Ами на мен ми стана интересно и се разтърсих из нета. Ето малко цитатчета:
Одзава, между другото на долната картинка видовете са наредени веднъж времево и още веднъж по хоризонталата по обем на мозъка. Неандерталците са според тая диаграма с по-голям обем на мозъка от сапиенс.
Не е вярно обаче - в Европа неандерталците се задържат до 30 хил. пр. Хр. Кроманьонците идват в Европа сериозно около 40 хил., а са се появили от Африка около 100 хил.
Еволюцията не се стреми да създава нищо, еволюцията не е креационна сила. Еволюцията дава възможност за създаването на различни модификации, но не гарантира, че една от тях е абсолютно оптималната, нито пък че са създадени всички възможни. Еволюцията работи на случаен принцип.
Това е така, но изпускаш момента, че не е ясно дали неандерталеца и кроманьонеца наистина са различни видове, или само подвидове на един общ вид. А чифтосване и възпроизвеждане между подвидовете е възможно и съществуващо. Виж там в цитатите дето съм сложил, че има находки, които показват омешване между двата рода (какви точно находки не знам, толкова надълбоко не рових), което говори в полза на два подвида на същия общ вид.
Това пък откъде го измисли? Що за идиотска идея е тоя геноцид и кой сериозно може да твърди, че кроманьонците са тръгнали из дебрите Европейски и Ориентски да гонят отделните групички неандерталци? Представата е абсурдна и никъде не съм видял да се застъпва сериозно.
Many geneticists interpret the distributions of certain genetic markers among living human populations as evidence that their ancestors dispersed rapidly out of Africa sometime in the past 100,000 years. Most geneticists believe that invading modern humans either wiped out the Neanderthals or quickly absorbed them within their own populations and that Neanderthals contributed little or nothing to the modern human genome. Archaeological and fossil evidence shows, however, that some Neanderthals survived in places such as the Iberian Peninsula and the Caucasus Mountains until as late as 30,000 years ago, more than 10,000 years after modern humans are believed to have first entered Eurasia. Archaeological evidence also reveals that the Neanderthals were capable of behaviour more sophisticated than formerly believed— behaviour that might have helped them resist the expansion of H. sapiens into the areas where Neanderthals lived.
Only after World War II were the errors in this perception of Neanderthals recognized, and the Neanderthals have since come to be viewed as quite close evolutionarily to modern humans. This view has been reflected in the frequent inclusion of the Neanderthals within the species Homo sapiens, usually as a distinct subspecies, H. sapiens neanderthalensis; more recently they have often been classified as a different but closely related species, H. neanderthalensis.
The evolutionary fate of the Neanderthals is closely related to the origins of modern humans. Over the years, the Neanderthals have been portrayed as everything from an evolutionary dead end to the direct ancestors of modern European and western Asian populations. Fossil evidence indicates that modern humans first evolved in sub-Saharan Africa sometime prior to 100,000 years ago. Subsequently they spread northward after 40,000 years ago, displacing or absorbing local archaic human populations. As a result, the southwest Asian, Central Asian, and central European Neanderthals were absorbed to varying degrees into those spreading modern human populations and contributed genetically to the subsequent early modern human populations of those regions. Even in western Europe—a cul-de-sac where the transition to modern humans took place relatively late—there is fossil evidence for interbreeding between late Neanderthal and early modern humans.
The anatomic changes between the Neanderthals and early modern humans involved largely a loss of the sturdiness characteristic of all archaic humans. Upper limbs became more gracile, although they were still very muscular by the standards of today's humans. The hand anatomy shifted to emphasize precision grips. Leg strength remained high, reflecting the mobility that characterized all Pleistocene hunting-and-gathering human populations. Front teeth became smaller and faces shortened, producing full chins and brows without ridges. Braincases became more elevated and rounded but not larger. Tool use and culture became more elaborate, but there are no anatomic features directly indicating that Neanderthals were smarter or less smart than other humans living at the time.
This pattern changes after about 40,000 years ago, when Neanderthals in Europe began making a variety of more-advanced (Upper Paleolithic) tools from bone and stone that were frequently hafted. They also made personal ornaments. Although such sophistication is a late phenomenon for this group of archaic humans, it nonetheless shows clearly that they were fully capable of complex technological and social behaviours. This is all the more important as the earliest modern humans in southwest Asia left behind an archaeological record that is essentially indistinguishable from that of the Neanderthals.
The overall image of the Neanderthals, therefore, is one of archaic humans who shared a number of important characteristics with modern humans, including their large brains, manual dexterity and walking ability, and social sophistication. Like their archaic predecessors, however, their foraging systems were considerably less efficient than those of modern human hunter-gatherers, necessitating more-muscular limbs, greater endurance, and large front teeth. It was only with the emergence of modern humans that these archaic features disappeared, being superseded by more elaborate cultural behaviours and technologies.
D3BEP написа
Еволюцията се стреми да създаде максимален брой успешни комбинации, като най - успешната допуска да се развива стремглаво и да изпреварва останалите.
В никакъв случай обаче еволюцията НЕ ДОПУСКА видовете да се кръстосат и от два различни вида да се получи един.
неандреталеца, то пак не мисля, че може да се говори за "кроманьонски геноцид". По - скоро се говори за жажда за себепрослава, почиваща например на намерената находка на неандреталец с пробита от камък глава...
Мисля ,че нещо подобно става и днес. С изтреблението на неандреталците.