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Израел и САЩ

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    Израел и САЩ

    всеизвестно е покровителстването на САЩ спрямо Израел, но точните цифри са просто шокиращи...

    мисля дори за хора без големи познания по английски ще стане ясно за какво става дума:

    This morning as I was walking down Shuhada Street in Hebron, I saw graffiti marking the newly painted storefronts and awnings. Although three months past schedule and 100 percent over budget, the renovation of Shuhada Street was finally completed this week. The project manager said the reason for the delay and cost overruns was the sabotage of the project by the Israeli settlers of the Beit Hadassah settlement complex in Hebron. They broke the street lights, stoned project workers, shot out the windows of bulldozers and other heavy equipment with pellet guns, broke paving stones before they were laid and now have defaced again the homes and shops of Palestinians with graffiti. The settlers did not want Shuhada St. opened to Palestinian traffic as was agreed to under Oslo 2. This renovation project is paid for by USAID funds and it makes me angry that my tax dollars have paid for improvements that have been destroyed by the settlers.

    Most Americans are not aware how much of their tax revenue our government sends to Israel. For the fiscal year ending in September 30, 1997, the U.S. has given Israel $6.72 billion: $6.194 billion falls under Israel's foreign aid allotment and $526 million comes from agencies such as the Department of Commerce, the U.S. Information Agency and the Pentagon. The $6.72 billion figure does not include loan guarantees and annual compound interest totalling $3.122 billion the U.S. pays on money borrowed to give to Israel. It does not include the cost to U.S. taxpayers of IRS tax exemptions that donors can claim when they donate money to Israeli charities. (Donors claim approximately $1 billion in Federal tax deductions annually. This ultimately costs other U.S. tax payers $280 million to $390 million.)

    When grant, loans, interest and tax deductions are added together for the fiscal year ending in September 30, 1997, our special relationship with Israel cost U.S. taxpayers over $10 billion.

    Since 1949 the U.S. has given Israel a total of $83.205 billion. The interest costs borne by U.S. tax payers on behalf of Israel are $49.937 billion, thus making the total amount of aid given to Israel since 1949 $133.132 billion. This may mean that U.S. government has given more federal aid to the average Israeli citizen in a given year than it has given to the average American citizen.

    Matti Peled, former Israeli major general and Knesset member, told Zunes that he and most Israeli generals believe this aid is "little more than an American subsidy to U.S. arms manufacturers," considering that the majority of military aid to Israel is used to buy weapons from the U.S. Moreover, arms to Israel create more demand for weaponry in Arab states. According to Zunes, "the Israelis announced back in 1991 that they supported the idea of a freeze in Middle East arms transfers, yet it was the United States that rejected it."

    In the fall of 1993-when many had high hopes for peace-78 senators wrote to former President Bill Clinton insisting that aid to Israel remain "at current levels." Their "only reason" was the "massive procurement of sophisticated arms by Arab states." The letter neglected to mention that 80 percent of those arms to Arab countries came from the U.S.

    "An increasing number of Israelis are pointing out" that these funds are not in Israel's best interest. Quoting Peled, Zunes said, "this aid pushes Israel 'toward a posture of callous intransigence' in terms of the peace process."

    "The results" of the short-term thinking behind U.S. policy "are tragic," not just for the "immediate victims" but "eventually [for] Israel itself" and "American interests in the region." The U.S. is sending enormous amounts of aid to the Middle East, and yet "we are less secure than ever"-both in terms of U.S. interests abroad and for individual Americans. Zunes referred to a "growing and increasing hostility [of] the average Arab toward the United States." In the long term, said Zunes, "peace and stability and cooperation with the vast Arab world is far more important for U.S. interests than this alliance with Israel."

    Although Congress authorizes America's foreign aid total, the fact that more than a third of it goes to a country smaller in both area and population than Hong Kong probably never has been mentioned on the floor of the Senate or House. Yet it's been going on for more than a generation.

    Probably the only members of Congress who even suspect the full total of U.S. funds received by Israel each year are the privileged few committee members who actually mark it up. And almost all members of the concerned committees are Jewish, have taken huge campaign donations orchestrated by Israel's Washington, DC lobby, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), or both.

