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Войната в Сирия

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    Бунтовнически клип показващ унищожение на БМП-2

    Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

    Според коментари в някои руски форуми, става въпрос за едно от БМП-тата, за които говири и Мусин тук - http://anna-news.info/node/11994
    Судя по всему, в Сирию поступило новое современное оружие, которым сегодня боевики интенсивно обстреливали танки и БМП. Двумя ракетами были поражены две БМП, еще одна была подбита из РПГ.

    Вчера и представить себе не мог, что сегодня две ракеты пройдут буквально в нескольких метрах от нас. Мы мирно стояли с Виктором Кузнецовым, никому не мешали, снимали бой. Боевики нас и солдат, судя по всему, видели, но размениваться на одиночек не стали. Вместо пуль снайперов, они выждали момент и выпустили точно в цель три ракеты.

    В результате разрыва первой ракеты наш переводчик Виктор Кузнецов получил легкое ранение. Его второе рождение и спасенный глаз мы, естественно, обмыли. Ракета попала в БМП с десантом. Двое бойцов было убито на месте, шесть ранено. Одного в спешном порядке нам пришлось тащить в эвакуационную БМП. Боец был тяжело ранен, обильно полив кровью родную землю, и нас, грешных. Примерно через 10 минут вторая ракета ударила по правой стороне ворот, у левой стороны которых в тот момент находилась и наша группа. От ее разрыва легкое ранение получил капитан Халед. Третья ракета поразила БМП соседей с левого фланга. БМП горела ярко, патроны ее 30-мм пушки и пулеметов от высокой температуры стали рваться, что было снято нами на видео.


      Last edited by Dinain; 14-07-2013, 18:46. Причина: извънреден режим


        http://vk.com/away.php?to=http%3A%2F...2450421_122070 -В гр.Алепо отряди на ССА са влезли в сражения с отряди на ислямистите.

        http://vk.com/away.php?to=http%3A%2F...2450421_121945 - В Сирия вече се намират руски военни специалисти,помагащи на САА да усвои новите зенитно-ракетни комплекси С-300.
        Last edited by iasen ianakiev; 14-07-2013, 17:26.


          Report: Israeli submarine strike hit Syrian arms depot
          Sunday Times contradicts a CNN report claiming that the Israeli air force bombed the depot; attack said to be coordinated with the US.
          Israeli Dolphin-class submarines carried out a July 5 attack on an arms depot in the Syrian port city of Latakia, according to a report in the British Sunday Times, which contradicted a previous CNN report that the attack was the work of the Israel Air Force.

          The alleged Israeli naval strike was closely coordinated with the United States and targeted a contingent of 50 Russian-made Yakhont P-800 anti-ship missiles that had arrived earlier in the year for Syrian President Bashar Assad's regime, the Times cited Middle East intelligence sources as stating.

          According to the report, the Israeli fleet of German-built submarines launched a cruise missile at the weapons cache after which Syrian rebels reportedly attested to hearing early-morning explosions at a Syrian port-side naval barracks.
          Sunday Times contradicts a CNN report claiming that the Israeli air force bombed the depot; attack said to be coordinated with the US.

          "No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity."
          "But I know none, and therefore am no beast."

          (Richard III - William Shakespeare)


            В някои райони разкола продължава.(има вариант да е пропаганда и дезинформация)

            Талибаните и Сирия

            Фал с РПГ. Сигурно зарядът е с изтекъл срок на годност.
            Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

            Разрушения в Крак Дю Шевалие
            Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

            Напрежението сред населението в контролираните от Бунтовниците квартали продължава.
            Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

            Ал Кайда за три минути ликвидират гарнизон на Иракската правителствена армия, без нито една загуба.Пускам видеото тук ,защото сигурно има връзка с войната в Сирия. Не знам кога са снимани клипчетата ,но ако са в близките месеци, може да се тълкува като предупреждение към правителството ,за политиката си с режима на Асад.
            Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

            18+ 18+ 18+
            Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

            Репортаж от Ирак.Доколкото се вижда и от няколко разбираеми думи ,става на въпрос за залавянето на трафиканти на оръжие за Сирия. Също така се споменава и Армията на Махди.
            Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

            Имам и един въпрос ,Ал Кайда сунити ли са ,или разновидността на исляма при тях няма значение? И ако са сунити ,то тогава трябва да са във война със Садр и Армията на Махди.


              Ал Кайда са хард сунити. За тях шиитите са врагове-еретици.


