Чета си Фалкенхайнския "Германски генерален щаб през 1914-1916 и решенията му" и попадам, нормално, в нормалния период, на следния пазаж:
Of the 1st Bulgarian Army under General Bojadien, the 6th division was assembled at Kula, the 5th and 8th round Bielogradchik, and 1st at Zaribrod, while the 7th division and the Macedonian legion, consisting of volunteers, assembled at Kostendil. This 7th division and the legion were later formed into the 2nd Bulgarian Army, under General Todorow. The 6thth and 8th were to move on Nish via Kniazhevatz, and the 1st via Pirot to the same point. The 7th division and the Macedonian legion were to be moved into the Vardar valley to cut the Nish-Salonica railway as soon as possible.
The farsighted officer in charge of these preparations, Lieut.-Colonel Hentsch, of the Saxon General Staff, joined the staff of the Mackensen army group as Quartermaster-General. It was mainly due to his work that we were able to achieve the effect of surprise by not bringing the troops up until the last moment, and, indeed, that the whole tremendous military undertaking of the crossing of the Save and Danube was carried smoothly through without a hitch. In the south-eastern theatre the program only suffered one modification, and that through the Bulgarians. It soon became clear that, owing to difficulties of administration, they would only be able to mobilize by the 2rd September, instead of the 21st, and that their main body would not be ready to move on the 11th October, and in all probability not until the 15th. As, however, they asserted positively that they would cross the Macedonian frontier on the 11th October, in spite of this delay, no alteration was made in the date (the 6th October) fixed for the opening of operations of the 3rd Austro-Hungarian and our 11th Armies. We hoped by this means to have a good effect on the determination of the Bulgarians, and we were not disappointed.
Бояджиен, естествено е Бояджиев, това вероятно е и печатна грешка, неоловима за американски коректор. Македонският легион също е ОК, това е Кадровата дивизия, преименувана след конференцията в Плес на 11 Македонска пехотна дивизия. Не е това момента на включването и в бойните действия, макар че, Фалкенхайн специално би трябвало да знае кога се е включила. По нашите истории, тя е в общ резерв. 2-а армия на Тодоров като цяло е неясна за германците, но това е защото самият Фалкенхайн твърди малко по в началото, че България има задължения с 4, а не 6 дивизии. Пък как и да е ясна, при Криволак тя вече има 4 дивизии, което само по себе си говори за сериозността на планирането по конвенцията.
Но Х е н ч????? ХЕНЧ, онзи същият от Марна? Майко, каква е тая наша съдба юнашка!
Of the 1st Bulgarian Army under General Bojadien, the 6th division was assembled at Kula, the 5th and 8th round Bielogradchik, and 1st at Zaribrod, while the 7th division and the Macedonian legion, consisting of volunteers, assembled at Kostendil. This 7th division and the legion were later formed into the 2nd Bulgarian Army, under General Todorow. The 6thth and 8th were to move on Nish via Kniazhevatz, and the 1st via Pirot to the same point. The 7th division and the Macedonian legion were to be moved into the Vardar valley to cut the Nish-Salonica railway as soon as possible.
The farsighted officer in charge of these preparations, Lieut.-Colonel Hentsch, of the Saxon General Staff, joined the staff of the Mackensen army group as Quartermaster-General. It was mainly due to his work that we were able to achieve the effect of surprise by not bringing the troops up until the last moment, and, indeed, that the whole tremendous military undertaking of the crossing of the Save and Danube was carried smoothly through without a hitch. In the south-eastern theatre the program only suffered one modification, and that through the Bulgarians. It soon became clear that, owing to difficulties of administration, they would only be able to mobilize by the 2rd September, instead of the 21st, and that their main body would not be ready to move on the 11th October, and in all probability not until the 15th. As, however, they asserted positively that they would cross the Macedonian frontier on the 11th October, in spite of this delay, no alteration was made in the date (the 6th October) fixed for the opening of operations of the 3rd Austro-Hungarian and our 11th Armies. We hoped by this means to have a good effect on the determination of the Bulgarians, and we were not disappointed.
Бояджиен, естествено е Бояджиев, това вероятно е и печатна грешка, неоловима за американски коректор. Македонският легион също е ОК, това е Кадровата дивизия, преименувана след конференцията в Плес на 11 Македонска пехотна дивизия. Не е това момента на включването и в бойните действия, макар че, Фалкенхайн специално би трябвало да знае кога се е включила. По нашите истории, тя е в общ резерв. 2-а армия на Тодоров като цяло е неясна за германците, но това е защото самият Фалкенхайн твърди малко по в началото, че България има задължения с 4, а не 6 дивизии. Пък как и да е ясна, при Криволак тя вече има 4 дивизии, което само по себе си говори за сериозността на планирането по конвенцията.
Но Х е н ч????? ХЕНЧ, онзи същият от Марна? Майко, каква е тая наша съдба юнашка!