Ситуацията северозападно от Алепо, след като асадистите предадоха Ахрас на кюрдите (означен с червения маркер). Станаха като торта, отгоре и отдолу зелено, по средата жълто, червено и черно. Между другото, има и различна версия, но не й намирам източника: говорителят на Джайш ал-Туар казал, че се били с асадистите за селото и убили 11 от тях при превземането ("liberated the village from the Assadist Army and killed 11 Assasidt soldiers"). Съобщенията, че асадистите предали селото без бой били слухове, пуснати от "турската пропаганда".
ИД дават следните цифри за ханасирската си офанзива до момента - убили или пленили 400 асадисти; унищожени или пленени 13 танка, пленени 4 "ПВО системи" (неясно какви).
Преди няколко часа са започнали нова атака към Саламия (западно от Итрия). Очевидно тактиката им се е променила и там на hit and run - завземат села, поставят мини и капани и се изтеглят при силен натиск, за да ударят някъде другаде по пътя. Редуват се рейдове по цялото протежение на маршрута.
Асадистите пък съобщават от последните часове, че пак превзели Хамам (но може да е фейк).
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PqDZliTOrcQ 18+ асадски клип от Ханасир, изкорубени машини, трупове, обезвреждане на мини и капани.
При Саламия - ударили са с шахидмобил, 20 убити и 35 ранени. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CcOOEwbXEAArzDK.jpg
Атакуваното КПП: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CcNgkp9VAAE88LF.jpg, https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CcNVmTgWAAAd4EO.jpg
Syria conflict: Attacks reported as truce comes into effect
Значително затихване на сраженията откакто спирането на огъня влезе в сила, макар че тук и там пада някоя бомба или избухва снаряд.
Russia halts airstrikes against IS, Jabhat al-Nusra in Syria
Military official says move comes in order to ‘avoid any possible mistakes’ as ceasefire agreement enters force
MOSCOW (AP) — Russia has grounded its warplanes in Syria to help secure a ceasefire brokered by Moscow and Washington that entered into force Saturday, a top military official said.
Lt.-Gen. Sergei Rudskoi of the General Staff of Russia’s military said that while Russia will continue airstrikes against the Islamic State group and al-Qaeda’s branch in Syria, Jabhat al-Nusra, it is keeping its aircraft on the ground for now “to avoid any possible mistakes.”
Rudskoi said that 17 opposition units have contacted the Russian military to adhere to the truce that became effective at midnight local time.
He said the Russian military had established hotlines to exchange information with the US military in order to help monitor the cease-fire and quickly respond to any conflict situations.
Rudskoi said that Russia has given the US maps showing the location of opposition groups pledging to abide by the cease-fire as well as IS and al-Nusra units. He said 74 opposition units including more than 6,100 fighters have agreed to adhere to the truce.
The US, in its turn, also has provided the Russian Defense Ministry with similar maps and its own list of opposition units, which have agreed to respect the cease-fire.
Rudskoi said that according to the US-Russian agreements, a rebel unit that accidentally comes under attack should contact Russian or US representatives who would quickly resolve the incident. A coordination center at the Hemeimeem air base in Syria’s coastal province of Latakia where Russian warplanes are based has 61 officers, who negotiate with groups willing to join the cease-fire and coordinate the deliveries of humanitarian aid.
Copyright 2016 The Associated Press.
Military official says move comes in order to ‘avoid any possible mistakes’ as ceasefire agreement enters force
MOSCOW (AP) — Russia has grounded its warplanes in Syria to help secure a ceasefire brokered by Moscow and Washington that entered into force Saturday, a top military official said.
Lt.-Gen. Sergei Rudskoi of the General Staff of Russia’s military said that while Russia will continue airstrikes against the Islamic State group and al-Qaeda’s branch in Syria, Jabhat al-Nusra, it is keeping its aircraft on the ground for now “to avoid any possible mistakes.”
Rudskoi said that 17 opposition units have contacted the Russian military to adhere to the truce that became effective at midnight local time.
He said the Russian military had established hotlines to exchange information with the US military in order to help monitor the cease-fire and quickly respond to any conflict situations.
Rudskoi said that Russia has given the US maps showing the location of opposition groups pledging to abide by the cease-fire as well as IS and al-Nusra units. He said 74 opposition units including more than 6,100 fighters have agreed to adhere to the truce.
The US, in its turn, also has provided the Russian Defense Ministry with similar maps and its own list of opposition units, which have agreed to respect the cease-fire.
Rudskoi said that according to the US-Russian agreements, a rebel unit that accidentally comes under attack should contact Russian or US representatives who would quickly resolve the incident. A coordination center at the Hemeimeem air base in Syria’s coastal province of Latakia where Russian warplanes are based has 61 officers, who negotiate with groups willing to join the cease-fire and coordinate the deliveries of humanitarian aid.
Copyright 2016 The Associated Press.
Руснаците са заземили самолетите засега, за избягване на инциденти. Установили са и кол-център с хот-линия (както предположи Пилот, май), ако някой иска да поръча бомби или да се оплаче, че са го бомбардирали по грешка.
