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SYRIA - CHRONICLE MAP AND MILITARY ANALYSIS - THE AlQALAMOUN MOUNTAINS BATTLE - This is the situation in September 1, 2013. Add : a partial list of rebellion forces engaged in the Battle and goals for operations in the area.
Bashar al-Assad interview: 'Show me the proof of regime chemical attack'
The Syrian president issued a dire warning that any Western military intervention could lead to "regional war" and would harm "the interests of France".
"Whoever accuses must provide proof. We have challenged the United States and France to provide the slightest proof. (US President Barack) Obama and (French president François) Hollande have been incapable (of doing so) even to their own people," Assad told French newspaper Le Figaro in an exclusive interview.
He questioned the "logic" of claims that his forces carried the August 21 attack outside Damascus, which the US said killed 1,429 people.
"Supposing our army wishes to use weapons of mass destruction. Is it possible that it would do so in a zone where it is located and where (our) soldiers were wounded by these arms, as United Nations inspectors have noted during visits to hospitals where they were treated? Where is the logic?," he asked.
Describing the Middle East as a "powder keg" whose "fuse is getting shorter", he warned it would "explode" if Western forces struck Syria. "Nobody knows what will happen (after such strikes). Everyone will lose control of the situation when the powder keg explodes. Chaos and extremism will spread. The risk of a regional war exists," he warned...
"The French people are not our enemy. If the policies of the French state are hostile to the Syrian people, this state will be its enemy. This hostility will end when the French state changes its policies. There will be repercussions – negative, of course – against the interests of France," he warned.
Mr Assad accused the US president of being a weak leader.
"If Obama was strong, he would have said publicly: 'We have no evidence of the use of chemical weapons by the Syrian State'. He would have said publicly: 'The only way to proceed is through UN investigations. We therefore refer everything to the Security Council.' But Obama is weak because he is facing pressure from within the United States," he said.
First Syria rebels armed and trained by CIA 'on way to battlefield'
During a meeting at the White House, the president assured Senator John McCain that after months of delay the US was meeting its commitment to back moderate elements of the opposition.
Mr Obama said that a 50-man cell, believed to have been trained by US special forces in Jordan, was making its way across the border into Syria, according to the New York Times.
The deployment of the rebel unit seems to be the first tangible measure of support since Mr Obama announced in June that the US would begin providing the opposition with small arms.
Congressional opposition delayed the plan for several weeks and rebel commanders publicly complained the US was still doing nothing to match the Russian-made firepower of the Assad regime.
Mr McCain has been a chief critic of the White House's reluctance to become involved in Syria and has long demanded that Mr Obama provide the rebels with arms needed to overthrow the regime.
He and Senator Lindsey Graham, a fellow Republican foreign policy hawk, emerged from the Oval Office meeting on Monday cautiously optimistic that Mr Obama would step up support for the rebels.
"There seems to be emerging from this administration a pretty solid plan to upgrade the opposition," Mr Graham said.
А дали е вярно, че новото поколение радиорелейна станция Армавир в Краснодарския край е засякла два пуска на ракети изстреляни от американска подводница в централното Средиземноморие по "погрешка" в посока на Сирия, които после били поразени от флота на САЩ или на Израел в хода на съвместни маневри?
"Какво ли толкова се е зачела тази свиня? - зачуди се докторът - Кое ли тъй яростно подчертава с молива?"
А дали е вярно, че новото поколение радиорелейна станция Армавир в Краснодарския край е засякла два пуска на ракети изстреляни от американска подводница в централното Средиземноморие по "погрешка" в посока на Сирия, които после били поразени от флота на САЩ или на Израел в хода на съвместни маневри?
Доколкото разбрах, Израел заедно със САЩ са тествали над Средиземно море ракета-мишена за Хец-3, която трябва да имитира иранския Шихаб-3. Руснаците са я засекли в момента на отделянето на бойната глава от тялото на ракетата и затова са докладвали за два обекта. Опитът е бил планиран отпреди години.
"Culture is roughly everything we do and monkeys don't."
FitzRoy Somerset, 4th Baron Raglan
UN: Syrian refugee numbers cross two million
Exodus placing heavy burden on neighbours amid conflict that has forced 6.2 million out of their homes since March 2011.
Exodus placing heavy burden on neighbours amid conflict that has forced 6.2 million out of their homes since March 2011.
France: Syrian regime behind chemical attack
Declassified report says government launched "coordinated assault" as Assad says Middle East is a "powder keg".
Declassified report says government launched “coordinated assault” as Assad says Middle East is a “powder keg”.
Syria crisis: Obama wins backing for military strike
President Barack Obama has won backing from key US political figures on his plans for a military strike on Syria.
Mr Obama said a "limited" strike was needed to degrade President Bashar al-Assad's capabilities, in response to a deadly chemical weapons attack.
Key Republican leaders John Boehner and Eric Cantor both signalled their support for military action. Congress is expected to vote next week.
Israel confirms missile test
Defence ministry confirms joint exercise with US of anti-ballistic missile system in Mediterranean.
Israel fired a missile in the Mediterranean to test a new defence system - but did not inform anyone beforehand.
The Tuesday morning launch - a joint exercise with the United States - was first reported by Russia, which said two "objects" following a ballistic trajectory had been fired from the Mediterranean.
Israel's Defence Ministry later said that it, along with a team of United States military advisers, had carried out a test-launch of a Sparrow missile.
The Sparrow, which simulates the long-range missiles of Syria and Iran, is used for target practice by Israel's US-backed anti-missile system, Arrow.
The test comes as the West debates whether to launch military strikes against the Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad following its alleged use of chemical weapons last month.
"Israel routinely fires missiles or drones off its shores to test its own ballistic defence capabilities," a US official said in Washington.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the anti-missile system was a national "wall of iron". "These things give us the power to protect ourselves, and anyone who considers harming us would do best not to," he said in a speech.
Arrow designer Uzi Rabin said tests of the anti-missile system are planned "long, long in advance" and generally go unnoticed. "What apparently made the difference today is the high state of tension over Syria and Russia's unusual vigilance," he told Reuters.
Al Jazeera's Paul Brennan, reporting from Jerusalem on Tuesday, said it was "highly unusual that Israel should be involved in this joint exercise, as it could draw Israel into the conflict," he said.
dinain един въпрос може и да изтриеш мнението ми после но това последното че в Сирия хората са на улицата и са усмихнати в очакване на удара не е ли малко прекалено имам предвид че пропагандата идва малко в повече.
Джонатан Маркус - наблюдател по военните въпроси при ВВС "Тези опити не се скриват, но никой не ги съобщава предварително"- във връзка с пуска в Средиземно море, засечен от Армавир , отразен от израелската ПВО , който според някои потребители бил планиран от години.
"Какво ли толкова се е зачела тази свиня? - зачуди се докторът - Кое ли тъй яростно подчертава с молива?"
Международный аэропорт закрыт, и единственный способ попасть в сирийскую столицу – Ливан. Дорога от Бейрута до Дамаска в обычных условиях занимает максимум два... | 04.09.2013, ИноСМИ
dinain един въпрос може и да изтриеш мнението ми после но това последното че в Сирия хората са на улицата и са усмихнати в очакване на удара не е ли малко прекалено имам предвид че пропагандата идва малко в повече.
Това е написал блогърът, не аз.
"No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity."
"But I know none, and therefore am no beast."
(Richard III - William Shakespeare)