Imperial написа
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This is my signature. There are many like it but this one is mine.
Оплакване от Бразилец
I'm Brazilian and wanna make a complaint. The British Empire let us down badly. Wot the fuck were u guys doing in Africa and India? We were here sitting on our arses for years and years patiently waiting for u and wot we got? The Portuguese instead. We inherited poverty, an extremelly difficult language to learn at school and worst of all hairy women. It'd be so much easier to slave and impose ur culture onto us and we'd be grateful for the rest of our lives. I'd've been a good cricket player.
Из руския баш:
Занятие в спортна школа. Треньора кара 5-годишно момченце да вдигне гирички 20 пъти.
Момченцето: - Не мога.
Треньора: - Няма не мога. Трябва да преодолееш себе си. (...)
Момченцето: - Не мога бе. Не мога да броя до двайсе."Мисля, че видът на изпотени мъже им въздействаше." - дан Глокта