В настоящата тема ще пусна превод /в груб вид/ на описанието на граф Толстой -първия руски посланник на Константинопол, изпратен от Петър Велики. В излязлата наскоро книга за неговите паметни записки е описан както състава на турския флот - черноморски и средиземноморски, така и екипажите, адмиралите, офицерите, правомощията, сигнализацията - денем и нощем, наказанията.
Надявам се, че ще ви допадне
This description of the Ottoman Navy is probably the first attempt for such work in Russian language. In the second half of XVIII century there are much more detailed descriptions /see Turkish fleet 1851, P.340-344; Turkish fleet 1853. P. 1-33 and Зайцев, 2002, с. 59-65
There are various types of vessels built by the Ottoman shipwrights. The names of the different classes are as follows:
Gallion /Kalyon/ - Ships of line of different size and rank.
First class /rank/ ships of line have 130, 106 and 90 guns.
Second class /rank/ - 80, 75, 70, 65 and 60 guns.
Third class /rank/ – ships with 55, 50, 45 and 40 guns.
In the middle of XVII century gallion /kalyon/ was called entire class /kalyon sinifi/ war sailing ships contrary to the oared ships /cektiri or cektirme/. Gallion had 3 masts, 2 or 3 decks. About the the Ottoman gallion see Tuhfet, 1911 S.152; Paklan, 1951. S. 153-154; Mantran, 1975. P. 95-96; Soucek, 1975. P. 243-245/.
There are different ranks commercial vessels armed with 20 to 50 guns but there are small quantity of them.
Katargi /Катарги, каторги/ and galleys from different ranks which have 66, 60, 55, 50 and less oars.
Fergardi or fukati /fukatas/ - Persian vessels has length of 40-45 arshin and carry 10-12 guns except cannon-perriers /guns firing with stone round shots/. The other name was fregadon sail-oared vessel, small galley with 6-20 rows for oarsmen on each side.
Atez-gallion -/in conditions of reading the Turkish phrase A tez gallion from Turkish word tez – fast, most probably Tolstoy interpreted the Turkish phrase ates gemisi – fast fire ship, brander/.
Ottoman fleet has burlats – but their quantity is not big /remark – this come from the Turkish word burlata – ship called ates gemisi and frogra cuvara /Pakalin, 1947, S. 247-248/. Burlat - vessel full of flammable and easy flammable stuff for lighting up enemy ships.
Commercial vessels, Persian shaiki.Their length vary from 30, 35, 38 and 40 arshina. There are 6, 8 10 or 12 guns except cannon-perriers /partiers-guns firing with stone round shots/. Most of them have 3 masts with 36 or 38 arshina heigh.
Remark – Shayka /sayka/ - small military or commercial vessel carrying between 20 and 50 men /Usuncarsili, 1948. S.458; Mantran, 1975. P96/
Chamberi /in Turkish chenber – vessel with round stern Mantran, 1975. P96/ - they are small shaykas with 3 masts and latin sails. The length of the chambers are 30, 35, 25 and 20 arshina. They carry 6, 8, 10 or more guns.
Chambers built in Ismit have length of 25, 20 and 18 arshins.
There are a lot of sakolev /Turkish word – chakeleve, cakaleve and different length of 22, 20 and smaller with length of 10 arshina. The chambers have square sails in the same manner as kaiks. There a small caliber guns and cannon-perriers /petrieri/ from 6 to 10 or 4 and there are no more of above mentioned number.
Boats – most probably the author mentions parade boats of God Budah with length of 12, 14 and 15 arshina.
Black sea chaikas have 20, 18 or 16 arshina length and the longest – 23 arshina, but there are few boats with such length. They carry 8, 6 or 4 guns.
Ad /At/-kaik /at-/turk./- horse/ – boat for transportation of horses. There are a special transport vessels in the Ottoman navy called at-gemisi /at-horse and gemi – ship/ which transported the horses of the Ottoman cavalry/ Mebde-i…..tarihi, 1987, P73, 228/
Ad kaiks are coastal vessels because of the shallow draught and could easily enter rivers. The biggest could carry 18 or 16 horses and removable masts. The sails are latin /triangle/ and they don’t carry any guns.
Koz-kaik or walnut kaik because of the round shape is the same as abovementioned only small in dimensions.
Tez-kaik is similar in all to the previous kaiks but she is smaller. They transport many people from Halkidon to Constantinople and from Constantinople to Scutar and Galata and other places. In addition to the story about Istanbul’s kaikas K. Basili /see remark 44 on page 119/ I could say that French poet Teofil Gotie /1852/ made a very good description: On the water, parallel to the kaik with her rowers /kaidji/ was laying Venetian gondola – rugged ark and Gondola men – wretched clowns. Kaik length vary between 15 and 20 feet and 3 feet in breadth. She was built in the shape of skate /curved upward/ stem and stern and could sail easily forward and back. The skin contains long planks with woodcarving frieze inside, covered with leafs, flowers, bands fruits, crossed quiver and other small ornaments. Two or three slots with sculptures were used as frames sections and divided the boat on sections; bow is covered with iron. All this construction is made from polished /varnished/ beech-tree sometimes with gold-plated which is distinguished with incredible gracefulness and detailed ornamentation.
Piade-kaik – small boat /Piyade – in Russian the boat is called dushegubka /душегубка/ soul killer/ in Turkish piyade means infantry, infantryman, pawn in the chess game
Sultan Sandal one of the meaning of Sandal in Turkish language – boat Sandal – fish boat is used by Venetians in Black sea ?Karpov, 1994. P23/
Sultan Krilangich /krilangich – swallow in Turkish in this meaning light, fast battle/.
Sandal Bastandji Bashi – literally – boat of the main dignitary. Bostanjibashi – literally – chief, chief controller/ superintendent/ working in the sultan’s gardens. Large portion of the bostanji contains of Ajemi oglani gathered according the rules of tax devshirme /Blood tax/. They ensured security of sultan palaces and were responsible for the order around and in the palace. Bostanji were responsible for entering in service of palace equipment – so called keshk /кьошк/ and many spheres connected with the sultans life. Despite Bostanji pasha is nothing else but controller/superintendent/ of the sultans gardens and sultan’s houses, his power does not end with the mentioned position; it covered power connected with land, near port of Kasumpashkoi, Galata, Top Hana and Istanbul strait to city of Varna on Black sea. He performs reconnaissance with gondola with 30 bostanjibashi on all of the abovementioned places to monitor for fires, taking drunk and ladies with easy virtue/ who on drown often when he found such woman with men in boats. On the other hand he is a supervisor of the sultan’s lakes, germs, hunts and sultan public dinners. Not a single cask of wine could enter Istanbul without his permission, which gives him a right to control all beverage /drinking/ houses and inns. He depicts the wine send to ambassadors and retains their servants if they go hunting without his permission. The most important responsibility is to support his majesty when he is strolling around in the gardens, giving him a hand when he is sitting in his gondola. Bostajibashi sits behind him and on steering the helm and speaks to him in the ear and serve him in the foot of the throne in the day of coronation.
Sometimes bostanji pasha sails in his vessel and he sits in the bow to scatter the other vessels which are coming towards the Sultans boat. In Mehmed II Fatikh Hat-i-Hymaun is told the following for this appointment/function: Bostanjibashi is head of gardens maintaining. When he sits in the boat he steers her /Kanun-name 1990, p.87
Sultan makes voyages near Constantinople with the above mentioned vessels – Sandal, Sandal Bastanjibashi, Krilangich and Piyde-Kaik.
The vessels built in Trapesoond and in Sinop called /p.175/ palaska was broader and not so long and there is one most and no guns on them.
Palaska is Hungarian-Turkish word – cartridge-belt or gunpowder box Будагов, 1869, с.310/
In this chapter I’ll describe the Open sea fleet / sailing warships and galleys /katorgi/, quantity – new and old ships, number of guns on Sail of line and katorgi, seaworthiness of the ships, what was the complement of the ships in time of war, number of officers and their ranks, what is their salary /remuneration/ which they received from the sultan’s exchequer monthly and for whole year, what is the ships that is planned to be lay down and build as addition to the old Navy, how many ships will be build and where /in which dock yard/ and for which sea was made this addition. I’ll enlighten the question about the command – who’s kapitan-pasha are going to command the ship what is his temper are there any preparations in Black sea – offensive of defensive. I’ll make a detailed description and will send to you through loyal men and I’ll send all reports on parts about the condition of the Ottoman Navy.
This work or stuff is not unified before and it will take time to collect information and I’ll write and mention every interesting fact till I occupy the current office /appointment/ given to me by the merciful will of my magnificent monarch. I’ll try with all the decency to distribute the current knowledge as far as I can with the help of God.
Otoman seagoing fleet /sails of line and katorgas/ is based at Constantinople in the tersani-i-Amire /dockyards and Naval Arsenal. Istanbuls’s dockyard was the largest in the Ottoman empire. There are other dockyards in Egypt, river Danube /after 1699 the dockyard was moved to Ruschuk/ now Bulgarian city of Russe/, in Geliboly and in the area of Basra (Uzuncarsili, 1948, S.394-405) and other places, including 30 armed and unarmed vessels. There are 2 very incredibly large sails of line. Ottoman ships don’t have specific names but they call them with common names as sultan ships or saltanei. When Turks prepared their ships for war they include 600 soldiers to their crew which contains sailors and gunners. Their largest ships carry 1200 soldiers but sometimes this figure is no more than 800. In time of peace there are less than 600 solders on the kapitan’s /flagship/ and less than 200 or little more on the other ships. In time of war there are no difficulties to recruit men from lands near Smirna /1/ which are full of skilful in naval warfare people.
/1/ Islands Aegian sea, Cyprus, and Gallipoli peninsula /Djesair/, coastal part of Asia minor and some other sea regions of the Ottoman empire were considered attached to the kapudan-pasha office. The individual sanjak-bei in this regions has an obligation to participate in the war with their own ships of line built and equipped with state funding. Sanjak-beis were obliged to muster sailors from the governed population. Recruiting and salaries were state funded. /Hussein Hesarfen Telhis albean fi Kavani-I Al-i-Osman – manuscript/
There are 60 sailors on the captain’s ship /flagship/ and between 30 and 40 on the other ships/.
Leading ships in the sailing fleet is as follows:
First sail of the line called Kapitania has 106 guns but is now obsolete. A new was has been built mounting 110 guns which I’ll mention further. The old flagship with repair could be fit for sea service for 5 or 6 years more. The new flagship has 3 decks. There are 8 guns on the lower deck firing with marble cannon ball with 44 oka weight / measure for weight equal to 1.225 kg/ and this is equal to 3 puda and 12 pounds. They make more noise than damage. The other 22 guns on the lower gun deck fire with cannon-balls weighting half pud – 8.38 kg – equal to British 18 pounder gun. There are 30 guns on the second deck and each one fire with cannon-ball weighting 36 pounds or 42 pounds. There are 30 guns on the third deck /upper deck/ and each one fire with cannon-ball weighting 24 pounds. The 20 guns on the superstructure – quarterdeck and forecastle fire with 18 pound guns and smaller.
There are two long guns on the admiral ship /kapudan pasha/ with 15 pound cannon-balls, called kacaturii /culverins, culebrina, culevrina/ and they fire on a long distance.
There are different flags and pennant flags and I’ll write in details when I talk about caravans.
After Admiral /Kapitania/ ship the second ship of line is called Patrona and Zastupnitza /Patrona-i-Humayn/ second to the command flagship – vice admiral ship. Tolstoy called her simply Patrona. There are 106 guns – bug and small. The cannon-balls weighted 33, 21 and 9 pounds and again there are different flags on the ship.
There are ship called Reale or Admiralio /ship of the Rear admiral/ with Janim-hodja /muslim Priest /hodja/ and there are 102 big and small guns, different flags, battle pennants. The guns fire with 33 pounder, 21, pounder and 9 pounder guns.
There are 27 sails of line in the Ottoman Navy. Nine of them have 70 guns, eleven of them – 60 guns, seven ships of line 50. The weight of guns are between 50 and 60 puds and when the reader make correct calculation he would guess the weight of the cannon-ball and it diameter. Turks has plenty of powder, cannons and ammunitions. They pay great attention to the ships of line and don’t care much about galleys because they didn’t serve them well as they mention in the previous war. The Venetians didn’t see much of a quantities of galleys and galleasses. In last years Turks rule the seas and achieved supremacy. Venetians always retreat. According them the main reason for their losses was lack of good admirals and bad leaderships. Venetians always obeyed to their commanders and their leaders.
There are in the sea-going fleet called atec-gimichi /gimisi or more correct atesh gemisi/ or burloti – branders – fire vessels full with flammable and easy flammable stuff. There are 3 or 4 ships and their commanders called sea captains /maurino kapitani/. Turks armed one of the vessels in time of war. They mount few guns and their complement contains of few sailors and soldiers.
There are too old ships not fit for sea service.
Every sail of line could enter in Black sea because the Black sea bottle / straits/ or Constantinople is deep enough and there is no obstacle to sail there. According Turkish opinion large ships of line can’t sail easily in Black sea and I’ll further explain that.
Main disposition of the Ottoman fleet is around Midilli or mouth of Dardanelles and this is the ordinary situation. The Ottoman fleet campaigns lasted on 26-th of October- the day of St. Dimitry martyr. St. Dimitry day also known as Kassim day when summer Ottoman division go to winter bases /see Vessels, 1969, P.120, 134/ The fleet based in White sea does not go to Dardanelles but to Gallipoli and stay there for some time. There comes kapudan pasha /1/ and he summon /call up/ the commander of Gallipoli and he /the commander of Gallipoli/ announces to all beis and naval officers and kapudan pasha the number of ships that arrived. When they get favorable wind and good weather the ships sail to Constantinople.
/1/ Kapudan pasha or kapudan-i-deria high rank naval grade in the Ottoman Navy, C-in-C of the Ottoman Navy. Sulyeman II established this rank because of the great victories of Barbarossa and to show his gratitude to him the sultan attached all naval and armed forces and he has the power to impose penalties, unmake and punish by death when he left Dardanelles strait. He commands over all coastal lands, towns, fortress and castles; he walks around military forts and constructions and magazines, he recommends repairs of constructions and military supplies, makes different changes in military office and summons council of naval officers.
When he lives in Istanbul he has under his disposition /administrate/ all villages near Istanbul and both sides of the channel. He uses kehaia /assistant/ of his lieutenant or bostanji-pasha.
As a symbol of his power he carries a big Indian cane when he walk around armories or with the soldiers.
He has a special boat the other is used by the sultan and she is covered with awning and pointed nose. He has the power to appoint captians on the SoL and galleys.
Kapudan pasha has a list with naval vessels, soldiers and incomes related to recruit and maintenance. His bodyguards contains of three Janissaries companies. They accompanied him where kapudan pasha goes – on the land, where the fleet is based and make camp before the admiral’s galley. His house /residence is not as big as Grand Visir, but there are a lot of ranks. When the fleet is in the port there are Divan /Council of naval officers/.
Kapudan pasha has double income – fixed and casual. First contains tax from Arhipelago islands, Romania/ Rumelia/, and from Galipoli county. Sultan gives him this incomes instead of salary with the same supplies /bonuses/ as the Grand Visir/. He receives casual incomes mainly from those complement who serves him voluntary and half of the salaries of died in campaigns soldiers and sailors. He splits the salary with tersana emini /commander of the dockyard or Arsenal/. He receives 1/5 of the prizes which captured his beg’s and his officers hires the Kapudan-pasha slaves or he send them to the sultans galley’s for 50 effims per man without counting the food which is responsibility to the holder. When the fleet arrives in the port they remained with the sultans slaves. The incomes collected under this ways makes significant supplement to his profits.
Turks always have idea to build different types of ships and vessels. They build them at Constantinople or in Black sea near Sinop or sometimes near city of Zmit on Black sea. /may be Izmit but it is not clear why Tolstoy mention it that it is situated on the coast of Black sea when it is situated on the coast of Marmara sea/. Turks have a plenty of fine trees for construction of a ships but this trees could be find in some region not in every coastal region. Most of the wood material is supplied from the Black sea coast, near suburbs of Constantinople’s Arsenal for construction of SoL. Many vessels transport wood material from Black sea and straight stems for construction of arbus /Italian word – Custaro – bush, boscage/ Katib Chelebi depicts one of the types of Ottoman vessels /bashtarda, bastarda/ as a karpus kichli – i.e. with stern in the form of bush and uses the same definition for the modern Kadirgam /Tuhfet, 1911. S.152, 153, Soucek, 1975, P.237/. Apparently Tolstoy means this type of vessels which is difficult to construct because of the lack of right /straight/. There are not many suitable places except near Sinop on Black sea to build such ships because the trees are bandy and can’t be used for construction of ships. Sometimes can be used trees from Constantinople’s outskirts, Zmit, mouth of Prusa on White sea /Prusa - Greek name of town south of Istanbul. Turkish name- Brusa. Capital of the Ottoman state from 1326-1377. They want to construct 100 ships and there are plenty of wood. They will prepare all that quantity of ships but not simultaneously but after period of time.
Remark – Wood supply for Ottoman Navy is responsibility of the odjaks - region where the population is obliged to provide certain quantities of wood at the expense of the treasure /see Hussein Hezafran Telhis al-beyan fi-cavanin-i-Al-Osman, p.68a-69b/. Zmit and Prusa – regions Izmit and Brusa where was located this odjaks. Anonymus Ottoman depiction of few fortresses on Black sea coast complete words of Tolstoy. According to this depiction gallions /Kalyons/ were built at Bartine. There is a town northern of Akche Sharioly and Uskuba which northern part is close to the sea. There are village called Keramuddin in its port. In the time of the late Grand Visir Baltagji Mehmed-pasha in this place with state funding were built to large gallions /Весела, 1969 С.113, 133/. Baltadji Mehmed-pasha /died 1712 or 1713/ was Grand Visir twice in 1704-1706 and 1710-1711.
Turks are not very experienced in construction of kalyons rather than galleys.
Turks intend to build 40 large SoL and create unified fleet capable of sailing on White sea and they don’t like to send large SoL in Black sea because it is very dangerous because of shallow in Black sea gulfs.
When Turks intend to build ships in Black sea they build small ships carrying 40 guns and less and even 24 and weight of the gun 26 puds /pudov/. They build galleys and light brigantines which is not planned to be build at present. I’ll describe these light vessels further but the Turks themselves maintained that those small ships are easer to handle, faster and repairs faster in comparison with the larger ships or big galleys. Larger ships can’t sail without fear because the sea is small and shallow there are few ports and the entrance from the straits is not very easy. The sea is stormy with violent wave which fears the sailors.
At present Turks have 16 unarmed SoL because of the peace – in Order or decommissioned and two under construction. They can’t build SoL for less than year.
