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едно много ранно и интересно решение - оръдието на Пукъл/ или Пъкъл / от 1718.
James Puckle a London Lawyer was granted the following patent in 1718 for a Portable Gun
1. The Barrel of the Gun. 8. The Screw to take out the Crane when 13. a Charge of Twenty Square Bullets
2. The Sett of Chambers Charg'd put the Gun with the trepeid is to be 14. a single Bullet.
on ready for fireing. folded up. 15. The front of the Chambers of a Gun
3. The Screw upon which every Sett 9. The Trepied whereon it plays. for a Boat.
of Chambers play off and on. 10. The Chain to prevent the Trepieds 16. The plate of the Chambers of the
4. a Sett of Chambers ready Charg'd extending too far out Gun for a ship shooting Square
to be Slip'd on when the first Sett 11. The hooks to fix the Trepied and Bullet against Turks.
are pull'd off to be recharg'd. Unhook when the same is folded up in 17. For Round Bullets against Christians.
5. The Crane to rise fall and turn the order to be carried with the Gun upon 18. a Single Square Chamber.
Gun round. a Man's Shoulder. 19. a Single round Chamber.
6. The Curb to Level and fix the Guns. 12. The Tube wherein the Pivot of the 20. a single Bullet for a Boat.
7. The Screw to rise and fall it. Crane turns. 21. The Mould for Casting
Single Bullets.
Whereas our Sovereign Lord King George by his Letters pattents bearing date the Fifteenth day of May in the Fourth Year of his Majesties Reign was generously pleased to Give & Grant unto me James Puckle of London Gent my Exors Admors & Assignes the sole priviledge & Authority to Make Exercise Work and use a Portable Gun or Machine (by me lately invented) call'd a Defence in that part of his Majesties Kingdom of Great Britain called England his Dominion of Wales, Town of Berwick upon Tweed and his Majesties Kingdom of Ireland in such manner & with such Materials as shou'd be ascertain'd to be the New Invention by writing under my Hand & Seal and Inrolled in the High court of chancery within three Calendary Months from the date of the pattent as in & by his Majesties Letters Pattents Relacon being thereunto had Doth & may amongst Other things morefully & at large Appear Now I the said James Puckle Do hereby Declare that the Materials whereof the Machine is Made are Steel Iron & Brass and that the Trepied whereon it Stands is Wood & Iron And that in the Above print (to which I hereby Refer) the Said Gun or Machine by me Invented is Delienated & Described. July the 25th 1718./.
4B 180
Information by courtesy of The Patent Office ~ Newport.
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