Kарти на югозападна Дераа. Боевете между про-ИД групировки и бунтовници са предизвикали нова вълна от бежанци, над 8000 души.
Допълнение: дезертиралите от "Движение Мутана" бойци (ок. 150 души), не се присъединили към ССА, а формирали независим батальон "Марабитун".
Report: Jordan's king met Mossad chief to coordinate stances on Russian strikes in Syria
"We saw the Russians fly down, but they were met with Israeli and Jordanian F-16s, both together in Israeli and Jordanian airspace," Middle East Eye quoted Abdullah as saying.
According to the report, the incident spurred trilateral deescalation maneuvers between Jordan, Israel and Russia. Prior to extending communication to Moscow - on the behest of the IDF's chief of staff - and later meeting with a Russian delegation in Amman, Abdullah allegedly met with the Mossad chief in the Jordanian capital.
"We discussed an idea on how to keep the Russians in their place," the king reportedly told the US politicians.
"We saw the Russians fly down, but they were met with Israeli and Jordanian F-16s, both together in Israeli and Jordanian airspace," Middle East Eye quoted Abdullah as saying.
According to the report, the incident spurred trilateral deescalation maneuvers between Jordan, Israel and Russia. Prior to extending communication to Moscow - on the behest of the IDF's chief of staff - and later meeting with a Russian delegation in Amman, Abdullah allegedly met with the Mossad chief in the Jordanian capital.
"We discussed an idea on how to keep the Russians in their place," the king reportedly told the US politicians.
Подробности за тайна среща между крал Абдула и шефът на Мосад в Амман, Йордания, през последните месеци. Според източникът, на 11-и януари е имало инцидент, досега пазен в тайна, между руски самолети и йордански и израелски ВВС, след който е договорена граница, отвъд която руснаците няма да бомбардират. Къде е тази граница, обаче остава неизвестно.