Naval officers and other staff received salaries for being in the Naval forces – monthly:
Captain – 500 levov per year; Levs – Aslan-kurush /lion’s urush or kurush with lion/ or esedi kurush /Persian sinonymus for this coin/. She has lion /in the same manner as European ducats and perperas, in particular Dutch levendaler and called piastur in Western Europe. The name lev or levok trace the origin to Ottoman and Perssian. In the beginning of XVIII century lev was equal to 15 altuns. About names of the coins and their exchange rate – see Мейер 1994, С.254-260/. It is very interesting to compare captains salaries with the data about salaries in the end of XVIII century. Captains received equal annual payment till 1792, no matter of the size of the ship. After increasing of the salary /July 1792/ captains of the gallions /kalyon with length between 53 and 55 elbow /zira=arshin 0.7m/ Mantran, 1975, p.97/ receive 2500 piasters or levov according Tolstoy terminology, Gallions of 51, 47 and 45 arshin length – 2350 levov, frigate captain of 45, 43,41 and 30 arshina - 1850 and 1600 annual salary. /Shaw, 1969, P.218/
Sotto-reis – 365 levov per year;
Reis – chief, Commander. Sotto –probably from Italian Sotto – down, lower, lower part. Sotto-reis – rank under reis – second in command or second lieutenant, second reis, captain of the ship commanding fleet.
Topci-bashi – 365 levov per year – correct word – topchi bashi – chief gunner, artillery commander;
Gvardian – 120 levov per year.
Other officers received different salaries from 16 to 20 levov per month.
Timoner was given 10 altun per day, per man/timone – Italian word for navigator or saling master. Timone – steer, timoniere – navigator.
Hopper – grivna per day
Saldal reis and Commander barki – 5 altun per day Bash marongos /Chief or carpenter/ – 5 altun per day
Calfa or other carpenter /carpenter junior/ – 4 altun per day
Kalafatchii or Kalafatu – 5 altun per day. Man’s responsible for the hemp – special detachment in fleet service. It is created by adjemi oglanov /foreign boys/ - special institution in sultan’s disposition where young boys were prepared for Janissary body. There are other special forces at the sultan’s palace on salary too. About Christian Kalafatchii se Agoston, 1994, P. 27, 31/.
Hodja or clerk – 2 grivnas per day;
Filuga Djedess – correct word –filkadjii – rower on a feluka /bark/. There are 20 or less rowers even 12 – 3 altun per day.
Elkadji or nostromo /from Italian word nostromo – boatswain/ - 5 altun per day.
Gemidjes /more correct gemidji – sailor/ or mariner – 7 levov and even 10 pere man per month.
Soldier – 7 levov per month per man
Bombardir – senior gunner – 16 levov per month per man.
Commander of gunners - 10 altun per day per man
Lower rank gunners – 5 altun per day
There are few numbers ships based at White sea. They carry less guns in peacetime than more in wartime. They didn’t concentrate many ships in harbors even when the sea is calm but use them as patrol vessels to chase pirates and clear White sea form pirates who came from Egypt and other countries and to collect haradj /tax, tribute, imposed on a non-Muslim population/ from the islands.
Ottoman ships of line are strong built as French SoL sheathed with big iron nails.
In the past years Turks built 120 galleys and 40 ships of medium size but they were not so experienced. Currently they gained enough experience to build large SoL and fight on equal with its enemies but they don’t plan to build more galleys and have little care of them. According to the payroll of the Ottoman navy in the recent past it amounted to 6000 Turkish bags every with 500 levov or 300 000. Each levok of Moscow money is equal to 15 altun or equal to 1 350 000. It is impossible currently to define the expenditures because of the constant changes of the enlisted men and expenditures connected with them. We should add the different salaries. The Turkish sailors and officers assessed on and equitable basis according to the zeal and experience and therefore pay sometimes increases and sometimes decreases.
Captains and officers are very experienced in naval warfare and they are superior to the Venetians as mentioned above and they conduct exercises each day or train and teach to be wise commanders. They all wish to make Ottoman fleet better fighting a capable weapon. Kapitan-pasha, or ship general African Aski Mehmed Feta Reiz is going to be changed /overturn/ because he is not skilful navigator /remark – more correct Abdullfetah – Kapudan pasha from August 1701 to December 1702. The word “African” before Kapudan-pasha means that this admiral came from coast of Berberia –Tunisia, Tripoli or Algeria. Aski is twisted /misspelled/ word of eski – old about the age of kapudan-pasha. This characterization corresponds with Topltoy’s depiction that kapudan pasha prefer calmness than acting in hard times. The Russian ambassador never confess that kapudan pasha is not experienced in naval affairs. On the other hand the translator could mistakenly translate word “Africanski” – Russian Африкански as African eski / Африкан ески/ - i.e. divide in two words. The rumour says that the new kapudan-pasha might be captain named Ahchi Mehmed /Ashji Mohamed-pasha from December 1702 to December 1703/ and he is skilful sailor but lack battle experience.
There are Berber and African captains among naval officers who are superior in navigation and morale to those from Moreia /Pelopones
Remark: The following regions are included to the office of Kapudan-pasha except regions mentioned in Appendix. This is Trablus, Magrib and Tunisia – North African territories of Ottoman Empire from where enter the Navy all experienced sailors. In present day ,many people in Constantinople speak that the new generation of officers and commanders are superior to older and are better trained in sea battle versus Christians. The felt fear and shake with fear when day heard about Christians but now they think in a different way and are trying to regain the naval superiority and return back Moreia and have unceasing /permanent/ eye watching on Mediterranean sea.
The commanders of the Ottoman navy but not natural born Turks, all renegades – French, Italians, British, Dutch and other are very experienced and skilful navigators. They teach the Turks themselves. The Turks often suffered from sea-sickness but are eager to learn and are getting more experienced.
These training are very useful for the Navy because the Turks have more self-confidence that they could fight on equal with Christians. The opposing Venetian fleet in the previous war didn’t act aggressively or attack Ottoman Navy but keep the ships. Present Ottoman contains named after sultans SoL, katargi and galliots.
Turks want to fulfill their last kapitan-pasha named Mezomort last will /he rules wisely Ottoman Navy and was brave admiral and experienced sailor/. He said: “There won’t be strong and powerful Ottoman monarchy at sea if there are not 40 warships”, so his will is performed at present.
Remark: Mezomorto Husein pasha, kapudan pasha since August 1695 to August 1701.Known with his victory over the Venetian navy near island of Hios. In the period of the Grand Visir Amdja-zade Husein pasha, fourth Grand Visir from Kujprulu family /September 1697-september 1702/ initiator of reforms in the Navy and writing a new Naval regulation / see Руский посол в Стамбуле, 1985, С.126/.
Turks start the construction of two large SoL in the Constantinople Arsenal. One of them named Kapitania has 110 guns and 50 guns on the other. The brand new guns founded in the Arsenal which are going to be mounted are all made from copper, different calibers – round shots weighting 40 and 30 pounds. They are different pattern from the round shots used on a Christian ships. Both ships were launched due to the skills of only one man – named Diamentin Kandiolli – from Greek origin. The ships are strong built and very well decorated /fretted/.
Sultan issued and Regulation to star construction of six SoL at the Constantinople Arsenal – one of the with 65 guns, other five – 40 guns each. They are suitable for service in shallow water. They seized all small ships which carry wood from Arhipelago to Asia Minor to hasten the construction of the abovementioned 6 ships and fulfill the last will of Mezomort Pasha.
There are more obsolete Sol in the Ottoman Navy than new, fit for sea service due to many battle in which were involved and constant cruising operations. Their commanders don’t care much about their condition. Five of the old ships were tarred in the winter to be ready to sail in White sea and chase pirates from different nations who make often raids on small SoL and other sailing ships.
The rumour says that 5 more ships are going to be build at Sinop but I still don’t have any information what will be their size.
Recently a SoL came from Sinop and moored at Constantinopol and was fitted with everything necessary for long navigation. She looked like a commercial frigate with 60 guns. In case of war the Navy impressed the vessel and included her in Armada. The sultan has the power to order not only with the subject’s property but with the life of his subjects, hence he could comply the owners of the commercial vessels to give up them to the Navy in case of war.
The rumour says that Turks don’t maintain any fleet in time of peace or army. If they need money to build fleet or equip army they collect money by robbing their subjects and if we look in details we shall see that they take commercial vessels from their owners without any permission.
Galleys based on White sea are intended to perform cruising and patrolling duties to catch small pirate crafts around Arhipelago islands to collect taxes. The galleys are armed by begleries sultann is not responsible to arm the galleys except one which he supplies with powder, guns and cannon-balls. Sultan gives 12 000-16 000 levov to the complements of the galleys annually for food.
Remark – Tolstoy means that this galleys are so called galley-begler which every captain has the responsibility to maintain. Compare with the information from Marsilly: galleys are built with 50 arshina length , 22 spans breadth and 18 height in the stern. They /Turks/ make their galleys as a cucumber shape and endure big waves. They have 22 seats /benches/. The abovementioned galley divided in two sub classes – galley zakale and galley begler /Марсильи, 1737, С.101/.
Every bei is responsible to have number of slaves and when sultan wants to arm warships based at Constantinople and if the sultan is short of slaves – oarsmen /rowers/ bei send to him slaves. If there are not enough slaves bei takes Turks from villages in Asia who goes at free will to be rowers and they pay them 30-35 levov on each company /complement/ for six months. The only responsibility is to feed the rowers with ship’s biscuits, but not any other food. They put up them in the houses of rowers or slave houses, but the conditions are not good. In the past majority of the rowers were Russians and Cossacks but in the last years majority of the rowers are Turks from Asia and there are no Russian prisoners at all.
The are small number of galleys under construction and sultan pay little attention on them except for the 24 beglers in White sea. Turks planned to build 8 new galleys but they were not completed. The guns which is mounted on the galleys have cannon-balls weighting ¼ or 1/3 Oka – i.e. 11 pounds and half pounds and seven and half pounds . Every galley has one long gun firing cannon-ball weighting 20 ok or half pud. In all regions on Black sea, White sea, Constantinople, at Smirna, Phodes, Kaldii /Crete/, Kanellii /place near Bosphorus/ , at Oni and Scii / island Scio – part of the archipelago – see the description/ and other places in Negrpont are building the abovementioned number of galleys armed with 8, 10 or 12 guns. Each of the galleys have one big gun called Korsia /Corsia/ firing cannon-ball of 18 oka or 54 pounds /this is giant Ottoman guns from XVI century called balyemez firing cannon-ball weighting from 25 to 60 oka. The weight of the cannon-balls indicated by Tolstoy is from the 80-es of the XVII century and it is typical for small caliber lighter guns. The other guns are lighter with small caliber. Currently most of the half of the galleys are not armed and the command concentrate all galleys in one base where it is necessary.
Every galley is owned by bei. He builds her from his money and from incomes which sultan gives to him. Bei’s responsibility is to build galley, buy rowers – slaves for her and equipped her for every campaign. Bei must pay to the soldiers annually according above mentioned standard and he must do everything connected with galley and her crew.
Contantinople galleys are under the command of Kapitan-pasha tarsanai-kehaia or tersane-kudhudas – one of the high ranking officers of the Naval administration superintendent of the dockyards and Arsenal. After him comes different types of kapitan pasha called serdar /head of a army unit as regiment/ or they command small squadronor division. Kapitan-oasha is above all else and received salaries as abovementioned.
Turks sail with galleys in Black sea with great skill. They lost 40 galleys in different years from all 70. They sink either in storm or unknown reasons. For Black sea Turks have a saying: “Black sea is an enemy of all vessels which sail there”.
There are nothing to add about Ottoman galleys.
Most of the Ottoman galliots don’t mount any guns and those which have any contain swivel guns and muskets. It is impossible to count the number of galliots but as far as I know there are 15 of them with guns based on different places. Their task is to pesrsue/ chase Christian pirates from Arhipelago. They are under the command of Kapitan-pasha and serdar or special commander named Mehmed also known as Distalcio above whom is I mentioned above. Turks appointed him as a kapitan-pasha. He is the most skilfull man and knows White sea very well.
Turks say that they have 150 or 160 galliots and could gather all them in Black or White sea and send them where it is necessary.
They have 15 frigates and certain number of river frigates which is based on Danube but most of them are rotten and they drew 30 or 40 of them on the riverbank.
There are other vessels called tartani/ tartana/ but they can’t be depicted in details because no one is familiar with their dimensions and shape. Very few people know where is built but everybody says that they are few in number.
Remark –Tartan – single deck sailing vessel with 3 or more masts.
With presentation I depicted all the Ottoman navy. I’ll depict further sea ranks hierarchy in the Navy and the power of the kapitan-pasha. If he is natural born Turk he create his own regulation and implement its articles. If he is apostate /renegade/ and French he must obey orders in French manner, if he is a Dutch – in Dutch manner, if he is Venetian – in Venice manner or other state. He have the right to rule according rules of his motherland. The only requirement is to treat the Turkish crew equal to other and all subordinate must obey him and act as one. It is notorious fact that in the last war that many apostates from different religions commanded squadrons of renegades and they fight wise with great valour.
Turkish command has written regulations about fleet conduct in time of war and about every rank in the Navy and Council of officers keep the depiction of regulations and they give Kapitan-pasha orders about implementation of the regulations.
Remark – This the end of the printed for the first time text of Naval regulations /Руский посол в Стамбуле, 1985, С.65-75/.
In this Chapter will be discussed all stuff great and small about the Navy and the fulfillment of the regulations by all commanders – senior and junior.
There is a good order in the army due to the apprehended regulations. The Navy regulations are much different. Because of variety of renegades on commanding posts in Ottoman service – French, Dutch, Venetian – each made its own regulations and the result is confusion in steering the ships, construction, manoeuvring /evolutions/ and navigation. If they want to have good /order/ they- Turks must unify their regulations.
There are attempts to write regulations about easier navigation of the galleys. This regulation, instruction or capitulation have been written by the glorious Venetian warrior Franzisk Morozini
Remark: Franzisk Morozini: most probably Franchesko Maria Levante – nephew of the well-known Morozini resident of Genoa in Levant /Hammer, 1830, S.359/. Identification of other names, mentioned by Tolstoy’s informers is very difficult.
Regulations written by prince of Piombrii and general;
Regulations written by captain Fira Frantcuza, royal komit
Remark: from Italian word comito – boatswain;
Regulations written by honorable gentleman marquis Jacob and honorable gentleman Tiresmi former galley general;
Regulations written by captain Fabritio Karki royal komit;
Regulations written by honorable gentleman Louis Ukranaski, general of the navy;
Regulations written by Stefan Liauri Biskalino royal komit.
Further I’m going to describe regulation and jobs of each ranks and their responsibilities. I’ll begin with Komit’s responsibilities.
Komits or superintendants responsibilities on the ships are to control availability of woodworking tools. Every tool connected with the ships and necessary for her maintenance. The chief komit assess whether the tool is necessary or not because the ships arsenal is at his disposal. His rank is a high as general commissar. If it is necessary to take carpenters on the galley he is responsible to ask the commander responsible for slave-rowers and bring with him slaves on galleys.
Komit has the power to impose punishments and cuff him if he is guilty /no matter of what kind of guilt/ or and arbitrary act, not only on SoL, galleys but on every other type of vessel.
If there is noise on the admiral’s ship and after a time the noise does not calm down and kapitan-pasha hear on the quarterdeck that noise komit has the power to cuff the violator and club him in iron. He gives the number and names of all violator on board to kapitan-pasha and commissar.
Komit has the power to rearrange gunners and put more powder monkeys on one gun than another. He has the power to change the places of the rowers on the bench. He can also relieve slaves.
Komit has the responsibility to report for all dangerous places on the ship which could put in hazard the ship herself as sails and rigging
When the winter draw near the ship prepare to spend the winter komit make a balance sheet and deposit a safe-keeping of the stuffs and weapons in magazines, arsenal to the Chief of magazines. After receiving the balance-sheet Chief of the magazines is responsible during the winter period to keep all equipment. Komit cuffs rower slaves and hired and send them on the coast to live in houses. He divides the rowers and put them in different houses – one for the infidel slave rowers from different religions and other for hired rowers. Kapitan-pasha has the power to take as many from them is it is necessary for his galley and as he pleasures. Other he distributes on defensive services. Honorable general-commissar as is it is in Turkish and komit are responsible for the slaves or prisoners used as rowers. They have to take all their old clothes and give them new and inspect them twice a week to prevent them to sell their clothes. Komit is responsible to allot them on all ships and galleys as timoners and mariners. To deal with his dues effectively each komit has subkomit for assistant.
As winter draws near komit has to take down sails, dry and furl them, fetch down all other stuff and keep them in safe place. Komit must keep all belongings to ship’s interior and from the hold. When there is a red flag /banner/ on the galley then Komit must put a soldier as watch if they don’t look after rowers and slaves – punish them. All slaves must be cuffed . Komit must leave only two oars per galley to move whether it is necessary.
No one can do captains job except komit.
Komit is responsible when time comes to tar ships. They tar them after receiving ardinals /ordinanza - - Italian word for order/ from the komit or kapitan-pasha. It depend of the order to how to prepare the vessel for campaign with necessary food, oars and the quantity of fat that will be used to tar the ship. Komit gives order to galliots to put the yards and spars on place /the exact word in the text is altena which derives from Italian antenna – yard and rigging. Further Tolstoy wrote yard in both ways as altena and antenna. The oars must be painted red. Their particular colour is black. All comits must be given immediately all necessary to prepare ships for new campaign.
When the ship sails sultan’s komit has the following responsibilities. The ships speed is controlled by beating a drum and komit has the responsibility to keep eye on the beat time. If the ship sails during daytime komit raises wide banner on the stern. Is the ship sails in the night komit light up a stern lantern with small fire. He must do this if the ships are at distance on which man’s voice can’t be heard.
Chief komit is responsible with General-commissar and all other ships komits to give list of necessary equipment to Sultan’s komit. If Sultan’s komits doesn’t deliver any equipment after been told he will be responsible for the wastes
If there are need of two komits or subkomits on a ship or any other commander Chief komit must choose and suggest a man who deserves this rank and report to the Commissar. In his turn he must report to kapitan-pasha to promote him and send to the ship where he will perform his responsibilities. Chief komit and other komits are depicted in their regulations in the following way:
The regulation with greatest power which at its essence is obligatory to all komits - Sultan komits an regular komits. They obey to it because of subordination rules. The more detailed the regulation – the better one. Turks have detailed regulations for every job of work on the ships. Komits mst be good and skilful as sailors /mariners/, with good heart, strong and healthy, friendly. They must be used in every job and every place on the galley. They must be fearless in time of trouble and have the skills and capabilities to steer the galley. They must be fair and strict man because rowers often try to avoid their job. He must supervise them and force to work not only with words but with iron too whet her is no other way to implant fear in the hearts of the rowers. All this must be done wisely if it is necessary. If komit beaten the rowers so much and cause them a physical injury and put them in bad condition and as a consequence the rower got ill and will be weak for the job or he feel desperate and try to commit a suicide the rower must be released. Komit must not risk rowers life due to his anger and cruelty of the imposed punishments.
If someone of the komits did harm or cause severe damage he must report to the senior. Komit is responsible for the rower-prisoners and slaves and their acts /deeds/. He must help prisoners and slaves in every initiative. He must be like father and patron to them and give willingly consent for any request if they are not bad and connected with destruction. He must be at service prisoners and always help them. Komit must know that in case of emergency slaves – rowers could used as sailors or mariners – to raise or furl the sails, clean them, row quiet with oars in the water, work with ship tool if necessary. When the ship is in the port rowers-prisoners and slaves komit supervises workers and control them to work to be concentrated and not become distract or work on their account or entertain themselves.
