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Виж нещо за Британските оръдия 133мм, нали си им фен:
This gun was used as a Dual-Purpose (DP) weapon for the King George V class battleships and the Dido class small cruisers. This was a somewhat large caliber for a DP gun, but chosen because it was considered that this size would provide the maximum weight of shell that could still be manually handled by the average gun crew. Unfortunately, the design of the gunhouse was cramped and the heavy projectile and cartridge cases resulted in a lower rate of fire than expected. In addition, the slow elevating and training speeds of the mounts were inadequate for engaging modern high-speed aircraft.
и още малко тук да видим колко е перфекто да ли не засича по време на бой:
"A" turret in the early Dido class cruisers was prone to jamming with some thirteen separate incidents being reported during 1940-41, including that of HMS Bonaventure while engaging the German heavy cruiser Hipper in December 1940. These problems were mainly the result of the light construction methods used on most Treaty-limited ships, which in this case allowed the bow to flex in heavy weather or during high-speed turns. This was rectified in the early ships by stiffening the bow section and by more careful attention to the detail fitting work required for installation of the mountings. Later ships had these modifications incorporated during their construction and no problems of this nature were encountered for these cruisers. It is also recorded that after the winter of 1941 the captains of the early ships "handled them appropriately" during heavy weather which also alleviated the problem. However, in 1950 HMS Euryalus had A turret permanently out of action due to problems with the roller path.
Я сега да обърнем внимание на друго военно времено оръдие 120мм на Нелсън и Родни
То пък нещо не е много скорострлено
The fixed round for this weapon weighed a total of 74 lbs. (33.6 kg) and the projectile was deliberately made 5 lbs. (2.3 kg) lighter than the standard 4.7" (12 cm) projectile in an effort to keep the overall weight down. Unfortunately, during service evaluation it was found that this weapon could not maintain a high rate of fire - a necessity for an AA weapon - as the heavy round rapidly wore out the gun crews.
114м двуцелево оръдие - добро, точно стига корабът да не нападнт от много самолети, защото точността пада, а и скорострелността
However, the decision on this basis was contradictory for two reasons. First, the slightly lighter 4.7" (12 cm) ammunition for destroyers had always been made in separate form in order to reduce the task of the ammunition handlers. Second, a fixed round had been designed in the 1920s for the 4.7"/40 (12 cm) Mark XII anti-aircraft gun used on the Nelson class battleships. This round weighed 74 lbs. (33.6 kg) complete and the projectile for this round had been deliberately made 5 lbs. (2.3 kg) lighter than the standard 4.7" (12 cm) projectile in an effort to keep the overall weight down. However, during service evaluations, it was found that this weapon could not maintain a high rate of fire - a necessity for an AA weapon - as the heavy round rapidly wore out the gun crews. So, if by the early 1930s, it was being found that a 74 lbs. (33.6 kg) fixed round was too heavy to allow sustained firing, then it is odd that a few years later an 85 lbs. (38.6 kg) fixed round was deemed to be acceptable. It would appear that the active Navy and the Admiralty had a considerable lack of communications regarding practical experience with fixed ammunition.
Twin mountings used on carriers and capital ships built before and during World War II fired fixed ammunition but, surprisingly, these mountings did not use any kind of power assist to reduce the workload on the gun crew. As noted above, this fixed round proved to be too heavy in service use and there was a tendency for the projectiles to separate from the cartridge cases during normal handling. These problems resulted in a rapidly decreasing rate of fire during prolonged firing periods. The mountings for the post-war built carriers Ark Royal and Eagle were modified versions using separate ammunition.
In 1944, guns of 4.7" (12 cm) caliber, which had been used on nearly every British destroyer built since 1918, gave way to a new destroyer weapon, the 4.5" (11.4 cm) QF Mark IV gun. It had originally been planned that destroyers would also use fixed ammunition, but reports from the cruisers Scylla and Charybdis told of loading problems during rough weather due to the heavy weight of the ammunition. As these were 6,000 ton (6,100 mt) cruisers, it was an obvious conclusion that the much lighter destroyers would have even worse handling problems. For that reason, a new separate version of the ammunition was developed. Compared to the standard 4.7" (12 cm) Mark IX, this new destroyer weapon had a higher rate of fire and used a heavier projectile with better ballistic properties, but it is questionable if these advantages outweighed the disadvantage of adding yet another mid-caliber weapon and its specialized munitions to the logistical system.
За 102мм Мк ХVI оръдия коментарът на Кембъл е следния:
These guns were noteworthy as having "neither long barrel life nor particularly high accuracy" - John Campbell. This was blamed on the use of projectiles with a too-short parallel section which lead to poor centering at the muzzle.П.В.
нещо сметките ти не са много верни, защото:
На близки дистанции ВСЯКО ОРЪДИЕ ще пробива повече броня, а на далечно - по-малко, а не обратното, я бъди по-логичен
Освен това никъде в монографията не пише, че 478мм са от упор
Наклон 330-мм пояса на 15,24° от вертикали повышал его эффективную сопротивляемость (с учетом внешней обшивки и 18-мм подкладки из стали специальной обработки - STS) до 478 мм вертикальной брони при курсовом угле 90° и строго горизонтальной траектории снаряда. При угле встречи снаряда 10° сопротивляемость повышалась до 546 мм. Высота пояса над ВЛ при проектной осадке 9,17 м составляла 3,4 м, а под ВЛ он опускался на 2,56 м. Начиная с 1,5 м ниже ВЛ его толщина постепенно уменьшалась до 170 мм на нижней кромке. Столь большое углубление пояса являлось ответом на критику проекта 'Нельсона" и должно было обеспечивать защиту корпуса от нырнувших у борта снарядов.
+ това 330мм+18мм STS е разнесена броя, едната е хомогенна, другата лицево закалена и не се изчисляват по една и сща формула.330+18 не е = 348 под наклон, а на 336примерноП.В.
Сметките са ми много верни НО ТИ НЕ ЧЕТЕШ КАКВО ТИ ПИША. Аз да съм написал:
Ето на Ришельо "тънкият " пояс на колко е еквивалентен , под обстрела на оръдията на Бисмарк
А ако можеш да го изчислиш по-добре... 8) .Ами супер направи го и сподели с другите своите резултати.
BTW. Съвсем съм наясно че не се изчислява по един и същи начин и че дебелината не е прост збор и именно поради тази причина съм си направил доста голяма екселска таблиц къде си извършвам сметките.
А цифрата 348 от къде я измъкна :? :? аз май не съм посочил такава.