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    Gaden Gogi написа
    Да ама е действащ линеен кораб, вторият морски лорд държи флагът си на него.
    Демек познах
    Мите тя и USS Constitution сигурно има пласмасови оръдия, ама това не и пречи да си се води като част от флота, за разлика от кораби с непласмасови оръдия, които се водят като част от музейния фонд.
    Can't talk! Got to Shoot!


      Или са обекти за гмуркане, А конститюсъш освен това и плува. Е можехте и с Васа да пробвате, ама онова е потъвало....
      Гръмотевичко нали знаеш какво трябва да направи позналият загадката (освен да се надува)


        Нямам отде да му търся данни на Виктори
        Can't talk! Got to Shoot!


          Щото дори не си пробвал, има си официален сайт дори, мързел и готованко.


            Gaden Gogi написа
            Щото дори не си пробвал, има си официален сайт дори, мързел и готованко.
            И после аз съм бил заядлив кат стара мома. А ти си заядлив кат две стари моми
            Ordnance (1)
            During Victory's active service life many changes were made to her and her armament. On naval ships the ordnance was commonly referred to as the 'Great Guns': this distinguishing them from the Small Arms.

            1765: Original main armament




            Lower gun deck

            42 pounders
            Middle gun deck

            24 pounders
            Upper gun deck

            12 pounders
            Quarter deck

            6 pounders

            6 pounders


            11th March: The 30 bronze 42 pounders were removed and replaced with 30 x 32 pounders. Admiral Keppel disliked the 42 pounder for the following reasons: gun crew too large; rate of fire slower and the bronze / brass guns, recoiled violently when hot).


            The 30 x 32 pounders were removed and replaced with 30 x 42 pounders as original. 8 x 12 pounder carronades were fitted as additional armament on the poop deck.


            The 8 x 12 pounder carronades were removed.


            2 x 24 pounder carronades and 6 x18 pounder carronades were fitted on the poop deck. 2 x 32 pounder carronades fitted on the forecastle


            All the 6 pounder carriage guns fitted on the quarter deck and forecastle were removed and replaced by 12 pounder carriage guns.


            The 6 x 18 pounder carronades were removed and not replaced.


            The 2 x 24 pounder carronades fitted on the poop deck were removed and not replaced.


            The ship now out of commission, all of the guns were removed. The bronze 42 pounders, now obsolete was superseded by the 32 pounder which had become the standard heavy gun fitted in British ships of war.

            1803: Victorys’ armament when she re-commissioned after her ‘great repair' comprised:




            Lower gun deck

            32 pounders (long)
            Middle gun deck

            24 pounders (long)
            Upper gun deck

            12 pounders (long)
            Quarter deck

            12 Pounders (short)


            12 pounders (medium)
            32 pounder carronades

            The broadside weight = 1092 lbs

            1805: Victory's armament at Trafalgar was 104 guns comprising;




            Lower gun deck

            32 pounders (long)
            Middle gun deck

            24 pounders (long)
            Upper gun deck

            12 pounders (long)
            Quarter deck

            12 Pounders (short)


            12 pounders (medium)
            * 64 pounder carronades

            The broadside weight = 1148 lbs
            * The two 32 pounder carronades were removed and replaced with two 68 pounder carronades.
            These carronades came from the 74 gun ship Kent.

            Victory's existing iron guns
            There are 12 iron Napoleonic guns remaining on board the Victory today: 9 x 32 pounders on the lower gun deck, and 3 x 24 pounders on the middle gun deck. Each are of the Blomefield pattern, designed by Sir Thomas Blomefield, the Inspector Governor of Ordnance.

            It is very unlikely that any of these guns were in the ship at Trafalgar as all were removed in 1806 when the ship was repaired. From the records the existing iron guns were put into the ship on 5 April 1808 when the ship was re-arming for deployment in the Baltic, and inspected by the Inspector of Ordnance two days later.

            When guns were put into a ship, a record was made of the manufacturers name and the gun's individual number.

