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War and Nationalism: The Balkan Wars, 1912-1913, and Their Sociopolitical Implications
(Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 2013).
List of Illustrations xi
A Note on Transliteration xiii
Foreword: Lessons Learned from the Balkan Wars xv
Edward J. Erickson
Prologue: The Rise of Balkan Nationalism within the
Triangle of the Ottoman, Austrian, and Russian Empires,
1800–1878 xxiii
Peter von Sivers
Acknowledgments xxxix
Introduction: Lasting Consequences of the Balkan Wars
(1912–1913) 1
Isa Blumi and M. Hakan Yavuz
Part I. The Origins of the Balkan Wars
1. Warfare and Nationalism: The Balkan Wars as a Catalyst
of Homogenization 31
M. Hakan Yavuz
2. Bulgaria and the Origins of the Balkan Wars, 1912–1913 85
Richard C. Hall
3. The Young Turk Policy in Macedonia: Cause of
the Balkan Wars? 100
Mehmet Hacısalihoğlu
4. Rebels with a Cause: Armenian-Macedonian Relations
and Their Bulgarian Connection, 1895–1913 132
Garabet K. Moumdjian
5. The Origins of the Balkan Wars: A Reinterpretation 176
Gul Tokay
6. A Micro-Historical Experience in the Late Ottoman Balkans:
The Case of Austria-Hungary in Sanjak Novi Pazar
(1879–1908) 197
Tamara Scheer
7. The Balkan Wars in the Italian Perspective 230
Francesco Caccamo
Part II. War as Experience and the Persecution
of Change
8. Armies Defeated before They Took the Field?: The Ottoman
Mobilization of October 1912 251
Feroze Yasamee
9. Epidemic Diseases on the Thracian Front of the Ottoman
Empire during the Balkan Wars 272
Oya Dağlar Macar
10. Fighting on Two Fronts: The Balkan Wars and the Struggle
for Women’s Rights in Ottoman Turkey 298
Serpil Atamaz
11. Pomak Christianization (Pokrastvane) in Bulgaria during
the Balkan Wars of 1912–1913 316
Fatme Myuhtar-May
12. Bulgaria’s Policy toward Muslims during the Balkan Wars 361
Neriman Ersoy-Hacısalihoğlu
13. The Aggressiveness of Bosnian and Herzegovinian Serbs in
the Public Discourse during the Balkan Wars 371
Amir Duranović
14. Paramilitaries in the Balkan Wars: The Case of Macedonian
Adrianople Volunteers 399
Tetsuya Sahara
Part III. Assessing Local, Regional, and
International Reactions to the War
15. Between Cross and Crescent: British Diplomacy and Press
Opinion toward the Ottoman Empire in Resolving the Balkan
Wars, 1912–1913 423
Pamela J. Dorn Sezgin
16. Perceiving the Balkan Wars: Western and Ottoman
Commentaries on the 1914 Carnegie Endowment’s Balkan
Wars Inquiry 474
Patrick J. Adamiak
17. Whose Is the House of Greatest Disorder?: Civilization and
Savagery on the Early Twentieth-Century Eastern European
and North American Frontiers 496
Jonathan Schmitt
18. Impacts of the Balkan Wars: The Uncharted Paths from
Empire to Nation-State 528
Isa Blumi
19. Ottoman Disintegration in the Balkans and
Its Repercussions 558
Sevtap Demirci
20. “And the Awakening Came in the Wake of the Balkan War”:
The Changing Conceptualization of the Body in Late
Ottoman Society 571
Melis Hafez
21. Making Sense of the Defeat in the Balkan Wars:
Voices from the Arab Provinces 594
Eyal Ginio
Part IV. The Republic of Turkey and Republican
22. The Balkans, War, and Migration 621
Nedim İpek
23. The Balkan Wars and the Refugee Leadership of the
Early Turkish Republic 665
Erik Jan Zurcher
24. The Traumatic Legacy of the Balkan Wars for Turkish
Intellectuals 679
Funda Selcuk Şirin
25. The Loss of the Lost: The Effects of the Balkan Wars on
the Construction of Modern Turkish Nationalism 704
Mehmet Arısan
26. What Did the Albanians Do?: Postwar Disputes on Albanian
Attitudes 727
Cağdaş Sumer
27. The Legacy and Impacts of the Defeat in the Balkan Wars
of 1912–1913 on the Psychological Makeup of the Turkish
Officer Corps 739
Doğan Akyaz
28. The Influence of the Balkan Wars on the Two Military Officers
Who Would Have the Greatest Impact on the Fortunes of the
Ottoman Empire and the Republic of Turkey 769
Preston Hughes
29. More History Than They Can Consume?: Perception of
the Balkan Wars in Turkish Republican Textbooks
(1932–2007) 777
Nazan Cicek
Chronology of the Balkan Wars 805
Bibliography 809
Contributors 853
Index 855
Хм, водещите експерти по Балканите са...в Солт Лейк Сити?A strong toun Rodez hit is,
The Castell is strong and fair I wis...
блог за средновековна балканска история
[OT]Guy de Mont Ferrand написа Виж мнениеХм, водещите експерти по Балканите са...в Солт Лейк Сити?[/OT]Направо ми е интересно какво са писали.
"Мисля, че видът на изпотени мъже им въздействаше." - дан Глокта
pnp5q написа Виж мнение[OT]И най-вероятно - мормони... Парадоксално, нали? Макар че доста ми прави впечатление тяхната научна насоченост, особено на фона на някои, дето се тупат в гърдите на прадедите си... Сети се само за Робърт Джордан ("Колелото на времето") - доктор по физика, което си личи и в книгата, всички "магии" са ускорени физични процеси, само с "условието" някои индивиди да имат сетива за субатомните енергии; или Орсън Скот Кард (поредицата за Ендър)...[/OT]Направо ми е интересно какво са писали.
KIZIL DELI написа Виж мнениеИ какво по-точно казваш?"Мисля, че видът на изпотени мъже им въздействаше." - дан Глокта
pnp5q написа Виж мнениеЧе е възможно погледа им да има ефекта на "оценка на марсианец", тоест - съвсем неангажирано мнение отстрани.
червенков написа Виж мнениеРезонно възниква въпроса-Как да се свържем с автора?
Между другото излезе ноната книга на Димитър Недялков
"Малката война за Кипър" http://www.helikon.bg/books/166/%22%...80_176466.htmlWe don't see things as they are, we see them as we are
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dibo написа Виж мнениеОще нямам идея.
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