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    Nqma mnogo ob6to s WW2 ama e edin mnogo interesen site za razmurdvane na sivoto ve6testvo.

    Kato stignete na vtorata zagadka postnete ne6to 4e sum super zacepil :o
    Fairness is a wonderful attribute, Major Anderson. It has nothing to do with war."
    Page 97
    "Human beings didn't evolve brains in order to lie around on lakes. Killing's the first thing we learned. And a good thing we did, or we'd be dead, and the tigers would own the earth."
    Page 241
    "I am your enemy, the first one you've ever had who was smarter than you. There is no teacher but the enemy. No one but the enemy will tell you what the enemy is going to do. No one but the enemy will ever teach you how to destroy and conquer. Only the enemy tells you where he is strong. And the rules of the game are what you can do to him and what you can stop him from doing to you. I am your enemy from now on. From now on I am your teacher."
    Page 262
    Ender's Game


    Ти откъде разбра за този сайт?
    Ти ли си го правил?
    голям майтап е :twisted:
    Нека Всевишний укрепи десницата на народа и войската, за да запази честта, правата и славата на Отечеството и на избраний от народа монарх. Да живее България!!!


      Абе как се влиза в този сайт?
      То исторически филми в България не се правят, щото няма продуктово позициониране - Симеон Цветков 2012г.


        хаха, еми пробвай се
        включи арсенала от комп. умения :lol:
        Нека Всевишний укрепи десницата на народа и войската, за да запази честта, правата и славата на Отечеството и на избраний от народа монарх. Да живее България!!!


          Абе Тоширо, защо се подиграваш с мене неграмотният в ПС-отношение.Просто питам.Ако знаеш помогни ми :cry:
          То исторически филми в България не се правят, щото няма продуктово позициониране - Симеон Цветков 2012г.


            Zaribix vi nali
            Ne ne sum go pravil az nali ti kazval zabil sum na onazi zagadka s Alice
            ako ima6 ideq pomogni. :?
            A otnosno tova kak sum razbral ami... ako po cql den rovi6 v neta interesni raboti se otkrivat
            Malko joker4e za Parabellum :
            dai na stranicata view source -tam ima po konkretna podskazka ,a i
            google-a 6te ti pomogne
            4akam malko pomo6t ....
            Fairness is a wonderful attribute, Major Anderson. It has nothing to do with war."
            Page 97
            "Human beings didn't evolve brains in order to lie around on lakes. Killing's the first thing we learned. And a good thing we did, or we'd be dead, and the tigers would own the earth."
            Page 241
            "I am your enemy, the first one you've ever had who was smarter than you. There is no teacher but the enemy. No one but the enemy will tell you what the enemy is going to do. No one but the enemy will ever teach you how to destroy and conquer. Only the enemy tells you where he is strong. And the rules of the game are what you can do to him and what you can stop him from doing to you. I am your enemy from now on. From now on I am your teacher."
            Page 262
            Ender's Game


              Ave vijte go tozi site
              Tazi zagadka mi vzima zdraveto....
              Fairness is a wonderful attribute, Major Anderson. It has nothing to do with war."
              Page 97
              "Human beings didn't evolve brains in order to lie around on lakes. Killing's the first thing we learned. And a good thing we did, or we'd be dead, and the tigers would own the earth."
              Page 241
              "I am your enemy, the first one you've ever had who was smarter than you. There is no teacher but the enemy. No one but the enemy will tell you what the enemy is going to do. No one but the enemy will ever teach you how to destroy and conquer. Only the enemy tells you where he is strong. And the rules of the game are what you can do to him and what you can stop him from doing to you. I am your enemy from now on. From now on I am your teacher."
              Page 262
              Ender's Game


                the password is the surname of the man who said "the highest

                knowledge is to know that we are surrounded by mystery

                Името е ALBERT SCHWEITZER , първият му прякор е "Uncle Al" , ама не става с него. А презимето не можах да му открия.

                Спестявайте по 5 марки на седмица и ще пътувате с ваша собствена кола!


                  Dobre Purvata vi e re6ena . :roll:
                  Derzaite na vtorata. :?
                  Fairness is a wonderful attribute, Major Anderson. It has nothing to do with war."
                  Page 97
                  "Human beings didn't evolve brains in order to lie around on lakes. Killing's the first thing we learned. And a good thing we did, or we'd be dead, and the tigers would own the earth."
                  Page 241
                  "I am your enemy, the first one you've ever had who was smarter than you. There is no teacher but the enemy. No one but the enemy will tell you what the enemy is going to do. No one but the enemy will ever teach you how to destroy and conquer. Only the enemy tells you where he is strong. And the rules of the game are what you can do to him and what you can stop him from doing to you. I am your enemy from now on. From now on I am your teacher."
                  Page 262
                  Ender's Game


                    Faso , извинявай, объркал съм те , не се решава с тори урок. Значи отвори с хекс едитор малкото бмп което се сжаля от картинката!
                    там е уловката

                    Спестявайте по 5 марки на седмица и ще пътувате с ваша собствена кола!


                      nякой реши ли я тази с Алиса?
                      XV mile the sea brode is
                      From Turkey to the Ile of Rodez...

