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    М`да, забавно е това клише за увеличените черепни кутии, обаче аз си мислех за доста по-големите очи - за да има къде да се вместят също ще трябва промяна на черепа (разширение). А какъв е смисълът от по-големи очи? Явно съответният художник (или който там е поръчвал илюстрацията) се е пуснал по течението на клишетата: по-големи мозъци и по-големи очи (щото нали щом повече разчитат на визуална информация, значи трябва да имат по-големи очи - толкоз е просто и логично ).


      Google seals Waze app sat-nav takeover
      In a bid to outsmart traffic, Google has bought the crowd-sourced navigation app Waze, a Tel Aviv-based start-up.
      The search giant reportedly paid $1.3bn (£835m), according to Reuters, although the firm did not disclose the financial terms for the deal.
      The Waze app combines online maps with updates from other users about traffic jams, road works and accidents.
      It is believed that Facebook and Apple were also interested in purchasing the Israeli firm.
      The takeover could help Google improve the accuracy of its own navigation system, Google Maps.
      A statement on Google's official blog said the Waze team and current users had "created a great source of timely road corrections and updates".
      The app essentially turns a smartphone into a web community-based GPS device, bringing elements of a social network into an online mapping service, to produce more precise directions and better information about traffic conditions.
      Waze was founded four years ago, and now has 47 million users worldwide. The company's chief executive Noam Bardin and a few employees are based in Waze's US headquarters in Palo Alto, California, but the majority of the staff - about 90 employees - are in Israel.
      In a bid to outsmart traffic, Google has bought the crowd-sourced navigation app Waze, a Tel Aviv-based start-up.

      "No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity."
      "But I know none, and therefore am no beast."

      (Richard III - William Shakespeare)


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        "Travelling in Iran and our bus stopped at a checkpoint yesterday -- look closely at the traffic police car!"



            Barack Obama in open microphone gaffe with Dmitry Medvedev


              War, war never changes..


                US supreme court rules human genes cannot be patented
                Court calls DNA a product of nature, contradicting biotech firm's argument that isolated strains had 'markedly different structure'
                "Medical groups challenged patents on two genes linked to breast and ovarian cancer owned by Myriad Genetics. Photograph: Mauricio Lima/AFP/Getty Images

                The US supreme court has ruled unanimously that natural human genes cannot be patented, a decision that scientists and civil rights campaigners said removed a major barrier to patient care and medical innovation.

                The court on Thursday held that human DNA was a "product of nature", a basic tool of scientific and technological work, thereby placing it beyond the domain of patent protection. It struck down patents held by Myriad Genetics Inc, a Utah company, on two genes linked to a higher risk of breast and ovarian cancer.

                But it also said that synthetic genetic material could be patented, in a mixed ruling for the biotechnology industry, which has argued that patents are necessary to recoup the billions of dollars it spends on research.

                Myriad carries out tests for BRCA genes, recently brought into the public eye when actor Angelina Jolie revealed she had a double mastectomy after learning she tested positive for one of the genes.

                The ruling represents a major shift in the law, overturning three decades of patent awards by the US government and could have a profound effect on the biotechnology and drug industry.

                Justice Clarence Thomas ruled that Myriad's assertion that the DNA it isolated from the human body for its tests were patentable had to be dismissed because it violated patent rules. The court said that laws of nature, natural phenomena and abstract ideas lay outside patent protection.

                "We hold that a naturally occurring DNA segment is a product of nature and not patent eligible merely because it has been isolated," Thomas said.

                He said there would be "considerable danger" that without such an exception, the granting of patent would "tie up" the use of such tools and future innovation based on them.

                In a statement made after the ruling, Myriad Genetics stressed that the court had upheld its patents on complementary DNA and said that it retained "strong intellectual protection" for its BRCA test.

                Peter Meldrum, president and CEO of Myriad Genetics, said: "We believe the court appropriately upheld our claims on cDNA and underscored the patent eligibility of our method claims, ensuring strong intellectual property protection for our BRACAnalysis test moving forward."

