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Hearts of Iron 3

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    Hearts of Iron 3

    Paradox Interactive keeps the Grand Strategy genre in its iron grip with the much awaited announcement of Hearts of Iron 3

    New York, USA (August 20, 2008) – Amidst a backdrop of fevered online speculation, Paradox Interactive has today finally revealed the true identity of "Project Mayhem" at the Games Convention in Leipzig. The next Grand Strategy title to be released from the Paradox Interactive development team is the third instalment in the critically acclaimed Hearts of Iron series.

    The Hearts of Iron series has become renowned for beingthe biggest, most detailed and complete strategic game series on World War 2 ever made. Hearts of Iron 3 will follow that tradition closely while focusing on satisfying veteran players through a multitude of brand new features and systems, including a huge map with more than 10,000 provinces.

    It's clear this is a game that fans of our titles have been eagerly anticipating", commented Johan Andersson, Head of Development at Paradox Interactive. "Before revealing the project, our upcoming announcement online forum received more than 14,000 page views in less than 24 hours with a third installment of Hearts of Iron seemingly being at the top of everyone's wish list."

    Hearts of Iron 3 is scheduled for release in Q3, 2009. For any enquiries on this or other Paradox Interactive titles, please e-mail pr@paradoxplaza.com.

    Meet Paradox Interactive in Exhibition Hall 3 – A02 to find out more about this game.

    About Paradox development

    The experienced development team has released more than 20 titles, including multiple award winning titles like Hearts of Iron 2, uropa Universalis II, Europa Universalis III. The next project, Hearts of Iron 3 is said to be the teams biggest production to date.

    Накратко за неразбиращите английски: HoI3 ще се появи към края на 2009 и ще има повече от 10 000 провинции (за справка: сегашният HoI2DDA има 2600 провинции)


    Всяка информация за играта пускайте тук

    - Игра с всяка държава в периода 1936-1948
    - Контролирай океаните със самолетоносачи, подводници и бойни кораби
    - Хиляди исторически военни лидери и генерали
    - Много умно AI
    - Изключително детайлна дипломация
    - Исторически избори, а също така много алтернативни пътища за всяка държава
    - Използвай своите истребители да защитиш небето си, помогни на твоите наземни и морски войски и бомбардирай своите противници.

    Ето ви няколко скрииншота от играта:

    Last edited by kris4o1993; 22-08-2008, 13:33.


      1. There will be command chains: you just set "general" order and AI will take its execution on itself

      2. IC built in regions not in provinces

      3. Only Comintern members can barter, all other countries can only buy/sell for money

      4. There's a mobilization mechanic and reserves, democracies can't deploy loads of troops during peace and but have to mobilize when war is near

      5. There will be "dissent" (in quotes, since it might differ from current dissent system) change after some major city losses and your nation may surrender

      6. There will be some triangular interface solution in diplomacy screen from HoI, reflecting Allies, Axis and Comintern

      7. Warscore system is from EU I (may be changed, of course)

      8. Research is a bit more like HoI 1 than HoI 2, you research multiple parts instead of complete units


        Във форума на играта се говори че изискванията ще са нещо от сорта на:

        512 MB System RAM
        1.9 GHz Processor
        128 MB DirectX 9.0c compatible video card
        CD-ROM drive
        1 GB free hard disk space Mac OS X Edition:
        Mac OS X 10.3.9 or higher
        512 MB System RAM
        Intel or G5 processor
        GeForce 5200, Radeon 9600 or GMA 950 with 64 MB VRAM
        700 MB free hard disk space


          Back in 2005, when the PC World War II RTS Hearts of Iron II was released, the game was praised for its deep, involving gameplay and excellent replay value. At the same time, the biggest criticism against the developers at Paradox was the sometimes overwhelming learning curve of Hearts II, which left novice and moderate players scratching their heads in confusion. Fast-forward three years to today, when we had a meeting with Paradox developers to talk about the latest game in the series--Hearts of Iron III. The first thing they mentioned they were working on? Making sure that learning curve is far less steep than before.

          Paradox reps told us today they were roughly four months into the development of Hearts III and making sure new players can find success early on in the game is one of the primary concerns for the development team. As a result, expect to see slightly scaled-down missions in the early goings, with fewer forces to command, as the game attempts to acclimate you to the idea of fighting multiple fronts. In fact, to that end, Paradox hopes to let players be as hands-on or hands-off as they like; if you're not ready to fight multiple theaters of war, you can always assign the AI to handle several fronts for you, while you micromanage the theater you are most interested in.

          A gentle learning curve doesn't mean that Hearts III will be a simplified game. In fact, it seems like the plans for this game will be ambitious as can be. Just as you might expect, you'll be able to play as the heavy hitters in WWII--Allies, Fascists, and the Communists. But what will certainly get historical RTS fans chomping at the bit is the fact that you can also play as countries who had little or next to zero input in the Second World War. Want to play as Poland and try to stave off the German blitzkrieg for a week or two longer? Go for it. Want to try to play as Costa Rica? Have at it. Want to play as politically neutral Switzerland? Well, we're not so sure about that one. In all, there will be more than 150 countries to choose from in this game, all of which will have a slightly different take on the global conflict.

