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Amazon написаДинайн, каква е формалната причина ултрасите да не искат да служат в армията? Има ли нещо в юдеизма, което забранява мъжете да са войници?"No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity."
"But I know none, and therefore am no beast."
(Richard III - William Shakespeare)
Invasive crazy ants have a taste for technology
Tawny crazy ants, which have an attraction to nesting in electronics, are displacing fire ants in parts of the United States.
It sounds like an old black-and-white monster movie. Crazy, tech-nesting ants invade America! That would make for a great matinee, but it's oh so very real. Tawny crazy ants, known scientifically as Nylanderia fulva, are marching into territories once dominated by fire ants -- and they're not being very good neighbors.
While fire ants have made their sting notorious, tawny crazy ants have a propensity to infiltrate unwelcome places en masse. They're making fire ants look positively polite. The South American native ants are attracted to electronics in particular. Once inside, they create short circuits, says University of Texas research assistant Edward LeBrun.
"When they get electrocuted, they release an alarm pheromone," he says, adding that this attracts more ants and exacerbates the problem.
LeBrun and two colleagues published a paper about the ant issue in the Biological Invasions journal, the most awesome science journal you've probably never heard of. So far, the invasive species has been found in Texas, Florida, Mississippi, and Louisiana.
"When you talk to folks who live in the invaded areas, they tell you they want their fire ants back," LeBrun says.
Tawny crazy ants don't sting, but the huge populations spill over into the walls of houses, potted plants, crawl spaces, vehicles, and electrical equipment. That's about the last thing you would want to find when you open up your electrical box to check your breakers.
You might want to think twice about leaving your laptop outside in crazy ant territory, but the ants are more likely to get into fixed equipment, house wiring, and even recreational vehicles.
According to the Texas A&M AgriLife Research Extension, some infestations have caused several thousands of dollars in damage and remedial costs.
Controlling the ant invasion is challenging. They crowd out native ants and they don't respond to most poison baits. Texas A&M recommends clearing clutter off the ground and hiring professional pest control services.
Съвсем кратичко резюме: в няколко щата на САЩ, дребни мравки заемат територии, в които преди са живели огнени мравки. Новите нашественици си харесват преди всичко електрониката и електрическите мрежи, населват се на такива места, правейки къси съединения и т.н. Като нищо, ако човек си остави лаптопа навън - могат да влязат в него и чао. Тези мравки идват в огромни количества и са устойчиви към традиционните отрови.Модератор на раздели "Втора световна война" и "Междувоенен период".
Проект 22.06.1941 г.
"... там можете да попаднете на персонажи като например "честен прокурор" - а това, съгласете се, е същество къде-къде по-фантастично от някакъв си там "тъмен елф"." ©
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Хлебарките в Европа еволюират да не са им вкусни овкусителите по отровите против хлебарки (redundancy dept of redundandy стана малко)
Дърпат напред в оръжейната надпревара, гадините
Макар че на други места са на изчезване - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Depopul...-Soviet_states. У нас в София също не сме имали от година-две без да сме засилвали химическата отбрана.
Заключителната реч на Шешел в Хага:
dr Vojislav Šešelj - Završna reč - Hag - 14.03.2012
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