Тракологията комай не е само българска измишльотина, ами в Турция си работят сериозно по въпроса. А и не само там. Подобни конгреси са правени и в Гърция и в Румъния с активното участие на учени от тези страни. Само дето по-ученият ни приятел не обелва и дума за тях.
Ето данни за последния:
За тези, на които не им се рови много по сайтове ето квинт есенцията:
The XIth Thracology Congress will be held between 8-12 November 2010 in Istanbul. The topics are listed below:
The preferred languages for the papers are English, German and French.
Each paper should not exceed 20 minutes and every session will include three papers. 15 minutes shall be reserved for discussion at the end of the each session. 17 sessions are planned between November the 8th and the 12th.
Opening ceremony and speeches will take place in the Institute of Eurasia on the first day, between 9-11.00 am, which will be followed by the opening paper. Sessions will be held at Institute of Eurasia and Doctorate Hall at the Istanbul University.
The deadline for the titles and abstracts of the papers is 30 July 2010. A form for this purpose is available at the Registration page, which should be delivered to the organisation committee via email and post. Addresses are given below.
A excursion to Edirne (Hadrianopolis) will be organised on 12 November, 2009.
Major Topics
1) The development of the Thracian rural and urban landscapes, which shall include not only the Thracian homeland but other regions where the Thracians settled.
2) The birth of Thracian ethnicity (ethno-genesis)
3) Religion of the Thracians: Its origin, characteristics and influences
4) Cultural interactions between the Thracians and neighbouring cultures.
5) Rural settlements and urbanisation process in Thracian landscapes
6) From Byzantion to Constantinople: Transformation of a city-state of Thrace to an imperial capital
Papers on the subjects mentioned below are also welcomed:
o Pre-Thracian cultures in Thracia
o Recent Indo-European studies on Thracians
o Relations between Thracians and Greeks
o Thracia before the creation of Roman province of Thracia (AD 46)
o The Roman province of Thracia
o Cultural Changes, rural and urban developments in Thracia in Late Antiquity
А в организационния комитет има гърци, румънци, сърби и унгарци. В програмата на конгреса с научни съобщения участват пак учени от същите страни.
Да, Баба Яга може и да е права, че учените работещи в една област след време придобиват навика да се превръщат в затворено общество, но това едва ли отрича научния аргумент, който ги е събрал. Още по-малко пък това може да се направи по начина, който видяхме в тази дискусия.
Ето данни за последния:
За тези, на които не им се рови много по сайтове ето квинт есенцията:
The XIth Thracology Congress will be held between 8-12 November 2010 in Istanbul. The topics are listed below:
The preferred languages for the papers are English, German and French.
Each paper should not exceed 20 minutes and every session will include three papers. 15 minutes shall be reserved for discussion at the end of the each session. 17 sessions are planned between November the 8th and the 12th.
Opening ceremony and speeches will take place in the Institute of Eurasia on the first day, between 9-11.00 am, which will be followed by the opening paper. Sessions will be held at Institute of Eurasia and Doctorate Hall at the Istanbul University.
The deadline for the titles and abstracts of the papers is 30 July 2010. A form for this purpose is available at the Registration page, which should be delivered to the organisation committee via email and post. Addresses are given below.
A excursion to Edirne (Hadrianopolis) will be organised on 12 November, 2009.
Major Topics
1) The development of the Thracian rural and urban landscapes, which shall include not only the Thracian homeland but other regions where the Thracians settled.
2) The birth of Thracian ethnicity (ethno-genesis)
3) Religion of the Thracians: Its origin, characteristics and influences
4) Cultural interactions between the Thracians and neighbouring cultures.
5) Rural settlements and urbanisation process in Thracian landscapes
6) From Byzantion to Constantinople: Transformation of a city-state of Thrace to an imperial capital
Papers on the subjects mentioned below are also welcomed:
o Pre-Thracian cultures in Thracia
o Recent Indo-European studies on Thracians
o Relations between Thracians and Greeks
o Thracia before the creation of Roman province of Thracia (AD 46)
o The Roman province of Thracia
o Cultural Changes, rural and urban developments in Thracia in Late Antiquity
А в организационния комитет има гърци, румънци, сърби и унгарци. В програмата на конгреса с научни съобщения участват пак учени от същите страни.
Да, Баба Яга може и да е права, че учените работещи в една област след време придобиват навика да се превръщат в затворено общество, но това едва ли отрича научния аргумент, който ги е събрал. Още по-малко пък това може да се направи по начина, който видяхме в тази дискусия.