In case of saluting other ships Komit decides who is going to fire with the cannons or the readiness of the musicians are there plenty of drums, trumpets and other instruments. Komit is responsible to order the rowers to honour Fridays and there are won’t be any quarrel between slaves. It is necessary that Komit must have skills to cut and sew sails but he mustn’t do it by himself but commission the work on other.
Komit always must be ready to fulfill kapitan-pasha orders. He must watch closely when the ship is in the port or wait for orders no matter it is day or night. If komit feel sick he must take medicines hand over the command to senior officer or chief komit. Komit must be capable of reading maps and must be skilful at navigation and use these skills and proper time when it is necessary. If senior officer asks him a question connected with navigation he must have the knowledge to answer.
Komit responsibility is to look after sails and rigging of galleys and galleasses and keep them clean with all necessary equipment.
Komit must keep a close look at the place of the ship when she is in the harbor and to keep safe distance from other ships to avoid colliding.
When the ship is sailing komit must keep a close watch that every vessel keep safe distance and prevent oars from breaking in case of collision. The leading ship must not by outsailed by any other vessel in the squadron. It is forbidden that any type of vessel should sail ahead of flagship except patrol ships and every other ship must sail in the wake of the flagship – fast or slow depending of the speed of the flagship and necessity.
Komit must keep a close eye and observe the flags raised on the flagship day and night and perform them clear and quickly.
If any ship or galley collided or break oars due to the komit neglect of his duties the captain will cut his salary and recoup the losses.
Komit can’t order new sails, ropes, rigging without general superintendent notification and permission. He can’t condemn the old sails and rigging and put on stocks without written permission. Komit must notify general superintendant for every expenditure for sails and rigging. If he does not do that the expenses will not be payed.
Komit must act with great mercy with rowers and satisfy all their needs in peace and war time.
Komit is responsible to salute all ratings. When the ships are in the port and crew on the land komit must entertain them with military music and keep a close look that nobody troubles them.
The right and obligation of subkomit is virtually the same as rights and obligations of komit. There are only slight difference between them. Their battle station is near the foremast. Subkomits perform komits orders and help him with the boats /kaiks/. They maintain all instruments on the ship in good condition. Subkomit is responsible for tarring of the ship’s hull and keeping of the oars, timonii/ steering/, guns and all other equipment necessary for sailing. Subkomit is obliged to obey komit’s orders day and night. He must perform all the orders given by komit and must not leave the shipwithout komit permission. During the night sailing subkomit battle station is at the stern he keeps a close look at the ships following the wake of his own and avoid collision if there any risk. He must watch whether there are any other vessels in the sea and warn komit. Subkomit post depending of his responsibilities from foremast to stern. When the ship is entering harbor he must be on the quarterdeck or near the stem. The abovementioned rights and obligations of komit and subkomit are connected with ships equipment. They must make inventory of all stocks on board and do not disturb kapitan pasha with such matter if it is not necessary. Komit and subkomits must perform their duties in good faith and obey to any chief and admiral in the fleet – junior or senior. If they disobey to orders or neglect their duties there will be death penalty for them.
It is ordered that every officers – senior or junior must obey to the set rules and do not infringe it. Everyone who reports for violation and breaking the rules will be rewarded with 10 levov and the guilty – punished without mercy.
Everybody must oblige to his superior.
He must not use his ignorance /lack of knowledge/ as excuse for non-performing his duties. All orders from the superiors must be written and juniors must be notified for them hence there will be no excuses that they don’t receive them.
There must be no quarrels between commanders junior or senior or duels or murders neither at sea nor at land for any reason. Of anybody insults somebody orally of with any act he must be reported to his superior and is forbidden for the insulted officer to seek revenge.
Each officer and commander of the Navy must sleep on his ship. He can sleep on land after written permission by his captain or superior. Captain or Admiral must sleep on their ship or leave the ship in the hands of second in command.
Admiral must be notified about all recruits and mercenaries and the reasons why they want to enlist in the Navy. Every commander must have a list of new arrived sailors and examine his health as a precaution for the all Navy. Commanders must note the reason of enlisting what is the origin of recruits and where they come from. The admiral must give permission Every man who is considered to be valuable addition to the Navy must receive permission by the admiral.
Gambling aboard of the ship is absolutely forbidden. It is forbidden for the soldiers to lay down their weapons, clothes, uniforms. If anybody gamble he would be punished to be rower for 18 months. Any person who buy and spend all his money for stuff used as stake in gambling will be punished in the same way.
Punishments for thieves:
Every man who steals a personal belonging or any other thing no matter how small or big is cheap or expensive will be punished by death.
I order that all expenditures connected with feeding of the Navy and buying food must be sttled down by regular prices without any insult to the seller or buying on a extra price in comparison to the regular market prices.
Games with dices and bets are absolutely forbidden. This games cause much quarrels, envy, slanders and have strong influence on crew good spirit. Each commander of squadron is obliged to keep a close look at the games and punish the guilty according the law.
No one can join with his ship the Navy without permission given by the Sublime Porte in the form of ferman. The vessel of any man who joins the Navy without permission given by the Sublime Porte will be confiscated and his owner will be send for 20 months as oarsman.
Remark: Sublime Porte - Russian term has French origin and comes from the official translation of the Ottoman government /institution of the Grand visir in the Ottoman palace- Bab-i-Ali/Head of Pashi/or Mai, Sublime Gate. Europeans called Sublime Porte only sultan’s palace till 1654 and after that – Grand Visir chancellery.
Ferman Sultan’s decree, ordinance
The ship’s watch must be very careful so non one ship could come near the fleet without admiral’s will. Every ship in the fleet must have yellow flag in the bow. If a ship without yellow flag joing the fleet all other ships must give to her all the necessary stores. If this is a supply ship all other ships will receive supplies from her.
If kapitan-pasha raise azure flag on the foremast all chiefs of provisions and supply must send apprentices on the flaghip. Kapitan pasha examines them how they learn the different naval affairs. In case of battle commanders with best leadership qualities must be around kapitan-pasha. Nobody can take any provisions or supplies free. The supplies are given under exact order and the supplier must submit register for them. Every captain is responsible for the food on the board of his ship till provisions arriving. If the ship is short of food he must send letter 3 or 4 days before end of the provisions.
Here will be describred the responsibilities of naval commanders, governors, i.e. commanders of galleasses, galleys and sailing ships as well as prokomits /boatswain/.
We hope that all of the abovementioned commanders watch for obeying of the decrees by their subordinate janissary and watch that all the people on the board of the ship perform well their duties. Prokomit and other commanders must keep close distance in the squadron and if there is a need to make signal to any other ship it will be easier to understand the signal at closer distance.
Remark: janissary – from Turkish word enni cheri – new army. The janissary army has been created in XIV century during first Ottoman sultans Orhan and Murad I as a infantry army on a payroll. The army consisted by Christian slaves, prisoners of war captured during the Balkan raids. Later in the period of Murad II /1421-1451/ and Mehmed II /1451-1481/ recruitment of janissaries have been performed in accordance with devshirme or blood tax system. The soldiers have been recruited from conquered Christians or have been performed preliminary training of teenager-Christians in the adjemi oglanov corps where they finally become Muslims
Permission for all ships which want to join or leave the navy must be given only by kapitan-pasha or his second in command. No one commander can permit any soldier, sailor of janissary to leave the ship without kapitan-pasha’s permission. If he did it he must pay 200 levov to the invalids in the navy.
If any ship lag behind the squadron, commander of the squadron must send ship to help her and then report the reason of dropping behind the squadron.
All subordinates must fulfill their duties with good will. Every commander has the power to impose punishments on his subordinates for their guilt. The guilty sailor must be informed the reason for the punishment and the type of punishment.
If Kapitan-pasha detach any squadron from the fleet, commander of the squadron must order to his clerk to depict the sailing after detachment from the fleet – both when the ship is in open sea under sail or in harbor, every actions by commander and the crew at sea or on land. He must report about the enemy fleet, number of ships, armament and etc.
The clerk must depict all kind of vessels which squadron meets no matter of the nationality. Everything must be described cler and when the squadron returns to kapitan-pasha he will easily read the report. If there is any trouble caused by enemy or by nature the commander of the squadron must send dispatch vessel to the fleet and warn them.
Before commencement of the battle commander of all ships must read to the soldiers or tell them the Military decree and everyone remember it well:
I order that every commander of ship must have ready for use lanterns and flags to communicate with other ships in harbors and in open sea. All soldiers no matter of the rank must perform quickly al the orders given by flags or lanterns.
All ships from the squadron must stay together and one can detach without order. Commander must keep a close look at the distribution of the rations, wine, ship’s biscuits /rusk/ and other food so there will be no insults and quarrels. When captain raises flags on the ship: red, white and yellow it means – red – time for wine, white – time for food and wheat and yellow – time for ship’s biscuits. If all three flags are raised food, wine and ship’s biscuits must be distributed simultaneously. Captain must ask slaves and prisoners what is their needs of food, wine and ship’s biscuits and take them into consideration.
When the commander hoists a flag to prepare a for lading a fresh water – all ships must send their boats to supply the ships with water – galleys – for month, galleasses – for 12 days and SoL – for 40 days. The water must be preserved /keep/ in good condition so it doesn’t stink.
There must extra oarsmen on galleys and galleasses as well as sailors so if an oarsman or sailor got ill the other will replace him. Ill sailors and oarsmen must be given medicines and food and the doctor must look after them carefully as do the commander.
All ships must be keep clean and hoist a stern flag. The commander of the squadron is responsible for the ships in the squadron to be clean with healthy crews.
All ships must wear their squadron number and flag and so all other ships identify them. When the ships in the squadron make evolutions they must raise red flag
When the ships are in the harbor they must lit up lanterns. All ships must keep close look at kapitan-pasha lantern and secure free area for passing each other. It is forbidden for the sailors and soldiers to take any stuff from the magazine where are stored powder, ammunition, musket and other weapons. If anyone dare to take a weapon from the magazine he will be punished according kapitan pasha will and the weapon or will be confiscated and returned to the magazine.
Nobleman/aristocrats must be very careful in military and naval issues especially at night. If any ship’s commander was killed or died, then the oldest and most experienced of these nobleman will replace the commander and all other officers must obey to his will which is given by decree of the Sublime Porte.
Admiral must look after the ships under his command and when the ships are supplying with food the quartermaster must buy food on regular prices.
Everybody in the fleet must watch at the colours and flags hoisted on the admiral’s ship day and night. If the squadron perform the orders slow and without coordination the admiral must order to faster the performance of the orders. . Commander of the squadron must report to the senior officer – kapitan-pasha or admiral about the careless captains in the squadron and impose proper punishments by way of example what would happen to the neglect officers.
Admiral is responsible for sailors training, to gain experience in the navigation and all other stuff they have to perform.
When the fleet is on anchor at the harbor every admiral must take a close eye at his squadron. He must pay attention about the weather and the manoeuvres of the ships in rough sea. All ships under admiral’s command must be in good condition, all instruments on board – fit for use. If they are worn out and old to store them in the hold. The new instruments must be kept in rough weather on a safe place.
If any of the ships got damage or leak the admiral himself must inspect her to see what is her condition and to be properly repaired.
There must be continuous watch on every vessel in the same way as perpetual is the sentry on the admiral’s ship
As abovementioned captains must prevent quarrels, fights, and kills on board. If any of the crew commit a murder or any other crime captain must club this man in iron /cuffs/ and put down in custody. He must be bring to trial according the law.
The captains must observe about the watch weather it is awake with clean and loaded guns. In case of danger captain can double or triple the watch.
It is forbidden to fire with guns or muskets during the night. The captain must refrain from using guns and musket in the night too. When the drum beats 2 o’clock this is a sign that every janissary must be on his boat and can’t go to other ships until dawn. On one ship can approach the fleet during the night. Every captain who see breaker of the order must detain them and send to kapitan-pasha all their crew.
If kapitan-pasha find out during the interrogation that complement speak true and the destination of the vessel is clear he can release them and the vessel.
All captains must have sand-glasses aboard their ships and know what time is it, when is time to change the watch and all other stuff necessary for ship’s steering.
Captains must not release anybody from the crew on land without kapitan’s-pasha order.
All captains must watch after the oarsmen if they go for food or wood to prevent desertions. The oarsmen can’t leave the galley without permission. When they are send on land they must do their job quickly and then return on board. If there are shortage of sailors they could be used as guards on the galley.
Captain must keep a close look at the clerks and their job to write correct everything. The armorer must keep all the weapons clean and in good condition- ready to use. Is some of the oarsmen is ill captain must give to him better food and replace him with healthy oarsmen. Every ship must have doctor and barber and their responsibilities are the following:
Doctors must watch after the ill – not only commanders and officers but soldiers, oarsmen in good will and give them proper drugs and food. If the officers don’t give drugs after doctor issued a recipe or in the set time, doctor has the power to report to the vice-admiral or second in command after kapitan-pasha. The admiral is going to impose dead penalty for act like this. If the doctor doesn’t perform his duties properly and show negligence to his patients and someone died he would be punished by dead.
Doctor and barber has the responsibility to cut short hairs of the oarsmen twice a month.
Doctor is obliged to have register with the dead soldiers, sailors and oarsmen on board and the reason of their death.
There must be clerks on every ship and they must place on record food distribution each day, how many are the remains of food till the end of campaign. If there is a shortage of food clerk must write to the commander and he must notify kapitan-pasha about the necessary quantity food to be delivered
Clerk’s responsibility is to maintain register for all sailors, soldiers or oarsmen who died aboard and sign the papers with supplies.
Sopromosarii have the obligations to maintain ship’s biscuits and distribute them fairy. Everybody tried cheat other will be punished according the law.
Clerks and sopromosarii can’t sale their own ship biscuit’s and make profit from that.
Provisions can’t be divided with other ship. It can be done after permission by the commissioner. Everybody who breaks the regulation will be punished according the law.
If ships’s biscuits or powder pen /moisten/ in rough sea chief of this biscuits and powder must notify the commissioner when they arrive in the port. If he doesn’t do that he will be punished severely.
When commanders give oarsmen salary the oarsmen must tell the commander about their needs and commander tells them in detail what will be the salary, how many of the oarsmen will receive the same salary and etc. If there are any reductions in the salary he must notify the oarsmen about the reason.
Wheat, millet and beans for feeding of oarsmen and slaves must be given according established ratio not keep them hungry without food for two or three days. If there are no food and wine according the ratio oarsmen must tell the clerk and he must notify the captain. Everybody who is responsible for the food and wine shortage or unfair distribution will be punished according the law.
There is a bad habit of selling wine by captains and officers and they set their own prices which is much higher than the ordinary price. It is forbidden to sale wine on a ship. If anybody tries to sale wine he must do according ordinary price. He must notify clerks and their assistants about the sale. Every 3 months they make reports to kapitan-pasha to let him know about the sold quantity wine and stocks available. If a clerk does not send regular 3 month report he must pay everything which in the following 3 months expenditure and he will not receive salary for 1 month.
I order that the powder must be preserved from setting on fire. Nobody can take powder without permission granted by his superiors or commanders. Nobody can enter the magazine where the powder are in stock. If commander goes to the magazine he must take all precautions and go very careful.
The guns and musket must be kept clear and ready to use. There must be no obstacles on the way to the magazines. If there is an obstacle guilty must imposed death penalty.
Three days after the battle clerks and sopromosii make inspection and report to the second in command after kapitan-pasha about the expenditure of powder, lead, and which weapons had the biggest expenditure of ammunition. All this information is recorded in special book.
After the battle clerks and sopromosii inspect the battlefield, depict the died sailors and soldiers, their personal belongings, put for the record their names and their property and mention the month, day and year in which they died.
There are no difference between gunners in the Christian Navies and in the Ottoman Navy. The guns must be clean, polished, always ready to fire cannon-balls or incendiary shells. Fuzes must be kept ready for ignition. If the guns are not ready the chief gunner must report to the commissioner. Gunners must stay on board. Captain or chief gunner can’t dismiss all the gunners on land even in strong harbor.
If any oars break, the oarsman which oar is broken must report to the captain to replace it. The broken oar must not be throw away but put on a smaller galley or oar vessel.
Oarsman must keep their oars clean in good condition, not bend them. If they bend or break the oarsman who did that must repair the oar.
Carpenters must keep a close eye at the vessels and their condition and if they find leakage or broken they must repair it immediately.
Carpenters and hampers must clean ship’s sides and decks fill the slots and keep in god condition.
The duties of the abovementioned people are to keep a close look at the slaves on the galleys and prevent flight from the galleys, galleasses and SoL. They must take care to supply ships with enough quantity of fresh water and wood. There must be enough spare hoops or rings for the casks on board. Superintendants and wardens are responsibility for buying casks and rings for them.
All abovementioned stuff must be prepared with great caution and every man must do his duty. If he does not do this he will be punished according his guilt.
One day before the ship set sail kapitan-pasha must raise on the topmast pennant in red colour.
Everybody must be on board and ready to perform their duties.
In two o’clock must be make an antenna /line of/ of pennants on the flagship galley. A lantern must be light up during the night on the stern. Everybody must watch it flag till replacing the flag with flag or lantern by a trumpet or gun shot.
If any ship leave the order the ship following her wake must advance to her place in the line. If the first ship returns to her previous place, the second SoL must return to her previous place and stay according the disposition given by the governor or soprokomita who is in command of the rear squadron.
If the SoL begins to blow trumpet of fire with the guns everybody must set sail and leave the port. If any vessel is not placed according the disposition and the ship in her wake can’t find her place in the line her captain must find place in a way so his ship does not collide with other vessels. When the ships return to port every ship is obliged to take her place in the line.
If the first ship delay performing of the order of kapitan-pasha soprokomit must place his vessel on the place of the first ship.
When the kapitan’s pasha vessel raises pennant flag other vessels must raise pennant flags on the same place and repeat the sign. Then the crew have the permission to go to land. Complements of these ships which does not raise pennant flags can’t go to the land. They can only send small and large boats full of soldiers to assist the complements from the other ships in their job on the land.
All ships which see stern blue flag on kapitan-pasha ship must send all row vessels to take a tow of the ships.
When the ships set sail from the port everyone must do in good order and no one must outmanoeuvre other. If any ship has any need captain must fire with a gun if it happen in day. If it happens in night he must light a fire or lantern and closer vessels must hurry to see what happened.
When the ship sails at night everybody must take care and watch carefully that there is no enemy vessels among our ships. The distance between each ship must be closer and ask each other for a password. If the answer is right he must ask about the password from the previous night. If the ship gives wrong answer she must detained.
In bad weather or in the night all ships must put stern lanterns to prevent the ship from wrecking in the rough sea on a rocks or grounding. If the lantern are lit up and vessel wrecked the front ship will not be guilty. The squadron commander is responsible for the ship wreck. If a kapitan-pasha ship lit up 3 stern lanterns, then all other vessels must lit up one lantern.
When the captains see the lit up lanterns or any other signal they must follow them and form squadrons according the orders of the kapitan-pasha.
When galleys enter the port they must be very careful with the oars and don’t collide and brake them. The must be very careful with the ships too. If a galley collides a sailing ship komit of the galley must put pay the damage. No one ship may enter the port before kapitan-pasha ship.
