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Великите географски открития
han asd написа Виж мнениеПредполагам и берберските пирати са плували в атлантика (даже до англия са стигали), но корабите на някои държави не са били закачани, Все пак не са се считали за основен проблем в западното средиземноморие и атлантика поне докато Испанците държат бази в АлжирA strong toun Rodez hit is,
The Castell is strong and fair I wis...
блог за средновековна балканска история
Били са дразнители отвличали са и са мародерствали, нарушавали са търговските маршрути и т.н. но просто явно не са такъв дразнител за д асе разправят с тях - според мен по това време всяка европейска държава е имала силите да срине със земята базите им в Магреб - друг е въпросът че това сигурно е щяло да ескалира във война с турците - предполагам и флотите на испания, венеция и т.н. средизменомморски сили по това време не са си поплювали и са действали като пирати спрямо търговски кораби на арабите. Общо взето според мен ситуацията е била по-скоро патова - а и основната цел все пак е била отвличане в робство или искане на откуп. Чак да сриват градове със земята както е било на карибите се съмнявам - по-скоро са се нападали незащитени села. By the way европейците първи страртират пиратските набези към Магреб (справка Балтасар Коса).
Ако си говорим за 16ти век - европейските държави, заинтересовани от борбата с мюсюлманските пирати в Средиземноморието са малко: Испания (включва повечето италиански земи, Кастилия, Арагон и т.н.), Венеция, Папската област. А те постоянно имат проблеми с парите и далеч не всички експедиции са успешни, някои завършват с големи провали. Испанската империя от своя страна си има други ядове по онова време (в Нидерландия например, или с въстанието на покръстените мюсюлмани в самата Испания), така че няма много сили и средства да се бори в Средиземно море. Главните усилия са от страна на Венеция и испанските владения Генуа, Неапол, въобще - идват от Италия. Е и с участието на "испанските" немски войници. Общо взето в Африка по това време май се бият главно италианско-испанско-немски войски - почти като ситуацията по време на ВСВМодератор на раздели "Втора световна война" и "Междувоенен период".
Проект 22.06.1941 г.
"... там можете да попаднете на персонажи като например "честен прокурор" - а това, съгласете се, е същество къде-къде по-фантастично от някакъв си там "тъмен елф"." ©
von Danitz написа Виж мнениеИ рицаритеНепрекъснато, безпрестанно, упорито.
съвсем забравих за Малтийският орден - а редовно ги създавам с испанците в ЕU2
von Danitz написа Виж мнениеИ рицаритеНепрекъснато, безпрестанно, упорито.
A strong toun Rodez hit is,
The Castell is strong and fair I wis...
блог за средновековна балканска история
han asd написа Виж мнениеБили са дразнители отвличали са и са мародерствали, нарушавали са търговските маршрути и т.н. но просто явно не са такъв дразнител за д асе разправят с тях - според мен по това време всяка европейска държава е имала силите да срине със земята базите им в Магреб - друг е въпросът че това сигурно е щяло да ескалира във война с турците - предполагам и флотите на испания, венеция и т.н. средизменомморски сили по това време не са си поплювали и са действали като пирати спрямо търговски кораби на арабите. Общо взето според мен ситуацията е била по-скоро патова - а и основната цел все пак е била отвличане в робство или искане на откуп. Чак да сриват градове със земята както е било на карибите се съмнявам - по-скоро са се нападали незащитени села. By the way европейците първи страртират пиратските набези към Магреб (справка Балтасар Коса).A strong toun Rodez hit is,
The Castell is strong and fair I wis...
блог за средновековна балканска история
Така от това дето съм чел - към 20000 са заробвани годишно (средностатистически)
Ето го и отдолу от викито (ако можеш да ми дадеш хиперлинк с удовлстиве бих прочел и другаде):
In the 14th century, raids by Muslim pirates forced the Venetian Duke of Crete to ask Venice to keep its fleet on constant guard.
The conquest of Granada by the Catholic sovereigns of Spain in 1492 drove many Moors into exile. They retaliated by piratical attacks on the Spanish coast, with help from Muslim adventurers from the Levant, of whom the most successful were Hızır and Oruç, natives of Mitylene. In response, Spain began to conquer the coast towns of Oran, Algiers and Tunis. But after Oruç was killed in battle with the Spaniards in 1518, his brother Hızır appealed to Selim I, the Ottoman Sultan, who sent him troops. In 1529, Hızır drove the Spaniards from the rocky, fortified island in front of Algiers, and founded the Ottoman power in the region. From about 1518 till the death of Uluch Ali in 1587, Algiers was the main seat of government of the beylerbeys of northern Africa, who ruled over Tripoli, Tunisia and Algeria. From 1587 to 1659, they were ruled by Ottoman pashas, sent from Constantinople to govern for three years; but in the latter year a military revolt in Algiers reduced the pashas to nonentities. From 1659, these African cities, although nominally part of the Ottoman Empire, were in fact military republics which chose their own rulers and lived by plunder.
