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Ерцхерцог Албрехт

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    Ерцхерцог Албрехт

    Търся информация за австроунгарския ерцхерцог Албрехт.
    Това, което знам за него е, че е "лидер на "военната партия" в Австро-Унгария през седемдесетте години на XIX век.
    Възможно е да е бил главнокомандващ на австро-унгарската армия пак по това време или малко по-късно.
    Смятах че той е бил брат или дори син на императора Франц Йосиф, но май няма нищо такова.
    Ако някой знае повече за австорунгарския ерцхерцог Албрехт, моля да пише. Благодаря

    Хм, намерих го. Има го в Уикипедия, разбира се

    Ето какво пише там за него:

    Albrecht remained Oberkommandeur until 1869; when Kaiser Franz Josef I assumed the title that year, Albrecht became Generalinspekteur (Inspector General), the post he occupied until his death. In 1869 he published Über die Verantwortlichkeit im Kriege (On Responsibility in War). His reform of the Austro-Hungarian Army was based on the Prussian model: development of railways and manufacturing, adoption of short-service conscription, procurement of modern weapons and reform of the General Staff. Albrecht's program gave Austria-Hungary the best army that a multinational empire could field at the time; his later clashes with liberals (including Crown Prince Rudolf) may have resulted at least in part from his ability to see all too clearly the limitations imposed by the empire's finite resources.

    In public affairs, he was leader of the conservative Court Party, and opposed the ministry of Ferdinand Graf Beust at every point, expressing the most inexorably reactionary views. As such he was an absolutist and opposed any liberal ideas and any weakening of the imperial power. He was somewhat more courteous to Beust's successors, though he remained given to bombastic pronouncements that may not have reflected his actual sentiments. He was widely thought, for instance, to be antipathetic toward Prussia after 1866, yet he modeled his military reforms on those of Prussia and even attended a parade of the Prussian Royal Guard in Berlin at the invitation of Kaiser Wilhelm I. In December 1876 Albrecht advocated a preventive war against Italy on the grounds that of all Austria's neighbors, Italy was the most hostile, could be beaten most easily, and be forced to pay compensation to Austria-Hungary, whose victory would establish it as a Great Power.

    At the Congress of Berlin in 1878, the Austro-Hungarian Foreign Minister Gyula Andrássy, in addition to the Austro-Hungarian occupation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, also obtained the right to station garrisons in the Sanjak of Novi Pazar, which remained under Ottoman administration. The Sanjak preserved the separation of Serbia and Montenegro, and the Austro-Hungarian garrisons there would open the way for a dash to Salonika, supported by Albrecht, that "would bring the western half of the Balkans under permanent Austrian influence." "High [Austro-Hungarian] military authorities desired [an ...] immediate major expedition with Salonika as its objective."

    On 28 September 1878 the Finance Minister, Koloman von Zell, threatened to resign if the army, behind which stood the Archduke Albert, were allowed to advance to Salonika. In the session of the Hungarian Parliament of 5 November 1878 the Opposition proposed that the Foreign Minister should be impeached for violating the constitution by his policy during the Near East Crisis and by the occupation of Bosnia-Herzegovina. The motion was lost by 179 to 95. By the Opposition rank and file the gravest accusations were raised against Andrassy.

    Reputed to be the wealthiest of the Habsburgs, Albrecht owned some 300,000 acres (1,200 km2) in Hungary. He also owned a fine collection of paintings and engravings, later the nucleus of the Albertina museum. His popularity was profound, for his generosity to the poor was genuine and unfeigned; he was widely known as Engelsherz (Angel's-heart).


      Предвид факта, че през 66 година се справя на италиянския фронт, става кажи речи главен авторитет и двигатели на реформата в K.u.K. Armee. През 1867-1870 заедно с фон Бойст работи страшно много в посока на съюз и общи военни действия с Франция срещу Прусия. Лично на няколко пъти се среща с Наполеон III, вкл. ако не се лъжа има и срещи с френският военен министър и генералитета. Но французите благодарение на крайно дебилният начин, по който влизат във война с Прусия връзват ръцете на имперската дипломация и плановете си остават само на хартия.
      Recalibrating my lack of faith in humanity...


