gollum написа
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“More than 18,000 foreign fighters inside Syria await the orders of the Nusra Front to blow themselves up.”
Вече от нас зависи към коя категория ще причислим тези хора във връзка с една или друга статистика.
gollum написа
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Иначе и двете статистики излизат с обобщени данни по един или друг повод. Например:
As of 17/3/2013, the SOHR has documented the death of 59,584 people killed since the first martyr fell in Der'a 2 years ago.
The breakdown of dead:
-29,767 civilians including: 4264 children and 2579 women.
-10,623 rebel fighters.
-1,783 defectors.
-14,752 regular soldiers.
-1886 unidentified people, documented by individual photos and video.
-1086 unidentified rebel fighters.
This tally does not include the thousands of forcibly disappeared persons in the regime's detention centres, nor the hundreds of kidnapped members of the regular forces and others taken captive by the rebels.
Syrians killed: +72,875
Children killed: +5,000
Females killed: +3,967
Soldiers killed: +8,576
Protesters killed under torture: +1,602
Missing: +60,000
Protesters currently incarcerated: +200,000
Syrians injured: +137,000
Syrian refugees since March: +1,364,268
Refugees in Turkey: +400,000
Refugees in Lebanon: +336,997
Refugees in Jordan: +420,000
Refugees in Iraq: +107,271
Refugees in Egypt: +100,000
Но да оставим тази сложна тема и да се върнем на фронта. Тези дни по сирийските бойни полета се наблюдава нов вид безбради джихадисти:
لقا&#ء رائع مع مجاهد صيني يقاتل مع الثوار في سوريا
Нека да подкрепим новите попълнения с мощно Алах акбар!
