Откривам изследване на общественото мнение/знание и отворена дискусия по въпроса. Засега толкова 
A bilingual poster in Romanian and Hungarian promoting a film about Jewish settlements in Palestine, 1930s.
Romanian: Spre o viaţă nouă (Toward a New Life)
Hungarian: Az Igeret Fцldje (The Promised Land)
With smaller letters: Primul Film Vorbitor Palestinean / Az első palesztinai beszйlőfilm (The First Palestinian Talking Movie)

Zionism is a political movement and ideology that supports a homeland for the Jewish People in the Land of Israel, where the Jewish nation originated over 3200 years ago and where Jewish kingdoms and self-governing states existed at various times in history. While Zionism is based in part upon religious tradition linking the Jewish people to the Land of Israel, the modern movement was originally secular, beginning largely as a response to rampant antisemitism in late 19th century Europe. After a number of advances and setbacks, and after the Holocaust had destroyed Jewish society in Europe, the Zionist movement culminated in the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948.
Since the founding of the State of Israel, the term Zionism has come generally to mean support for Israel. However, a variety of different, and sometimes competing, ideologies that support Israel fit under the general category of Zionism, such as Religious Zionism, Revisionist Zionism, and Labour Zionism. Thus, the term is also sometimes used to refer specifically to the programs of these ideologies, such as efforts to encourage Jewish immigration to Israel. The term Zionism is also sometimes used retroactively to describe the millennia-old Biblical connection between the Jewish people and the Land of Israel, which existed long before the birth of the modern Zionist movement. In some cases, the label "Zionist" is also used improperly as a euphemism for Jews in general by those wishing to white-wash anti-Semitism (as in the Polish anti-Zionist campaign).
Since the founding of the State of Israel, the term Zionism has come generally to mean support for Israel. However, a variety of different, and sometimes competing, ideologies that support Israel fit under the general category of Zionism, such as Religious Zionism, Revisionist Zionism, and Labour Zionism. Thus, the term is also sometimes used to refer specifically to the programs of these ideologies, such as efforts to encourage Jewish immigration to Israel. The term Zionism is also sometimes used retroactively to describe the millennia-old Biblical connection between the Jewish people and the Land of Israel, which existed long before the birth of the modern Zionist movement. In some cases, the label "Zionist" is also used improperly as a euphemism for Jews in general by those wishing to white-wash anti-Semitism (as in the Polish anti-Zionist campaign).

A bilingual poster in Romanian and Hungarian promoting a film about Jewish settlements in Palestine, 1930s.
Romanian: Spre o viaţă nouă (Toward a New Life)
Hungarian: Az Igeret Fцldje (The Promised Land)
With smaller letters: Primul Film Vorbitor Palestinean / Az első palesztinai beszйlőfilm (The First Palestinian Talking Movie)