Южният Фронт се събуди.

ССА обяви началото на нова офанзива в южна Сирия, с цел превземането на артилерийската база Джудая: http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=33...09056&z=15&m=b
Базата е атакувана неуспешно два пъти през пролетта. Оттогава само я обстрелват от време на време.
Русия уж не бомбардираше в Дераа, но вчера е имало въздушни удари.
В провинция Дераа отново се появи ПТРК "Тоу". Пуск по артилерийска позиция с 57мм оръдие:
Но първият щурм в петък (вчера) отново е неуспешен: http://www.almasdarnews.com/article/...raa-offensive/
Подкрепяни от Йордания трайбсмени (Army of Free Tribes) се присъединиха към офанзивата.

FSA coalition launches new south Syria offensive
BEIRUT – The Free Syrian Army-aligned Southern Front coalition has launched a new offensive to seize a base in the Daraa province near Sanamayn, one of the regime’s major lines of defense on the road linking the southern province to Damascus.
A collection of 12 rebel factions in southern Syria announced Thursday the beginning of a joint-operation to capture the artillery base in Jidyah, from where government forces regularly shell rebel positions outside Sanamayn.
The statement went on to list the 12 factions officially involved in the attack: Tawareesh First Special Missions Brigade, Descendants of Omar Ibn al-Khattab Brigade, Al-Fatah al-Mubeen Brigade, Lions of Islam Brigade, Tawhid Brigade Houran Battalions, Mourabitoun Brigade, 23rd Infantry Division, Jaydour Houran Brigade, Inkhil Martyrs Brigade, Ahrar Inkhil Brigade, Aal al-Bayt Brigade, and Al-Jiza Revolutionaries Coalition.
Regime forces in Jidyah have successfully repulsed rebel attacks in the past, including in April after the Southern Front made advances around the nearby town of Kafr Shams.
BEIRUT – The Free Syrian Army-aligned Southern Front coalition has launched a new offensive to seize a base in the Daraa province near Sanamayn, one of the regime’s major lines of defense on the road linking the southern province to Damascus.
A collection of 12 rebel factions in southern Syria announced Thursday the beginning of a joint-operation to capture the artillery base in Jidyah, from where government forces regularly shell rebel positions outside Sanamayn.
The statement went on to list the 12 factions officially involved in the attack: Tawareesh First Special Missions Brigade, Descendants of Omar Ibn al-Khattab Brigade, Al-Fatah al-Mubeen Brigade, Lions of Islam Brigade, Tawhid Brigade Houran Battalions, Mourabitoun Brigade, 23rd Infantry Division, Jaydour Houran Brigade, Inkhil Martyrs Brigade, Ahrar Inkhil Brigade, Aal al-Bayt Brigade, and Al-Jiza Revolutionaries Coalition.
Regime forces in Jidyah have successfully repulsed rebel attacks in the past, including in April after the Southern Front made advances around the nearby town of Kafr Shams.
ССА обяви началото на нова офанзива в южна Сирия, с цел превземането на артилерийската база Джудая: http://wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=33...09056&z=15&m=b
Базата е атакувана неуспешно два пъти през пролетта. Оттогава само я обстрелват от време на време.
Русия уж не бомбардираше в Дераа, но вчера е имало въздушни удари.
Intense Russian airstrikes reported in south Syria targeting Busr al-Harir, Nawa, Hrak, Inkhil, Sheikh Miskin, Tafas & other towns in #Daraa
Но първият щурм в петък (вчера) отново е неуспешен: http://www.almasdarnews.com/article/...raa-offensive/
Подкрепяни от Йордания трайбсмени (Army of Free Tribes) се присъединиха към офанзивата.

As the rebels launched their attack, a faction of the Army of Free Tribes announced that it was fighting outside Sanamayn, where the regime has deployed its 7th as well as 9th Armored divisions.
“Very fierce clashes are taking place between the members of the battalion and the forces of the criminal regime on the outskirts of Sanamayn,” the Al-Badiya Hawks Battalion—which is part of the Amman-financed tribal coalition—said in a Facebook post.
The commander of the Al-Badiya Hawks went into more detail on the fighting in comments carried by the pro-rebel All4Syria outlet, saying that “his battalion had busied regime forces on the 9th Division Base front and targeted reinforcement that were leaving the town to support the Jidyah battle.”
Jordanian backing of Army of Free Tribes
The Army of Free Tribes—a collection of fighters are from tribes in Suweida, Daraa, Quneitra and southern rural Damascus—has publicly touted its links to Jordan. In an interview Wednesday, the coalition’s leader, Rakkan al-Khdeir said that “Jordan has a big role” in supporting his group. “It’s a neighboring, brotherly country and it has not been lacking with us,” he told Orient TV.
Three months ago, the spokesperson for the group—which was then named the Collective of Free Southern Tribesmen—said that it was “coordinating with neighboring states, especially Jordan, to confront ISIS.”
“[It] is funded by the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan,” Mohammad Adan told Dubai-based Alaan.
He also said that the group was deployed in the Al-Lajat area along the eastern Syrian-Jordanian border, where it was fighting ISIS.
Meanwhile, the UAE-based AE24 online outlet on Friday cited sources in the Jordanian government who “made no secret of their country’s support for the [the Army of Tribes], which is considered the greatest defensive line for the Jordanian border.”
The sources said that Jordan has spoken many times about the necessity of supporting Syria’s tribes as they are “a great force in the confrontation with the terrorist organization ISIS.”
In March, Jordan announced that it was preparing to train tribesmen and Syrian rebels to battle ISIS and has since made a number of overtures to tribal groups in southern Syria.
“Very fierce clashes are taking place between the members of the battalion and the forces of the criminal regime on the outskirts of Sanamayn,” the Al-Badiya Hawks Battalion—which is part of the Amman-financed tribal coalition—said in a Facebook post.
The commander of the Al-Badiya Hawks went into more detail on the fighting in comments carried by the pro-rebel All4Syria outlet, saying that “his battalion had busied regime forces on the 9th Division Base front and targeted reinforcement that were leaving the town to support the Jidyah battle.”
Jordanian backing of Army of Free Tribes
The Army of Free Tribes—a collection of fighters are from tribes in Suweida, Daraa, Quneitra and southern rural Damascus—has publicly touted its links to Jordan. In an interview Wednesday, the coalition’s leader, Rakkan al-Khdeir said that “Jordan has a big role” in supporting his group. “It’s a neighboring, brotherly country and it has not been lacking with us,” he told Orient TV.
Three months ago, the spokesperson for the group—which was then named the Collective of Free Southern Tribesmen—said that it was “coordinating with neighboring states, especially Jordan, to confront ISIS.”
“[It] is funded by the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan,” Mohammad Adan told Dubai-based Alaan.
He also said that the group was deployed in the Al-Lajat area along the eastern Syrian-Jordanian border, where it was fighting ISIS.
Meanwhile, the UAE-based AE24 online outlet on Friday cited sources in the Jordanian government who “made no secret of their country’s support for the [the Army of Tribes], which is considered the greatest defensive line for the Jordanian border.”
The sources said that Jordan has spoken many times about the necessity of supporting Syria’s tribes as they are “a great force in the confrontation with the terrorist organization ISIS.”
In March, Jordan announced that it was preparing to train tribesmen and Syrian rebels to battle ISIS and has since made a number of overtures to tribal groups in southern Syria.