Rearguard of the ship line called retroguard in Italian are responsible when the ships are leaving the port to stay in the port until all other ships leave it.
The vanguard avanguard /as in Italian sails 3 verstah or3 Italian miles ahead of the ship’s line. The rearguard sails 1 verst /1 Italian mile/ astern /behind the fleet.
The van squadron is responsible to keep a close look at the horizon and if it find any enemy ships they must signal and warn the fleet. The captain must send a sailor with a musket and powder to the top of the mast or at the end of the yard. When the enemy fleet came into sight he must fire with the musket to warn the fleet. If the main body of the fleet is on a greater distance he must put the powder on the top of the mast and lit up so the fire could be seen from longer distance. He makes smoke signals to notify the fleet of the number of the enemy vessels. When kapitan’s pasha flagship receive the signal he must fire with gun in answer. The vanguard ship which make the contact with the enemy ship must send a boat to the admirals fleet to report about the number of the ship, their class, armament, number. If the flagship does not fire in response of the vanguard signal /lit up fire and smoke signals/ the vanguard ship must keep her place in the order according to kapitan-pasha disposal. The rearguard must act in the same way as vanguard when detect an enemy vessels.
Flags for ranks
Red tetragon flag with moon in it on the stern of the ship means that kapitan pasha is on the board of the vessel.
If there flag on the foremast it meant that the chief supplier or superintendent /controller of the Navy is on the board of the vessel. The flags on the other ship are with two tails. It the flag is on the top of the mast it means that the ship is commanded by captian /captain first rank/. If the flag is on the main mast of galley it means that the warden of slaves and prisoners is on board.
Tetragon flag hoisted on the main mast means flagship and all the vessels under his command wear long pennants except galleys of kapitan-pasha no other galley in the fleet may hoist flags on this place. If the kapitan-pasha is not on his flagship galley no other vessel may hoist flag on the main mast and deceive the other ships.
Flag on the top of the foremast means commander of squadron. All ship in the squadron must wear the same flags on the same place.
Flag on the mizzen mast means ship and squadron under Patrona command /or vice admiral. All ship in the squadron must wear the same flags on the same place.
Galleasses are divided into 3 squadrons too. All galleasses are obliged to wear the same flags which wear their admiral. When the admiral’s flag is furled around the mast it means that ships in the squadron are not obliged to follow the flagship.
Remark – About ottoman sea flags XVII-XVIII century see Kurtoglu1938 – page 103 and after. According to album from the collection of the Naval Museum in Istanbul with Ottoman flags from the beginning of XIX century divided in the following ranks: flags of oared vessels , flags of galleons 1-st, 2-nd and 3-rd class/rank/, personal flags of admirals and commanders, flags with star and halfmoon, flags of the commercial vessels and cities, flags of Jesira, Tunis, Trablus, flags of Iran /Persia/ and Egypt and finally flags of Malta, Venice, Genoa, America and etc. Red banner with 3 halfmoons Admiral’s banner of kalyon kapudan-pasha with 3 halfmoons and a star.
If the ship hoisted red pennant on the main mast it means that kapitan-pasha summons the captains a council.
Yellow banner on the foremast means that kapitan pasha calls up komits, admirals and navigators.
Sky blue banner on the main mast means that kapitan pasha summons super
intendants, clerks and sopromosors.
Long banner on the foremast means that the ship is leaving the port on the next day.
Flag on the yard on the foremast means that the ship is leaving the port after 2 hours.
Cherry-coloured banner on the stern means that every squadron must again load food, water and wine.
If the stern banner is yellow it means that squadron after squadron in the order of coming must go to take supplies.
When the ship hoists yellow flag on the starboard of the stern and the stern gun over the decorations all commanders of the squadron are obliged to make a starboard turn and sail after the kapitan-pasha ship.
When the ship hoists yellow flag on the larboard of the stern and the stern gun over the decorations all commanders of the squadron are obliged to make a larboard turn and sail after the kapitan-pasha ship.
When the ship hoists fiamola /Italian word for pennant/ on the top of the mainmast and the drums beat to quarter, to blow trumpet it is a sign for battle.
When a green triangle banner is raised on the stern of the kapitan-pashi ship and fired from gun it means that all ships must row strait to the enemy column.
When a red banner is hoisted on the end of the yard of the foremast it means that the cavalry must disembark from the galley on the land.
When the disembarked cavalry is on land kapitan pasha can hoist the same flag to call up the cavalry to embark on the galley.
When a red banner is hoisted on the fore-sheet or before the fore-mast it means that the tents must be bring on the coast/land. When the tents and pavilions are on the coast the same flag is hoisted on the ship to bring back on her.
When the abovementioned flags are hoisted simultaneously on the vessel it means that all cavalry, soldiers must disembark with their tenants and pavilions.
When a pennant is hoisted on the fore mast it means that the soldiers must disembark.
When a white flag is raised it means that the ships must send their boats for fresh water.
When a green flag is raised it means that the ships must send their boats for wood.
When a red flag is raised it means that the superintendent, officer in charge of the beverages, spinditor or shaffor must be given everything they need.
When all the abovementioned colours of banners are hoisted all the need must be do simultaneously.
When the ship hoisted banner of 3 colors – yellow, red and sky blue /azure/ on the larboard angle of the stern it means that the superintendent must give to the oarsmen wheat, ships bisquits and wine.
There must lantern on the main mast during the night sailing and it means that the ship is leaving the port in two hours.
If the lantern is hoist on the foremast and fire two rockets it means that the vessel is leaving the port now and need boats to be towed.
When a man stays at the stern with a lantern near the main lantern and two men with lantern on the bow it means that the navigators must make a turn to the other side.
Lantern in the bow means that all sails including the mizzen sails must be raised.
Lantern on the main mast means that the sails must be unfurled.
Two lanterns on the mizzen mast mean that the sails must be furled and go under oars.
If you hear a gun shot and see two rockets it means that everybody must disembark.
If there is only one shot everybody must return to the galley.
If there are lantern on both angles of the stern it mean that all ships must sail to the port as a squadron.
If there are 3 lanterns in the stern – one large in the middle and two others on the port and starboard mean that the ship must come out of the port and anchor at sea.
When the drums on the ship of the kapitan-pasha beat to quarters, to blow trumpet it is a sign to be ready for battle.
When all of the abovementioned signals are made commanders must take a close look at the squadrons under their command to see how the ships perform the orders.
When ships of line sail with galleys they must watch for all these signals. When ships of line sail without galleys they must respect the same signals.
There watch on all warships – ships of line, galleys. Watch divide in two – upper watch and lower watch. They watch about other ships on the way of the squadron.
If the watch on the top of the mast see any ship they must report to their superior and he must pass the word to the captain.
The watch must stay awake during the night no matter the ship is in the port or in open sea to prevent unnoticed approaching of enemy vessels.
Every ship must send boat every night to the kapitan-pasha ship to be aware of the password during the night. Squadron commanders are informed about t he password from their admiral or superior.
When the galleys are in open sea the password must be in written and is valid from Friday till Thursday or till the password is valid. There must be a gunner with burning fuse as a watch on the galleys no matter they are at sea or in port, day or night.
When kapitan-pasha see enemy vessels he hoists battle flags on his ship.
Every ship hoists his battle flag during the battle and can’t lower it without kapitan-pasha order. The ships can’t fire before the order given by two shots from the kapitan-pasha flagship and then all ships may fire and God helps us.
If any squadron gives way to the enemy squadron it must be reinforced by another squadron with God blessing.
When the enemy battlefleet came in sight the Christian slaves must be club in iron by the supervisor and subkomit. The slaves have to be informed that if they are loyal to the Ottoman Navy and Prophet Green’s banner they will be released soon and give part of the prize.
Free men shall receive extra money to their salaries.
When you see the enemy battlefleet and hoist flag for preparation for battle all commanders and officers must keep a close look at their squadrons of galleys and SoL to be ready for battle.
All commanders – senior and junior are responsible to prepare the fleet for battle and watch whether their orders are performed by the crew.
Better warriors are obliged to prepare the weapons for battle and dispense the powder. Other must throw grenades or extinguish fire from enemy grenades or patch with the carpenters the holes from enemy cannon-balls.
Everybody who is reservist janissary /i.e. – doesn’t take part in the first battle/ help to the first line janissary if they start to give way.
All commanders – senior and junior must keep a close look at the fighting janissary and encourage them and if the board enemy ship prevent plundering the vessel.
Everybody must act with great precaution and if anybody distinguish in the battle the Sublime Porte shall honor him. If anybody commits a crime during the battle he will be punished according the law.
Navy must have 30 SoL no less of that figure.
First obligation of the captain is to put a ship ahead of the squadron which is under his command to prevent unnoticed enemy approaching of the squadron or the flagship.
When kapitan-pasha wants to call up the captains he must shot with blank /gun without cannon-ball/. The other ships do not fire in response. If the enemy fire at the squadron, kapitan pasha must order to load the guns with cannons and fire at the enemy.
The deck of the ship must be cleared before battle so the gunners could operate quickly. All guns, muskets and cannon-balls must be prepared for the battle.
Every gun must have at its disposal one gunner, two janissary, 2 seamen – one to clean the muzzle and second to load the gun with cannon-balls.
When somebody tries to use the fuse to fire the gun he must congest the cannon-ball very well and cover the fuse. If he does in reverse order there is a great danger that the fire will burn first and there will be premature explosion in the muzzle.
Every gunner must has a wet sponge to cool the muzzle after every shot if the gun is made from iron. If the gun is made by copper /probably brass guns/ after every 4-th shot.
Every SoL must keep her place in the battle order and keep equal intervals with other vessels and sail without disturb other vessels or jeopardize them with collision during the battle when the ship is damage.
During the battle the SoL must act according situation and their commanders only estimate the situation and are responsible for the manoeuvring of the ship.
When a ship sails out of the line she may cause a lot of trouble to the other ships and even the fleet loose the battle. Therefore the ship must stay in the line with the other SoL and defend from the enemies.
Kapitan-pasha must lead a great number of vessels a give them names / at this moment there aren’t any names of Ottoman vessels/ so after the battle he could put the names in his report. There must be 4 SoL after the admiral’s ship which are her rearguard.
All ship – vanguard and rearguard are responsible to defend admiral’s ship from the rear and ahead.
Kapitan-pasha must divide the fleet in three divisions.
In the first division is kapitan-pasha with 10 SoL or as many as are in the fleet. Reis effendi takes the second third of the SoL and is responsible for the centre. The final third of the fleet /10 SoL or as many as are in the fleet are under the command of the rear admiral. His ships will be with less damage because they will enter the battle late. He must repeat and understand all the signals given by the reis effendi and kapitan-pasha.
Ships under the command of kapitan-pasha must wear red pennant.
Vanguard must wear blue pennant.
Rearguard must wear pennant which is half blue, half white.
Every squadron under its pennant /color/ can detach and act as an independent unit. If any ship from a given squadron leaver the squadron she must rejoin to the same squadron later.
When the ships are ready for battle the ships must try to take the wind from the enemy and stay in leeward position to dictate the battle and distance. The ships could stay windward if they choose to defend and the enemy ships are more than the Ottoman. If the captains follows this orders this will be the easier way to win the battle.
SOL must not open fire at longer distance, but hold her fire until the enemy closes the distance and than opens the fire from close distance so she /our ship/ could easily outgun and destroy the enemy.
The SoL must fire with half of her artillery on board. The other guns must be kept loaded and they must be used to defend from enemy attack. When kapitan-pasha decides to head to the port he must raise a signal above the pennant hoisted on the main mast. This signal must be on the starboard of the ship. All other ship must repeat the signal and sail after him.
After the fleet drops an anchor at the port after battle, kapitan-pasha must call up the commanders on a council. If the council decides the fleet may leave the port and resume the battle. The decision must be taken unanimous.
If there is a gale or storm /bad weather/ during the night kapitan-pasha ship must lit up two lanterns – one at the stern and one on the top of the main mast.
All other ship must light up one stern lantern in a manner that every next in the column ship can see the lantern of the forward ship to prevent collision.
When the sea is rough and ships cannot see each other they must light up lanterns so they could sail safe.
When kapitan pasha is heading to the port at night he hoists a lantern with candle in it on the mizzen mast. After the ships moored commanders must send reports to kapitan-pasha about the casualties on the board of each ship – dead, wounded.
For this purpose captains send to kapitan-pasha their clerks with the reports about killed and wounded men, including damage guns, carriages, small arms and expenditure of cannon balls, powder, case shot and bullets and any other instruments.
Every captain is responsible for his ship. He must pass a secret word to the Janissary commanders about current military deeds and they must keep a close watch so none enemy vessel even the smallest boat approaches the fleet unnoticed. If unknown boat nears the fleet and does not tell the pass word she must be sunk.
When kapitan-pasha flagship hoisted two flags – one blue and one white it means that it is time to send the boats from all ship for fresh water and wood.
When kapitan-pasha decides to leave the port he must slacken the sails fire a rocket which is a signal for the ships that the fleet is leaving the port in 3 days. If the ships are leaving the port in the same day, flagship must fire from a gun and all mariners /sailors/ who are on the shore must go to their ships immediately .
The complements aboard the ship must be divided as follows: janissary – under the command of chorbadjii /chorbadjii, cherbadjii – janissary’s officer rank – distributor of a food/, half of the mariners are under the command of reis effendi and other half – under the command of nocer /notcer/.
There are 2 pilots or banigator among the mariners /sailors/ - one chief and other as co-pilot. There must be 4 timoners, guardian, cask-master, who clean the casks with fresh water and distribute fresh water. Every cask master has a soldier to keep the water and help him with the hemp and oakum.
There must be two boys /grummets/ on each ship – one for the captain and one for the complement.
There must be one loyal man aboard on each ship who keep an eye on the ratios, food and water distribution on equal terms or according merits.
There must be a certain numbers of doctors in the Navy / but they are few in numbers in the Ottoman Navy/ and good clerks – skilful in their craft /profession/.
Remark : Traditional Ottoman medicine stick close to the ideas of Galen and Ibn Sin. At the end of XVII and beginning of the XVIII century supporters of Paracels appeared. Omer Shiffai /died in 1742/ was conduct of his ideas, supporter of Eurpean Pharmacy and medicine, translated treatise of Paracels from Latin in Turkish. In 1704 /after Count Tolstoy wrote his Comments leib-medik Ahmed III Nuh-Bel-Abdelmann received ferman from the sultan who forbade medicine practice by Paracels followers and foreign doctors among which were numerous followers use new drugs. Great Visir Ibrahim Pasha /1718-1730/ sultan Ahmed III Damad son-in law supported doctors and hospitals on his own account /See Vitol, 1987, Page 84-85/.
During the battle doctor, medic, carpenter, clerk and cask master must stay inside the ship.
Soldiers must stay on guard – one in the stern, other in the bow, third near the main the hatch for the enemy hold.
If the sails are burning during the battle soldiers must cut them from the yards or even the yards to prevent spreading of the fire and explosion of the ship.
With this end the treatise about Ottoman Navy.
Memorandum about Black sea Ottoman Navy its condition, ships, command, soldiers, mariners and gunners.
There are 9 SoL, 6 shaiki or shaek, 16 galleys, 2 small and fast furkatas /frigates/. There are 400 soldiers, mariners /sailors/ and gunners on the large SoL and 200 on the smaller. The number of craftsmen, stone-cuttersand carpenters are 300. There are 40 black-smith masters, ordinary working men, slaves, prisoners – 5000. There are 9 regiments of Janissary and gunners – all 5120 men. There are two engineers. The name of the first is Mehmed Golopo – renegade, He was on Venetian service before and deserted at Negropont. The name of the second is Mustapha the cleverest man. He was at cesar /tsar may be/ service. He deserted at Bel gorod /Belgrade/ - this is the name of a town Akkerman or Belgorod at river Dnestr. He is of a Hungarian origin. His former Christian name was Batista Livornet.
Remark: There was a widespread practice in Ottoman empire especially in XVIII century to hire foreign specialist, some of them became renegades the became muslims. For additional information see Vitol, 1987, page 88-91 about the foreign engineers on Ottoman service at the end of XVIII century.
Commanders of the Navy: captain Asman-pasha – commands all citites near the sea, ship’s commander Apterman-pasha – renegade of French origin is the best sailor and soldier, tough and cruel man. Bashi-aga commands all cities and town of eastern approaches under kapitan-pasha order. He is a quiet, wise man. Janissary chorbacheev are five men /chorbachi – janissary officers rank- responsible for the food distribution and ratios. Literally –soup distributor/. There are two topchi-bashi and two oda-bashi kehaja
Remark: Kehaija –Russiffied form of the Turkish term kethuda or kehaia /landlord or master, head/. This is a military but sometimes civil rank mean a man dealing with some sort of affairs. For example kehaia is called the assistant of Great Visir, dealing with the Internal Affairs in the Empire. Kehaia is called second in command after Janissar’s aga, his deputy. According other sources the transcription is kul kethudas/.
There are captain on each SoL and bei on each galley. All of the abovementioned commanders are part of council under kapitan-pasha chairmanship and decide naval and military issues except issues connected with civil matters about life in the cities and towns. Only sultan can approve their decisions. 40 000 small bended bracila /probably from Italian word braciollo – trunk of the tree / - used for construction of furkatas /frigates/. 160 gun carriages with small wheels. Six copper guns with cannon-ball weight of 20 pounds, one gun with cannon-ball weight of 36 pounds; 4 guns with cannon-ball weight of 60 pounds. The number of all guns are 46. There are only small spare sails available and they are few in numbers. There are a lot of gunpowder but I don’t whether it is for the ships or for land batteries. There are 15 000 cannon-balls of all calibers and weight. The Black sea arsenal doesn’t have shovels spades or any other instruments for repairing ship so there will no be a war soon.
There are 2 SoL each armed with 72 guns, 4 SoL with 60 guns each, one with 58 guns, one with 50 guns, one with 40 guns and the galleys are armed as usual. The heaviest cannon-balls on the ships are 36 pounds for the 72 gun ships, 27 pounds for 60 gun SoL and the third 21 pounds for the 58 gun SoL. For the smallest SoL the cannon-ball weight is 15 pounds. The weight of the smaller cannon-ball is as usual. According the rumours there are 40 furkatas on Black sea but all are pulled out of the water and dry docked now.
There are rumours that near Trapezund are concentrated 7000 soldiers and are waiting for order by kapitan-pasha to attack Georgians. The army will embark on fast furkatas which are built at Trapezund. No one SoL could enter Kerchenski strait to Azov /channel/ except two.
Expedition in Georgia – probably count Tolstoy described event of campaign against Georgian provinces of the Ottoman empire – Mingrelia and Guria which denied to pay tax in 1703. It is interesting to compare data about the number of Ottoman army regiments according Tolstoy and numbers according Turkish sources. Tarih-i-Rashid and in anonymous manuscript history found in Berlin library which used J fon Hammer we found the following numbers: 5 regiment janissary, 200 djebedjii, 100 gunners, 50 top arabadjii /waggoners, carters/, 2 galleys, 40 galliots /Hammer, 1831, p 62.