            Manufacturers names, in the abbreviated form, were generally marked on the left trunnion. The 12 iron guns have the following marks:

            W.Co. - Walker & Company, of Rotheram, Yorkshire.
            H.Co. - James Henckle & Company, Wandsworth, London
            ACB. - Alexander Brodie, on the River Severn

            Ten of the eleven iron guns, cast by Walker & Company, are fitted with copper vent bushes, an innovation that was intoduced after Trafalgar. Guns fitted with copper vent bushes are stamped 'CVC' on top of the cascable. The twelfth gun, the 24 pounder sited near the entrance of the Victory Gallery, Royal Navy Museum, cast by Alexander Brodie has an iron vent bush.

            The dockside guns
            The 21 guns sited on the dockside around the Victory are short barrelled 32 pounders made during the reign of George III, but were not issued until after his death. These guns, dated either 1847 or 1848, most were manufactured by Henckle & Co. were used as the saluting battery on board the Victory when she was moored in Portsmouth harbour. These guns fired the salute to Queen Victoria on the occasion of her Coronation and also fired when her funeral Cortege passed HMS Victory on its way from the Isle of Wight for her burial. All these guns were removed from the ship in 1922.

            Technical data of the 32 pounder smooth bore gun
            The 32 pounders on board HMS VICTORY are long pattern Blomefield guns, designed by Sir Thomas Blomefield, Inspector General of Ordnance, at Woolwich Arsenal. Guns of this form were manufactured between 1780 and 1822. As all are cast with the cypher King George III, they would all have been made before 1820.

            The length of the gun, 9ft 6ins (2.90 m), is always measured from the rear of the base ring to the face of the muzzle. The overall length including the cascable is 10 ft 3.3/4 ins. (3.14 m) Guns varied in length during the 18th and 19th centuries, some 32pdrs were 9ft long (2.75 m)with a calibre of 6.41 inches (16.3 cm). Windage, the difference between the diameter of the shot and the diameter of the bore, is 0.198ins (0.05 mm). The weight of the gun is normally stamped on the bottom of the breech. Weight is given in cwt. (hundredweight), qtr. (quarters), and lbs. (pounds) e.g. 54. 15. 10.

            Diameter of Vent (the touch hole)

            0.22 ins
            (0.05 m)
            Shot weight

            32 1bs
            (14.4 kg)
            Range - Point blank

            400 yds.
            (364 m)
            Range - 1 degree elevation

            820 yds.
            (746 m)
            Range - 2 degrees elevation

            1,200 yds.
            (1.092 m)
            Range - 3 degrees elevation

            1,500 yds.
            (1,365 m)
            Muzzle velocity

            1600 feet per second.
            (485.3 mps
            Penetration of solid shot through oak: at 400 yds (364 m)

            up to 42ins
            (106.7 cm)
            Ditto at l000 yds (910 m)

            up to 31.½ ins
            (80.0 cm)
            Rate of fire; approximate.

            1 round every 2

            Recoil distance – restrained with standard charge

            Approx. 11 ft.
            (3.35 m)
            Recoil distance – Unrestrained with full 32 lb proof charge (recorded under experiment)

            50 ft 2 ins.
            (15.30 m)

            A range table dated 1860, (produced at the naval gunnery school H.M.S. Excellent), shows that given an elevation of 8 degrees, the 32 pounder had a maximum range of 2600 yds (2,366 m). In 1805 the maximum elevation was governed by the vertical size of the gun port and limitation of the carriage, however greater elevation could be achieved by removing the rear trucks (wooden wheels).

            The iron barrel was painted with a black composition to comb it from rust.The original formula for this was: "To one gallon of vinegar add a quarter of a pound of iron rust, let it stand for one week; then add a pound of lamp black and three quarters of a pound of copperas; stir it up at intervals for a couple of days. Lay five to six coats on the gun with a sponge, allowing it to dry well between each application; polish with linseed oil and soft woollen rag; it will look like ebony."

            As these guns are fitted with copper vent bushes, (a liner screwed into the vent to avoid erosion from powder gases when the gun fired) it is likely that all were manufactured after c.1813 when copper vent bushes were first introduced. Guns fitted with copper vent bushes were stamped CVC, and those with iron bushed IV. These marks are found on the top of the of the cascable. Later guns fitted with copper bushes were not marked.

