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Войната в Сирия

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    http://vk.com/away.php?to=https%3A%2...2450421_276996 - Актуална карта на военната обстановка в гр.Алепо.


      http://cs313716.vk.me/v313716569/6acb/eF2XR6_cJ9o.jpg - Карта на обстановката северно от Алепо.Силите на ISIL са постигнали някои успехи в сраженията и засега притискат отрядите на ССА.


        http://vk.com/away.php?to=http%3A%2F...2450421_277227 - Сводка за боевете в Сирия за 28 януари 2014 г.


          http://cs408931.vk.me/v408931167/7f1c/Fr9a9-J5VFc.jpg - Актуална карта на Сирия с контролираните от различните сили,територии.Червено-Асад,жълто-кюрдите,зелено-ССА и черно-ISIL.Това е положението в Сирия към 28 януари 2014 г.


            Турските ВВС са праснали конвой на ISIL в Сирия:
            Army attacks al-Qaeda-linked rebel convoy in Syria in retaliation for cross-border fire, local media reports.


              Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

              Ракка. Сирийская арабская армия защищая аэропорт Табка


                iasen ianakiev написа Виж мнение
                http://cs408931.vk.me/v408931167/7f1c/Fr9a9-J5VFc.jpg - Актуална карта на Сирия с контролираните от различните сили,територии.Червено-Асад,жълто-кюрдите,зелено-ССА и черно-ISIL.Това е положението в Сирия към 28 януари 2014 г.
                Картата дава много отговори на въпросите защо ССА стана остъпчива и седна на масата на преговорите с правителството на Сирия.

                В ООН отказались комментировать решение Конгресса США о поставках оружия оппозиции Сирии
                Last edited by T-72М; 29-01-2014, 22:16.


                  Сигурно имаш в предвид ССА, не САА.
                  This is my signature. There are many like it but this one is mine.


                    Amazon написа Виж мнение
                    Сигурно имаш в предвид ССА, не САА.
                    Благодаря за поправката.Бях се загледал в картата и съм се отплеснал!

                    Дамаск. Район Кадам. Най-вероятно засада пак.
                    Last edited by T-72М; 29-01-2014, 22:31.


                      Най-накрая направиха ъпдейт на тази виртуална карта. Сега поне се вижда (разбира) кой къде се бие и с кого: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Templat...r_detailed_map Циркът (разбирай мешаната скара) е пълен. Едно е ясно още отпреди две години - Асад няма как да загуби тази война. Това е изключено и великите сили го знаят много добре. Проблемът за баасистите (и техните съюзници в Сирия) е друг - как да спечелят тази война?


                        Тунелна война.И сирийците почнаха да копаят тунели!
                        Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.


                          http://www.marica.bg/арабистът-ром-к...ews197726.html ..." България просто си остава транзитен коридор" ...


                            US 'concern' at Syria chemical weapons delay
                            The US says only around 4% of the chemical weapons declared by the Syrian government has been removed.

                            Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel said he was "concerned" that the UN-backed plan to remove Syria's chemical arsenal was behind schedule.

                            Mr Hagel told reporters in Poland that Damascus "had to take responsibility for fulfilling its commitment".
                            The US says only 4% of Syria's declared chemical weapons has been surrendered and expresses concern at the lack of progress.

                            Syrian troops 'deliberately destroy homes'
                            Human Rights Watch report says destruction of rebel-held neighbourhoods serves no military purpose.

                            Razed to the Ground
                            Syria’s Unlawful Neighborhood Demolitions in 2012-2013

                            Turkish forces 'strike ISIL convoy in Syria'
                            Army attacks al-Qaeda-linked rebel convoy in Syria in retaliation for cross-border fire, local media reports.
                            Army attacks al-Qaeda-linked rebel convoy in Syria in retaliation for cross-border fire, local media reports.

                            Последните новини от Женева 2:
                            Power transfer back on table in Syria talks
                            Opposition cites "positive step forward" as government delegation says it is ready to discuss political transition.

                            Syrian peace talks in Geneva appear to have taken a step forward after days of deadlock, as the government delegation announced its "full readiness" to discuss the issue of a political transition.

                            Negotiations stalled earlier this week as the opposition accused the government of refusing to talk about the Geneva communique, a 2012 document that calls for a transitional governing body in Syria.
                            Syrian state television said on Wednesday that the government delegation had announced its willingness to discuss the Geneva communique "paragraph by paragraph" during the so-called Geneva 2 peace talks in Switzerland.

                            "The Syrian government delegation announced its full readiness and since the beginning to put Geneva on the table and discuss it paragraph by paragraph from the first article," a news bulletin said.

                            The opposition expressed optimism at the development.

                            "Today we had a positive step forward because for the first time now we are talking about the transitional governing body, to end dictatorship and end the fighting and the misery in Syria," opposition delegation spokesman Louay Safi told reporters, adding he hoped for "more progress in the coming days."

                            Safi said the government delegation had previously tried to focus the talks on "issues of terrorism" but was now willing to discuss the size, responsibilities and timeframe of a transitional body.
                            Opposition cites “positive step forward” as government delegation says it is ready to discuss political transition.

                            Правителствената делегация е изразила "пълна готовност" да дискутира преходно правителство.
                            "No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity."
                            "But I know none, and therefore am no beast."

                            (Richard III - William Shakespeare)


                              http://warsonline.info/siriya/siriya...2014-goda.html - Сводка за боевете в Сирия за 29 януари 2014 г.


                                http://warsonline.info/siriya/siriys...l-kalyach.html - САА е обкръжила крупна групировка на бунтовниците северно от гр.Тел-Калях.

