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Две интересни статии от New York Times

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    Две интересни статии от New York Times

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    The Way of the Commandos
    The counterinsurgency in Iraq is increasingly being waged by an elite regiment of Sunni-led fighters and they sometimes play by the rules of the old Iraq. Is the war getting dirtier?

    Getting to Know the General In a country of tough guys, Adnan Thabit may be the toughest of all. He was both a general and a death-row prisoner under Saddam Hussein. He favors leather jackets no matter the weather, his left index finger extends only to the knuckle (the rest was sliced off in combat) and he responds to requests from supplicants with grunts that mean ''yes'' or ''no.'' Occasionally, a humble aide approaches to spray perfume on his hands, which he wipes over his rugged face.

    Army Recruiters Say They Feel Pressure to Bend Rules
    Army statistics that show an increase in cheating by recruiters is disturbing many of the men and women charged with the uphill task of refilling the ranks.

    Army recruiters in 10 states say they have been bending or breaking enlistment rules for months, hiding police records and medical histories of potential recruits in order to meet stiff quotas; say commanders have encouraged deception; issue drew national attention when CBS News reported that David McSwane, high school student near Denver, recorded two recruiters as they advised him how to cheat; photo; chart shows numbers of questionable recruiting and disposition over six years (M)
    We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are
    ---Anais Nin----