Антитерористичните сили на полицията във Великобритания проверяват дали атентаторът самоубиец, който миналата седмица извърши нападение в Сирия, е дошъл от Кроули в Съсекс. Конвои с хуманитарна помощ са извършвали доставки от града за близкоизточната страна, но според местните организатори никой от хората тук не е решил да остане в Сирия :
Police from the South East Counter-terrorism Unit are trying to identify the suicide bomber and are understood to be checking the Crawley area from which a number of young Britons have travelled to Syria.
“We are following a number of lines of inquiry but there is no definitive information,” a spokesman told the Times.
Detectives have been studying social media reports of the British suicide bomber.
An online collection has been launched by British supporters to raise money for what are said to be the wife and three children of the suicide bomber, who used the pseudonym Abu Suleiman al-Britani.
A number of aid convoys carrying humanitarian relief supplies have travelled from Crawley to Syria in recent months but local organisers said they did not believe any local men chose to stay in the country.
Last Friday British jihadists paid tribute to the man who conducted his attack on behalf of the Al-Qaeda aligned Syrian rebel group Jabhat al-Nusra ...
“We are following a number of lines of inquiry but there is no definitive information,” a spokesman told the Times.
Detectives have been studying social media reports of the British suicide bomber.
An online collection has been launched by British supporters to raise money for what are said to be the wife and three children of the suicide bomber, who used the pseudonym Abu Suleiman al-Britani.
A number of aid convoys carrying humanitarian relief supplies have travelled from Crawley to Syria in recent months but local organisers said they did not believe any local men chose to stay in the country.
Last Friday British jihadists paid tribute to the man who conducted his attack on behalf of the Al-Qaeda aligned Syrian rebel group Jabhat al-Nusra ...