During the first period (1518-1587), the beylerbeys were admirals of the sultan, commanding great fleets and conducting war operations for political ends. They were slave-hunters and their methods were ferocious. After 1587, the sole object of their successors became plunder, on land and sea. The maritime operations were conducted by the captains, or reises, who formed a class or even a corporation. Cruisers were fitted out by capitalists and commanded by the reises. Ten percent of the value of the prizes was paid to the pasha or his successors, who bore the titles of agha or dey or bey.
In 1544, Hayreddin captured the island of Ischia, taking 4,000 prisoners, and enslaved some 9,000 inhabitants of Lipari, almost the entire population.[10] In 1551, Turgut Reis enslaved the entire population of the Maltese island Gozo, between 5,000 and 6,000, sending them to Libya. In 1554, pirates sacked Vieste in southern Italy and took an estimated 7,000 slaves.[11] In 1555, Turgut Reis sacked Bastia, Corsica, taking 6,000 prisoners. In 1558, Barbary corsairs captured the town of Ciutadella (Minorca), destroyed it, slaughtered the inhabitants and took 3,000 survivors to Istanbul as slaves.[12] In 1563, Turgut Reis landed on the shores of the province of Granada, Spain, and captured coastal settlements in the area, such as Almuñécar, along with 4,000 prisoners. Barbary pirates often attacked the Balearic Islands, and in response many coastal watchtowers and fortified churches were erected. The threat was so severe that the island of Formentera became uninhabited.
Even at this early stage, the European states sometimes fought back: Livorno's monument Quattro Mori celebrates 16th Century victories against the Barbary corsairs won by the Order of Saint Stephen, of which the Grand Duke of Tuscany Ferdinando I de' Medici was Grand Master.
17th century
Battle of a French ship of the line and two galleys of the Barbary corsairsLater, in 1607, the Order even went into the offensive, capturing, with forty-five galleys, and pillaging the city of Bona in Algeria[15]. This victory is commemorated by a series of frescoes painted by Bernardino Poccetti in the "Sala di Bona" of Palazzo Pitti, Florence.
From 1609 to 1616, England lost 466 merchant ships to Barbary pirates. 160 British ships were captured by Algerians between 1677 and 1680.Later, American ships were also attacked. During this period, the pirates forged affiliations with Caribbean powers, paying a "license tax" in exchange for safe harbor of their vessels.[18]
Some pirates were renegades or moriscos. They usually used galley ships with slaves or prisoners at the oars. Two examples are Süleyman Reis, "De Veenboer", who became admiral of the Algerian corsair fleet in 1617, and his quartermaster Murat Reis, born Jan Janszoon van Haarlem. Both worked for the notorious corsair Simon the Dancer, who owned a palace. These pirates were all originally Dutch. The Dutch admiral Michiel de Ruyter unsuccessfully tried to end their piracy.
Cornelis Hendricksz Vroom, Spanish Men-of-War Engaging Barbary Corsairs, 1615.The first half of the 17th century may be described as the flowering time of the Barbary pirates. This was due largely to the efforts of Simon de Dancer, who had introduced the latest Dutch sailing rigs to the corsairs, enabling them to brave Atlantic waters.[19] More than 20,000 captives were said to be imprisoned in Algiers alone. The rich were allowed to redeem themselves, but the poor were condemned to slavery. Their masters would on occasion allow them to secure freedom by professing Islam. A long list might be given of people of good social position, not only Italians or Spaniards, but German or English travelers in the south, who were captives for a time.[9]
Iceland was subject to raids known as the Turkish abductions in 1627. Murat Reis (Jan Janszoon) is said to have taken 400 prisoners; 242 of the captives later were sold into slavery on the Barbary Coast. The pirates took only young people and those in good physical condition. All those offering resistance were killed, and the old people were gathered into a church which was set on fire. Among those captured was Ólafur Egilsson, who was ransomed the next year and, upon returning to Iceland, wrote a slave narrative about his experience. Another famous captive from that raid was Guðríður Símonardóttir. The sack of Vestmannaeyjar is known in the history of Iceland as Tyrkjaránið and is arguably the most horrible event in the history of Vestmannaeyjar.
Ireland was subject to a similar attack. In June 1631 Murat Reis, with pirates from Algiers and armed troops of the Ottoman Empire, stormed ashore at the little harbor village of Baltimore, County Cork. They captured almost all the villagers and took them away to a life of slavery in North Africa.[9] The prisoners were destined for a variety of fates — some lived out their days chained to the oars as galley slaves, while others would spend long years in the scented seclusion of the harem or within the walls of the sultan's palace. The old city of Algiers, with its narrow streets, intense heat and lively trade, was a melting pot where the villagers would join slaves and freemen of many nationalities. Only two of them ever saw Ireland again.