    Israel's 1995 per capita gross domestic product was $15,800. That put it below Britain at $19,500 and Italy at $18,700 and just above Ireland at $15,400 and Spain at $14,300.

    All four of those European countries have contributed a very large share of immigrants to the U.S., yet none has organized an ethnic group to lobby for U.S. foreign aid. Instead, all four send funds and volunteers to do economic development and emergency relief work in other less fortunate parts of the world.

    The lobby that Israel and its supporters have built in the United States to make all this aid happen, and to ban discussion of it from the national dialogue, goes far beyond AIPAC, with its $15 million budget, its 150 employees, and its five or six registered lobbyists who manage to visit every member of Congress individually once or twice a year.

    Perhaps the most controversial of these groups is B'nai B'rith's Anti-Defamation League. Its original highly commendable purpose was to protect the civil rights of American Jews. Over the past generation, however, the ADL has regressed into a conspiratorial and, with a $45 million budget, extremely well-funded hate group.

    There is something else very special about AIPAC's network of political action committees. Nearly all have deceptive names. Who could possibly know that the Delaware Valley Good Government Association in Philadelphia, San Franciscans for Good Government in California, Cactus PAC in Arizona, Beaver PAC in Wisconsin, and even Icepac in New York are really pro-Israel PACs under deep cover?

    In fact, the congressmembers know it when they list the contributions they receive on the campaign statements they have to prepare for the Federal Election Commission. But their constituents don't know this when they read these statements. So just as no other special interest can put so much "hard money" into any candidate's election campaign as can the Israel lobby, no other special interest has gone to such elaborate lengths to hide its tracks.

    The per capita U.S. foreign aid to Israel's 5.8 million people during the same period was $10,775.48. This meant that for every dollar the U.S. spent on an African, it spent $250.65 on an Israeli, and for every dollar it spent on someone from the Western Hemisphere outside the United States, it spent $214 on an Israeli.

    But that's not quite all. Receiving its annual foreign aid appropriation during the first month of the fiscal year, instead of in quarterly installments as do other recipients, is just another special privilege Congress has voted for Israel. It enables Israel to invest the money in U.S. Treasury notes. That means that the U.S., which has to borrow the money it gives to Israel, pays interest on the money it has granted to Israel in advance, while at the same time Israel is collecting interest on the money.

    Further, friends of Israel never tire of saying that Israel has never defaulted on repayment of a U.S. government loan. It would be equally accurate to say Israel has never been required to repay a U.S. government loan. The truth of the matter is complex, and designed to be so by those who seek to conceal it from the U.S. taxpayer.

    Most U.S. loans to Israel are forgiven, and many were made with the explicit understanding that they would be forgiven before Israel was required to repay them. By disguising as loans what in fact were grants, cooperating members of Congress exempted Israel from the U.S. oversight that would have accompanied grants. On other loans, Israel was expected to pay the interest and eventually to begin repaying the principal. But the so-called Cranston Amendment, which has been attached by Congress to every foreign aid appropriation since 1983, provides that economic aid to Israel will never dip below the amount Israel is required to pay on its outstanding loans. In short, whether U.S. aid is extended as grants or loans to Israel, it never returns to the Treasury.

    Israel enjoys other privileges. While most countries receiving U.S. military aid funds are expected to use them for U.S. arms, ammunition and training, Israel can spend part of these funds on weapons made by Israeli manufacturers. Also, when it spends its U.S. military aid money on U.S. products, Israel frequently requires the U.S. vendor to buy components or materials from Israeli manufacturers. Thus, though Israeli politicians say that their own manufacturers and exporters are making them progressively less dependent upon U.S. aid, in fact those Israeli manufacturers and exporters are heavily subsidized by U.S. aid.

    Although it's beyond the parameters of this study, it's worth mentioning that Israel also receives foreign aid from some other countries. After the United States, the principal donor of both economic and military aid to Israel is Germany.

    By far the largest component of German aid has been in the form of restitution payments to victims of Nazi attrocities. But there also has been extensive German military assistance to Israel during and since the Gulf war, and a variety of German educational and research grants go to Israeli institutions. The total of German assistance in all of these categories to the Israeli government, Israeli individuals and Israeli private institutions has been some $31 billion or $5,345 per capita, bringing the per capita total of U.S. and German assistance combined to almost $20,000 per Israeli. Since very little public money is spent on the more than 20 percent of Israeli citizens who are Muslim or Christian, the actual per capita benefits received by Israel's Jewish citizens would be considerably higher.
    albireo написа
    ...в този форум... основно е пълно с теоретици, прогнили интелигенти и просто кръчмаро-кибици...