According the rumours a period of great changes is coming. A new council is called up including Temishoara pasha, name Usup pasha. He is from Ukranian origin, took as a slave when he was a small boy and I know that he will be the new kapitan-pasha and Osman-pasha Grand Visir probably. Pasha from Sofia arrived and pasha from Isar too. They are waiting for sultan’s orders but they don’t know what are called up about.
Надявам се, че ще ви допадне
This description of the Ottoman Navy is probably the first attempt for such work in Russian language. In the second half of XVIII century there are much more detailed descriptions /see Turkish fleet 1851, P.340-344; Turkish fleet 1853. P. 1-33 and Зайцев, 2002, с. 59-65
There are various types of vessels built by the Ottoman shipwrights. The names of the different classes are as follows:
Gallion /Kalyon/ - Ships of line of different size and rank.
First class /rank/ ships of line have 130, 106 and 90 guns.
Second class /rank/ - 80, 75, 70, 65 and 60 guns.
Third class /rank/ – ships with 55, 50, 45 and 40 guns.
In the middle of XVII century gallion /kalyon/ was called entire class /kalyon sinifi/ war sailing ships contrary to the oared ships /cektiri or cektirme/. Gallion had 3 masts, 2 or 3 decks. About the the Ottoman gallion see Tuhfet, 1911 S.152; Paklan, 1951. S. 153-154; Mantran, 1975. P. 95-96; Soucek, 1975. P. 243-245/.
There are different ranks commercial vessels armed with 20 to 50 guns but there are small quantity of them.
Katargi /Катарги, каторги/ and galleys from different ranks which have 66, 60, 55, 50 and less oars.
Fergardi or fukati /fukatas/ - Persian vessels has length of 40-45 arshin and carry 10-12 guns except cannon-perriers /guns firing with stone round shots/. The other name was fregadon sail-oared vessel, small galley with 6-20 rows for oarsmen on each side.
Atez-gallion -/in conditions of reading the Turkish phrase A tez gallion from Turkish word tez – fast, most probably Tolstoy interpreted the Turkish phrase ates gemisi – fast fire ship, brander/.
Ottoman fleet has burlats – but their quantity is not big /remark – this come from the Turkish word burlata – ship called ates gemisi and frogra cuvara /Pakalin, 1947, S. 247-248/. Burlat - vessel full of flammable and easy flammable stuff for lighting up enemy ships.
Commercial vessels, Persian shaiki.Their length vary from 30, 35, 38 and 40 arshina. There are 6, 8 10 or 12 guns except cannon-perriers /partiers-guns firing with stone round shots/. Most of them have 3 masts with 36 or 38 arshina heigh.
Remark – Shayka /sayka/ - small military or commercial vessel carrying between 20 and 50 men /Usuncarsili, 1948. S.458; Mantran, 1975. P96/
Chamberi /in Turkish chenber – vessel with round stern Mantran, 1975. P96/ - they are small shaykas with 3 masts and latin sails. The length of the chambers are 30, 35, 25 and 20 arshina. They carry 6, 8, 10 or more guns.
Chambers built in Ismit have length of 25, 20 and 18 arshins.
There are a lot of sakolev /Turkish word – chakeleve, cakaleve and different length of 22, 20 and smaller with length of 10 arshina. The chambers have square sails in the same manner as kaiks. There a small caliber guns and cannon-perriers /petrieri/ from 6 to 10 or 4 and there are no more of above mentioned number.
Boats – most probably the author mentions parade boats of God Budah with length of 12, 14 and 15 arshina.
Black sea chaikas have 20, 18 or 16 arshina length and the longest – 23 arshina, but there are few boats with such length. They carry 8, 6 or 4 guns.
Ad /At/-kaik /at-/turk./- horse/ – boat for transportation of horses. There are a special transport vessels in the Ottoman navy called at-gemisi /at-horse and gemi – ship/ which transported the horses of the Ottoman cavalry/ Mebde-i…..tarihi, 1987, P73, 228/
Ad kaiks are coastal vessels because of the shallow draught and could easily enter rivers. The biggest could carry 18 or 16 horses and removable masts. The sails are latin /triangle/ and they don’t carry any guns.
Koz-kaik or walnut kaik because of the round shape is the same as abovementioned only small in dimensions.
Tez-kaik is similar in all to the previous kaiks but she is smaller. They transport many people from Halkidon to Constantinople and from Constantinople to Scutar and Galata and other places. In addition to the story about Istanbul’s kaikas K. Basili /see remark 44 on page 119/ I could say that French poet Teofil Gotie /1852/ made a very good description: On the water, parallel to the kaik with her rowers /kaidji/ was laying Venetian gondola – rugged ark and Gondola men – wretched clowns. Kaik length vary between 15 and 20 feet and 3 feet in breadth. She was built in the shape of skate /curved upward/ stem and stern and could sail easily forward and back. The skin contains long planks with woodcarving frieze inside, covered with leafs, flowers, bands fruits, crossed quiver and other small ornaments. Two or three slots with sculptures were used as frames sections and divided the boat on sections; bow is covered with iron. All this construction is made from polished /varnished/ beech-tree sometimes with gold-plated which is distinguished with incredible gracefulness and detailed ornamentation.
Piade-kaik – small boat /Piyade – in Russian the boat is called dushegubka /душегубка/ soul killer/ in Turkish piyade means infantry, infantryman, pawn in the chess game
Sultan Sandal one of the meaning of Sandal in Turkish language – boat Sandal – fish boat is used by Venetians in Black sea ?Karpov, 1994. P23/
Sultan Krilangich /krilangich – swallow in Turkish in this meaning light, fast battle/.
Sandal Bastandji Bashi – literally – boat of the main dignitary. Bostanjibashi – literally – chief, chief controller/ superintendent/ working in the sultan’s gardens. Large portion of the bostanji contains of Ajemi oglani gathered according the rules of tax devshirme /Blood tax/. They ensured security of sultan palaces and were responsible for the order around and in the palace. Bostanji were responsible for entering in service of palace equipment – so called keshk /кьошк/ and many spheres connected with the sultans life. Despite Bostanji pasha is nothing else but controller/superintendent/ of the sultans gardens and sultan’s houses, his power does not end with the mentioned position; it covered power connected with land, near port of Kasumpashkoi, Galata, Top Hana and Istanbul strait to city of Varna on Black sea. He performs reconnaissance with gondola with 30 bostanjibashi on all of the abovementioned places to monitor for fires, taking drunk and ladies with easy virtue/ who on drown often when he found such woman with men in boats. On the other hand he is a supervisor of the sultan’s lakes, germs, hunts and sultan public dinners. Not a single cask of wine could enter Istanbul without his permission, which gives him a right to control all beverage /drinking/ houses and inns. He depicts the wine send to ambassadors and retains their servants if they go hunting without his permission. The most important responsibility is to support his majesty when he is strolling around in the gardens, giving him a hand when he is sitting in his gondola. Bostajibashi sits behind him and on steering the helm and speaks to him in the ear and serve him in the foot of the throne in the day of coronation.
Sometimes bostanji pasha sails in his vessel and he sits in the bow to scatter the other vessels which are coming towards the Sultans boat. In Mehmed II Fatikh Hat-i-Hymaun is told the following for this appointment/function: Bostanjibashi is head of gardens maintaining. When he sits in the boat he steers her /Kanun-name 1990, p.87
Sultan makes voyages near Constantinople with the above mentioned vessels – Sandal, Sandal Bastanjibashi, Krilangich and Piyde-Kaik.
The vessels built in Trapesoond and in Sinop called /p.175/ palaska was broader and not so long and there is one most and no guns on them.
Palaska is Hungarian-Turkish word – cartridge-belt or gunpowder box Будагов, 1869, с.310/
In this chapter I’ll describe the Open sea fleet / sailing warships and galleys /katorgi/, quantity – new and old ships, number of guns on Sail of line and katorgi, seaworthiness of the ships, what was the complement of the ships in time of war, number of officers and their ranks, what is their salary /remuneration/ which they received from the sultan’s exchequer monthly and for whole year, what is the ships that is planned to be lay down and build as addition to the old Navy, how many ships will be build and where /in which dock yard/ and for which sea was made this addition. I’ll enlighten the question about the command – who’s kapitan-pasha are going to command the ship what is his temper are there any preparations in Black sea – offensive of defensive. I’ll make a detailed description and will send to you through loyal men and I’ll send all reports on parts about the condition of the Ottoman Navy.
This work or stuff is not unified before and it will take time to collect information and I’ll write and mention every interesting fact till I occupy the current office /appointment/ given to me by the merciful will of my magnificent monarch. I’ll try with all the decency to distribute the current knowledge as far as I can with the help of God.
Otoman seagoing fleet /sails of line and katorgas/ is based at Constantinople in the tersani-i-Amire /dockyards and Naval Arsenal. Istanbuls’s dockyard was the largest in the Ottoman empire. There are other dockyards in Egypt, river Danube /after 1699 the dockyard was moved to Ruschuk/ now Bulgarian city of Russe/, in Geliboly and in the area of Basra (Uzuncarsili, 1948, S.394-405) and other places, including 30 armed and unarmed vessels. There are 2 very incredibly large sails of line. Ottoman ships don’t have specific names but they call them with common names as sultan ships or saltanei. When Turks prepared their ships for war they include 600 soldiers to their crew which contains sailors and gunners. Their largest ships carry 1200 soldiers but sometimes this figure is no more than 800. In time of peace there are less than 600 solders on the kapitan’s /flagship/ and less than 200 or little more on the other ships. In time of war there are no difficulties to recruit men from lands near Smirna /1/ which are full of skilful in naval warfare people.
/1/ Islands Aegian sea, Cyprus, and Gallipoli peninsula /Djesair/, coastal part of Asia minor and some other sea regions of the Ottoman empire were considered attached to the kapudan-pasha office. The individual sanjak-bei in this regions has an obligation to participate in the war with their own ships of line built and equipped with state funding. Sanjak-beis were obliged to muster sailors from the governed population. Recruiting and salaries were state funded. /Hussein Hesarfen Telhis albean fi Kavani-I Al-i-Osman – manuscript/
There are 60 sailors on the captain’s ship /flagship/ and between 30 and 40 on the other ships/.
Leading ships in the sailing fleet is as follows:
First sail of the line called Kapitania has 106 guns but is now obsolete. A new was has been built mounting 110 guns which I’ll mention further. The old flagship with repair could be fit for sea service for 5 or 6 years more. The new flagship has 3 decks. There are 8 guns on the lower deck firing with marble cannon ball with 44 oka weight / measure for weight equal to 1.225 kg/ and this is equal to 3 puda and 12 pounds. They make more noise than damage. The other 22 guns on the lower gun deck fire with cannon-balls weighting half pud – 8.38 kg – equal to British 18 pounder gun. There are 30 guns on the second deck and each one fire with cannon-ball weighting 36 pounds or 42 pounds. There are 30 guns on the third deck /upper deck/ and each one fire with cannon-ball weighting 24 pounds. The 20 guns on the superstructure – quarterdeck and forecastle fire with 18 pound guns and smaller.
There are two long guns on the admiral ship /kapudan pasha/ with 15 pound cannon-balls, called kacaturii /culverins, culebrina, culevrina/ and they fire on a long distance.
There are different flags and pennant flags and I’ll write in details when I talk about caravans.
After Admiral /Kapitania/ ship the second ship of line is called Patrona and Zastupnitza /Patrona-i-Humayn/ second to the command flagship – vice admiral ship. Tolstoy called her simply Patrona. There are 106 guns – bug and small. The cannon-balls weighted 33, 21 and 9 pounds and again there are different flags on the ship.
There are ship called Reale or Admiralio /ship of the Rear admiral/ with Janim-hodja /muslim Priest /hodja/ and there are 102 big and small guns, different flags, battle pennants. The guns fire with 33 pounder, 21, pounder and 9 pounder guns.
There are 27 sails of line in the Ottoman Navy. Nine of them have 70 guns, eleven of them – 60 guns, seven ships of line 50. The weight of guns are between 50 and 60 puds and when the reader make correct calculation he would guess the weight of the cannon-ball and it diameter. Turks has plenty of powder, cannons and ammunitions. They pay great attention to the ships of line and don’t care much about galleys because they didn’t serve them well as they mention in the previous war. The Venetians didn’t see much of a quantities of galleys and galleasses. In last years Turks rule the seas and achieved supremacy. Venetians always retreat. According them the main reason for their losses was lack of good admirals and bad leaderships. Venetians always obeyed to their commanders and their leaders.
There are in the sea-going fleet called atec-gimichi /gimisi or more correct atesh gemisi/ or burloti – branders – fire vessels full with flammable and easy flammable stuff. There are 3 or 4 ships and their commanders called sea captains /maurino kapitani/. Turks armed one of the vessels in time of war. They mount few guns and their complement contains of few sailors and soldiers.
There are too old ships not fit for sea service.
Every sail of line could enter in Black sea because the Black sea bottle / straits/ or Constantinople is deep enough and there is no obstacle to sail there. According Turkish opinion large ships of line can’t sail easily in Black sea and I’ll further explain that.
Main disposition of the Ottoman fleet is around Midilli or mouth of Dardanelles and this is the ordinary situation. The Ottoman fleet campaigns lasted on 26-th of October- the day of St. Dimitry martyr. St. Dimitry day also known as Kassim day when summer Ottoman division go to winter bases /see Vessels, 1969, P.120, 134/ The fleet based in White sea does not go to Dardanelles but to Gallipoli and stay there for some time. There comes kapudan pasha /1/ and he summon /call up/ the commander of Gallipoli and he /the commander of Gallipoli/ announces to all beis and naval officers and kapudan pasha the number of ships that arrived. When they get favorable wind and good weather the ships sail to Constantinople.
/1/ Kapudan pasha or kapudan-i-deria high rank naval grade in the Ottoman Navy, C-in-C of the Ottoman Navy. Sulyeman II established this rank because of the great victories of Barbarossa and to show his gratitude to him the sultan attached all naval and armed forces and he has the power to impose penalties, unmake and punish by death when he left Dardanelles strait. He commands over all coastal lands, towns, fortress and castles; he walks around military forts and constructions and magazines, he recommends repairs of constructions and military supplies, makes different changes in military office and summons council of naval officers.
When he lives in Istanbul he has under his disposition /administrate/ all villages near Istanbul and both sides of the channel. He uses kehaia /assistant/ of his lieutenant or bostanji-pasha.
As a symbol of his power he carries a big Indian cane when he walk around armories or with the soldiers.
He has a special boat the other is used by the sultan and she is covered with awning and pointed nose. He has the power to appoint captians on the SoL and galleys.
Kapudan pasha has a list with naval vessels, soldiers and incomes related to recruit and maintenance. His bodyguards contains of three Janissaries companies. They accompanied him where kapudan pasha goes – on the land, where the fleet is based and make camp before the admiral’s galley. His house /residence is not as big as Grand Visir, but there are a lot of ranks. When the fleet is in the port there are Divan /Council of naval officers/.
Kapudan pasha has double income – fixed and casual. First contains tax from Arhipelago islands, Romania/ Rumelia/, and from Galipoli county. Sultan gives him this incomes instead of salary with the same supplies /bonuses/ as the Grand Visir/. He receives casual incomes mainly from those complement who serves him voluntary and half of the salaries of died in campaigns soldiers and sailors. He splits the salary with tersana emini /commander of the dockyard or Arsenal/. He receives 1/5 of the prizes which captured his beg’s and his officers hires the Kapudan-pasha slaves or he send them to the sultans galley’s for 50 effims per man without counting the food which is responsibility to the holder. When the fleet arrives in the port they remained with the sultans slaves. The incomes collected under this ways makes significant supplement to his profits.
Turks always have idea to build different types of ships and vessels. They build them at Constantinople or in Black sea near Sinop or sometimes near city of Zmit on Black sea. /may be Izmit but it is not clear why Tolstoy mention it that it is situated on the coast of Black sea when it is situated on the coast of Marmara sea/. Turks have a plenty of fine trees for construction of a ships but this trees could be find in some region not in every coastal region. Most of the wood material is supplied from the Black sea coast, near suburbs of Constantinople’s Arsenal for construction of SoL. Many vessels transport wood material from Black sea and straight stems for construction of arbus /Italian word – Custaro – bush, boscage/ Katib Chelebi depicts one of the types of Ottoman vessels /bashtarda, bastarda/ as a karpus kichli – i.e. with stern in the form of bush and uses the same definition for the modern Kadirgam /Tuhfet, 1911. S.152, 153, Soucek, 1975, P.237/. Apparently Tolstoy means this type of vessels which is difficult to construct because of the lack of right /straight/. There are not many suitable places except near Sinop on Black sea to build such ships because the trees are bandy and can’t be used for construction of ships. Sometimes can be used trees from Constantinople’s outskirts, Zmit, mouth of Prusa on White sea /Prusa - Greek name of town south of Istanbul. Turkish name- Brusa. Capital of the Ottoman state from 1326-1377. They want to construct 100 ships and there are plenty of wood. They will prepare all that quantity of ships but not simultaneously but after period of time.
Remark – Wood supply for Ottoman Navy is responsibility of the odjaks - region where the population is obliged to provide certain quantities of wood at the expense of the treasure /see Hussein Hezafran Telhis al-beyan fi-cavanin-i-Al-Osman, p.68a-69b/. Zmit and Prusa – regions Izmit and Brusa where was located this odjaks. Anonymus Ottoman depiction of few fortresses on Black sea coast complete words of Tolstoy. According to this depiction gallions /Kalyons/ were built at Bartine. There is a town northern of Akche Sharioly and Uskuba which northern part is close to the sea. There are village called Keramuddin in its port. In the time of the late Grand Visir Baltagji Mehmed-pasha in this place with state funding were built to large gallions /Весела, 1969 С.113, 133/. Baltadji Mehmed-pasha /died 1712 or 1713/ was Grand Visir twice in 1704-1706 and 1710-1711.
Turks are not very experienced in construction of kalyons rather than galleys.
Turks intend to build 40 large SoL and create unified fleet capable of sailing on White sea and they don’t like to send large SoL in Black sea because it is very dangerous because of shallow in Black sea gulfs.
When Turks intend to build ships in Black sea they build small ships carrying 40 guns and less and even 24 and weight of the gun 26 puds /pudov/. They build galleys and light brigantines which is not planned to be build at present. I’ll describe these light vessels further but the Turks themselves maintained that those small ships are easer to handle, faster and repairs faster in comparison with the larger ships or big galleys. Larger ships can’t sail without fear because the sea is small and shallow there are few ports and the entrance from the straits is not very easy. The sea is stormy with violent wave which fears the sailors.
At present Turks have 16 unarmed SoL because of the peace – in Order or decommissioned and two under construction. They can’t build SoL for less than year.
Naval officers and other staff received salaries for being in the Naval forces – monthly:
Captain – 500 levov per year; Levs – Aslan-kurush /lion’s urush or kurush with lion/ or esedi kurush /Persian sinonymus for this coin/. She has lion /in the same manner as European ducats and perperas, in particular Dutch levendaler and called piastur in Western Europe. The name lev or levok trace the origin to Ottoman and Perssian. In the beginning of XVIII century lev was equal to 15 altuns. About names of the coins and their exchange rate – see Мейер 1994, С.254-260/. It is very interesting to compare captains salaries with the data about salaries in the end of XVIII century. Captains received equal annual payment till 1792, no matter of the size of the ship. After increasing of the salary /July 1792/ captains of the gallions /kalyon with length between 53 and 55 elbow /zira=arshin 0.7m/ Mantran, 1975, p.97/ receive 2500 piasters or levov according Tolstoy terminology, Gallions of 51, 47 and 45 arshin length – 2350 levov, frigate captain of 45, 43,41 and 30 arshina - 1850 and 1600 annual salary. /Shaw, 1969, P.218/
Sotto-reis – 365 levov per year;
Reis – chief, Commander. Sotto –probably from Italian Sotto – down, lower, lower part. Sotto-reis – rank under reis – second in command or second lieutenant, second reis, captain of the ship commanding fleet.
