант "давидки"
            (так ее прозвали в честь создателя)
            миномет разрабатывался в проф. школе недалеко от тель-авива "Микве Исраель"
            и там же был создан прототип. но в отличии просто шуша "давидки" это был жуткий монстр.
            чудо что его вообще не разорвало после первого выстрела
            ствол выдержал 2-3 пробных и 2 боевых выстрела
            после второго снаряд вылетел и упал на землю рядом с минометом
            убив обоих минометчиков после чего этот ужас убрали долой
            и перешли на окончательные 3 инчевки
            однако одной бомбы упавшей на форт "абу-кабир" хватило
            чтобы весь арабский гарнизон сбежал

            В общем вот история первого "аидише миномета"
            мен кажется если бы делали чемпионат по мино-шушингу
            он бы без сомнения занял бы 1 место.
            На излёте века взял и ниспроверг
            Злого человека - Добрый человек. Из гранатомёта, шлёп его, козла! Стало быть, добро-то посильнее зла!


              Действително уникална машина, от които са произведени само 77 броя е "Ягдтигър". Тегло-75т, 128 мм оръдие Рак 44 L/55, боекомплект-40 снаряда, 1-7,62мм картечница, двигател "Майбах"-700 к.с., екипаж-6 ч., дебелина на челния брониран лист-150мм, на челната част на рубката-200мм, на страничните бронирани листи и задния-82мм. Танковият ас Ото Кариус завършва войната като командир на рота такива "зверюги" на Западния фронт.


                JagdTiger, макар и с малкото си призведени бройки, не бих казал нито че е малко известен, нито особен. Напротив, мисля, че се радва на широка популярност и известност днес...иначе когато се е сражавал малцина са били тези, които са имали шанса да го видят наживо.
                Да, данните, които си предствил са наистина впечатляваши. С право го наричаш 'звяр'. Остава въпросът доколко една такава машина е оправдавала съществуването си към 1944-45? Към този момнет Панцервафе е изпитвал убийствен недостиг от бронирана техника от всякакъв род, включително и от танкови изтребители... а стойността (материална) на един такъв Ягдтигър е колкото на 4 Панцер 4-ки, или малко повече Щуг-а.
                GOTT MIT UNS!


                  peterpetroff написа Виж мнение
                  JagdTiger, макар и с малкото си призведени бройки, не бих казал нито че е малко известен, нито особен. Напротив, мисля, че се радва на широка популярност и известност днес...иначе когато се е сражавал малцина са били тези, които са имали шанса да го видят наживо.
                  Да, данните, които си предствил са наистина впечатляваши. С право го наричаш 'звяр'. Остава въпросът доколко една такава машина е оправдавала съществуването си към 1944-45? Към този момнет Панцервафе е изпитвал убийствен недостиг от бронирана техника от всякакъв род, включително и от танкови изтребители... а стойността (материална) на един такъв Ягдтигър е колкото на 4 Панцер 4-ки, или малко повече Щуг-а.
                  Попадна ми тук едно мнение за идеите движили хамериканците при развитието на подобни машинарийки.Копвам го цялото.Накрая са споменати едни тестове до които много би ми се искало да се докопам

                  Heavy Assault Tank Tortoise, A39

                  Designed specifically to outgun and outlast the heavy German tanks and self propelled guns. At the time of design, the armor was totally proof against all known German guns. The design work began in 1944 but the first of 6 test vehicles were not delivered until 1947. The tank was never put into production.

                  Crew 7
                  Weight 78 tons
                  Armor 35 - 225mm
                  Powerplant Meteor 600hp
                  Armament 1 x 32pdr, 2 x MG
                  Performance 12mph

                  In early 1943 considerable thought was being applied to the preparation of men and equipment for the assault of the German forces in north-west Europe. Clearly tough resistance was to be expected with the enemy fighting from strongly fortified positions. It is against this background that a new class of vehicles, Assault Tanks emerged. The concept behind these vehicles was for maximum armour protection at the expense of mobility. Initially work was concentrated on the A33 essentially a heavy Cromwell (cruiser) and the A38 Valiant which may be regarded as a heavy Valentine (infantry tank). In addition to this there was a program to up armour the Churchill. This was pretty typical of WWII British tank development as the adopted doctrine of Infantry tanks and Cruisers invariable meant that each new design specification could be approached from two existing starting points.

                  First Ideas

                  By Mid February 1943 the D.A.F.V. (Director Armoured Fighting Vehicle) had started drafting an updated policy for current and future AFV design. The early drafts of this policy make brief mention of A33 and A38, both as experimental vehicles and not intended for production at this time1. By the end of February the policy with regard to new projects2 included consideration of the development of another assault vehicle the characteristics of which were: a minimum of 150mm (6") frontal armour; 60% and 40% of this basis at the side and rear respectively, and a minimum of 25mm on the roof and belly plates. It was stated that "this type of vehicle would be required in a role where obstacles and mine fields predominate" and that "special attention should be paid to protection of propulsion components and floor construction".