    Израел и САЩ

    Аз какво ви казвах на вас тук в този форум
    Това е.............Нямам думи. :fire:
    То исторически филми в България не се правят, щото няма продуктово позициониране - Симеон Цветков 2012г.



      20 000 зелени на един жид?!

      Просто нямам думи! Това е нечувано! :o

      Херр Хауптманн, Angriff der Judenreich! Kick the jude butt, men! :evil:

      Представете си, на курса имаме поне 20 евреи. а 2/3 от лекторите са жидове! Направо полудявам! Един се казва Израиль Моисеевич :fire:

      Господи, тази паплач ме вбесява! Самонадеяни и нагли копеленца!!

      Тази вечер ще си пусна Hearts of iron и ще пусна атомната бомба със моя Do 11 /базиращ се на о. Крит/ върху провинцията Палестина! да мрЪт!!! :x
      Спасибо Вам, Георгий Константинович, за то, что спасли Россию! Вечная вам память!


        Ами какво да кажа? Предполагах, че нещата стоят по този начин, но чак такива цифри.....
        Ако не се лъжа, по това време цяла Африка умира от глад и разни съмнителни смъртонозни вируси
        Нека Всевишний укрепи десницата на народа и войската, за да запази честта, правата и славата на Отечеството и на избраний от народа монарх. Да живее България!!!


          Абе Уханов,откъде го измисли това Do-11? :lol:
          То исторически филми в България не се правят, щото няма продуктово позициониране - Симеон Цветков 2012г.


            Originally posted by "Parabellum"

            Абе Уханов,откъде го измисли това Do-11? :lol:
            ами не знам, така се казва ранен модел на тежък немкси бомбардировач. След него май идваше Ю 88, а после мощния Не 111...
            Спасибо Вам, Георгий Константинович, за то, что спасли Россию! Вечная вам память!


              Е, тежък е много силно казано - това си е лек хоризонтален бомбардировач.



                Do-11 е първият немски фронтови бомбардировач с прибираем колесник.След него е построен Хе-111, и най-накрая Ю-88.Но нека да не се отклоняваме от темата.За самолетите си имаме страничка
                То исторически филми в България не се правят, щото няма продуктово позициониране - Симеон Цветков 2012г.


                  само да кажа че никой от тия не е тежък бомбардировач
                  albireo написа
                  ...в този форум... основно е пълно с теоретици, прогнили интелигенти и просто кръчмаро-кибици...


                    добре де! в играта пише че е "Strategic bomber" :cry:
                    Спасибо Вам, Георгий Константинович, за то, что спасли Россию! Вечная вам память!


                      До-11 е среден бомбардировач
                      С пистолет и добра дума се постига много повече,отколкото само с добра дума


                        Ех, задръстихме темата с тоя бомбардировъчен спор .
                        То дали е лек или среден хоризонтален бомбардировач е малко въпрос на класификация. Все пак He111 има двойно по-голям бомбен товар, че и по-голям оперативен обсег. Да не говорим за американските машини, които могат да минат за средни. Но не е за това тази тема .



                          Чакай бееееееее.Хе-111 е доста по-късен
                          С пистолет и добра дума се постига много повече,отколкото само с добра дума


                            Всъщност, да се върнем на темата за държавата Израел.
                            Струва ми се, че наличието на немюсюлманска и нехристиянска държава в този регион не даде възможност на християнския и мюцюлманския свят да влязат в пряк конфликт. А самия Израел е държава, която може да съществува май само с помощта на многобройни чужди помощи (да не забравяме, че към тази на САЩ се добавя и много голяма немска подкрепа).
                            Модератор на раздели "Втора световна война" и "Междувоенен период".
                            Проект 22.06.1941 г.
                            "... там можете да попаднете на персонажи като например "честен прокурор" - а това, съгласете се, е същество къде-къде по-фантастично от някакъв си там "тъмен елф"." ©


                              Какви са тея конспирации... антисемити... 6 милиона...
                              По моя преценка съм обективен.

