Някой замислял ли се е защо всичко живо слага по фрегатите Отобреда 76 мм? Аз не се бях замислял и мислех интуитивно, че това е просто един формален смешен калибър, колкото да има оръдие на кораба. Да, ама положението се оказа съвсем различно, а машината - страшна работа.
Разрових се покрай другата тема и споменаването на фрегатите Formidable. Хубави кораби, скъпи, всичко по тях е хай-тек. Имат си интегрирана система Астер-15/30 (може би най-добрата ПВО към момента), имат си Харпуни, сонари и т.н. Само дето си нямат CIWS?! Пулих се известно време ей така
, па тръгнах да чета из форумите. В крайна сметка стигнах до сайта на Oto Melara, където пише следното:
Тук вече щяха да ми изпаднат очите
, обаче какво още пише в брошурата:
В превод на български тези 0.3 милирадиана означават, че точността на оръдието е 0.03% от дистанцията или примерно 3 метра на 10 километра. Скоростта на стрелбата е 2 изстрела в секунда. Както и да е, претръпнах и потърсих някакъв друг източник. Ето фрагменти от анализа на Forecast International:
The Market for Naval Surface Warfare Systems 2011-2020
От Уикипедия:
Какво мислите за всичко това?
Разрових се покрай другата тема и споменаването на фрегатите Formidable. Хубави кораби, скъпи, всичко по тях е хай-тек. Имат си интегрирана система Астер-15/30 (може би най-добрата ПВО към момента), имат си Харпуни, сонари и т.н. Само дето си нямат CIWS?! Пулих се известно време ей така

The Oto Melara 76/62 Super Rapid Gun Mount is a lightweight, rapid-fire gun providing unrivalled performance and flexibility in air defence and anti surface role, particularly in an anti-missile role.

In operational condition the standard deviation at firing is less than 0.3 mrad, thus providing excellent accuracy.
The Market for Naval Surface Warfare Systems 2011-2020
The Oto Melara 76mm naval gun has
been primarily designed for anti-missile and anti-aircraft
roles, with anti-surface warfare (anti-ship) and naval
gun support capability a secondary role.
In the anti-aircraft role, the gun can use special
pre-fragmented ammunition, which is highly effective
against sea-skimming missiles and aircraft.
To enhance its performance,
Oto Melara has introduced two new rounds. One is an
extended-range guided bombardment shell, called the
Dart. This is guided by a radio frequency beam, and is
also intended to counter threats such as cruise and
sea-skimming missiles and small swarming boats that
are favored by terrorists. The Dart has a range in excess
of 8,000 yards.
In many applications, the 76mm Oto Melara gun is
being deployed as an air defense weapon, essentially a
long-range substitute for the 20mm and 30mm close-in
weapon system (CIWS) that are now being outpaced by
advanced anti-ship missile developments.
been primarily designed for anti-missile and anti-aircraft
roles, with anti-surface warfare (anti-ship) and naval
gun support capability a secondary role.
In the anti-aircraft role, the gun can use special
pre-fragmented ammunition, which is highly effective
against sea-skimming missiles and aircraft.
To enhance its performance,
Oto Melara has introduced two new rounds. One is an
extended-range guided bombardment shell, called the
Dart. This is guided by a radio frequency beam, and is
also intended to counter threats such as cruise and
sea-skimming missiles and small swarming boats that
are favored by terrorists. The Dart has a range in excess
of 8,000 yards.
In many applications, the 76mm Oto Melara gun is
being deployed as an air defense weapon, essentially a
long-range substitute for the 20mm and 30mm close-in
weapon system (CIWS) that are now being outpaced by
advanced anti-ship missile developments.
Breda tried with the Fast Forty 40mm, with increased rate of fire and even the possibility to use APFSDS ammunitions, but the Italian navy chose the SR gun, that was claimed as capable to manage several subsonic missiles from 6,000 to 1,000 meters away. This favoured the bigger weapon and the high costs of modern anti-missile ammunitions, as the long range helped to destroy missiles from greater distances, so one single gun can engage more than one missile in a single engagement, avoiding the danger posed by fragments and splinters when a missile exploded too close.