Topci-bashi – 365 levov per year – correct word – topchi bashi – chief gunner, artillery commander;
Gvardian – 120 levov per year.
Other officers received different salaries from 16 to 20 levov per month.
Timoner was given 10 altun per day, per man/timone – Italian word for navigator or saling master. Timone – steer, timoniere – navigator.
Hopper – grivna per day
Saldal reis and Commander barki – 5 altun per day Bash marongos /Chief or carpenter/ – 5 altun per day
Calfa or other carpenter /carpenter junior/ – 4 altun per day
Kalafatchii or Kalafatu – 5 altun per day. Man’s responsible for the hemp – special detachment in fleet service. It is created by adjemi oglanov /foreign boys/ - special institution in sultan’s disposition where young boys were prepared for Janissary body. There are other special forces at the sultan’s palace on salary too. About Christian Kalafatchii se Agoston, 1994, P. 27, 31/.
Hodja or clerk – 2 grivnas per day;
Filuga Djedess – correct word –filkadjii – rower on a feluka /bark/. There are 20 or less rowers even 12 – 3 altun per day.
Elkadji or nostromo /from Italian word nostromo – boatswain/ - 5 altun per day.
Gemidjes /more correct gemidji – sailor/ or mariner – 7 levov and even 10 pere man per month.
Soldier – 7 levov per month per man
Bombardir – senior gunner – 16 levov per month per man.
Commander of gunners - 10 altun per day per man
Lower rank gunners – 5 altun per day
There are few numbers ships based at White sea. They carry less guns in peacetime than more in wartime. They didn’t concentrate many ships in harbors even when the sea is calm but use them as patrol vessels to chase pirates and clear White sea form pirates who came from Egypt and other countries and to collect haradj /tax, tribute, imposed on a non-Muslim population/ from the islands.
Ottoman ships of line are strong built as French SoL sheathed with big iron nails.
In the past years Turks built 120 galleys and 40 ships of medium size but they were not so experienced. Currently they gained enough experience to build large SoL and fight on equal with its enemies but they don’t plan to build more galleys and have little care of them. According to the payroll of the Ottoman navy in the recent past it amounted to 6000 Turkish bags every with 500 levov or 300 000. Each levok of Moscow money is equal to 15 altun or equal to 1 350 000. It is impossible currently to define the expenditures because of the constant changes of the enlisted men and expenditures connected with them. We should add the different salaries. The Turkish sailors and officers assessed on and equitable basis according to the zeal and experience and therefore pay sometimes increases and sometimes decreases.
Captains and officers are very experienced in naval warfare and they are superior to the Venetians as mentioned above and they conduct exercises each day or train and teach to be wise commanders. They all wish to make Ottoman fleet better fighting a capable weapon. Kapitan-pasha, or ship general African Aski Mehmed Feta Reiz is going to be changed /overturn/ because he is not skilful navigator /remark – more correct Abdullfetah – Kapudan pasha from August 1701 to December 1702. The word “African” before Kapudan-pasha means that this admiral came from coast of Berberia –Tunisia, Tripoli or Algeria. Aski is twisted /misspelled/ word of eski – old about the age of kapudan-pasha. This characterization corresponds with Topltoy’s depiction that kapudan pasha prefer calmness than acting in hard times. The Russian ambassador never confess that kapudan pasha is not experienced in naval affairs. On the other hand the translator could mistakenly translate word “Africanski” – Russian Африкански as African eski / Африкан ески/ - i.e. divide in two words. The rumour says that the new kapudan-pasha might be captain named Ahchi Mehmed /Ashji Mohamed-pasha from December 1702 to December 1703/ and he is skilful sailor but lack battle experience.
There are Berber and African captains among naval officers who are superior in navigation and morale to those from Moreia /Pelopones
Remark: The following regions are included to the office of Kapudan-pasha except regions mentioned in Appendix. This is Trablus, Magrib and Tunisia – North African territories of Ottoman Empire from where enter the Navy all experienced sailors. In present day ,many people in Constantinople speak that the new generation of officers and commanders are superior to older and are better trained in sea battle versus Christians. The felt fear and shake with fear when day heard about Christians but now they think in a different way and are trying to regain the naval superiority and return back Moreia and have unceasing /permanent/ eye watching on Mediterranean sea.
The commanders of the Ottoman navy but not natural born Turks, all renegades – French, Italians, British, Dutch and other are very experienced and skilful navigators. They teach the Turks themselves. The Turks often suffered from sea-sickness but are eager to learn and are getting more experienced.
These training are very useful for the Navy because the Turks have more self-confidence that they could fight on equal with Christians. The opposing Venetian fleet in the previous war didn’t act aggressively or attack Ottoman Navy but keep the ships. Present Ottoman contains named after sultans SoL, katargi and galliots.
Turks want to fulfill their last kapitan-pasha named Mezomort last will /he rules wisely Ottoman Navy and was brave admiral and experienced sailor/. He said: “There won’t be strong and powerful Ottoman monarchy at sea if there are not 40 warships”, so his will is performed at present.
Remark: Mezomorto Husein pasha, kapudan pasha since August 1695 to August 1701.Known with his victory over the Venetian navy near island of Hios. In the period of the Grand Visir Amdja-zade Husein pasha, fourth Grand Visir from Kujprulu family /September 1697-september 1702/ initiator of reforms in the Navy and writing a new Naval regulation / see Руский посол в Стамбуле, 1985, С.126/.
Turks start the construction of two large SoL in the Constantinople Arsenal. One of them named Kapitania has 110 guns and 50 guns on the other. The brand new guns founded in the Arsenal which are going to be mounted are all made from copper, different calibers – round shots weighting 40 and 30 pounds. They are different pattern from the round shots used on a Christian ships. Both ships were launched due to the skills of only one man – named Diamentin Kandiolli – from Greek origin. The ships are strong built and very well decorated /fretted/.
Sultan issued and Regulation to star construction of six SoL at the Constantinople Arsenal – one of the with 65 guns, other five – 40 guns each. They are suitable for service in shallow water. They seized all small ships which carry wood from Arhipelago to Asia Minor to hasten the construction of the abovementioned 6 ships and fulfill the last will of Mezomort Pasha.
There are more obsolete Sol in the Ottoman Navy than new, fit for sea service due to many battle in which were involved and constant cruising operations. Their commanders don’t care much about their condition. Five of the old ships were tarred in the winter to be ready to sail in White sea and chase pirates from different nations who make often raids on small SoL and other sailing ships.
The rumour says that 5 more ships are going to be build at Sinop but I still don’t have any information what will be their size.
Recently a SoL came from Sinop and moored at Constantinopol and was fitted with everything necessary for long navigation. She looked like a commercial frigate with 60 guns. In case of war the Navy impressed the vessel and included her in Armada. The sultan has the power to order not only with the subject’s property but with the life of his subjects, hence he could comply the owners of the commercial vessels to give up them to the Navy in case of war.
The rumour says that Turks don’t maintain any fleet in time of peace or army. If they need money to build fleet or equip army they collect money by robbing their subjects and if we look in details we shall see that they take commercial vessels from their owners without any permission.
Galleys based on White sea are intended to perform cruising and patrolling duties to catch small pirate crafts around Arhipelago islands to collect taxes. The galleys are armed by begleries sultann is not responsible to arm the galleys except one which he supplies with powder, guns and cannon-balls. Sultan gives 12 000-16 000 levov to the complements of the galleys annually for food.
Remark – Tolstoy means that this galleys are so called galley-begler which every captain has the responsibility to maintain. Compare with the information from Marsilly: galleys are built with 50 arshina length , 22 spans breadth and 18 height in the stern. They /Turks/ make their galleys as a cucumber shape and endure big waves. They have 22 seats /benches/. The abovementioned galley divided in two sub classes – galley zakale and galley begler /Марсильи, 1737, С.101/.
Every bei is responsible to have number of slaves and when sultan wants to arm warships based at Constantinople and if the sultan is short of slaves – oarsmen /rowers/ bei send to him slaves. If there are not enough slaves bei takes Turks from villages in Asia who goes at free will to be rowers and they pay them 30-35 levov on each company /complement/ for six months. The only responsibility is to feed the rowers with ship’s biscuits, but not any other food. They put up them in the houses of rowers or slave houses, but the conditions are not good. In the past majority of the rowers were Russians and Cossacks but in the last years majority of the rowers are Turks from Asia and there are no Russian prisoners at all.
The are small number of galleys under construction and sultan pay little attention on them except for the 24 beglers in White sea. Turks planned to build 8 new galleys but they were not completed. The guns which is mounted on the galleys have cannon-balls weighting ¼ or 1/3 Oka – i.e. 11 pounds and half pounds and seven and half pounds . Every galley has one long gun firing cannon-ball weighting 20 ok or half pud. In all regions on Black sea, White sea, Constantinople, at Smirna, Phodes, Kaldii /Crete/, Kanellii /place near Bosphorus/ , at Oni and Scii / island Scio – part of the archipelago – see the description/ and other places in Negrpont are building the abovementioned number of galleys armed with 8, 10 or 12 guns. Each of the galleys have one big gun called Korsia /Corsia/ firing cannon-ball of 18 oka or 54 pounds /this is giant Ottoman guns from XVI century called balyemez firing cannon-ball weighting from 25 to 60 oka. The weight of the cannon-balls indicated by Tolstoy is from the 80-es of the XVII century and it is typical for small caliber lighter guns. The other guns are lighter with small caliber. Currently most of the half of the galleys are not armed and the command concentrate all galleys in one base where it is necessary.
Every galley is owned by bei. He builds her from his money and from incomes which sultan gives to him. Bei’s responsibility is to build galley, buy rowers – slaves for her and equipped her for every campaign. Bei must pay to the soldiers annually according above mentioned standard and he must do everything connected with galley and her crew.
Contantinople galleys are under the command of Kapitan-pasha tarsanai-kehaia or tersane-kudhudas – one of the high ranking officers of the Naval administration superintendent of the dockyards and Arsenal. After him comes different types of kapitan pasha called serdar /head of a army unit as regiment/ or they command small squadronor division. Kapitan-oasha is above all else and received salaries as abovementioned.
Turks sail with galleys in Black sea with great skill. They lost 40 galleys in different years from all 70. They sink either in storm or unknown reasons. For Black sea Turks have a saying: “Black sea is an enemy of all vessels which sail there”.
There are nothing to add about Ottoman galleys.
Most of the Ottoman galliots don’t mount any guns and those which have any contain swivel guns and muskets. It is impossible to count the number of galliots but as far as I know there are 15 of them with guns based on different places. Their task is to pesrsue/ chase Christian pirates from Arhipelago. They are under the command of Kapitan-pasha and serdar or special commander named Mehmed also known as Distalcio above whom is I mentioned above. Turks appointed him as a kapitan-pasha. He is the most skilfull man and knows White sea very well.
Turks say that they have 150 or 160 galliots and could gather all them in Black or White sea and send them where it is necessary.
They have 15 frigates and certain number of river frigates which is based on Danube but most of them are rotten and they drew 30 or 40 of them on the riverbank.
There are other vessels called tartani/ tartana/ but they can’t be depicted in details because no one is familiar with their dimensions and shape. Very few people know where is built but everybody says that they are few in number.
Remark –Tartan – single deck sailing vessel with 3 or more masts.
With presentation I depicted all the Ottoman navy. I’ll depict further sea ranks hierarchy in the Navy and the power of the kapitan-pasha. If he is natural born Turk he create his own regulation and implement its articles. If he is apostate /renegade/ and French he must obey orders in French manner, if he is a Dutch – in Dutch manner, if he is Venetian – in Venice manner or other state. He have the right to rule according rules of his motherland. The only requirement is to treat the Turkish crew equal to other and all subordinate must obey him and act as one. It is notorious fact that in the last war that many apostates from different religions commanded squadrons of renegades and they fight wise with great valour.
Turkish command has written regulations about fleet conduct in time of war and about every rank in the Navy and Council of officers keep the depiction of regulations and they give Kapitan-pasha orders about implementation of the regulations.
Remark – This the end of the printed for the first time text of Naval regulations /Руский посол в Стамбуле, 1985, С.65-75/.
In this Chapter will be discussed all stuff great and small about the Navy and the fulfillment of the regulations by all commanders – senior and junior.
There is a good order in the army due to the apprehended regulations. The Navy regulations are much different. Because of variety of renegades on commanding posts in Ottoman service – French, Dutch, Venetian – each made its own regulations and the result is confusion in steering the ships, construction, manoeuvring /evolutions/ and navigation. If they want to have good /order/ they- Turks must unify their regulations.
There are attempts to write regulations about easier navigation of the galleys. This regulation, instruction or capitulation have been written by the glorious Venetian warrior Franzisk Morozini
Remark: Franzisk Morozini: most probably Franchesko Maria Levante – nephew of the well-known Morozini resident of Genoa in Levant /Hammer, 1830, S.359/. Identification of other names, mentioned by Tolstoy’s informers is very difficult.
Regulations written by prince of Piombrii and general;
Regulations written by captain Fira Frantcuza, royal komit
Remark: from Italian word comito – boatswain;
Regulations written by honorable gentleman marquis Jacob and honorable gentleman Tiresmi former galley general;
Regulations written by captain Fabritio Karki royal komit;
Regulations written by honorable gentleman Louis Ukranaski, general of the navy;
Regulations written by Stefan Liauri Biskalino royal komit.
Further I’m going to describe regulation and jobs of each ranks and their responsibilities. I’ll begin with Komit’s responsibilities.
Komits or superintendants responsibilities on the ships are to control availability of woodworking tools. Every tool connected with the ships and necessary for her maintenance. The chief komit assess whether the tool is necessary or not because the ships arsenal is at his disposal. His rank is a high as general commissar. If it is necessary to take carpenters on the galley he is responsible to ask the commander responsible for slave-rowers and bring with him slaves on galleys.
Komit has the power to impose punishments and cuff him if he is guilty /no matter of what kind of guilt/ or and arbitrary act, not only on SoL, galleys but on every other type of vessel.
If there is noise on the admiral’s ship and after a time the noise does not calm down and kapitan-pasha hear on the quarterdeck that noise komit has the power to cuff the violator and club him in iron. He gives the number and names of all violator on board to kapitan-pasha and commissar.
Komit has the power to rearrange gunners and put more powder monkeys on one gun than another. He has the power to change the places of the rowers on the bench. He can also relieve slaves.
Komit has the responsibility to report for all dangerous places on the ship which could put in hazard the ship herself as sails and rigging
When the winter draw near the ship prepare to spend the winter komit make a balance sheet and deposit a safe-keeping of the stuffs and weapons in magazines, arsenal to the Chief of magazines. After receiving the balance-sheet Chief of the magazines is responsible during the winter period to keep all equipment. Komit cuffs rower slaves and hired and send them on the coast to live in houses. He divides the rowers and put them in different houses – one for the infidel slave rowers from different religions and other for hired rowers. Kapitan-pasha has the power to take as many from them is it is necessary for his galley and as he pleasures. Other he distributes on defensive services. Honorable general-commissar as is it is in Turkish and komit are responsible for the slaves or prisoners used as rowers. They have to take all their old clothes and give them new and inspect them twice a week to prevent them to sell their clothes. Komit is responsible to allot them on all ships and galleys as timoners and mariners. To deal with his dues effectively each komit has subkomit for assistant.
As winter draws near komit has to take down sails, dry and furl them, fetch down all other stuff and keep them in safe place. Komit must keep all belongings to ship’s interior and from the hold. When there is a red flag /banner/ on the galley then Komit must put a soldier as watch if they don’t look after rowers and slaves – punish them. All slaves must be cuffed . Komit must leave only two oars per galley to move whether it is necessary.
No one can do captains job except komit.
Komit is responsible when time comes to tar ships. They tar them after receiving ardinals /ordinanza - - Italian word for order/ from the komit or kapitan-pasha. It depend of the order to how to prepare the vessel for campaign with necessary food, oars and the quantity of fat that will be used to tar the ship. Komit gives order to galliots to put the yards and spars on place /the exact word in the text is altena which derives from Italian antenna – yard and rigging. Further Tolstoy wrote yard in both ways as altena and antenna. The oars must be painted red. Their particular colour is black. All comits must be given immediately all necessary to prepare ships for new campaign.
When the ship sails sultan’s komit has the following responsibilities. The ships speed is controlled by beating a drum and komit has the responsibility to keep eye on the beat time. If the ship sails during daytime komit raises wide banner on the stern. Is the ship sails in the night komit light up a stern lantern with small fire. He must do this if the ships are at distance on which man’s voice can’t be heard.
Chief komit is responsible with General-commissar and all other ships komits to give list of necessary equipment to Sultan’s komit. If Sultan’s komits doesn’t deliver any equipment after been told he will be responsible for the wastes
If there are need of two komits or subkomits on a ship or any other commander Chief komit must choose and suggest a man who deserves this rank and report to the Commissar. In his turn he must report to kapitan-pasha to promote him and send to the ship where he will perform his responsibilities. Chief komit and other komits are depicted in their regulations in the following way:
The regulation with greatest power which at its essence is obligatory to all komits - Sultan komits an regular komits. They obey to it because of subordination rules. The more detailed the regulation – the better one. Turks have detailed regulations for every job of work on the ships. Komits mst be good and skilful as sailors /mariners/, with good heart, strong and healthy, friendly. They must be used in every job and every place on the galley. They must be fearless in time of trouble and have the skills and capabilities to steer the galley. They must be fair and strict man because rowers often try to avoid their job. He must supervise them and force to work not only with words but with iron too whet her is no other way to implant fear in the hearts of the rowers. All this must be done wisely if it is necessary. If komit beaten the rowers so much and cause them a physical injury and put them in bad condition and as a consequence the rower got ill and will be weak for the job or he feel desperate and try to commit a suicide the rower must be released. Komit must not risk rowers life due to his anger and cruelty of the imposed punishments.
If someone of the komits did harm or cause severe damage he must report to the senior. Komit is responsible for the rower-prisoners and slaves and their acts /deeds/. He must help prisoners and slaves in every initiative. He must be like father and patron to them and give willingly consent for any request if they are not bad and connected with destruction. He must be at service prisoners and always help them. Komit must know that in case of emergency slaves – rowers could used as sailors or mariners – to raise or furl the sails, clean them, row quiet with oars in the water, work with ship tool if necessary. When the ship is in the port rowers-prisoners and slaves komit supervises workers and control them to work to be concentrated and not become distract or work on their account or entertain themselves.
