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Истинската причина за войната

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    Истинската причина за войната

    цитирам американец, от който не очаквах да каже каквото и да било негативно за страната си:

    Globally, Oil is traded in U.S. Dollars. this keeps our money moving, and this is a good thing (for everyone, not just us). Iraq changed how it sold oil in 1999. Instead of trading in U.S. Dollars (as all oil is) it changed to accept Euros. Now if this were to be let alone (say if iran were 'allowed' to follow as well as other countries who 'were' thinking of changing as well..like venezuela) the chance is there that the standard would change (as more and more countries would need an Euro reserve, not a Dollar reserve in order to buy oil). All oil would be traded via Euros. If this were to happen, all the US money thats floating all over the world would come home (back to the US) this would devalue our dollar (worse case, devalue it to the point of being useless.. like post WW1 german money being useless). most money is off the gold standard so its nothing more then paper anyway... its 'value' is all in perception (like stocks).

    if iraq would of went to rubels (russina money) it would not of made a difference... because the russian currency is not even close to being strong enough to compete with the Dollar... but wait, no money is strong enough to compete... untill the Euro came along.

    this war on the surface is freeing iraqi people and getting rid of saddam. but as with all wars, its really about money. there is more then one reason for it starting and one of them is to keep the Dollar on top as the global standard.

    look at how oil is traded globally.
    look at the 'money' thats in the treasury of the allies.
    look at the 'money' thats in the treasury of the strongest opponents.

    we have wanted saddam out for a while, but he was only a big thorn untill he changed the trading medium. then he became the seed that could topple the American Dollar... and he is gone. If you think this is wrong, so be it. if you think America will sit back and let it happen bacause the UN says not to do it, your fooling yourself. besides, the UN has other issues, the big one being that it wants to keep the power in Europe, and thats fine, untill it starts to cost us.
    albireo написа
    ...в този форум... основно е пълно с теоретици, прогнили интелигенти и просто кръчмаро-кибици...

    Истинската причина за войната

    Не съм очуден!Най-сетне и американците да си признаят.Ура! :tup:
    То исторически филми в България не се правят, щото няма продуктово позициониране - Симеон Цветков 2012г.


      Да аз изрично му благодарих че е откровен и не ми вади някакви пропагандни простотии.
      albireo написа
      ...в този форум... основно е пълно с теоретици, прогнили интелигенти и просто кръчмаро-кибици...


        Доста логично звучи, да си призная, хич не се бях замислял за подобна причина.


          Да, звучи логично, но чак пък това да е истинската причина за войната...то, едва ли има истинска причина, по-скоро е комплекс от причини...
          Ти си това,което е твоето най-голямо желание,
          каквото е желанието ти,такива са и мислите ти,
          каквито са мислите ти,такива са делата ти,
          каквито са делата ти, такава е и съдбата ти.


            Звучи интересно, иоже и така да е. Но Махадева и аз сме на еднакви позиции - много интереси са преплетени в тази война, и доларът е само една част от гоемия пъзел .
            Спасибо Вам, Георгий Константинович, за то, что спасли Россию! Вечная вам память!


              Ех, тоя съвсем ме затапи, не че спорих с него но просто вече нямам какво да кажа...

              if i say we are freeing the iraqi people.. this is NOT propaganda. If i say this is a war on terrorism and saddam is encouraging terrorism and needs to go, this is also not propaganda. its just that there are other reasons as well.

              the American Civil war was fought over states rights. its not that it was not over slavery, because this was a important factor. its just that slavery was not at the top of the list.

              If the American dollar were to plummit the whole world would fall into a very heavy depression (afterall, most of your countries have our notes, and your value is based off the ownership or our notes). believe it or not we are helping everyone by doing this military action.... but the iraqi people will benifit the most from saddam being gone.

              Blair may be hated by several Britians, but in the long run, him supporting us (and supporting the American dollar) will help Britian for decades to come... you should thank him for his vision, and his bravery (according to the book 'blairs war' he has ruined his chances of contuning in political office, a small price for saving Britians net worth). no leader in his right mind would seek action when his country is 70% against the action. but you cant explain it to the people in this manner... you have to pull an emotional string (as with all people and all wars)

              * * *

              France and Germany did this, not the US or Britain. Oil has been traded in US dollars sence 1970 globally and sence ww1 in western worlds. with the introduction of the Euro not being 'across the board and accepted' some carful planning (err, i mean conspiring) had to be done to make the Euro more enticing to everyone, not just a handful of European countries, and the best way to do this is to eat into the US dollar. Not whats really foolish is to think the US would sit back and let this happen.. yes, for us to stay strong, but also for most of the world to stay above water. im telling you .. you do not want another global depression.

              think of it like this -

              you have the netscape browser(US dollar) and its doing fine. then you have another browser who wants a piece of the pie that netscape is enjoying. you cant just put it on the shelf next to netscape becasue the masses buy very much on 'brand name' so you have to get a bit dirty. you have to either force the masses to use your app or elimanate the other product. you cant elimanate the netscape app, so you have to work a deal where the store uses more shelf space for the new browser. as peopl come in they see the new browser and not the old. becasue they 'have' to surf they choose the other browser.neither France or Germany are not strong enough to topple the US dollar, but if they can get more 'shalf space' for the euro then it becomes more appealing to the masses.

              of course the US is not a grassroots app like netscape and its not going to just sit and watch its shelf space dissolve.

              Обикновено те са прави в детайлите, щото внимателно си ги избират, но общата им картина лесно се атакува. В тоя случай не знам какво да атакувам....страх ме е че е напълно прав...но пък аз не разбирам твърде много от икономика и не знам доколко споменатото пропадане на долара би било катастрофално
              albireo написа
              ...в този форум... основно е пълно с теоретици, прогнили интелигенти и просто кръчмаро-кибици...


                Да, логично звучи. Но ни бива да се забравя, че винаги ще има някакъв вид кризисни ситуации (да не говорим, че може би те са част от социалния прогрес (веднага усещам към мен да политат разни упреци и доводи )), и едва ли трябва да се опитваме всячески да ги избегнем (защото може самия прогрес да задушим, покрей рисковете). Кризите се случват и животът пордължава и след тях. В резултат на тези действия на САЩ (които примерно предодвратяват нова световна икономическа депресия), може да се случи доста по-неприятна цивилизационна световна депресия.


                  Попаднах на една интересна статия на Переслегин, отнасяща се до войната в Ирак (и нейните причини), както и въобще до геополитичеките перспективи. На който му е интересно - ето -линк (но е на руски):

                  Реших, че тук й е мястото, щото нали причините обсъждаме


                    А Империал, този "твой човек" има ли си име?
                    Нека Всевишний укрепи десницата на народа и войската, за да запази честта, правата и славата на Отечеството и на избраний от народа монарх. Да живее България!!!


                      Интересна статийка, Голъм...
                      Ти си това,което е твоето най-голямо желание,
                      каквото е желанието ти,такива са и мислите ти,
                      каквито са мислите ти,такива са делата ти,
                      каквито са делата ти, такава е и съдбата ти.

