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        Шестима си искат рекордния джакпот от тотото

        Шестима души от различни градове са се обадили в Спортния тотализатор, че са спечелили рекордния джакпот от 6,5 млн. лв., но по някаква причина са загубили фиша.

        Това заяви шефът на БТС (Българския спортен тотализатор) Дамян Дамянов пред БНТ. На 2 август изтече 45-дневният срок, в който спечелилият трябваше да си прибере печалбата, но никой не се яви в тотализатора.

        Дамянов разказа, че жена от Димитровград депозирала и молба, че е спечелила, но си загубила фиша. Много настоятелен бил мъж от Варна, който убеждавал, че жена му е изпрала печелившия фиш. Щял да я накаже, но преди това искал да си получи парите.

        Тотоемоциите продължават да разтърсват Ловеч, където е пуснат златният фиш. Жители на с. Славяни в Ловешко откриха кой е "милионерът". За късметлия бе набеден шофьорът на цистерна Тихомир Ангелов, който обаче отрича, съобщи bTV.
        "No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity."
        "But I know none, and therefore am no beast."

        (Richard III - William Shakespeare)


          Sauna contest leaves Russian dead and champion Finn in hospital
          Annual competition in Finland ended after challenger Vladimir Ladyzhenskiy dies after enduring 110C heat
          guardian.co.uk, Sunday 8 August 2010 12.09 BST
          Vladimir Ladyzhenskiy of Russia competing in the suana championships last year Vladimir Ladyzhenskiy of Russia competing in the sauna championships last year Photograph: Petri Puromies/EPA
          The annual sauna world championship in Finland has been called off after a Russian man died after spending six minutes enduring a temperature of 110C.
          Vladimir Ladyzhenskiy was pronounced dead after being dragged from the sauna by judges. Police were investigating the cause of death.

          Another competitor, Timo Kaukonen from Finland, was also pulled out and is being treated in hospital for burns. Officials said the competition will not run again.
          This was the 12th world sauna championships, where competitors try to outlast others in the heat and steam. The event has been held in Heinola, 86 miles north-east of Helsinki, since 1999.
          Ladyzhenskiy and Kaukonen had made it through to the final ahead of more than 130 other participants, but six minutes into the contest, judges noticed something was wrong with the Russian, and dragged both competitors from the sauna.
          Both middle-aged men were seen to have severe burns on their bodies and were given first aid after they collapsed.
          Ossi Arvela, head of the championships, said the event had been immediately suspended following the incident, and confirmed police were investigating.
          "All the rules were followed and enough first aid personnel were in place," Arvela said in a statement, adding that all the competitors had been required to present a doctor's certificate before taking part.
          Saija Jappinen, the cultural secretary, later announced the end of the event. "After this incident we decided that this game is over and done," he said.
          Rules in the competition require the sauna to be heated to 110 C (230 F). Water is added to the stove every 30 seconds and the last person to remain in the sauna wins.

          Competitors must verify their condition by giving a thumbs up to judges when asked, and be able to leave the sauna unaided.
          Kaukonen is a five-time winner of the event and reigning champion, while Ladyzhenskiy is believed to have come third in last year's contest.
          "Световното първенство по сауна" трябва да е най-идиотският начин да умре човек. 110 градуса по Целзий - това не значи ли, че хората просто ще се сварят?
          "No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity."
          "But I know none, and therefore am no beast."

          (Richard III - William Shakespeare)


            Sauna contest leaves Russian dead and champion Finn in hospital
            Annual competition in Finland ended after challenger Vladimir Ladyzhenskiy dies after enduring 110C heat
            guardian.co.uk, Sunday 8 August 2010 12.09 BST
            Vladimir Ladyzhenskiy of Russia competing in the suana championships last year Vladimir Ladyzhenskiy of Russia competing in the sauna championships last year Photograph: Petri Puromies/EPA
            The annual sauna world championship in Finland has been called off after a Russian man died after spending six minutes enduring a temperature of 110C.
            Vladimir Ladyzhenskiy was pronounced dead after being dragged from the sauna by judges. Police were investigating the cause of death.

