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Силен кораб ли е бил "Худ" към момента на своето з
Силен кораб ли е бил "Худ" към момента на своето з
Различни източници квалифицират Худ по различни начини от Могъщия, на-силен кораб на 20-те години, до линеен крайцер със слаба вертикална и хоризонтална защита, слаби оръдия. Къде е е истината?Дайте мнения?Колкото повече, толкова по-добре!
Ако се разглежа като ЛИНЕЕН КРАЙЦЕР това безпорно е НАЙ-НАЙ-НАЙ корабът. друг въпрос е че има тенденция да се сравнява с кораби от различен клас. То все едно да сравняваме карабина с гаубица и да кажем че карабината не става за огнева поддръжка.
Лошото е, че той е кораб уникат - неговите съперници Макензените са нарязани.Ако говорим за линеен крайцер той е най-силен.Ако го сравним с линкор, пък бил той и от 20-те години Нагато, Нелсън, Тенеси, Колорадо - май че малко им отстъпва, макар че немодернизирания Нагато с меките снаряди - еднакъв борд, по-ниска скорост, по-тънки чела на кулите му е равен по силаОстаналите го превъзхождат.Ако сложим Нагато от 1939 г., той е тотално по силен от Худ
EEE, сравненията които предлагаш са крайно некоректни, все пак корабите са строени по съвсем различни концепции. Като искаш сравнявай с нереализирания Лексинктън. С модернизирани кораби е некоректно да се сравнява (тук вече допускам и линкори защото след модернизациите през 20-30 - те години разликата се размива) просто защото поради ред причини Худ не търпи никаква съществена модернизация, евентуално се е предвиждало такава да бъде проведена в периода след '42. В хоумпейджа на Худ подробно е разгледан този вариант.
Худ може да се сравни с Конго, старите италиански Дориа, Кавур но след модернизацията им, с Ринаун, който има моедрнизирана палуба и нов снаряд като на Уорспайт
проблемът на Худ е, че бил "безпалубен" кораб - палубтата му е настлана с НТ стомана, която като качества е по близко до корабостроителната отколкото до хомогеннта нецементирана, с която е покрита палубата на Уорспайт, Вълиант, Ринаун да не говорим за по-новите - КГVНезависимо, че върху погребите дебелината е 159мм тя реално не е повече от 30-40мм, тъ като първо палубата е много слойна и второто е нискокачествена стомана.Реално снарядите могат да я пробият от всяка дистанция
Да обаче ти го сравняваш с модернизирани кораби. Изрично типосочих че ако беше доживял до модернизация и той щеше да е друг. Единствените кораби с които можеш да го сравняваш коректно това са Лексинктън и евентуално Акаги
Ето един много интересен материал. Мързи ме да превеждам и го поствам в оригинал.
Hood's Proposed Refit of 1942
Frank Allen
Updated 05-Apr-2004
In the late 1930s, Hood was considered for a major overhaul. This article addresses the plans made and suggests some possible "looks" for a modified Hood.
As a ship ages, its machinery and structure experience "wear and tear." The degree of wear and tear depends of course, upon the conditions under which the ship was operated, as well as the quantity and quality of maintenance received. Often, regardless of how well-maintained a ship may be, deficiencies in its design/equipment come to light and must be addressed. As a result of any of these factors, modifications in the form of refits or overhauls become necessary.
Hood herself was certainly no exception: she received some form of refit for nearly every single year from the time of her launching until the time of her loss. Of the approximately 20 refits, most involved modifications to secondary guns, fire control and range finding equipment. The scope of the refits varied in size. Only one (1929-1931) was actually a major refit/overhaul.
By the late 1930s, Hood, due to the poor condition of key internal components (i.e., engines) was once again in need of a major refit. It was also apparent that she was not up to the standards of the current generation of modern battleships. Thus, in late 1938, preliminary plans were discussed with Captain Walker and crew. Hood's key deficiencies and shortcomings were outlined and a rough plan was formulated. This plan was officially referred to as the "Large Repair."
Unfortunately, detailed final plans were not created – only preliminary planning sketches were drawn-up. According to sources, the sketches were simply overlaid or drawn-over drawings of Hood in her then present configuration. Logically, the sketches showed an arrangement extremely similar to that of Renown following her 1936-1939 refit/overhaul. The work (based on pre-war considerations) would take at least three years to complete at a cost of approximately £4.5 million. Sadly, due to budgetary constraints and the fact that there were other ships in need of more immediate attention, Hood's refit was not scheduled to commence until at least Spring 1942.