              Средновековните църкви в България


                Thorn написа Виж мнение
                Ал Кайда са хард сунити. За тях шиитите са врагове-еретици.
                Интересна гледна точка:

                "Я знаю, что после смерти на мою могилу нанесут кучу мусора. Но ветер Истории безжалостно развеет ее"
                И. В. Сталин


                  Поток на бойци към Египет.Не ме се струва достоверна информацията ,но може да има единични случаи.
                  Источник подтвердил сообщение, что в провинциях Алеппо и Идлиб более чем тысяча бойцов Фронта Победы (Джабхат Аль Нусра) освободят свои должности в Сирии и перейдут на турецкую территорию для путешествия после этого (в соответствии с планом спецслужб Турции) в Египет, чтобы встать на сторону…

                  Кабун -явно никога не отцепват трафика.Просто е чудно как някой паникьосан шофьор не се удари в маневриращ танк или БМП.
                  Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

                  Сигналите за разкола мужу ССА и Ал Нусра продължават.

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	index.png
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                  Някой съфорумец ако има познания по Сирийски език ,може да преведе някои ключови думи използвани в клипчетата?
                  Единствената дума която знаех преди конфликта е "шармута"-курва. Използва се често в видеа с пленници или издевателства.Друга дума която ми е позната е "аскер" -войник ,допреди да се запозная с тази тема ,мислех ,че е турска. Но явно е арабска дума.Друга често използвана дума "такфир"- вероятно означава победа , и "шабаб" -вероятно някакъв глагол.


                    "Аскер" е "войник" на турски, не на арабски. Арабската дума е "джунди". Сирийски език няма, поне не повече от мексикански или перуански такъв. "Такфир" не значи "победа", а заклеймяването на един мюсюлманин от друг като "неверник" ("кафир"). Вероятно го бъркаш с "такБир", което пак не значи "победа", а е част от възгласа "Такбир - Алла у акбар". "Шабаб" значи "младеж", "момче". Всичко това се намира за минути в интернет - Гугъл преводач, Уикипедия и т.н. и не му е мястото тук.
                    "No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity."
                    "But I know none, and therefore am no beast."

                    (Richard III - William Shakespeare)


                      http://vk.com/away.php?to=http%3A%2F...2450421_122586 - В провинция Хомс на асадиската армия са се предали доброволно 78 бунтовника.


                        Рекламно -учебно филмче за ПВО система.
                        Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.


                          Някои подробности за вносните шиитски организации, нахлуващи в Сирия в подкрепа на Асад:

                          • Liwa Abu al-Fadhal al-Abbas (LAFA) also known as the al-Abbas brigade
                          • Liwa’a Zulfiqar (LZ)
                          • Muqtada al-Sadr - Mahdi Army
                          • Badr Organization
                          • Kata’ib Sayyid al-Shuhada
                          • Kata'ib Hezbollah
                          • Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq

                          Making its first appearances in the fall of 2012, Liwa’a Abu Fadl al-Abbas (Abu Fadl al-Abbas Brigades or LAFA) represents a new addition to the Syrian battlefield and serves as another example of increased sectarianism in the Syrian Civil War. The organization claims its role is to defend the Sayida Zaynab Shrine and surrounding Shia populated neighborhoods located in southern Damascus.
                          The group is made-up of a mixture of a small number of native Syrian Shia with a majority of foreign Shia Muslim fighters.
                          LAFA has also maintained an outward appearance which mirrors the same type of spirit once found with the volunteer International Brigades during the Spanish Civil War. Despite the presented narrative, this does not necessitate the group is an ad hoc collection of individual Shia Muslims. The group heavily utilizes fighters originating from Iranian-backed organizations (such as Iraq’s Kata’ib Hizballah and Asa’ib Ahl al-Haq), has uniformed personnel, new weapons, a recognizable leadership structure, and openly identifies with Lebanese Hizballah. These factors point to an extremely organized fighting group and deeper levels of Iranian involvement in the organization.
                          Unlike larger and more established militant Shia Islamist groups such as Lebanon’s Hizballah or Iraq’s Asa’ib Ahl al-Haq, LAFA has no official website or official online forums. The group finds most of its internet representation through a mixture of quasi-official Facebook pages and YouTube stations. In fact, for the Western and Arabic-language press, LAFA’s existence only came to light when a YouTube music video featuring the group’s fighters was made public.Thus, fifteen pro-LAFA Facebook pages, five Facebook pages associated with Lebanese Hizballah, one Hizballah forum, three pro-Muqtada al-Sadr forums, and five pro-LAFA/pro-Hizballah YouTube stations were reviewed for this study.
                          Designating itself firmly as a Shia militant organization, LAFA utilizes Shia Islamic imagery, slogans, and other symbols to push its case to Shia Muslims. As stated by the group and its supporters, the Abu Fadl al-Abbas Brigade’s main purpose is to “Defend the Saydah Zaynab Shrine”. Their specified raison d’etre, immediately projects an image of “Protectors” simply reacting to a foe bent on the destruction of Shi’ism.