                Myriad said it still had more than 500 valid and enforceable claims in 24 different patents conferring strong patent protection for its BRCA test.

                Nabeela Rasheed, a lawyer with McAndrews Held and Malloy, who specialises in biotechnology, said that because the case did not involve method or application claims, Myriad could still be in a reasonable position to retain a monopoly on its BRCA test. "Myriad's history is that it defends its patents" said Rasheed. "I don't see why if they have method claims why they wouldn't continue to enforce them."

                Opponents had argued that patent protection should not be granted to something within the human body.

                "Today, the court struck down a major barrier to patient care and medical innovation," said Sandra Park, an attorney with the ACLU Women's Rights Project, which brought the case on behalf of scientists, cancer patients and medical associations. "Myriad did not invent the BRCA genes and should not control them. Because of this ruling, patients will have greater access to genetic testing and scientists can engage in research on these genes without fear of being sued."

                Park said that Myriad would no longer have a monopoly on the BRCA tests because other geneticists could now use alternative methods of testing.

                The patents allowed Myriad to control access to the genes, known as BRCA1 and BRCA2, and gave the company the right to limit others from doing research or diagnostic testing of the genes. Women with a faulty gene have a three to seven times greater risk of developing breast cancer and also have a higher risk of ovarian cancer.

                Opponents of the patents argued that research and diagnostic testing from others is crucial for patients making important medical decisions. They also said that the patents allowed Myriad, which sells the only BRCA gene test, to set the cost and other parameters of tests, making it difficult for women to access alternate tests or get a comprehensive second opinion about their results.

                "The court rightfully found that patents cannot be awarded for something so fundamental to nature as DNA," said Daniel B Ravicher, executive director of Public Patent Foundation and co-counsel in the lawsuit.

                However, Dr Penny Gilbert, a partner at UK law firm PowellGilbert and expert in life sciences, said it was a "compromise decision".

                "It's not as bad as had been anticipated by the biotech industry, because it is clear you can have patents for cloned genes in certain circumstances" Gilbert said. "Modern methods of cloning genes will still be patentable."

                "I'm not convinced it will have a major impact. It is hard to assess."

                She pointed out that shares in Myriad Genetics went up after the ruling that blocked the patenting of human genes but allowed the patenting of synthetically created genetic material, or cDNA.

                Myriad shares were up 10.3%, or $3.48, at to $37.40, at midday trading on Thursday.

                Lisbeth Ceriani, a breast cancer survivor and plaintiff in the Myriad case, was faced with a bill of $4,000 for a test to determine if she carried a genetic mutation associated with hereditary ovarian cancer, because Myriad had refused to enter into a contract with her insurance company. She had to wait 18 months before she was able to obtain the test through a grant, at which point she learned she did indeed carry a mutation.

                "I'm relieved that no other women will have to go through what I went through," said Ceriani. "I'm so glad that the supreme court agrees that women deserve full access to vital information from their own bodies."

                Myriad has argued that it needs the patents to recoup the money it has spent on isolating the genes.

                Patent lawyers in the UK warned that the US supreme court ruling would deter many firms from pursuing research. Dr Gareth Williams a partner at the firm Marks & Clerk, said: "It would be an understatement to describe this ruling as disappointing news for worldwide biotech research. It represents a volte-face in the approach to intellectual property rights around genetics and its effects will be felt well beyond US borders.

                "By declaring isolated forms of human DNA patent ineligible, it robs genome research companies of a huge commercial incentive to continue researching into DNA. This research is vital if we are to develop effective DNA-based treatments or diagnostics for diseases like cancer or inheritable illnesses."

                Justice Thomas noted there were still ways for Myriad to make money from its discovery. "Had Myriad created an innovative method of manipulating genes while searching for the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes, it could possibly have sought a method patent," he said. And he noted that the case before the court did not include patents on the application of knowledge about the two genes.

