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Putin says Russia backs Free Syrian Army alongside Assad troops
President Vladimir Putin said on Friday Russia is supporting the opposition Free Syrian Army, providing it with air cover, arms and ammunition in joint operations with Syrian troops against Islamist militants.
His statement appeared to be the first time Moscow said it was actually supporting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's opponents in the fight against Islamic State forces. Putin said last month the Russian air force had hit several "terrorist" targets identified by the Free Syrian Army.
A few hours later, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters that Putin had been talking about weapons supplies to the armed forces loyal to Assad.
But Peskov did not say Putin had been mistaken or misquoted about supplies to the Free Syrian Army and did not deny weapons were going to the opposition force.
When asked if Putin had been speaking about the Free Syrian Army, Peskov replied: "Please do not cling to meanings in this case. Such an interpretation is possible."
"Russia supplies weapons to the legitimate authorities of the Syrian Arab Republic," he said.
President Vladimir Putin said on Friday Russia is supporting the opposition Free Syrian Army, providing it with air cover, arms and ammunition in joint operations with Syrian troops against Islamist militants.
His statement appeared to be the first time Moscow said it was actually supporting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's opponents in the fight against Islamic State forces. Putin said last month the Russian air force had hit several "terrorist" targets identified by the Free Syrian Army.
A few hours later, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters that Putin had been talking about weapons supplies to the armed forces loyal to Assad.
But Peskov did not say Putin had been mistaken or misquoted about supplies to the Free Syrian Army and did not deny weapons were going to the opposition force.
When asked if Putin had been speaking about the Free Syrian Army, Peskov replied: "Please do not cling to meanings in this case. Such an interpretation is possible."
"Russia supplies weapons to the legitimate authorities of the Syrian Arab Republic," he said.
Обясненията и виражите на Песков къртят. Замазват с информацията, че нанесоха няколко удара по ИД, по (предполагаемо) координати, предоставени им от FSA. В същото време не са спряли да бомбардират FSA под, над и в Алепо, Хама, Хомс, Латакия, Дераа и пр. Тия вече се оплетоха в собствената си пропаганда, не знаят какво говорят, кого бомбардират и кого подкрепят.

"Please do not cling to meanings in this case. Such an interpretation is possible."
Това е просто култово изказване.