                          The foreign fighter element of Liwa’a Abu Fadl al-Abbas has caught the attention of many analyzing the group. A key factor for new militia is that the majority of fighters killed come from both Iraq and Lebanon. The original parties they were aligned with were either beholden to Iranian radical ideology or created with Iranian aid. This factor points to a more direct Iranian involvement with the organization’s creation.

                          Like Lebanese Hizballah, Kata’ib Hizballah, and Asa’ib Ahl al-Haq, Liwa’a Abu Fadl al-Abbas has a designated “Secretary General”, Abu ‘Ajeeb. Little is known about ‘Ajeeb. Pro-Free Syrian Army forums and Facebook pages reported Abu ‘Ajeeb was captured on April, 2, 2013 by units belonging to Syria’s Al Qaida branch, Jabhat al-Nusra.[14] However, LAFA responded by posting a number of photographs of Abu ‘Ajeeb on their many Facebook pages. Another commander named by the group is Abu Hajar. It is likely both Abu Hajar and Abu ‘Ajeeb are both nom de guerres.


                          On June 5, 2013, the same day Lebanese Hizballah declared victory at the Battle of Qusayr, a page for a new Damascus-based Shia militia group, Liwa’a Zulfiqar (LZ or the Zulfiqar Battalion), was created on Facebook. The group asserts it is, “Assigned to protect religious shines, especially the Saydah Zaynab [shrine]”. This claim is also held by Syria’s other main Shia militia, Liwa’a Abu Fadl al-Abbas (LAFA). However, Liwa’a Zulfiqar is not competing with Liwa’a Abu Fadl al-Abbas. In fact, most of its members and leadership appear to have been drawn from LAFA. Furthermore, Liwa’a Zulfiqar does not hide the fact that it was created out of Liwa’a Abu Fadl al-Abbas. Along with new photographs, the new group has repackaged older LAFA photographs and claimed them as representations of the new group.
                          LZ’s formation results in a number of questions: Is Liwa’a Zulfiqar a genuinely new organization? Could it be another front for LAFA? Was LZ’s formation representative of something else going on within the ranks of Shia fighters in Syria?
                          Based purely on social media data, it appears LZ is less of a new organization, and probably a LAFA front or part of LAFA. At best, the group could be a repackaging of LAFA fighters into a new group which serves the same functions and cooperates closely with LAFA and the Syrian army. At the same time, the group could be little more than a web-based propaganda vehicle. Since the creation of a new organization would generate the sense that larger numbers of capable Shia fighters are flooding into Syria, LZ’s propaganda function may also be aimed directly at rebel morale.

                          Since the creation of Liwa’a Abu Fadl al-Abbas and the creation of multiple social media (primarily Facebook) pages to market the group and its goals, very few of the group’s members have been photographed or named. However, LAFA’s leadership were often photographed (without their faces obscured) and claimed as group leaders. This has also been the case for LZ, which has publicized the leadership element of the organization.
                          Demonstrating its extremely close links to LAFA, LZ’s announced commanders were and may possibly still be LAFA leaders. This further points to the possibility LZ is little more than a subgrouping of fighters who operate under the main header of LAFA. Then again, it could also demonstrate the organization is a replication of LAFA with more Iraqi leadership.
                          Abu Jafar al-Assad (Abu Jafar): Often shown in LAFA’s photographs as a sniper. Abu Jafar is now named as a leading fighter for Liwa’a Zulfiqar. Photographs of Abu Jafar have been widely circulated on pro-Assad, pro-LAFA, Hizballah, and Syrian rebel websites. He’s most often affiliated with LAFA.
                          • Abu Hajar: Originally claimed as “Al-Qa’id” for LAFA. Abu Hajar was prominently displayed on many pro-LAFA websites.
                          • Abu Shahed: Originally listed as a “Mujahid” (holy warrior) for LAFA. Abu Shahed is now listed as a commander for LZ.