            The makers marks are on the left trunnion. On the right trunnion is the gun number, also there is inscribed a vertical line which, used with a plumb line, the gun could be layed horizontally or levelled.

            A wooden stopper called a tompion was kept in the muzzle to prevent moisture entering the bore when the gun was not in action.

            Предварително казвам че ако някой иска резюме на български може или да си го драсне сам или да изтрие текста
            Can't talk! Got to Shoot!


              между другото сещам се и за още един английски линеен кораб, макар и музеен - първият брониран кораб /мореходен/ - Уориър.


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                Айде да погледкате, ама май съм го пускал в Криле :sm186:
                Rolling, turning, diving
                Rolling, turning, diving, going in again
                Run, live to fly, fly to live, do or die
                Run, live to fly, fly to live, Aces high.


                  Тези снимки ги видях на един друг форум, но пускам загадката тук (къде съм ги видял ще постна когато корабът бъде познат). Та, що за корабче е това и въобще ... като видите снимките ще разберете и върпосите ми:

                  Модератор на раздели "Втора световна война" и "Междувоенен период".
                  Проект 22.06.1941 г.
                  "... там можете да попаднете на персонажи като например "честен прокурор" - а това, съгласете се, е същество къде-къде по-фантастично от някакъв си там "тъмен елф"." ©


                    Esminec s ogromni dinamo-reaktivni orqdiya na Kurchevskii. 305 mm. A snimkite mai sa ot edna kniga na Shirokorad.


                    Средновековните църкви в България


                      Намерих я, намерих я
                      И понеже съм добричък - търси се едното от двете имена на кораба, което и да дадете се счита за верен отговор
                      Attached Files
                      Кървава зора вестява страшен бой и кървав път, готови пак за нова слава Рилци в бой ще полeтят ! Пред стените Булаирски в неравна люта бран ние славно победихме в боя тебе, вража зган!Тежки гаубици тряскат крачи полкът Рилски твърд! Нас гранати хич не стряскат нас не плаши даже смърт.


                        По моему това е фрегата тип Captain,сега коя точно от 78-те не се наемам да гадая


                          Уви не е. След малко мога да кажа и откъде е другото му име . Или може би оръдията ще го издадат.
                          Жокерче - на снимката кораба е тръгнал към британска база ползвана срещу нещо от друга държава имаща нещо общо с кораба
                          Last edited by Sailor_Malan; 21-04-2006, 12:11.
                          Кървава зора вестява страшен бой и кървав път, готови пак за нова слава Рилци в бой ще полeтят ! Пред стените Булаирски в неравна люта бран ние славно победихме в боя тебе, вража зган!Тежки гаубици тряскат крачи полкът Рилски твърд! Нас гранати хич не стряскат нас не плаши даже смърт.


                            Ескортен миноноисец тип Cannon или Edsall

                            ако съм прав това може да е някой от предадените/продадените след ВСВ което обяснява споменатите две имена
                            Last edited by Gaden Gogi; 21-04-2006, 12:21. Причина: Автоматично сливане на двойно мнение


                              Не си съвсем прав, но си мнооооого близо
                              Кървава зора вестява страшен бой и кървав път, готови пак за нова слава Рилци в бой ще полeтят ! Пред стените Булаирски в неравна люта бран ние славно победихме в боя тебе, вража зган!Тежки гаубици тряскат крачи полкът Рилски твърд! Нас гранати хич не стряскат нас не плаши даже смърт.


                                Остава да е тип Buckley, ама тези боклучки имат практически еднакъв външен вид, различават се основно по машините
                                иначе ако този път съм бил прав това трябва да е един от 46-те предадени на англия.
                                И ако съм прав ще ти дърпам ушите като се видим по съвсем простата причина че тези кораби в британският флот са известни като "фрегата тип Captain" а типът Buckley спада към втората група такива, първата са тип Cannon или Edsall