In case of saluting other ships Komit decides who is going to fire with the cannons or the readiness of the musicians are there plenty of drums, trumpets and other instruments. Komit is responsible to order the rowers to honour Fridays and there are won’t be any quarrel between slaves. It is necessary that Komit must have skills to cut and sew sails but he mustn’t do it by himself but commission the work on other.
Komit always must be ready to fulfill kapitan-pasha orders. He must watch closely when the ship is in the port or wait for orders no matter it is day or night. If komit feel sick he must take medicines hand over the command to senior officer or chief komit. Komit must be capable of reading maps and must be skilful at navigation and use these skills and proper time when it is necessary. If senior officer asks him a question connected with navigation he must have the knowledge to answer.
Komit responsibility is to look after sails and rigging of galleys and galleasses and keep them clean with all necessary equipment.
Komit must keep a close look at the place of the ship when she is in the harbor and to keep safe distance from other ships to avoid colliding.
When the ship is sailing komit must keep a close watch that every vessel keep safe distance and prevent oars from breaking in case of collision. The leading ship must not by outsailed by any other vessel in the squadron. It is forbidden that any type of vessel should sail ahead of flagship except patrol ships and every other ship must sail in the wake of the flagship – fast or slow depending of the speed of the flagship and necessity.
Komit must keep a close eye and observe the flags raised on the flagship day and night and perform them clear and quickly.
If any ship or galley collided or break oars due to the komit neglect of his duties the captain will cut his salary and recoup the losses.
Komit can’t order new sails, ropes, rigging without general superintendent notification and permission. He can’t condemn the old sails and rigging and put on stocks without written permission. Komit must notify general superintendant for every expenditure for sails and rigging. If he does not do that the expenses will not be payed.
Komit must act with great mercy with rowers and satisfy all their needs in peace and war time.
Komit is responsible to salute all ratings. When the ships are in the port and crew on the land komit must entertain them with military music and keep a close look that nobody troubles them.
The right and obligation of subkomit is virtually the same as rights and obligations of komit. There are only slight difference between them. Their battle station is near the foremast. Subkomits perform komits orders and help him with the boats /kaiks/. They maintain all instruments on the ship in good condition. Subkomit is responsible for tarring of the ship’s hull and keeping of the oars, timonii/ steering/, guns and all other equipment necessary for sailing. Subkomit is obliged to obey komit’s orders day and night. He must perform all the orders given by komit and must not leave the shipwithout komit permission. During the night sailing subkomit battle station is at the stern he keeps a close look at the ships following the wake of his own and avoid collision if there any risk. He must watch whether there are any other vessels in the sea and warn komit. Subkomit post depending of his responsibilities from foremast to stern. When the ship is entering harbor he must be on the quarterdeck or near the stem. The abovementioned rights and obligations of komit and subkomit are connected with ships equipment. They must make inventory of all stocks on board and do not disturb kapitan pasha with such matter if it is not necessary. Komit and subkomits must perform their duties in good faith and obey to any chief and admiral in the fleet – junior or senior. If they disobey to orders or neglect their duties there will be death penalty for them.
It is ordered that every officers – senior or junior must obey to the set rules and do not infringe it. Everyone who reports for violation and breaking the rules will be rewarded with 10 levov and the guilty – punished without mercy.
Everybody must oblige to his superior.
He must not use his ignorance /lack of knowledge/ as excuse for non-performing his duties. All orders from the superiors must be written and juniors must be notified for them hence there will be no excuses that they don’t receive them.
There must be no quarrels between commanders junior or senior or duels or murders neither at sea nor at land for any reason. Of anybody insults somebody orally of with any act he must be reported to his superior and is forbidden for the insulted officer to seek revenge.
Each officer and commander of the Navy must sleep on his ship. He can sleep on land after written permission by his captain or superior. Captain or Admiral must sleep on their ship or leave the ship in the hands of second in command.
Admiral must be notified about all recruits and mercenaries and the reasons why they want to enlist in the Navy. Every commander must have a list of new arrived sailors and examine his health as a precaution for the all Navy. Commanders must note the reason of enlisting what is the origin of recruits and where they come from. The admiral must give permission Every man who is considered to be valuable addition to the Navy must receive permission by the admiral.
Gambling aboard of the ship is absolutely forbidden. It is forbidden for the soldiers to lay down their weapons, clothes, uniforms. If anybody gamble he would be punished to be rower for 18 months. Any person who buy and spend all his money for stuff used as stake in gambling will be punished in the same way.
Punishments for thieves:
Every man who steals a personal belonging or any other thing no matter how small or big is cheap or expensive will be punished by death.
I order that all expenditures connected with feeding of the Navy and buying food must be sttled down by regular prices without any insult to the seller or buying on a extra price in comparison to the regular market prices.
Games with dices and bets are absolutely forbidden. This games cause much quarrels, envy, slanders and have strong influence on crew good spirit. Each commander of squadron is obliged to keep a close look at the games and punish the guilty according the law.
No one can join with his ship the Navy without permission given by the Sublime Porte in the form of ferman. The vessel of any man who joins the Navy without permission given by the Sublime Porte will be confiscated and his owner will be send for 20 months as oarsman.
Remark: Sublime Porte - Russian term has French origin and comes from the official translation of the Ottoman government /institution of the Grand visir in the Ottoman palace- Bab-i-Ali/Head of Pashi/or Mai, Sublime Gate. Europeans called Sublime Porte only sultan’s palace till 1654 and after that – Grand Visir chancellery.
Ferman Sultan’s decree, ordinance
The ship’s watch must be very careful so non one ship could come near the fleet without admiral’s will. Every ship in the fleet must have yellow flag in the bow. If a ship without yellow flag joing the fleet all other ships must give to her all the necessary stores. If this is a supply ship all other ships will receive supplies from her.
If kapitan-pasha raise azure flag on the foremast all chiefs of provisions and supply must send apprentices on the flaghip. Kapitan pasha examines them how they learn the different naval affairs. In case of battle commanders with best leadership qualities must be around kapitan-pasha. Nobody can take any provisions or supplies free. The supplies are given under exact order and the supplier must submit register for them. Every captain is responsible for the food on the board of his ship till provisions arriving. If the ship is short of food he must send letter 3 or 4 days before end of the provisions.
Here will be describred the responsibilities of naval commanders, governors, i.e. commanders of galleasses, galleys and sailing ships as well as prokomits /boatswain/.
We hope that all of the abovementioned commanders watch for obeying of the decrees by their subordinate janissary and watch that all the people on the board of the ship perform well their duties. Prokomit and other commanders must keep close distance in the squadron and if there is a need to make signal to any other ship it will be easier to understand the signal at closer distance.
Remark: janissary – from Turkish word enni cheri – new army. The janissary army has been created in XIV century during first Ottoman sultans Orhan and Murad I as a infantry army on a payroll. The army consisted by Christian slaves, prisoners of war captured during the Balkan raids. Later in the period of Murad II /1421-1451/ and Mehmed II /1451-1481/ recruitment of janissaries have been performed in accordance with devshirme or blood tax system. The soldiers have been recruited from conquered Christians or have been performed preliminary training of teenager-Christians in the adjemi oglanov corps where they finally become Muslims
Permission for all ships which want to join or leave the navy must be given only by kapitan-pasha or his second in command. No one commander can permit any soldier, sailor of janissary to leave the ship without kapitan-pasha’s permission. If he did it he must pay 200 levov to the invalids in the navy.
If any ship lag behind the squadron, commander of the squadron must send ship to help her and then report the reason of dropping behind the squadron.
All subordinates must fulfill their duties with good will. Every commander has the power to impose punishments on his subordinates for their guilt. The guilty sailor must be informed the reason for the punishment and the type of punishment.
If Kapitan-pasha detach any squadron from the fleet, commander of the squadron must order to his clerk to depict the sailing after detachment from the fleet – both when the ship is in open sea under sail or in harbor, every actions by commander and the crew at sea or on land. He must report about the enemy fleet, number of ships, armament and etc.
The clerk must depict all kind of vessels which squadron meets no matter of the nationality. Everything must be described cler and when the squadron returns to kapitan-pasha he will easily read the report. If there is any trouble caused by enemy or by nature the commander of the squadron must send dispatch vessel to the fleet and warn them.
Before commencement of the battle commander of all ships must read to the soldiers or tell them the Military decree and everyone remember it well:
I order that every commander of ship must have ready for use lanterns and flags to communicate with other ships in harbors and in open sea. All soldiers no matter of the rank must perform quickly al the orders given by flags or lanterns.
All ships from the squadron must stay together and one can detach without order. Commander must keep a close look at the distribution of the rations, wine, ship’s biscuits /rusk/ and other food so there will be no insults and quarrels. When captain raises flags on the ship: red, white and yellow it means – red – time for wine, white – time for food and wheat and yellow – time for ship’s biscuits. If all three flags are raised food, wine and ship’s biscuits must be distributed simultaneously. Captain must ask slaves and prisoners what is their needs of food, wine and ship’s biscuits and take them into consideration.
When the commander hoists a flag to prepare a for lading a fresh water – all ships must send their boats to supply the ships with water – galleys – for month, galleasses – for 12 days and SoL – for 40 days. The water must be preserved /keep/ in good condition so it doesn’t stink.
There must extra oarsmen on galleys and galleasses as well as sailors so if an oarsman or sailor got ill the other will replace him. Ill sailors and oarsmen must be given medicines and food and the doctor must look after them carefully as do the commander.
All ships must be keep clean and hoist a stern flag. The commander of the squadron is responsible for the ships in the squadron to be clean with healthy crews.
All ships must wear their squadron number and flag and so all other ships identify them. When the ships in the squadron make evolutions they must raise red flag
When the ships are in the harbor they must lit up lanterns. All ships must keep close look at kapitan-pasha lantern and secure free area for passing each other. It is forbidden for the sailors and soldiers to take any stuff from the magazine where are stored powder, ammunition, musket and other weapons. If anyone dare to take a weapon from the magazine he will be punished according kapitan pasha will and the weapon or will be confiscated and returned to the magazine.
Nobleman/aristocrats must be very careful in military and naval issues especially at night. If any ship’s commander was killed or died, then the oldest and most experienced of these nobleman will replace the commander and all other officers must obey to his will which is given by decree of the Sublime Porte.
Admiral must look after the ships under his command and when the ships are supplying with food the quartermaster must buy food on regular prices.
Everybody in the fleet must watch at the colours and flags hoisted on the admiral’s ship day and night. If the squadron perform the orders slow and without coordination the admiral must order to faster the performance of the orders. . Commander of the squadron must report to the senior officer – kapitan-pasha or admiral about the careless captains in the squadron and impose proper punishments by way of example what would happen to the neglect officers.
Admiral is responsible for sailors training, to gain experience in the navigation and all other stuff they have to perform.
When the fleet is on anchor at the harbor every admiral must take a close eye at his squadron. He must pay attention about the weather and the manoeuvres of the ships in rough sea. All ships under admiral’s command must be in good condition, all instruments on board – fit for use. If they are worn out and old to store them in the hold. The new instruments must be kept in rough weather on a safe place.
If any of the ships got damage or leak the admiral himself must inspect her to see what is her condition and to be properly repaired.
There must be continuous watch on every vessel in the same way as perpetual is the sentry on the admiral’s ship
As abovementioned captains must prevent quarrels, fights, and kills on board. If any of the crew commit a murder or any other crime captain must club this man in iron /cuffs/ and put down in custody. He must be bring to trial according the law.
The captains must observe about the watch weather it is awake with clean and loaded guns. In case of danger captain can double or triple the watch.
It is forbidden to fire with guns or muskets during the night. The captain must refrain from using guns and musket in the night too. When the drum beats 2 o’clock this is a sign that every janissary must be on his boat and can’t go to other ships until dawn. On one ship can approach the fleet during the night. Every captain who see breaker of the order must detain them and send to kapitan-pasha all their crew.
If kapitan-pasha find out during the interrogation that complement speak true and the destination of the vessel is clear he can release them and the vessel.
All captains must have sand-glasses aboard their ships and know what time is it, when is time to change the watch and all other stuff necessary for ship’s steering.
Captains must not release anybody from the crew on land without kapitan’s-pasha order.
All captains must watch after the oarsmen if they go for food or wood to prevent desertions. The oarsmen can’t leave the galley without permission. When they are send on land they must do their job quickly and then return on board. If there are shortage of sailors they could be used as guards on the galley.
Captain must keep a close look at the clerks and their job to write correct everything. The armorer must keep all the weapons clean and in good condition- ready to use. Is some of the oarsmen is ill captain must give to him better food and replace him with healthy oarsmen. Every ship must have doctor and barber and their responsibilities are the following:
Doctors must watch after the ill – not only commanders and officers but soldiers, oarsmen in good will and give them proper drugs and food. If the officers don’t give drugs after doctor issued a recipe or in the set time, doctor has the power to report to the vice-admiral or second in command after kapitan-pasha. The admiral is going to impose dead penalty for act like this. If the doctor doesn’t perform his duties properly and show negligence to his patients and someone died he would be punished by dead.
Doctor and barber has the responsibility to cut short hairs of the oarsmen twice a month.
Doctor is obliged to have register with the dead soldiers, sailors and oarsmen on board and the reason of their death.
There must be clerks on every ship and they must place on record food distribution each day, how many are the remains of food till the end of campaign. If there is a shortage of food clerk must write to the commander and he must notify kapitan-pasha about the necessary quantity food to be delivered
Clerk’s responsibility is to maintain register for all sailors, soldiers or oarsmen who died aboard and sign the papers with supplies.
Sopromosarii have the obligations to maintain ship’s biscuits and distribute them fairy. Everybody tried cheat other will be punished according the law.
Clerks and sopromosarii can’t sale their own ship biscuit’s and make profit from that.
Provisions can’t be divided with other ship. It can be done after permission by the commissioner. Everybody who breaks the regulation will be punished according the law.
If ships’s biscuits or powder pen /moisten/ in rough sea chief of this biscuits and powder must notify the commissioner when they arrive in the port. If he doesn’t do that he will be punished severely.
When commanders give oarsmen salary the oarsmen must tell the commander about their needs and commander tells them in detail what will be the salary, how many of the oarsmen will receive the same salary and etc. If there are any reductions in the salary he must notify the oarsmen about the reason.
Wheat, millet and beans for feeding of oarsmen and slaves must be given according established ratio not keep them hungry without food for two or three days. If there are no food and wine according the ratio oarsmen must tell the clerk and he must notify the captain. Everybody who is responsible for the food and wine shortage or unfair distribution will be punished according the law.
There is a bad habit of selling wine by captains and officers and they set their own prices which is much higher than the ordinary price. It is forbidden to sale wine on a ship. If anybody tries to sale wine he must do according ordinary price. He must notify clerks and their assistants about the sale. Every 3 months they make reports to kapitan-pasha to let him know about the sold quantity wine and stocks available. If a clerk does not send regular 3 month report he must pay everything which in the following 3 months expenditure and he will not receive salary for 1 month.
I order that the powder must be preserved from setting on fire. Nobody can take powder without permission granted by his superiors or commanders. Nobody can enter the magazine where the powder are in stock. If commander goes to the magazine he must take all precautions and go very careful.
The guns and musket must be kept clear and ready to use. There must be no obstacles on the way to the magazines. If there is an obstacle guilty must imposed death penalty.
Three days after the battle clerks and sopromosii make inspection and report to the second in command after kapitan-pasha about the expenditure of powder, lead, and which weapons had the biggest expenditure of ammunition. All this information is recorded in special book.
After the battle clerks and sopromosii inspect the battlefield, depict the died sailors and soldiers, their personal belongings, put for the record their names and their property and mention the month, day and year in which they died.
There are no difference between gunners in the Christian Navies and in the Ottoman Navy. The guns must be clean, polished, always ready to fire cannon-balls or incendiary shells. Fuzes must be kept ready for ignition. If the guns are not ready the chief gunner must report to the commissioner. Gunners must stay on board. Captain or chief gunner can’t dismiss all the gunners on land even in strong harbor.
If any oars break, the oarsman which oar is broken must report to the captain to replace it. The broken oar must not be throw away but put on a smaller galley or oar vessel.
Oarsman must keep their oars clean in good condition, not bend them. If they bend or break the oarsman who did that must repair the oar.
Carpenters must keep a close eye at the vessels and their condition and if they find leakage or broken they must repair it immediately.
Carpenters and hampers must clean ship’s sides and decks fill the slots and keep in god condition.
The duties of the abovementioned people are to keep a close look at the slaves on the galleys and prevent flight from the galleys, galleasses and SoL. They must take care to supply ships with enough quantity of fresh water and wood. There must be enough spare hoops or rings for the casks on board. Superintendants and wardens are responsibility for buying casks and rings for them.
All abovementioned stuff must be prepared with great caution and every man must do his duty. If he does not do this he will be punished according his guilt.
One day before the ship set sail kapitan-pasha must raise on the topmast pennant in red colour.
Everybody must be on board and ready to perform their duties.
In two o’clock must be make an antenna /line of/ of pennants on the flagship galley. A lantern must be light up during the night on the stern. Everybody must watch it flag till replacing the flag with flag or lantern by a trumpet or gun shot.
If any ship leave the order the ship following her wake must advance to her place in the line. If the first ship returns to her previous place, the second SoL must return to her previous place and stay according the disposition given by the governor or soprokomita who is in command of the rear squadron.
If the SoL begins to blow trumpet of fire with the guns everybody must set sail and leave the port. If any vessel is not placed according the disposition and the ship in her wake can’t find her place in the line her captain must find place in a way so his ship does not collide with other vessels. When the ships return to port every ship is obliged to take her place in the line.
If the first ship delay performing of the order of kapitan-pasha soprokomit must place his vessel on the place of the first ship.
When the kapitan’s pasha vessel raises pennant flag other vessels must raise pennant flags on the same place and repeat the sign. Then the crew have the permission to go to land. Complements of these ships which does not raise pennant flags can’t go to the land. They can only send small and large boats full of soldiers to assist the complements from the other ships in their job on the land.
All ships which see stern blue flag on kapitan-pasha ship must send all row vessels to take a tow of the ships.
When the ships set sail from the port everyone must do in good order and no one must outmanoeuvre other. If any ship has any need captain must fire with a gun if it happen in day. If it happens in night he must light a fire or lantern and closer vessels must hurry to see what happened.
When the ship sails at night everybody must take care and watch carefully that there is no enemy vessels among our ships. The distance between each ship must be closer and ask each other for a password. If the answer is right he must ask about the password from the previous night. If the ship gives wrong answer she must detained.
In bad weather or in the night all ships must put stern lanterns to prevent the ship from wrecking in the rough sea on a rocks or grounding. If the lantern are lit up and vessel wrecked the front ship will not be guilty. The squadron commander is responsible for the ship wreck. If a kapitan-pasha ship lit up 3 stern lanterns, then all other vessels must lit up one lantern.
When the captains see the lit up lanterns or any other signal they must follow them and form squadrons according the orders of the kapitan-pasha.
When galleys enter the port they must be very careful with the oars and don’t collide and brake them. The must be very careful with the ships too. If a galley collides a sailing ship komit of the galley must put pay the damage. No one ship may enter the port before kapitan-pasha ship.
Rearguard of the ship line called retroguard in Italian are responsible when the ships are leaving the port to stay in the port until all other ships leave it.