                Jolie revealed last month that her mother died of ovarian cancer and that her maternal grandmother also had the disease. She said she carries a defective BRCA1 gene that puts her at high risk of developing breast and ovarian cancers, and that led her to decide to have both of her healthy breasts removed to try to avoid the same fate."

                Тъй като ми се вижда важно - сложих цялата статия.
                Модератор на раздели "Втора световна война" и "Междувоенен период".
                Проект 22.06.1941 г.
                "... там можете да попаднете на персонажи като например "честен прокурор" - а това, съгласете се, е същество къде-къде по-фантастично от някакъв си там "тъмен елф"." ©


                  Надявам се модераторът скоро да изтрие всички тези постове. Не обръщайте темата на политическа кръчма, затова има кръчми, в края на краищата.

                  Темата е "Любопитно", а на мен ми е любопитно как Дейвид Ковърдейл поддържа този глас на 61 години. Вчера в Белград не валеше дъжд и концертът на Whitesnake беше страхотен.

                  "No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity."
                  "But I know none, and therefore am no beast."

                  (Richard III - William Shakespeare)


                    Global Peace Index 2013 (възможно - по-добри тема за "майтап")

                    Iceland 1
                    Denmark 2
                    New Zealand 3
                    Canada 8
                    Japan 6
                    Austria 4
                    Ireland 12
                    Slovenia 13
                    Finland 7
                    Switzerland 5
                    Belgium 10
                    Qatar 19
                    Czech Republic 14
                    Sweden 9
                    Germany 15
                    Portugal 18
                    Hungary 23
                    Norway 11
                    Bhutan 20
                    Malaysia 29
                    Mauritius 21
                    Australia 16
                    Singapore 16
                    Poland 25
                    Spain 27
                    Slovakia 33
                    Taiwan 26
                    Netherlands 22
                    United Kingdom 44
                    Chile 31
                    Botswana 32
                    Romania 30
                    Uruguay 24
                    Vietnam 41
                    Croatia 28
                    Costa Rica 40
                    Laos 39
                    Italy 34
                    Bulgaria 34
                    France 53
                    Estonia 38
                    Korea, South 47
                    Lithuania 43
                    Argentina 60
                    Latvia 41
                    United Arab Emirates 36
                    Kuwait 37
                    Mozambique 61
                    Namibia 46
                    Ghana 58
                    Zambia 48
                    Sierra Leone 59
                    Lesotho 49
                    Morocco 57
                    Tanzania 55
                    Burkina Faso 87
                    Djibouti 63
                    Mongolia 64
                    Oman 45
                    Malawi 74
                    Panama 56
                    Jordan 52
                    Indonesia 54
                    Serbia 62
                    Bosnia and Herzegovina 71
                    Albania 69
                    Moldova 74
                    Macedonia 79
                    Guyana 70
                    Cuba 65
                    Ukraine 111
                    Tunisia 77
                    Cyprus 49
                    Gambia 93
                    Gabon 76
                    Paraguay 84
                    Greece 68
                    Senegal 85
                    Peru 113
                    Nepal 82
                    Montenegro 73
                    Nicaragua 66
                    Brazil 81
                    Bolivia 86
                    Ecuador 83
                    Swaziland 88
                    Equatorial Guinea 89
                    United States 99
                    China 101
                    Dominican Republic 94
                    Bangladesh 105
                    Guinea 116
                    Papua New Guinea 99
                    Trinidad and Tobago 90
                    Angola 102
                    Guinea-Bissau 132
                    Cameroon 108
                    Uganda 106
                    Tajikistan 118
                    Madagascar 90
                    Liberia 80
                    Mali 125
                    Sri Lanka 110
                    Congo 107
                    Kazakhstan 78
                    Saudi Arabia 97
                    Haiti 92
                    Cambodia 115
                    Belarus 96
                    Uzbekistan 124
                    Egypt 113
                    El Salvador 112
                    Jamaica 117
                    Benin 104
                    Armenia 98
                    Niger 127
                    Turkmenistan 103
                    Bahrain 95
                    Rwanda 135
                    Kenya 136
                    Algeria 119
                    Eritrea 120
                    Venezuela 128
                    Guatemala 109
                    Mauritania 122
                    Thailand 130
                    South Africa 121
                    Iran 137
                    Honduras 123
                    Turkey 134
                    Kyrgyzstan 131
                    Azerbaijan 126
                    Philippines 129
                    Cote d' Ivoire 151
                    Mexico 133
                    Lebanon 142
                    Ethiopia 146
                    Burundi 144
                    Myanmar 140
                    Zimbabwe 149
                    Georgia 139
                    India 141
                    Yemen 152
                    Colombia 147
                    Chad 138
                    Nigeria 148
                    Libya 145
                    Syria 160
                    Pakistan 157
                    Israel 150
                    Central African Republic 153
                    Korea, North 154
                    Russia 155
                    Congo, Democratic Republic of 156
                    Iraq 159
                    Sudan 158
                    Afghanistan 162
                    Somalia 161