What follows is the list of proposed modifications:
New internal machinery- Nearly everything would have been upgraded...especially engines/propulsion.
Rearranged/remodelled torpedo bulges and side armour- Bulge would have extended to the top of the 7" armour belt rather than to the top of the 12" belt)
Improved deck armour over vital areas
Removal of spotting top and the side 5" armour
New superstructure and masts fore and aft- Most notably, the forward superstructure would have been a "block" type similar to that of Renown, the Queen Elizabeths or the King George Vs.
New funnels- Something similar to Renown...KGV funnels would have been too small.
Addition of a catapult, hangars and Walrus seaplanes. (See "Some Considerations" below)
Improved antiaircraft (AAA) protection
6 x pom poms (doubled over Hood's 3 mounts)
Removal of all UPs and 4" HA/LA guns
Addition of either 16 x 4.5" (like Renown) or 5.25" (like KGV) (See "Some Considerations" below)
Upgraded radar, fire control tables, comms, directors, etc.
Extended forecastle deck- Hood's stern was notoriously wet due to her overweight condition. An extension was explored for the simple fact that it might help keep the quarterdeck a bit drier. The extension would retain the rough "V" shape but would instead, extend to "X" turret. (See "Some Considerations" below)
Some Considerations
We feel that due to certain circumstances, of the above list, a few items would likely have been changed or possibly not implemented:
Catapult/aircraft gear- By 1944/1945, the Royal Navy had reexamined the need for aircraft aboard battleships and battle cruisers. Due to key considerations, not the least of which was the improvement in aerial surveillance radar, it was decided to remove such equipment. Therefore, Hood, under construction during this period, would likely have had changes made. It is possible that if aircraft were not used, the space they would have occupied would have gone to boats or possibly increased 40mm antiaircraft batteries.
4.5" or 5.25" Secondary Battery- Though the 5.25" would have been preferred, there were availability issues with the guns. Instead, the widely available 4.5" guns would have been a more likely choice to install aboard Hood. It was also a more standard sized round (Queen Elizabeth, Renown, carriers, etc.).
Extended Forecastle deck- This would only have been done if other modifications did not result in a significant reduction in displacement/increase in freeboard. If Hood was higher above the water, there would have been no need for the extension.
Location of shell rooms and magazines- This, Hood's "Achilles heel," would not have been fixed. The powder magazines would still have been situated dangerously over the shell rooms.
Hypothetical Drawings of a Fully Refitted Hood
1. What we feel would have been most likely....something very similar to Renown
2. The best possible refit, but less likely to happen- similar to the King George V class
3. Another interpretation on what may have happened, again, similar to Renown, courtesy of Dave Weldon
4. Here is another interpretation on how Hood may have appeared after this refit. This image is of Hood as she may have appeared in 1944 and is courtesy of Monty Mills. It is in line with the Renown style conversion.
Hypothetical Photographic Conceptions of a Fully Refitted Hood
1. Alt_Naval's Hood refitted along the lines of the King George V class
2. Alt_Naval's Hood refitted along the lines of Renown
Final Conclusions
Of course, it is highly possible that even had she survived her encounter with Bismarck, Hood would still have not undergone a full refit. As stated above, the "Large Repair" was based upon pre-war considerations. With the war well underway, resources and finances would have been severely limited. Resources would be diverted to building new ships and repairing damaged ones.
Additionally, an important asset like Hood may not have been able to be spared for a full three years. At worst, Hood would likely have had her engines repaired/updated, some slight modifications to her superstructure (weight saving attempts) and a significantly increased antiaircraft capability. If that were the case, she may have looked something like a cross between her actual final appearance and one of the drawings shown above (Note- because of the uncertainty involved, we have not attempted such a drawing). After a refit of 1 to 2 years, she would have been right back out on front line service.
Regardless of what happened, she would have eventually gone to the scrapyards as did all the great "big gun" ships of the Royal Navy.
Да, хубаво би било да му сложат хоризонтална палуба като на Уорспайт и двуцелеви оръдия като на Ринаун - на КГ V са по-скапани.Проблемът е, че цитаделата е доста дългичка и трябав да изтъняват палубата и около 1 инч може би.
Иначе анализът е супер.Чел съм го преди около година
мисля, че англичаните най-добре биха го опазили, ако го бяха държали срещу италианския флот.Те италианците бягат от леки крайцери,, а от могъщия Худ щяха да се крият чак в Таранто. :lol: Немците на техните учения са възприемали Худ като първостепенна заплаха, Рипълс - ¹2, тъ акто е бил призьор в стрелбата, а Ринаун ¹3