The vanguard avanguard /as in Italian sails 3 verstah or3 Italian miles ahead of the ship’s line. The rearguard sails 1 verst /1 Italian mile/ astern /behind the fleet.
The van squadron is responsible to keep a close look at the horizon and if it find any enemy ships they must signal and warn the fleet. The captain must send a sailor with a musket and powder to the top of the mast or at the end of the yard. When the enemy fleet came into sight he must fire with the musket to warn the fleet. If the main body of the fleet is on a greater distance he must put the powder on the top of the mast and lit up so the fire could be seen from longer distance. He makes smoke signals to notify the fleet of the number of the enemy vessels. When kapitan’s pasha flagship receive the signal he must fire with gun in answer. The vanguard ship which make the contact with the enemy ship must send a boat to the admirals fleet to report about the number of the ship, their class, armament, number. If the flagship does not fire in response of the vanguard signal /lit up fire and smoke signals/ the vanguard ship must keep her place in the order according to kapitan-pasha disposal. The rearguard must act in the same way as vanguard when detect an enemy vessels.
Flags for ranks
Red tetragon flag with moon in it on the stern of the ship means that kapitan pasha is on the board of the vessel.
If there flag on the foremast it meant that the chief supplier or superintendent /controller of the Navy is on the board of the vessel. The flags on the other ship are with two tails. It the flag is on the top of the mast it means that the ship is commanded by captian /captain first rank/. If the flag is on the main mast of galley it means that the warden of slaves and prisoners is on board.
Tetragon flag hoisted on the main mast means flagship and all the vessels under his command wear long pennants except galleys of kapitan-pasha no other galley in the fleet may hoist flags on this place. If the kapitan-pasha is not on his flagship galley no other vessel may hoist flag on the main mast and deceive the other ships.
Flag on the top of the foremast means commander of squadron. All ship in the squadron must wear the same flags on the same place.
Flag on the mizzen mast means ship and squadron under Patrona command /or vice admiral. All ship in the squadron must wear the same flags on the same place.
Galleasses are divided into 3 squadrons too. All galleasses are obliged to wear the same flags which wear their admiral. When the admiral’s flag is furled around the mast it means that ships in the squadron are not obliged to follow the flagship.
Remark – About ottoman sea flags XVII-XVIII century see Kurtoglu1938 – page 103 and after. According to album from the collection of the Naval Museum in Istanbul with Ottoman flags from the beginning of XIX century divided in the following ranks: flags of oared vessels , flags of galleons 1-st, 2-nd and 3-rd class/rank/, personal flags of admirals and commanders, flags with star and halfmoon, flags of the commercial vessels and cities, flags of Jesira, Tunis, Trablus, flags of Iran /Persia/ and Egypt and finally flags of Malta, Venice, Genoa, America and etc. Red banner with 3 halfmoons Admiral’s banner of kalyon kapudan-pasha with 3 halfmoons and a star.
If the ship hoisted red pennant on the main mast it means that kapitan-pasha summons the captains a council.
Yellow banner on the foremast means that kapitan pasha calls up komits, admirals and navigators.
Sky blue banner on the main mast means that kapitan pasha summons super
intendants, clerks and sopromosors.
Long banner on the foremast means that the ship is leaving the port on the next day.
Flag on the yard on the foremast means that the ship is leaving the port after 2 hours.
Cherry-coloured banner on the stern means that every squadron must again load food, water and wine.
If the stern banner is yellow it means that squadron after squadron in the order of coming must go to take supplies.
When the ship hoists yellow flag on the starboard of the stern and the stern gun over the decorations all commanders of the squadron are obliged to make a starboard turn and sail after the kapitan-pasha ship.
When the ship hoists yellow flag on the larboard of the stern and the stern gun over the decorations all commanders of the squadron are obliged to make a larboard turn and sail after the kapitan-pasha ship.
When the ship hoists fiamola /Italian word for pennant/ on the top of the mainmast and the drums beat to quarter, to blow trumpet it is a sign for battle.
When a green triangle banner is raised on the stern of the kapitan-pashi ship and fired from gun it means that all ships must row strait to the enemy column.
When a red banner is hoisted on the end of the yard of the foremast it means that the cavalry must disembark from the galley on the land.
When the disembarked cavalry is on land kapitan pasha can hoist the same flag to call up the cavalry to embark on the galley.
When a red banner is hoisted on the fore-sheet or before the fore-mast it means that the tents must be bring on the coast/land. When the tents and pavilions are on the coast the same flag is hoisted on the ship to bring back on her.
When the abovementioned flags are hoisted simultaneously on the vessel it means that all cavalry, soldiers must disembark with their tenants and pavilions.
When a pennant is hoisted on the fore mast it means that the soldiers must disembark.
When a white flag is raised it means that the ships must send their boats for fresh water.
When a green flag is raised it means that the ships must send their boats for wood.
When a red flag is raised it means that the superintendent, officer in charge of the beverages, spinditor or shaffor must be given everything they need.
When all the abovementioned colours of banners are hoisted all the need must be do simultaneously.
When the ship hoisted banner of 3 colors – yellow, red and sky blue /azure/ on the larboard angle of the stern it means that the superintendent must give to the oarsmen wheat, ships bisquits and wine.
There must lantern on the main mast during the night sailing and it means that the ship is leaving the port in two hours.
If the lantern is hoist on the foremast and fire two rockets it means that the vessel is leaving the port now and need boats to be towed.
When a man stays at the stern with a lantern near the main lantern and two men with lantern on the bow it means that the navigators must make a turn to the other side.
Lantern in the bow means that all sails including the mizzen sails must be raised.
Lantern on the main mast means that the sails must be unfurled.
Two lanterns on the mizzen mast mean that the sails must be furled and go under oars.
If you hear a gun shot and see two rockets it means that everybody must disembark.
If there is only one shot everybody must return to the galley.
If there are lantern on both angles of the stern it mean that all ships must sail to the port as a squadron.
If there are 3 lanterns in the stern – one large in the middle and two others on the port and starboard mean that the ship must come out of the port and anchor at sea.
When the drums on the ship of the kapitan-pasha beat to quarters, to blow trumpet it is a sign to be ready for battle.
When all of the abovementioned signals are made commanders must take a close look at the squadrons under their command to see how the ships perform the orders.
When ships of line sail with galleys they must watch for all these signals. When ships of line sail without galleys they must respect the same signals.
There watch on all warships – ships of line, galleys. Watch divide in two – upper watch and lower watch. They watch about other ships on the way of the squadron.
If the watch on the top of the mast see any ship they must report to their superior and he must pass the word to the captain.
The watch must stay awake during the night no matter the ship is in the port or in open sea to prevent unnoticed approaching of enemy vessels.
Every ship must send boat every night to the kapitan-pasha ship to be aware of the password during the night. Squadron commanders are informed about t he password from their admiral or superior.
When the galleys are in open sea the password must be in written and is valid from Friday till Thursday or till the password is valid. There must be a gunner with burning fuse as a watch on the galleys no matter they are at sea or in port, day or night.
When kapitan-pasha see enemy vessels he hoists battle flags on his ship.
Every ship hoists his battle flag during the battle and can’t lower it without kapitan-pasha order. The ships can’t fire before the order given by two shots from the kapitan-pasha flagship and then all ships may fire and God helps us.
If any squadron gives way to the enemy squadron it must be reinforced by another squadron with God blessing.
When the enemy battlefleet came in sight the Christian slaves must be club in iron by the supervisor and subkomit. The slaves have to be informed that if they are loyal to the Ottoman Navy and Prophet Green’s banner they will be released soon and give part of the prize.
Free men shall receive extra money to their salaries.
When you see the enemy battlefleet and hoist flag for preparation for battle all commanders and officers must keep a close look at their squadrons of galleys and SoL to be ready for battle.
All commanders – senior and junior are responsible to prepare the fleet for battle and watch whether their orders are performed by the crew.
Better warriors are obliged to prepare the weapons for battle and dispense the powder. Other must throw grenades or extinguish fire from enemy grenades or patch with the carpenters the holes from enemy cannon-balls.
Everybody who is reservist janissary /i.e. – doesn’t take part in the first battle/ help to the first line janissary if they start to give way.
All commanders – senior and junior must keep a close look at the fighting janissary and encourage them and if the board enemy ship prevent plundering the vessel.
Everybody must act with great precaution and if anybody distinguish in the battle the Sublime Porte shall honor him. If anybody commits a crime during the battle he will be punished according the law.
Navy must have 30 SoL no less of that figure.
First obligation of the captain is to put a ship ahead of the squadron which is under his command to prevent unnoticed enemy approaching of the squadron or the flagship.
When kapitan-pasha wants to call up the captains he must shot with blank /gun without cannon-ball/. The other ships do not fire in response. If the enemy fire at the squadron, kapitan pasha must order to load the guns with cannons and fire at the enemy.
The deck of the ship must be cleared before battle so the gunners could operate quickly. All guns, muskets and cannon-balls must be prepared for the battle.
Every gun must have at its disposal one gunner, two janissary, 2 seamen – one to clean the muzzle and second to load the gun with cannon-balls.
When somebody tries to use the fuse to fire the gun he must congest the cannon-ball very well and cover the fuse. If he does in reverse order there is a great danger that the fire will burn first and there will be premature explosion in the muzzle.
Every gunner must has a wet sponge to cool the muzzle after every shot if the gun is made from iron. If the gun is made by copper /probably brass guns/ after every 4-th shot.
Every SoL must keep her place in the battle order and keep equal intervals with other vessels and sail without disturb other vessels or jeopardize them with collision during the battle when the ship is damage.
During the battle the SoL must act according situation and their commanders only estimate the situation and are responsible for the manoeuvring of the ship.
When a ship sails out of the line she may cause a lot of trouble to the other ships and even the fleet loose the battle. Therefore the ship must stay in the line with the other SoL and defend from the enemies.
Kapitan-pasha must lead a great number of vessels a give them names / at this moment there aren’t any names of Ottoman vessels/ so after the battle he could put the names in his report. There must be 4 SoL after the admiral’s ship which are her rearguard.
All ship – vanguard and rearguard are responsible to defend admiral’s ship from the rear and ahead.
Kapitan-pasha must divide the fleet in three divisions.
In the first division is kapitan-pasha with 10 SoL or as many as are in the fleet. Reis effendi takes the second third of the SoL and is responsible for the centre. The final third of the fleet /10 SoL or as many as are in the fleet are under the command of the rear admiral. His ships will be with less damage because they will enter the battle late. He must repeat and understand all the signals given by the reis effendi and kapitan-pasha.
Ships under the command of kapitan-pasha must wear red pennant.
Vanguard must wear blue pennant.
Rearguard must wear pennant which is half blue, half white.
Every squadron under its pennant /color/ can detach and act as an independent unit. If any ship from a given squadron leaver the squadron she must rejoin to the same squadron later.
When the ships are ready for battle the ships must try to take the wind from the enemy and stay in leeward position to dictate the battle and distance. The ships could stay windward if they choose to defend and the enemy ships are more than the Ottoman. If the captains follows this orders this will be the easier way to win the battle.
SOL must not open fire at longer distance, but hold her fire until the enemy closes the distance and than opens the fire from close distance so she /our ship/ could easily outgun and destroy the enemy.
The SoL must fire with half of her artillery on board. The other guns must be kept loaded and they must be used to defend from enemy attack. When kapitan-pasha decides to head to the port he must raise a signal above the pennant hoisted on the main mast. This signal must be on the starboard of the ship. All other ship must repeat the signal and sail after him.
After the fleet drops an anchor at the port after battle, kapitan-pasha must call up the commanders on a council. If the council decides the fleet may leave the port and resume the battle. The decision must be taken unanimous.
If there is a gale or storm /bad weather/ during the night kapitan-pasha ship must lit up two lanterns – one at the stern and one on the top of the main mast.
All other ship must light up one stern lantern in a manner that every next in the column ship can see the lantern of the forward ship to prevent collision.
When the sea is rough and ships cannot see each other they must light up lanterns so they could sail safe.
When kapitan pasha is heading to the port at night he hoists a lantern with candle in it on the mizzen mast. After the ships moored commanders must send reports to kapitan-pasha about the casualties on the board of each ship – dead, wounded.
For this purpose captains send to kapitan-pasha their clerks with the reports about killed and wounded men, including damage guns, carriages, small arms and expenditure of cannon balls, powder, case shot and bullets and any other instruments.
Every captain is responsible for his ship. He must pass a secret word to the Janissary commanders about current military deeds and they must keep a close watch so none enemy vessel even the smallest boat approaches the fleet unnoticed. If unknown boat nears the fleet and does not tell the pass word she must be sunk.
When kapitan-pasha flagship hoisted two flags – one blue and one white it means that it is time to send the boats from all ship for fresh water and wood.
When kapitan-pasha decides to leave the port he must slacken the sails fire a rocket which is a signal for the ships that the fleet is leaving the port in 3 days. If the ships are leaving the port in the same day, flagship must fire from a gun and all mariners /sailors/ who are on the shore must go to their ships immediately .
The complements aboard the ship must be divided as follows: janissary – under the command of chorbadjii /chorbadjii, cherbadjii – janissary’s officer rank – distributor of a food/, half of the mariners are under the command of reis effendi and other half – under the command of nocer /notcer/.
There are 2 pilots or banigator among the mariners /sailors/ - one chief and other as co-pilot. There must be 4 timoners, guardian, cask-master, who clean the casks with fresh water and distribute fresh water. Every cask master has a soldier to keep the water and help him with the hemp and oakum.
There must be two boys /grummets/ on each ship – one for the captain and one for the complement.
There must be one loyal man aboard on each ship who keep an eye on the ratios, food and water distribution on equal terms or according merits.
There must be a certain numbers of doctors in the Navy / but they are few in numbers in the Ottoman Navy/ and good clerks – skilful in their craft /profession/.
Remark : Traditional Ottoman medicine stick close to the ideas of Galen and Ibn Sin. At the end of XVII and beginning of the XVIII century supporters of Paracels appeared. Omer Shiffai /died in 1742/ was conduct of his ideas, supporter of Eurpean Pharmacy and medicine, translated treatise of Paracels from Latin in Turkish. In 1704 /after Count Tolstoy wrote his Comments leib-medik Ahmed III Nuh-Bel-Abdelmann received ferman from the sultan who forbade medicine practice by Paracels followers and foreign doctors among which were numerous followers use new drugs. Great Visir Ibrahim Pasha /1718-1730/ sultan Ahmed III Damad son-in law supported doctors and hospitals on his own account /See Vitol, 1987, Page 84-85/.
During the battle doctor, medic, carpenter, clerk and cask master must stay inside the ship.
Soldiers must stay on guard – one in the stern, other in the bow, third near the main the hatch for the enemy hold.
If the sails are burning during the battle soldiers must cut them from the yards or even the yards to prevent spreading of the fire and explosion of the ship.
With this end the treatise about Ottoman Navy.
Memorandum about Black sea Ottoman Navy its condition, ships, command, soldiers, mariners and gunners.
There are 9 SoL, 6 shaiki or shaek, 16 galleys, 2 small and fast furkatas /frigates/. There are 400 soldiers, mariners /sailors/ and gunners on the large SoL and 200 on the smaller. The number of craftsmen, stone-cuttersand carpenters are 300. There are 40 black-smith masters, ordinary working men, slaves, prisoners – 5000. There are 9 regiments of Janissary and gunners – all 5120 men. There are two engineers. The name of the first is Mehmed Golopo – renegade, He was on Venetian service before and deserted at Negropont. The name of the second is Mustapha the cleverest man. He was at cesar /tsar may be/ service. He deserted at Bel gorod /Belgrade/ - this is the name of a town Akkerman or Belgorod at river Dnestr. He is of a Hungarian origin. His former Christian name was Batista Livornet.
Remark: There was a widespread practice in Ottoman empire especially in XVIII century to hire foreign specialist, some of them became renegades the became muslims. For additional information see Vitol, 1987, page 88-91 about the foreign engineers on Ottoman service at the end of XVIII century.
Commanders of the Navy: captain Asman-pasha – commands all citites near the sea, ship’s commander Apterman-pasha – renegade of French origin is the best sailor and soldier, tough and cruel man. Bashi-aga commands all cities and town of eastern approaches under kapitan-pasha order. He is a quiet, wise man. Janissary chorbacheev are five men /chorbachi – janissary officers rank- responsible for the food distribution and ratios. Literally –soup distributor/. There are two topchi-bashi and two oda-bashi kehaja
Remark: Kehaija –Russiffied form of the Turkish term kethuda or kehaia /landlord or master, head/. This is a military but sometimes civil rank mean a man dealing with some sort of affairs. For example kehaia is called the assistant of Great Visir, dealing with the Internal Affairs in the Empire. Kehaia is called second in command after Janissar’s aga, his deputy. According other sources the transcription is kul kethudas/.
There are captain on each SoL and bei on each galley. All of the abovementioned commanders are part of council under kapitan-pasha chairmanship and decide naval and military issues except issues connected with civil matters about life in the cities and towns. Only sultan can approve their decisions. 40 000 small bended bracila /probably from Italian word braciollo – trunk of the tree / - used for construction of furkatas /frigates/. 160 gun carriages with small wheels. Six copper guns with cannon-ball weight of 20 pounds, one gun with cannon-ball weight of 36 pounds; 4 guns with cannon-ball weight of 60 pounds. The number of all guns are 46. There are only small spare sails available and they are few in numbers. There are a lot of gunpowder but I don’t whether it is for the ships or for land batteries. There are 15 000 cannon-balls of all calibers and weight. The Black sea arsenal doesn’t have shovels spades or any other instruments for repairing ship so there will no be a war soon.
There are 2 SoL each armed with 72 guns, 4 SoL with 60 guns each, one with 58 guns, one with 50 guns, one with 40 guns and the galleys are armed as usual. The heaviest cannon-balls on the ships are 36 pounds for the 72 gun ships, 27 pounds for 60 gun SoL and the third 21 pounds for the 58 gun SoL. For the smallest SoL the cannon-ball weight is 15 pounds. The weight of the smaller cannon-ball is as usual. According the rumours there are 40 furkatas on Black sea but all are pulled out of the water and dry docked now.
There are rumours that near Trapezund are concentrated 7000 soldiers and are waiting for order by kapitan-pasha to attack Georgians. The army will embark on fast furkatas which are built at Trapezund. No one SoL could enter Kerchenski strait to Azov /channel/ except two.
Expedition in Georgia – probably count Tolstoy described event of campaign against Georgian provinces of the Ottoman empire – Mingrelia and Guria which denied to pay tax in 1703. It is interesting to compare data about the number of Ottoman army regiments according Tolstoy and numbers according Turkish sources. Tarih-i-Rashid and in anonymous manuscript history found in Berlin library which used J fon Hammer we found the following numbers: 5 regiment janissary, 200 djebedjii, 100 gunners, 50 top arabadjii /waggoners, carters/, 2 galleys, 40 galliots /Hammer, 1831, p 62.
According the rumours a period of great changes is coming. A new council is called up including Temishoara pasha, name Usup pasha. He is from Ukranian origin, took as a slave when he was a small boy and I know that he will be the new kapitan-pasha and Osman-pasha Grand Visir probably. Pasha from Sofia arrived and pasha from Isar too. They are waiting for sultan’s orders but they don’t know what are called up about.