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    Турция си признава че е загубила три самолета над чуждо въздушно пространство:
    Един F-100F Super Sabre над Ирак от Mirage F-1EQ през 1983.
    Един F-16D block40 от гръцки Mirage-2000EGM през 1996.
    И онзи F-4 край брега на Сирия тази година.
    This is my signature. There are many like it but this one is mine.


      The space shuttle Endeavour, carried atop NASA's 747 Shuttle Carrier Aircraft, lands at Houston's Ellington Field past an aircraft from the Texas Air National Guard 147th Reconnaissance Wing on September 19, 2012.


        Индевър, карат го за музея.


          Красота! Като обявиха че пенсионират совалката, казаха че совалката е безплатна, но музеите си плащат за превоза и позиционирането - 4 милиона долара.
          А някой знае ли какво е това което покрива задната част? Някакъв обтекател за времето на полета? А боинга предполагам е 747-800.
          This is my signature. There are many like it but this one is mine.


            Всички модификации и развития на Су-27 (взето на заем от аерото).

            Last edited by Amazon; 01-12-2012, 20:09.
            This is my signature. There are many like it but this one is mine.


              Разлики между Су-33 и J-15. Не знам какво значение имат, ако може някой да ги обясни?


                Първото е хологравски дисплей, на мястото на старият HUD на Су-33. При руснаците всичко след Су-30СМ е с такъв, мисля че е разработка на Талес(тук може да греша). Така че браво на китайците.
                Предпоследната снимка, Моряка беше уточнил какво е - маркер за заснемане на точната позиция на самолета при кацане/излитане.
                За останалите не знам, но на четвъртата двойка снимки изглежда че на J-15 му е по-малък отколкото на Су-33
                This is my signature. There are many like it but this one is mine.


                  «Враг не дремлет... Будь бдителен!» (c)


                    PREDATOR C "Avenger" UAV


                      Кухулин написа Виж мнение
                      Хубав клип.

                      Factory of the Future is Key to Missile Defense

                      Welcome to Huntsville, Ala., where workers will soon produce a key piece of the U.S. missile defense plan, the Standard Missile-3, in a gleaming factory designed with virtual reality tools and outfitted with the latest machinery. The same Raytheon Redstone Missile Integration Facility will also produce the Standard Missile-6, a ship-defense missile.

                      “This is really the first large-missile automated factory,” said Steve Larson, Raytheon’s director of Manufacturing Innovation. “For an affordable, safe, high mission-assurance type application, this is the only way to do it.”

                      SM-3s from the factory will be a critical piece of the U.S. government’s Phased Adaptive Approach for defending Europe against ballistic missile threats. The U.S. plan calls for sea- and land-based missile interceptors as well as a range of sensors.

                      The first SM-6 is set to leave the new plant in February 2013. The first SM-3s will be delivered later in 2013.


                        Китайский палубный истребитель Shenyang J-15 превосходит российский Су-33. J-15 отличается от Су-33 более совершенной бортовой электроникой с двунаправленной высокоскоростной шиной передачи данных. Бортовой компьютер Су-33 способен выполнять лишь 170 тысяч операций в секунду, а вычислитель J-15 - несколько миллионов задач.

                        J-15 в отличие от российского истребителя может не только выполнять воздушный перехват, но и наносить прицельные удары по объектам на поверхности. За счет использования более современных материалов корпус J-15 легче и крепче Cу-33.

                        J-15 оснащен двигателями Taihang (WS-10) местного производства, которые существенно мощнее российских АЛ-31Ф. По своим характеристикам, пишет People's Daily Online, J-15 сравним с палубными версиями американских истребителей F/A-18 Super Hornet и французских Rafale.
                        Китайский палубный истребитель Shenyang J-15 превосходит российский Су-33 по многим характеристикам. Как пишут китайские СМИ, J-15 обладает более современной электроникой и двигателями, а также более легким и прочным корпусом. В министерстве обороны Китая утверждают, что внешняя схожесть не делает J-15 копией Су-33.


                          Several fighter jet engines said snatched from air base in suspected inside job

                          Ей така, изчезнали

                          Само да не се появят на другия край на света, ама не вярвам


                            Много мощна колекция;


                              Добра карикатура.

                              Глава Росавиации пожаловался правительству на бесполезность ГЛОНАСС

                              Российские авиакомпании оснащают воздушные суда ГЛОНАСС-оборудованием, которое не приносит им никакой практической пользы, сообщил правительству в письме глава Росавиации Александр Нерадько.

                              «На большинстве отечественных воздушных судов, оснащенных аппаратурой спутниковой навигации ГЛОНАСС/GPS, не имеющих цифрового пилотажно-навигационного комплекса, аппаратура спутниковой навигации не взаимодействует с бортовым навигационным комплексом, поэтому автоматическое самолетовождение по сигналам ГЛОНАСС/GPS не обеспечивается, а также не обеспечивается соответствие большинству типов навигационных характеристик PBN (навигация на основе эксплуатационных характеристик)»
                              Hoki88 merupakan platform slot online yang menyediakan berbagai jenis permainan slot online dengan tingkat pengembalian (RTP) yang terbilang tinggi.


                                NVIDIA Receives DARPA Contract Worth Up To $20 Million For High-Performance Embedded Processor Research

                                Wednesday, December 12, 2012

                                SANTA CLARA, CA--(Marketwire - Dec 12, 2012) - NVIDIA has been awarded a contract worth up to $20 million from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) to research embedded processor technologies that could lead to dramatic improvements in the ability of autonomous vehicles to collect and process data from on-board sensors.

                                DARPA is the U.S. Defense Department's research and development arm. The five-year contract, awarded under DARPA's Power Efficiency Revolution For Embedded Computing Technologies (PERFECT) program, will fund research for processors that are 75-times more energy efficient than current embedded solutions. The goal is to enable surveillance and computer vision systems in ground and airborne vehicles to collect and analyze vastly more data than can be processed today in real time.

                                Existing embedded processors deliver about 1 gigaflops of performance (1 billion floating point operations each second) per watt. The NVIDIA program, known as Project Osprey, will research low-power circuits and extremely efficient architectures and programming systems that enable 75 gigaflops per watt, using process technologies as advanced as 7 nanometer (nm) compared with today's 28-nm process.

                                "The technologies developed with this program can transform the capabilities of embedded systems, making autonomous vehicles more practical and intelligent," said Steve Keckler, senior director of Architecture Research at NVIDIA. "This research will help NVIDIA continue to advance mobile computing for both government and consumer applications."

                                Project Osprey will leverage NVIDIA's strengths in heterogeneous computing and parallel processing technology, which enable more efficient processing than traditional CPUs. NVIDIA® processors are used in a wide variety of embedded applications today, including automobiles made by Audi, BMW, Tesla and Lamborghini, aircraft including the F-22 Raptor, and U.S. Army tanks.

                                NVIDIA researchers will work on the program with academic partners at the University of Utah and the University of Virginia.

                                Project Osprey, which is now underway, could, combined with two optional additional phases, continue over the next five and one-half years.

                                Още една стъпка към летящите роботи.