                  Another perhaps significant addition (which we’ll come back to later) to the policy was for an investigation to develop a 3.7 inch gun of approximately the same external diameter as the 3 inch 17-pr as an alternative to the latter with the advantage of a more effective H.E. shell.

                  Further clarification of the role of assault tanks comes from a Joint Memorandum by the Secretary of State for War and the Minister of Supply dated 23rd April 19433.

                  "The development of the defensive minefield and anti-tank obstacles, in addition to the anti-tank gun, will tend to limit the use of any form, of assault tank so far envisaged, except in certain special circumstances. The anti-tank gun is ahead, and will in all probability continue to keep ahead of tank armour.... Additional armour will not get over the difficulty of the minefield and the anti-tank obstacle. .... The War Office, nevertheless, accept the view that a proportion of heavily armoured vehicles may be necessary in the assault phase of future battles, and as initial steps towards meeting this requirement, the addition of armour to the Churchill and the production of Valiant and A.33 prototypes are included in the development programme.

                  A limited number of tanks will form a necessary part of the assault organisation, as flame-throwers, pushing snakes, utilizing their own H.E. and smoke equipment, carrying fascines for bridging trenches, and possibly towing infantry in armoured sledges. ......Thicker skinned tanks used in this manner have obviously got greater immunity, but complete immunity is not possible.

                  In order to develop the technique of assault, the General Staff have also allotted to the 79th Armoured Division the task of studying this problem in conjunction with the Engineer Assault School at Aldershot, and of training Assault Groups composed of R.A.C. and engineer personnel, with the specific object of perfecting such weapons and devices as are at present available, and of continuing research and development into improved methods.
                  The more heavily armoured vehicle which is envisaged for the assault role, will be developed tactically in this formation.

                  The memo then continues to discuss the various options such as the adaptation of existing vehicles such as the Churchill and Stern tanks (TOG2 & TOG3) and then considers other vehicles under development.

                  In order to meet the requirement of a more heavily armoured vehicle, therefore, it is proposed to proceed with the adding of armour to the Churchill tanks as indicated above as an interim measure, the development of prototypes of A.33 and of the small heavily armoured vehicle known as Valiant, together with the possible evolution of a small very heavily armoured special purpose vehicle known as the Tortoise.... The Tortoise as yet exists only as a broad idea. No design has so far been produced. The underlying idea is for a small machine of slow speed with at least 6" of armour in the front, 60% on the side and 40% on the rear, equipped with a limited armament.

                  This memo gives us a general idea of what the original intentions were for the Assault Tank. It was designed as a special purpose vehicle to operate in heavily defended areas as part of the 79th Armoured Division. This implies only a small number of such vehicles allocated in support of other formations as required.

                  Nuffield Designs

                  Although vague, this ‘specification’ was promptly taken up by Nuffield Mechanisation Ltd. Given that the requirement for such a vehicle only seems to have come about in February and that at the end of April was still only a ‘broad idea’, the rapidity of Nuffields involvement is somewhat surprising. Between 13/5/1944 and 25/02/1944 they managed to draft no less that 18 separate designs, each successive design being generally larger and heavier than the last. The early designs had an array of individual and combinations of armaments including multiple machine guns, flame throwers, mortars and 6lb guns.

                  The nature of the 37 pdr requires some explanation. Back in October 1942 the General Staff had turned their attentions to finding a successor to the 17pdr anti-tank gun. The basic requirement was that the weapon should be 25% more effective than the 17-pdr. Initially focus was on the development of a 55-pdr however improvements in 17-pdr ammunition meant that it didn’t offer sufficient advantage whilst providing considerable disadvantages tactically and in handling and stowage of ammunition etc. Other options proposed included a 3" 17-pdr firing composite rigid projectile core weight 4 lbs at 3,550 f.s., a 3"/2·25 Littlejohn firing a 3·5 lb core at 4500 f.s. and a 30 pdr of 3.45" calibre. The D.G. of A commenting on these options in April ’43 noted that the Littlejohn was too limited by it’s reliance on sufficient provision of tungsten, the composite rigid and Sabot projectile should be developed further. With regard to the 30-pdr of 3.45" calibre his opinion was that it could not deliver a suitable A.P. shell, however he did suggest that a 30 pdr 3.7" might be worth investigation as it was a standard calibre and had a better margin for further improvement.