Barbary pirate attacks were common in southern Portugal, south and east Spain, the Balearic Islands, Sardinia, Corsica, Elba, the Italian Peninsula (especially the coasts of Liguria, Tuscany, Lazio, Campania, Calabria and Apulia), Sicily and Malta. They also occurred on the Atlantic northwest coast of the Iberian Peninsula. In 1617, the African corsairs launched their major attack in the region when they destroyed and sacked Bouzas, Cangas and the churches of Moaña and Darbo.
Lieve Pietersz Verschuier, Dutch ships bomb Tripoli in a punitive expedition against the Barbary pirates, c. 1670.The chief victims were the inhabitants of the coasts of Sicily, Naples and Spain. But all traders of nations which did not pay tribute for immunity were liable to be taken at sea. This tribute, disguised as presents or ransoms, did not always ensure safety. The most powerful states in Europe condescended to pay the pirates and tolerate their insults. Religious orders — the Redemptorists and Lazarists — worked for the redemption of captives, and large legacies were left for that purpose in many countries.
The continued piracy was due to competition among European powers. France encouraged the pirates against Spain, and later Britain and Holland supported them against France. In the 18th century, British public men were not ashamed to say that Barbary piracy was a useful check on the competition of the weaker Mediterranean nations in the carrying trade. When Lord Exmouth sailed to coerce Algiers in 1816, he expressed doubts in a private letter whether the suppression of piracy would be acceptable to the trading community. Every power wanted to secure immunity for itself and was more or less ready to compel Tripoli, Tunis, Algiers, Sale and the rest to respect only its own trade and subjects. In 1655, British admiral Robert Blake was sent to punish the Tunisians, and he gave them a severe beating. During the reign of Charles II, the British fleet made many expeditions, sometimes together with the Dutch. In 1682 and 1683, the French bombarded Algiers. On the second occasion the Algerines blew the French consul from a gun during the action.
P.S. Балтасар Коса е плячкосвал каквото му попадне поне от това което аз съм чел и не е бил единственият пират в тази епоха.
Пак там:
While Barbary corsairs naturally looted the cargo of ships they captured, their primary goal was to capture prisoners on land or at sea and turn them into slaves. Once captured, the slaves were often sold or put to work in various ways in North Africa. “It has been estimated that between 1530 and 1780 some one million, or one and a quarter million Europeans were captured and made slaves in North Africa, principally in Algiers, Tunis, and Tripoli, with further captives in Istanbul and Sallee.” The high point of slave trade was between 1605 and 1634, when there were 35,000 captive slaves at any given time in Algiers, Tunis, and Tripoli. Furthermore, because of the high mortality rate in slaves, there was always a constant demand for more. The clever corsairs would raid ships or coastal areas and grab as many people as they possibly could. Then, they would come back a few days later and sell the villagers their own people back. If the families of the captives could not afford their family member back, merciless financiers would come and offer the families the extra cash they needed in exchange for their houses and land. If the families could not meet the deadline to get their family member back, it was of little concern to the corsairs, who knew they could sell the captives for a lot more money in the North African slave markets. However, they benefited from getting the family’s ransom because it meant instant cash for them.
То по същество е друга тема, но темите са свързани според мен. (В момента нямам време да пиша по-дълго защо това е така според мен). Иначе можем да разглеждаме нападенията на пиратите в атлантика като своего рода - откриване на северна европа от арабска гледна точка - доколкото си спомням те са имали доста смътна представа за земите северно от Франция.
За да се върнем на темата кога са открити филипините от китайците?
От експединиции на Женг хе ли?
Много ми е трудно да повярвам, че за хилядолетна империя, монаси и посланици на която са ходили до Цейлон през ² век, Филипините са били неизвестни до ХV век... Нещо се е загубило в архивите. Хе Ман открива Рюкю, по китайски Люцю, през V²² век и то май, повторно. По това време Чу Гуан е в Тайван.
Някъде през IX век вече е имало хиндуистка религозна система - вероятно донесена от индонезийски откриватели предполагам че са открити и заселени с малайци по време на миграцията им около 300-500г. (когато е заселелен и Мадагаскар). Обаче ми е странно че всякакви сведения за това липсват (или поне в това което аз съм чел - то далеч не е много) липсват в историята на Tarumanagara (идея нямам как се транскрибира правилно на български) или на Шриваджая
Прочие, по въпроса за Османската империя и Индийския океан - за заинтересуваните и англоезичните - открих в нета един прекрасен първоизточник "Mirat ul Memalik" - "Чудесата на света" (прев. загл. - мой) с автор капудан-пашата на османския флот в Индийския океан при Сюлейман Великолепния Сеиди Али Рейс. Става въпрос за мисия на османския военен флот от Басра до Хиндустан. Макар и в случая мисията да завършва с поражение, четете и после ми разправяйте, че османците били аматьори по море и че османска Африка можела да бъде завладяна по кое да е време без никакви проблеми от Портокалия или някоя друга европейска силаA strong toun Rodez hit is,
The Castell is strong and fair I wis...
блог за средновековна балканска история