                          In February, 2013, Hadi al-Amiri, leader of Iraq’s Badr Organization, said Turkey and Qatar were supplying Al Qa’ida and that this was a declaration of war against Iraq. During a June 21, 2013 interview with *******, Amiri said the group was contemplating intervening in Syria and could not, “sit idle while the Shi’ites are being attacked”. Regardless, after assessing posted material issued by the Badr Organization’s social media webpages, it is becoming clear the group may actually be involved in the fighting in Syria.
                          Beginning life as the Badr Brigade, the militia for the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SCIRI), the Badr Organization split from SCIRI and became its own political group. In 2006, the Council on Foreign Relations reported the Badr Organization had upwards of 10,000 militiamen.
                          Before and after the split with SCIRI, the Badr Organization received heavy funding, training, and equipment from Iran. The group is also unabashed about its close links with Iran, especially Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and Iranian proxy groups.


                          Following funerals for some of its members killed fighting in Syria, The Kata’ib Sayyid al-Shuhada (The Battalion of the Sayyid’s Martyrs or KSS) has quietly established itself as an Iraqi Shia militia force contributing combatants to the battlefront in southern Damascus. At present, the KSS’s main raison d’être appears to be as a source for Iraqi Shia fighters who can be used to “Defend the Zaynab Shrine”, a major Shia Islamic site in Syria.
                          The first reports of KSS’s existence occurred on April 14, 2013. In one press report, it was stated that KSS initially went by the names of Kata’ib Karbala (the Karbala Battalions) and later as Kata’ib Abu Fadl al-Abbas.
                          Interestingly, a group which had targeted American and Coalition forces in Iraq was and Iranian-backed “Special group” called Kata’ib Abu Fadl al-Abbas. Adding further significance to the KSS’s earlier names and its links to Syria; KSS sends its fighters to Syria where they act as an intrinsic part of the Syrian-based Liwa’a Abu Fadl al-Abbas (LAFA).
                          It was reported that the KSS was formed due to splits within the Iranian-created and backed Kata’ib Hizballah. These contentions were initially based on nameless sources and were reported by a small number of Iraqi Arabic-language publications. It was also claimed that Abu Mustafa Sheibani (Hamid al-Sheibani), a pro-Iranian militia leader, who had been involved with the creation of many so-called “Special Groups” (including Asa’ib Ahl al-Haq and Kata’ib Hizballah) was KSS’s leader. According to a Washington Institute for Near East Policy report, Sheibani “holds both Iranian and Iraqi citizenship” and when operating in Iraq, concentrated on the, “distribution of explosively formed penetrator (EFP) roadside bombs”
                          Truth will save the world


                            Поне 40 загинали при атентат с кола бомба в Сирия

                            Пакистански талибани оповестиха, че се сражават в гражданската война в Сирия на страната на противниците на режима на Башар Асад, предаде електронното издание на турския вестник „Милиет”. В изявления от тяхната организация се посочва, че в Сирия са създадени много лагери и в тях са изпратени стотици бойци на талибаните. „Когато нашите братя почувстваха нужда от нас, ние не се поколебахме да изпратим при нашите арабски другари стотици бойци”, казват бойни командири на талибаните. Те допълнително посочват, че талибаните са пленили в Сирия голямо количество оръжие и боеприпаси и това в най-скоро време ще бъде доказано с видеозаписи, пише още вестник „Милиет”. източник


                              Операция "Кадисия" е приключила по план.Ключовия район трасе М5 на запад Алепо-Рашидин е взет.Не така седят нещата с операция "Северна буря" ,от планираните 7 блока е взет само 1. Там Армията продължава с въздушни удари.
                              Кюрдите в Алепо са проребелски настроени.А Кюрдите в долината Арфин и в Ал-Хасаки са неутрално-враждебни.Там има чести стълкновения с бунтовниците.
                              Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

                              Лоялистите са обявили трасето за Латакия за безопасно.Значителни опозиционни сили са се съсредоточили и атакуват от 2 дни тухления завод край Идлиб. Лоялистите са се укрепили в него, има и унищожен техен танк.Бунтовниците го обстрелват с тежка артилерия и танк.
                              Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

                              Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

                              Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

                              Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

                              Съдебните органи са изготвили решение за конфискация на движимо и не движимото имущество на лица,които са участвали в кръвополитията и престъпленията на територията на Сирия.Разследвани ще бъдат всички които са разпознати на фото и видео материали на опозицията, както и всички които са били убити или хванати живи. Затова Армията внимателно идентифицира всички убити бойци.Затова броя на жертвите от опозицията е не ясен.Много семейства не обявяват загиналите си роднини от опасения за репресии.


                                http://vk.com/away.php?to=http%3A%2F...2450421_122773 -Боеве в кв.Кабун.

                                http://vk.com/away.php?to=http%3A%2F...2450421_123469 - Военна сводка на САА за боевете в провинция Идлип и други райони на Сирия за 15 юли 2013 г.
                                Last edited by iasen ianakiev; 16-07-2013, 17:49.