                  In due course the 3.7 inch A.A. gun was chosen to be adapted to the 30-pdr anti-tank gun and approval was granted in September 1943 for pilots to be built. A short time late it was proposed that a 37lb shot would give better performance and for a while the weapon was thus known as the QF 37 pdr EX1. Following firing trials in June 1944 the 37lb shot was dropped in favour of a 32 lb shot and so when finally accepted the weapon was known as a QF 32 pdr.

                  It is worthy of note that the Tortoise was not the first self-propelled mount for the 3.7 in anti-aircraft gun as earlier Canadian experiments had been made in mounting the AA gun directly on to a Ram Tank hull however this proved to be an extremely unwieldy design.

                  Design continued at Nuffield using the 17-pdr until December at which time a wooden mock-up was virtually complete and was inspected by D.R.A.C. At this stage it was suggested that at the projected 68 tons the tank could not be justified unless it mounted the 3·7" 65 calibre gun. This would appear to be quite a ‘bold’ statement given the relatively early stage of development larger gun and is perhaps an indication that, despite Nuffield’s frantic design efforts, this latest incarnation of Tortoise was regarded as a long-term project. In any case the mock-up was therefore modified to take the heavier gun carried in a ball mounting and instructions given to proceed with a soft hull for the purpose of testing suspension, engine layout, transmission and general mechanical features whilst the modified fighting compartment design itself was final.

                  By February 1944 design A.T.16 was complete and met with approval from the Tank Board who at their meeting on the 23rd February 1944 proposed that 25 be produced direct from the mock up stage without waiting for trials of a pilot model. These vehicles were to be available for operations in September 1945. The Board accepted this procedure and D.C.I.G.S. undertook to obtain formal War Office approval and placing of a requirement10. By the time the board met again in May an order for 25 had been placed by the War Office and work was underway.

                  Once the War had ended the order was reduced and ultimately only 6 vehicles were ever built. Tortoise was sent to Germany for automotive and gunnery trials where it was found to be reliable and a hard hitting and accurate gun platform, however at 80 tons it proved to be difficult to transport and at a height of 10 feet was considered too tall. On completion of the trials the Tortoise was discarded

                  32 Pounder Performance

                  Whilst visiting the Bovington Library I made a few quick notes on the performance of the 32-pdr taken from the report of the tank trials dated May-July 1948.

                  Preliminary trials gave penetration of Panther armour at 950 yards at 30 degrees.

                  Subsequent testing at 1350 yards (again against a Panther) had the following results:

                  Shot 1 plugged the armour.
                  Shot 2 shot away the lower section of the gun mantlet with the deflected shot lifting the drivers plate 3-4 inches the shot ending up under the turret floor.
                  Shot 3 coincided with a previous round.
                  Shots 4 and 5 caused considerable fragmentation inside the turret
                  The observation of shot was said to be better than that of the Centurion and the performance of 32-pdr APCBC being considered better than that of 20-pdr APDS.


                    The Men Who Stare at Goats/ Човекът който гледа кози

                    След пародията излезе истината, че не един ами цяла група бачка в Афганистан.....


                      Welbike мотоциклет за десантчици:

                      Веселая страничка для 404


                        Не знам дали е точно по темата но :

                        Танков чадър


                          Някой може ли да ми каже какво е това?
                          Снимката е от Музея на бронетанковата техника в Кубинка и предполагам, че машината е от ВСВ.


                            Миночистач. Буквално: http://www.google.bg/search?q=Minenraumer
                            По-подробно от първия резултат: http://strangevehicles.greyfalcon.us/Alkett.htm
                            Ъгълът на снимката е подвеждащ, оказа се, че машината е с три колела.


                              Наистина ъгълът е много подвеждащ. Че и изодзад!
                              Както е направена снимката - бих могъл да се закълна, че машината е на две колела.


                                Джин геби написа Виж мнение
                                Извинявам се - посочил цитатите, но мислех че те говорят сами за себе си:
                                1. "При прочих равных условиях колесно-гусеничный танк имеет преимущества перед гусеничным" Какво? Това просто не е вярно. Най-малко защото ако беше - днес щяха да се произвеждат колесно-гъсенични танкове.
                                Та това имах предвид.
                                В днешни времена беше направен успешен опит за чисто колесен танк от ЮАР, но не мога да намеря темата във форума. Машината беше "Бисмарк" или "Крюгер", по-скоро първото, "Крюгер"-а май беше друга машина. Но след промените там през 90-те идеята била изоставена за сметка на "стандартните" "Елефант". Имаше снимка, танкът изглеждаше внушително в сравнение с останалите колесни бронирани машини. Била е предназаначена успешно да се противопоставя на съветските Т-55 и Т-62 в боевете в саваните на Южна Африка.

