The UN has confirmed "unequivocally and objectively" that chemical weapons have been used in Syria.
A UN report says sarin gas was used in a rocket attack in the Syrian capital, Damascus, last month, although it has not attributed blame.
"This is a war crime," Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said.
A UN report says sarin gas was used in a rocket attack in the Syrian capital, Damascus, last month, although it has not attributed blame.
"This is a war crime," Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said.
Израелските медии представят и снимки на ракетите, взети от доклада на ООН

Носителите са идентифицирани като 130 мм "ракета М-14"(?), което трябва да е химически снаряд за съветското оръдие М1954 (М-46), от което Сирия има големи количества (и единственото с такъв калибър в арсенала й). Посочва се й че обстрелът е дошъл от северозапад. Само дето не са посочили правителствените сили с пръст.
M-46 130-mm Towed Field Gun
The 130-mm field gun M-46 has a recognizable long, thin tube with a cylindrical, perforated (pepperpot-type) muzzle brake. It has a hydro-pneumatic recuperator and a recoil cylinder located above and below the tube, respectively. For travel, the crew withdraws the tube from battery to reduce the overall length of the weapon. The rearward- angled, winged shield may then hide the recuperator above the tube from sight. The gun has a manually operated horizontal sliding wedge breech-block. It fires case-type, variable-charge, separate-loading ammunition. It has night direct fire sights (IR and/or passive in nature). The gun is mounted on a two-wheeled split trail carriage with large sponge-filled rubber tires on each of the single wheels. For travel, it has a two-wheeled limber. A truck or armored tractor can tow it at speeds up to 50 kilometers per hour. The trails consist of steel plates welded into box-section construction. When traveling the barrel is withdrawn by a mechanism on the right trail from battery to the rear to reduce the overall length of the weapon. The carriage is of the split trail type and is provided with a two-wheeled limber. When traveling the spades are removed and carried on each of the two trails. The recoil system is mounted under the barrel, and in front of the shield, which has been removed on some models, is an inverted U-shaped collar. The M-46 has direct fire sights including an APN-3 active/passive night sight. The M-46 is an excellent indirect fire weapon with high muzzle velocity and exceptional range (27,490 meters). It is also a formidable antitank weapon with impressive armor penetration capability. Its tactical role usually is counter-battery. It fires case-type, variable-charge, separate-loading ammunition, including: FRAG-HE, APC-T. Other types of projectile include SP-46 illuminating weighing 25.8 kg with an m/v of 687 m/s and smoke target marking with an m/v of 930 m/s. An RAP is known to be in service having been used by Syria in the 1973 Middle East War. At least two chemical projectiles have been fielded for this weapon. The 130 mm Sarin projectile weighs 33.4 kg of which 1.6 kg comprises the Sarin CW agent which is dispersed by a TNT bursting charge. The other is a VX projectile weighing 33.4 kg of which 1.4 kg is the VX CW agent.
The 130-mm field gun M-46 has a recognizable long, thin tube with a cylindrical, perforated (pepperpot-type) muzzle brake. It has a hydro-pneumatic recuperator and a recoil cylinder located above and below the tube, respectively. For travel, the crew withdraws the tube from battery to reduce the overall length of the weapon. The rearward- angled, winged shield may then hide the recuperator above the tube from sight. The gun has a manually operated horizontal sliding wedge breech-block. It fires case-type, variable-charge, separate-loading ammunition. It has night direct fire sights (IR and/or passive in nature). The gun is mounted on a two-wheeled split trail carriage with large sponge-filled rubber tires on each of the single wheels. For travel, it has a two-wheeled limber. A truck or armored tractor can tow it at speeds up to 50 kilometers per hour. The trails consist of steel plates welded into box-section construction. When traveling the barrel is withdrawn by a mechanism on the right trail from battery to the rear to reduce the overall length of the weapon. The carriage is of the split trail type and is provided with a two-wheeled limber. When traveling the spades are removed and carried on each of the two trails. The recoil system is mounted under the barrel, and in front of the shield, which has been removed on some models, is an inverted U-shaped collar. The M-46 has direct fire sights including an APN-3 active/passive night sight. The M-46 is an excellent indirect fire weapon with high muzzle velocity and exceptional range (27,490 meters). It is also a formidable antitank weapon with impressive armor penetration capability. Its tactical role usually is counter-battery. It fires case-type, variable-charge, separate-loading ammunition, including: FRAG-HE, APC-T. Other types of projectile include SP-46 illuminating weighing 25.8 kg with an m/v of 687 m/s and smoke target marking with an m/v of 930 m/s. An RAP is known to be in service having been used by Syria in the 1973 Middle East War. At least two chemical projectiles have been fielded for this weapon. The 130 mm Sarin projectile weighs 33.4 kg of which 1.6 kg comprises the Sarin CW agent which is dispersed by a TNT bursting charge. The other is a VX projectile weighing 33.4 kg of which 1.4 kg is the VX CW agent.