                    От всички страни - Русия е най-агресивна.
                    Какъв смел аз човек - аз живея в ужас. И аз не забелязват.


                      Не придиряй чак толко, ето виждаш Израел и той в тая група, пък и САЩ и те във втората част от листата.


                        Но Израел е (около 8-9 пъти в годината) военните атаки срещу своите съседи.
                        Китай - е строи огромен флот.
                        САЩ - на всеки 2 години - военно нападение срещу всяка страна.
                        Северна Корея - заплашва да унищожи света.
                        Франция - отиде в Африка.
                        Дори "миролюбив" Катар - Според вестник Financial Times, само през периода от април 2012 г. до март 2013 инвестирани във войната срещу Сирия в рамките на $ 3,00 милиарда.

                        как страшно жить...


                          ДАНС+ГДБОП, това е все едно ФБР+ЦРУ под една шапка и с несменяем шеф.
                          Надявам се да не се приеме като политическа приказка, а като, ъъъ, полу-експертно уточнение - аналогията далеч не е вярна. Всъщност, сега с промените в закона, които прочетох, ДАНС ще се превърне в нещо като ФБР, каквато беше и първоначалната идея при създаването му. Чувам, че тези промени, не персоналните, са съгласувани с онзи, който посочи и настоящия вътрешен министър. Не е нашият президент .
                          ФБР се занимава с контраразузнаване, антитерористична дейност, борба с тежката и организираната престъпност (масови и серийни убийства, отвличания, канали за трафик на хора, мафиотски организации). Тоест, с промените в закона ДАНС ще се превърне във ФБР от аналитичната структура, която беше (над 600 професионалисти я напуснаха, защото беше превърната в аналитична структура). Едва ли обаче, ще е толкова всесилна, особено по отношение на обикновения гражданин - с персонал от около 1000-1500 души няма как физически да постигне това. ИМХО, напълно логично е СОБТ също да бъде включен към ДАНС, отново по американски образец. Другото интересно нещо, което се пропуска е, че внезапно се установи нужда от силов вицепремиер, който ще бъде шапка на ДАНС - в случая министърът на вътрешните работи.
                          Last edited by кало; 16-06-2013, 10:29.


                            В понеделник ще разчистя темата. Дотогава има "свобода", но все пак, помнете, че постовете ще бъдат изтрити.

                            ПП Понякога си мисля дали да не направя една тема "кръчма" в "Общи приказки", но не съм убеден, че има смисъл.


                              няма смисъл, ИМХО.


                                Eguo написа Виж мнение
                                От всички страни - Русия е най-агресивна.
                                Какъв смел аз човек - аз живея в ужас. И аз не забелязват.
                                Свикнали сте, затова не забелязвате. Отстрани изглежда точно така. Не го казвам с лошо чувство, просто давам обяснение като страничен наблюдател. Постоянно приказки за оръжия, за война, такива неща.

