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    Huge blast rocks Syria government building
    At least 31 troops killed in massive blast targeting an administrative building near Syrian capital city of Damascus.The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the explosion on Sunday night took place in the suburb of Harasta, northeast of the capital.

    "Three generals and a brigadier-general were among 31 troops killed in a bomb attack that caused a building in the army transport base in Harasta to collapse," said Rami Abdel Rahman, director of the watchdog group.
    At least 31 troops killed in massive blast targeting an administrative building near Syrian capital city of Damascus.

    "No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity."
    "But I know none, and therefore am no beast."

    (Richard III - William Shakespeare)


      Lebanon blasts hit Iran's embassy in Beirut
      At least 22 people are reported to have been killed in two explosions which hit the Iranian embassy in the Lebanese capital Beirut in quick succession.

      The Iranian cultural attache Ebrahim Ansari was among the dead. Officials said the death toll could rise.

      TV images showed burning cars, bodies on the street and damaged buildings.
      At least 22 people are killed in explosions that hit the Iranian embassy in Beirut, in a stronghold of the Hezbollah militant movement.

      At least 23 people killed in two explosions near Iran’s embassy in a southern suburb of the Lebanese capital.

      Иранското посолство в Бейрут е атакувано с две коли бомби. Загинали са поне 23 души, ранените са над 146. Сред загиналите и иранският културен аташе. До момента никой не е поел отговорност за атентата, но очевидно има връзка с подкрепата на Иран и Хизбула за режима на Асад в Сирия.
      "No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity."
      "But I know none, and therefore am no beast."

      (Richard III - William Shakespeare)


        http://vk.com/away.php?to=http%3A%2F...2450421_235721 - Сводка за боевете в Сирия за вечерните часове на 18 ноември 2013 г.


          http://vk.com/video176034569_1666763...e7c8b97bc12819 - Град Кара намиращ се в планината Каламун е превзет от войските на САА.Ето и малко кадри от освободеният град.


            http://vk.com/away.php?to=http%3A%2F...2450421_235880 - САА е превзела населен пункт Ад-Дверна на изток от летището на Алепо.
            Last edited by iasen ianakiev; 19-11-2013, 19:52.


              http://vk.com/away.php?to=http%3A%2F...2450421_236064 - Цялостна сводка за боевете в Сирия за 18 ноември 2013 г.


                by the way...

                Битву за Каламун возглавили российские и болгарские эксперты

                Posted on November 19, 2013 | 9 Comments
                Кувейтская газета As-Seyassah распространила информацию о том, что в разворачивающемся сражении за Каламун большую роль играют российские и болгарские специалисты.
                Газета ссылается на источники в ССА.
                ССА указывает на то, что битва идет уже несколько дней – с применением вертолетов, ракет и тяжелой артиллерии. На настоящий момент сирийская армия пытается занять стратегически важные города Ябруд и Джараджар.
                Местное суннитское население массово бежит в ливанский Арсаль.
                ССА утверждает, что российские и болгарские специалисты одеты в военную форму, отличную от формы сирийской армии.
                Впервые они были замечены при ракетных батареях, затем в ВВС.
                Сирийцы недавно получили от России новые и чрезвычайно эффективные ракеты, обладающие огромной разрушительной силой. Именно развертыванием и применением этих ракет занимаются российские эксперты.
                По данным As-Seyassah, в ВВС Сирии заняты 250 российских специалистов, в основном занимающихся обслуживанием самолетов.
                ССА утверждает, что Россия передала Сирии 24 истребителя МиГ-29 и “Сухой”, и об этом известно американцам, которые не сделали ничего ради того, чтобы сорвать поставки.
                "Я знаю, что после смерти на мою могилу нанесут кучу мусора. Но ветер Истории безжалостно развеет ее"
                И. В. Сталин


                  At least 23 people killed in two explosions near Iran’s embassy in a southern suburb of the Lebanese capital.

                  Иран обвинява за атентата "ционисткия режим" (Израел).
                  Сирия обвинява за атената "петродоларите" (Саудитска Арабия и Катар).

                  Отговорност са поели "Бригадите Абдула Аззам", свързани с Ал-Кайда.

                  "This is a double-martyrdom operation carried out by two heroes from the heroic Sunnis of Lebanon," Sirajeddin Zreikat, a member of the group, wrote on Twitter.

                  "Operations will continue in Lebanon until two demands are met: first, withdrawing Hezbollah members from Syria; second, release our prisoners from jails of injustice in Lebanon."
                  "No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity."
                  "But I know none, and therefore am no beast."

                  (Richard III - William Shakespeare)


                    Сирия: прелом във войната
                    - http://bulgarian.ruvr.ru/2013_11_18/...-vojnata-5322/


                      Според БиБиСи сирийската армия е превзела град Кара до ливанската граница след масирани атаки с авиация и хеликоптери, много бунтовници са убити, а хиляди сирийци са потърсили убежище в Ливан :

                      Qara lies 100km (60 miles) north of Damascus.
                      The Syrian government now controls the road linking the coast to the capital.
                      This means that the rebel-held suburbs around Damascus, which are already under siege and bombardment, will now be under even more pressure, correspondents say ...
                      Government warplanes and artillery pounded Qara and its surrounding countryside on Monday, according to the UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitoring group.
                      Rebels responded by shelling Damascus with mortar rounds that have hit the city almost every day over the past two weeks, leaving dozens dead or wounded.
                      About 10,000 Syrians are thought to have fled over the border to Lebanon, which is already hosting more than 800,000 refugees from the Syrian conflict.
                      But on Tuesday, state TV reported that troops were "in full control of Qara after wiping out all terrorist units in it".
                      A Syrian military source quoted by the AFP news agency said that a "large number of terrorists" had been killed.
                      The town has been in rebels hands for more than a year.
                      The Observatory confirmed that government troops were now in control of Qara.
                      The Syrian army takes control of the strategically important town of Qara near the Lebanese border, officials and rebels say.
                      "Най-тежкият грях спрямо ближните ни не е омразата, а безразличието ни към тях. Това е същността на безчовечността."

                      Джордж Бърнард Шоу


                        http://vk.com/away.php?to=http%3A%2F...2450421_236447 - Сводка за боевете в Сирия за 19 ноември 2013 г.



                            Волен Сидеров отива на среща с Асад

                            Пращаме официална делегация в Сирия на 7 декември


                              Syria rebels launch string of suicide attacks
                              Four bombings in Qalamoun area kill at least seven Syrian army soldiers, day after regime took nearby strategic village.
                              Four bombings in Qalamoun area kill at least seven Syrian army soldiers, day after regime took nearby strategic village.

                              Media workers ‘targeted’ in Syria’s north
                              Reporters Without Borders says regime troops killed a citizen journalist and bombarded two media centres in a week.
                              Reporters Without Borders says regime troops killed a citizen journalist and bombarded two media centres in a week.
                              "No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity."
                              "But I know none, and therefore am no beast."

                              (Richard III - William Shakespeare)


                                http://vk.com/away.php?to=http%3A%2F...2450421_236893 - Сводка за боевете в Сирия за 20 ноември 2013г.

