You have all seen your fair share of combat and you have stood victorious in the aftermath of glorious battle. You have stared death directly in the eyes and laughed, you have made unimaginable sacrifices and heroic deeds that will be remembered throughout generations. You have felt the bitter taste of defeat and you have learned the lessons taught by war itself. Still, there’s the mother of all battles to be fought.
Ladies and gentlemen ESL now brings you: THE WORLD IN CONFLICT WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP! That’s right, we’re going to finally find out who the World Champions of World in Conflict truly are and what better way to do so than by organizing a giant face-off betweens clans from all around the world!
Massive Entertainment and ESL brings you two different awesome 5v5 tournaments with the chance to win top-notch processors from Intel as first prize!
There will be two 5v5 tournaments running simultaneously!
* One “Pro” tournament where clans will fight for the title of World in Conflict World Champions and the chance to win powerful processors from Intel
* One “Fun” tournament where new players and old players returning from a longer break can compete and the winners are guaranteed to get loads of sweet World in Conflict loot such as Hoodies, fur caps, mousepads, t-shirts, and much more!
Now, move out! Go and sign-up and start practising because this is going to get fierce!
* Sign yourself up for the "Pro" tournament here!
* Sign yourself up for the "Fun" tournament here!
Ladies and gentlemen ESL now brings you: THE WORLD IN CONFLICT WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP! That’s right, we’re going to finally find out who the World Champions of World in Conflict truly are and what better way to do so than by organizing a giant face-off betweens clans from all around the world!
Massive Entertainment and ESL brings you two different awesome 5v5 tournaments with the chance to win top-notch processors from Intel as first prize!
There will be two 5v5 tournaments running simultaneously!
* One “Pro” tournament where clans will fight for the title of World in Conflict World Champions and the chance to win powerful processors from Intel
* One “Fun” tournament where new players and old players returning from a longer break can compete and the winners are guaranteed to get loads of sweet World in Conflict loot such as Hoodies, fur caps, mousepads, t-shirts, and much more!
Now, move out! Go and sign-up and start practising because this is going to get fierce!
* Sign yourself up for the "Pro" tournament here!
* Sign yourself up for the "Fun" tournament here!
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