Syrian Arab Republic
Free Syrian Army
South front - right rally
Release No. (1)
In the name of of Allah the Merciful
God loves those who fight in His cause in ranks as if they were a solid cemented structure
As a result of the circumstances and developments experienced by the region, and what we have seen of the need to unite and work together to move to military action, we organized in the following groups:
1. Brigade of the Two Holy Mosques, led by Colonel Ibrahim pilot Alghorani
2. Martyrs Brigade warm led by Colonel Adnan Hamdan
3. Brigade led by Colonel Suhail own Jawabra tasks
4. brigade storm the south led by Colonel pilot Turki al-Rifai
5. 99 Infantry Division, led by Colonel Yassin Alloush
Gathered under the name of the Southern Front, led by Colonel Ibrahim pilot Alghorani right in an effort to get us to the fact that the nucleus of a military alternative institution governed by laws and military bases in order to liberate our people from the criminal and terrorist regime of thought
God grants success
Long live free Syria's Deraa 16/04/2016 combines the right pilot Colonel Ibrahim Alghorani
Free Syrian Army
South front - right rally
Release No. (1)
In the name of of Allah the Merciful
God loves those who fight in His cause in ranks as if they were a solid cemented structure
As a result of the circumstances and developments experienced by the region, and what we have seen of the need to unite and work together to move to military action, we organized in the following groups:
1. Brigade of the Two Holy Mosques, led by Colonel Ibrahim pilot Alghorani
2. Martyrs Brigade warm led by Colonel Adnan Hamdan
3. Brigade led by Colonel Suhail own Jawabra tasks
4. brigade storm the south led by Colonel pilot Turki al-Rifai
5. 99 Infantry Division, led by Colonel Yassin Alloush
Gathered under the name of the Southern Front, led by Colonel Ibrahim pilot Alghorani right in an effort to get us to the fact that the nucleus of a military alternative institution governed by laws and military bases in order to liberate our people from the criminal and terrorist regime of thought
God grants success
Long live free Syria's Deraa 16/04/2016 combines the right pilot Colonel Ibrahim Alghorani
От запад, про-халифатците са се опитали да напреднат към Сахм ал-Джулан, но са отблъснати. А в самия гр. Дераа отново са избухнали сблъсъци между бунтовниците и асадистите, не е ясно кой се опитва да напредне.