            Another competitor, Timo Kaukonen from Finland, was also pulled out and is being treated in hospital for burns. Officials said the competition will not run again.
            This was the 12th world sauna championships, where competitors try to outlast others in the heat and steam. The event has been held in Heinola, 86 miles north-east of Helsinki, since 1999.
            Ladyzhenskiy and Kaukonen had made it through to the final ahead of more than 130 other participants, but six minutes into the contest, judges noticed something was wrong with the Russian, and dragged both competitors from the sauna.
            Both middle-aged men were seen to have severe burns on their bodies and were given first aid after they collapsed.
            Ossi Arvela, head of the championships, said the event had been immediately suspended following the incident, and confirmed police were investigating.
            "All the rules were followed and enough first aid personnel were in place," Arvela said in a statement, adding that all the competitors had been required to present a doctor's certificate before taking part.
            Saija Jappinen, the cultural secretary, later announced the end of the event. "After this incident we decided that this game is over and done," he said.
            Rules in the competition require the sauna to be heated to 110 C (230 F). Water is added to the stove every 30 seconds and the last person to remain in the sauna wins.

            Competitors must verify their condition by giving a thumbs up to judges when asked, and be able to leave the sauna unaided.
            Kaukonen is a five-time winner of the event and reigning champion, while Ladyzhenskiy is believed to have come third in last year's contest.
            "Световното първенство по сауна" трябва да е най-идиотският начин да умре човек. Помещение, загрято до 110 градуса по Целзий - това не значи ли, че хората вътре просто ще се сварят?

            "No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity."
            "But I know none, and therefore am no beast."

            (Richard III - William Shakespeare)


              Truth will save the world


                Dinain написа Виж мнение
                "Световното първенство по сауна" трябва да е най-идиотският начин да умре човек. Помещение, загрято до 110 градуса по Целзий - това не значи ли, че хората вътре просто ще се сварят?

                Не мога лесно да стоя 5-7 минути при температура от 90 градуса.
                Най-добрата част - чувството след баня или ледено студена вода.


                  Eguo написа Виж мнение
                  Не мога лесно да стоя 5-7 минути при температура от 90 градуса.
                  Най-добрата част - чувството след баня или ледено студена вода.
                  Не, не, веднага след сауната да се овъргаляш гол в снега - от личен опит! Е тва е истината


                    Aladar'ın Bolu Mitingi:"Ey Ahali, sizin için burdayım"
                    albireo написа
                    ...в този форум... основно е пълно с теоретици, прогнили интелигенти и просто кръчмаро-кибици...






                          Путин лично гаси пожари
                          Премиерът Владимир Путин взе участие в гасенето на пожарите в Рязанска област като втори пилот на самолета амфибия Бе-200.

                          Руският премиер Владимир Путин лично се включи в гасенето на пожарите в Рязанска област, югоизточно от Москва, предаде Интерфакс. В продължение на половин час той е седял на мястото на втория пилот в кабината на самолета-амфибия "Бе-200" в Рязанска област. Премиерът е изпълнявал дейности не само по зареждане на машината с вода от река Ока, а и при разпръскването й върху две огнища на горски пожари в околностите на град Рязан. Двата пожара са били потушени.
                          "No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity."
                          "But I know none, and therefore am no beast."

                          (Richard III - William Shakespeare)


                            Женчо, нашият премиер ще го накара сам да се угаси!!!


                              Не е истина! Тая мадама освен, че е умна и с чувство за хумор, има външност която може да накара епископ да счупи с шут зографисан прозорец.

                              This is my signature. There are many like it but this one is mine.



                                albireo написа
                                ...в този форум... основно е пълно с теоретици, прогнили интелигенти и просто кръчмаро-кибици...

