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    Като, всъщност британските медали за периода се разделят на
    Campaign Medals и Gallantry Awards

    И понеже не се радвам, когато хората настояват на собственото си невежество, прилагам списък на двата типа медали през периода и по какъв повод се дават:

    Gallantry Awards
    Victoria Cross. Established by Queen Victoria 29.1.1856. (VC)
    The Victoria Cross is the highest and most prestigious award for gallantry in the face of the enemy that can be awarded to British and Commonwealth forces. . As stated in the Royal Warrant, "It is ordained that the Cross shall only be awarded for most conspicuous bravery, or some daring or pre-eminent act of valour or self-sacrifice or extreme devotion to duty in the presence of the enemy." Note that during the Victorian Era, there are two different ribbons for the VC, Crimson for the Army and Blue for the Navy.

    Meritorious Service Medal. Established by Queen Victoria 1845 (MSM)
    Known for many years as "The Sergeant's Medal", it was originally awarded with an annuity, though such practice ceased around 1854. After 1854 the award was available to officers and non-officers for "exceptional, outstanding service, not in a time of war."

    Distinguished Conduct Medal. Established by Queen Victoria 4.12.1854. (DCM)
    The DCM was awarded to Enlisted Ranks, serving in any of the Sovereign's military forces, for distinguished conduct in the field. It was thus the second highest award for gallantry in action (after the Victoria Cross) for all Enlisted Ranks and was also available to navy personnel for distinguished conduct in the field.

    Distinguished Service Order. Established by Queen Victoria 6.9.1886. (DSO)
    The order was established for rewarding individual instances of meritorious or distinguished service in war. This is a military order for officers only.

    Conspicuous Gallantry Medal. Established by Queen Victoria 1855/1874 (CGM)
    Originally awarded in 1855 to Naval ratings in the Eastern Campaign. It lapsed until re-instituted in 1874 for all naval personnel for gallantry in operaitons against the enemy.

    Aerial Service Cross. Established by Queen Victoria 3.6.1878 (ASC)
    The cross is awarded to officers and enlisted men for acts of valour, courage or devotion to duty performed whilst flying in active operations. Each bar is engraved with the name of the particular action, or duty vessel at the time of award. The date of the award is engraved on the reverse of the bar.

    Campaign Medals
    Canadahar 1842 (Awarded for the First Afghan War)
    Cabul 1842 (Awarded for the First Afghan War)
    Ghuzness,Cabul 1842 (Awarded for the First Afghan War)
    Candahar, Ghuznee, Cabul 1842 (Awarded for the First Afghan War)
    Jellalabad 1842 (Awarded for the First Afghan War)
    Defence of Kelat-I-Ghilize 1842 (Awarded for the First Afghan War)

    China 1842

    Meeanee 1843
    Hyderabad 1843
    Meeanee-Hyderabad 1843

    Punniar Star 1843 (Awarded for the Gwalior Campaign)
    Maharajpoor Star 1843 (Awarded for the Gwalior Campaign)

    Sutlej 1845-46.
    Moodkee 1845
    Ferozeshuhur 1845
    Aliwal 1846
    Sobraon 1846

    New Zealand 1845-47

    Punjab 1848-49.

    South Africa 1834-35/1846-47/1850-53 (Awarded for the Kaffir Wars)
    Identical Medal issued for each campaign with a different date bar.

    Baltic 1854-55. (Awarded to RN & RM Service in the Baltic during the Crimean War)

    Crimean War Medal 1854-56. (Awarded for the Crimean War)
    Bars: Alma
    Azoff (Awarded to navy personnel for operations in the Sea of Azoff in 1885)

    Turkish Crimea Medal (Presented by Turkish government to British, French, and Sardinian
    soldiers who fought in the Crimean War. Ranks In Precedence after the LSGC Medal)

    India General Service Medal (IGS) 1854.(Issued for the period 1849-1895, a total of 23 bars
    were awarded for campaigns that stretched over a 41 year period. I have listed 16 of the bars below that occur up to 1890.)
    Bars: Pegu 1852-53 (Awarded for the Burmese War of 1852-53)
    Persia 1856-57
    North West Frontier 1849-68
    Umbeyla 1863
    Bhootan 1864-66
    Looshai 1871-72
    Perak 1875-76
    Jowaki 1877-78
    Naga 1879-80
    Burma 1885-7
    Sikkim 1888 (Awarded for the Skikkim Expedition)
    Hazara 1888
    Burma 1887-89 (Awarded for the Third Burma War)
    Chin-Lushai 1889-90
    Burma 1889-92
    Lushai 1889-92

    Indian Mutiny 1857-58.
    Delhi (May-Sept 1857)
    Defence of Lucknow (June-Sept 1857)
    Relief of Lucknow (Nov 1857)
    Lucknow (Nov 1857-Mar 1858)
    Central India (Jan - June 1858)

    China 1857-60 (Awarded for the Third China War)
    Fatshan 1857
    Canton 1857
    Taku Forts 1858
    Taku Forts 1860
    Pekin 1860

    New Zealand. 1861-66 (Awarded for the Maori War)
    Identical to the New Zealand 1845-47 Medal, excpet for the change of dates.

