Syria discloses four secret chemical weapons facilities, UN says
News raises concerns Islamic State could get hold of remaining stockpiles a year after UN joint mission set out to destroy them
Syria has declared four chemical weapons facilities it had not previously disclosed, a special representative of the United Nations secretary general told the security council on Tuesday. The news heightened concerns that the Syrian government has not been fully open about its chemical weapons program.
Diplomats said Sigrid Kaag told them during closed consultations that three of the facilities are for research and development and one is for production, and that no new chemical agents have been associated with the four sites.
News raises concerns Islamic State could get hold of remaining stockpiles a year after UN joint mission set out to destroy them
Syria has declared four chemical weapons facilities it had not previously disclosed, a special representative of the United Nations secretary general told the security council on Tuesday. The news heightened concerns that the Syrian government has not been fully open about its chemical weapons program.
Diplomats said Sigrid Kaag told them during closed consultations that three of the facilities are for research and development and one is for production, and that no new chemical agents have been associated with the four sites.

Една новина, която мина малко тихичко - във вторник Сирия е известила ООН за още 4 обекта за разработка и производство на химически оръжия, за които досега не беше декларирала. Съобщението подхранва тревогите, че Сирия може да има и други недекларирани производствени мощности и/или запаси от химическо оръжие, които да попаднат в ръцете на "Ислямска държава" или други терористични групировки.