Да бе, адекватна, просто си попаднал на путинист в левичарския Гардиън. Чудо голямо.
По-рано я мярнах и веднага си казах "Торн ще я хареса". 
Като се зачета, това е всичко друго, но не и адекватно (да се подкрепи Асад, Хизбула и Иран?!?) - на политическо, военно, морално, каквото искаш ниво.
ПП Не бил путинист авторът, а "професионален мизерабъл". It figures.

Като се зачета, това е всичко друго, но не и адекватно (да се подкрепи Асад, Хизбула и Иран?!?) - на политическо, военно, морално, каквото искаш ниво.
ПП Не бил путинист авторът, а "професионален мизерабъл". It figures.
Simon Jenkins
In February 2010 Jenkins, who had been in favour of the Falklands War, argued in a Guardian article that the Falkland Islands are an example of anachronistic British colonialism and should be handed over to Argentine control. He said that they could be leased back under the auspices of the UN. He remarked that the 2,500 or so British islanders should not have an "unqualified veto on British government policy".[8] In March 2012, he stated on Question Time that Britain should begin negotiating the handover of the Falkland Islands to the Argentine government. Only his fellow panellist Alexei Sayle agreed; the others and the audience disapproved.
In December 2010 Jenkins spoke disparagingly[9] on the Radio 4 Today Programme about the Shard, a skyscraper built in London. He was described as a "professional miserabilist" in The Londonist.[10]
In February 2010 Jenkins, who had been in favour of the Falklands War, argued in a Guardian article that the Falkland Islands are an example of anachronistic British colonialism and should be handed over to Argentine control. He said that they could be leased back under the auspices of the UN. He remarked that the 2,500 or so British islanders should not have an "unqualified veto on British government policy".[8] In March 2012, he stated on Question Time that Britain should begin negotiating the handover of the Falkland Islands to the Argentine government. Only his fellow panellist Alexei Sayle agreed; the others and the audience disapproved.
In December 2010 Jenkins spoke disparagingly[9] on the Radio 4 Today Programme about the Shard, a skyscraper built in London. He was described as a "professional miserabilist" in The Londonist.[10]