    Canada General Service 1866-70
    Fenian Raid 1866
    Fenian Raid 1870
    Red River 1870

    Abyssinia 1867-70 (Awarded for The Abyssinian War)

    Ashantee 1873-74 (Awarded for the Second Ashanti War)

    South Africa 1877-79
    6 Bars:
    1879 (Awarded for the Zulu War of 1879)

    Aerial General Service Medal (Awarded for participation in Aerial Vessel Operations)
    Parhoon 1878 (Awarded for First War of Parhoon Succession)
    Shastapsh 1884 (Awarded for "Punishment" of Shastapsh)
    Sudan 1884-85 (Awarded for the Sudan Campaign)
    Mylarkt 1886 (Awarded for enouncter with SMLS HAMBURG)
    Fenian Ram 1887 (Awarded for encounter with FENIAN RAM)
    Barrovaar 1888 (Awarded to RN & RM personnel for the Kraag Raid)
    Oenotria 1889 (Awarded for the Oenotrian War)

    Afghanistan 1878-80 (Awarded for the Second Afghan War)
    6 Bars:
    Ali Musjid
    Peiwar Kotal
    Ahmed Khel

    Kabul to Kandahar Star (Awarded for the Second Afghan War, but only to troops who participated in the 318 mile forced march from Kabul to Kandahar.)

    Mars General Service Medal 1878 (Awarded for service on Mars from 1872)
    Gorovaan 1878 (Awarded for First War of Parhoon Succession)
    Parhoon 1880 (Awarded for Second War of Parhoon Succession)
    Shastapsh 1887 (Awarded for the Shastapsh Expedition)

    Cape of Good Hope General Service 1880-97
    Transkei (Sep 1880-May 1881)
    Basutoland (Sep 1880-April 1881)
    Bechuanaland (Dec 1886-July 1897)

    Venus General Service Medal (Awarded for Service on Venus from 1880)

    Egypt 1882-89
    13 Bars:
    Alexandria (11 Jul 1882)
    Tel-el-Kebir (13 Sep 1882)
    El-Teb (29 Feb 1884) (Awarded for the Sudan 1884-85)
    Tamaii (13 Mar 1884) (Awarded for the Sudan 1884-85)
    El-Teb-Tamaii (Awarded for the Sudan 1884-85)
    Suakin 1884 (Awarded for the Sudan 1884-85)
    The Nile (1884-85) (Awarded for the Sudan 1884-85)
    Abu-Klea (17 Jan 1885) (Awarded for the Sudan 1884-85)
    Kirbekan (10 Feb 1885) (Awarded for the Sudan 1884-85)
    Suakin 1885 (Awarded for the Sudan 1884-85)
    Tofrek (22 Mar 1885)
    Gemaizah (20 Dec 1888)
    Toski (3 Dec 1889)

    Khedives Bronze Star 1882/1884/1884-6. (Awarded for the Sudan Campaign)
    Three different issues of this medal, each issue with one of the above dates inscribed upon it.

    Northwest Canada 1885. (Awarded for the Northwest Rebellion)
    Fish Creek

    East & West Africa Medal 1887-1900
    While a total of 21 bars will be issued for this medal, for the purposes of this article, only two fall
    within the period of this article and will be listed.
    Witu 1890

    Oenotria War Medal 1889
    Last edited by Wellington; 20-03-2005, 19:04. Причина: Автоматично сливане на двойно мнение
    "Fiercer than Fierceness itself!"


      Добре, според този списък не са един, а два медала, достъпни за войници в същата ситуация. Не съм достатъчно запознат разбира се за да знам точно при какви обстоятелства се дава по-ниската степен.
      albireo написа
      ...в този форум... основно е пълно с теоретици, прогнили интелигенти и просто кръчмаро-кибици...


        Ей, по гръб не падаш!

        Има един лаф - "Тука, не се чете"

        Всъщност медалите са 6 + 1 който е само за офицери
        "Fiercer than Fierceness itself!"


          Кои са? Говорим само за медали, дадени на войници вследствие на представянето им по време на единично (или няколко) сражения. Не говорим за "кампанийни" ордени (дето се дават само за участие) или за морските и пр.
          albireo написа
          ...в този форум... основно е пълно с теоретици, прогнили интелигенти и просто кръчмаро-кибици...


            Разбирам как имаш 6200 мнения
            "Fiercer than Fierceness itself!"


              А, тука вече излизаш от рамките на доброто поведение.

              Не е трудно просто да посочиш кои точно медали отговарят на изискванията, за които говорим.
              albireo написа
              ...в този форум... основно е пълно с теоретици, прогнили интелигенти и просто кръчмаро-кибици...


                Дискусията се превърна в спор, който заплашва да се превърне в безсмислен. Именно с цел избягване на подобно нещо сложих списък на наградите, а от там нататък нещата станаха като в детска игра - "аз съм прав, щото не бил един, ами само два и те тези за кампаниите не се броели". Факт е че от всичките около 140-150 души, защитавали мисията, само 11 са били наградени с VC от общо 1355 наградени до ден днешен. А това в списъка са само медалите, учредени от кралица Виктория, освен които е имало и други.
                "Fiercer than Fierceness itself!"


                  Мисля, че ясно се изразих за какво не съм и за какво съм прав. Наистина спорът няма смисъл.
                  albireo написа
                  ...в този форум... основно е пълно с теоретици, прогнили интелигенти и просто кръчмаро-кибици...