          Another area of focus for Hearts of Iron III will be in making sure that different countries fight differently, requiring different tactics to find success. The idea of mobilization is a prime example. For fascist countries like WWII-era Germany, mobilization of an armed forces was quick; for a democratic country like the USA or Great Britain, mobilizing thousands of troops takes much longer. On the other hand, countries like the US and UK, once mobilized, are able to produce huge armies with advanced technology. Strategically this will mean that players controlling Germany will want to make the most of their advanced mobilization techniques, attacking and weakening their enemies before they have time to mobilize an effective defense.

          Hearts of Iron III will also feature a deeper tech tree than in the previous games, with a greater difference in performance between like units that originate from different countries; for example, according to the developers, German tanks were built much differently from American tanks, and you'll be able to see and feel the differences between them when playing the game.

          Another idea we liked for Hearts III: governments in exile. Let's say you're playing the aforementioned Polish campaign, and are immediately driven out of your country by the German forces. You'll be able to set up a satellite government in a friendly city, then slowly rebuild your armed forces full of fugitive nationals, and eventually run a rebel campaign to try and take back your homeland. It sounds like great fun, and a real inventive twist on the normal WWII formula.

          Unfortunately, we didn't see much in the way of actual gameplay for Hearts of Iron III, beyond a trailer with a few tantalizing glimpses of the world map and a few units. Nonetheless, it's clear that the developers behind the game are paying attention to the criticism of its predecessor; here's hoping their efforts pay off with an RTS game that's even more satisfying than the one that came before it.


            Ето тук са събрани всички факти и черти които ще притежава HoI3:

            The Basics

            -To be released in third quarter (July-September) 2009
            -Not yet feature complete (as of August 20)
            -The game has been in development for about four months (as of 08/08)
            -System Requirements identical to Europa Universalis III and Europa Universalis: Rome
            -May take advantage of multi-core systems.

            General Game information

            -The game will start in 1936 and end in 1948
            -The game will have set scenario dates, and will not allow starting at any date.
            -The game will use a 3D graphic engine.
            -It is extremely likely both 3D Sprites and Counters will be available.
            -Multiplayer will use the same engine as Europa Universalis III and Europa Univeralis: Rome
            -Concentration camps, gulags, prisoner of war camps, the holocaust, systematic purge, chemical weapons and non-abstracted strategic bombings will NOT be in the game.
            -The AI will play to win.
            -The Learning curve will not be as steep as with Hearts of Iron II.

            The Map

            -It will feature more than 10 000 land provinces (compared to less than 3000 in HoI 2)
            -The Eastern Front will include 250 provinces (presumably the length of the front, or the distance from eastern poland to Moscow)
            -Provinces will be grouped together in regions.
            -Industrial capacity will be built at the regional, not provincial level.
            -AA, ports and airports appear to be built at the provincial level.
            -National borders on the map seen in early screenshot are not finished yet.

            -You will be able to give the AI command over certain fronts.
            -Democracies will now be unable to build massive armies in peace time, and will have to mobilize when war is near
            -The game will feature historical events found in Hearts of Iron II
            -Some of the old events from HOI II may now be national decisions, other may no longer be tied to specific days.
            -There will be dissent hits for losing major cities. Your nation may surrender.
            -The Europa Universalis Warscore system will be implemented.
            -If defeated, you will be able to form a goverment in exile in an ally's capital.
            -Governments in Exile can attempt to reclaim their homeland via encouraging resistance, controling partisans, etc.
            -Failure to contest strategic warfare will hurt your national unity.

            Research, Economy & Diplomacy
            -As with Hearts of Iron I, research will involve researching individual elements (ie, "38 mm gun") instead of complete units.
            -There will now be unlimited numbers of technologies, but later technology will result in more expensive units.
            -International deals will now only allow resource-for-money deals, and no longer resource-for-resource deals.
            -Nations of the comintern may remain able to trade resource for resource between them.

            -The smallest unit size will be the division.
            -Divisions will be more customizable than simply adding one brigade; they may be made up of several brigades instead.
            -Different units will actually be different (ie, two tanks that were both "Improved Medium Armor" in HoI II will be different units in III)
            -There will be twelve types of naval units. Destroyers will be built as flotillas.


              kris4o1993 написа Виж мнение
              1. There will be command chains: you just set "general" order and AI will take its execution on itself
              Звучи супер интересно, но не мога да си представя колко добре ще работи.
              albireo написа
              ...в този форум... основно е пълно с теоретици, прогнили интелигенти и просто кръчмаро-кибици...


                Ще се види евентуално. Звучи обещаващо и в двете посоки - и като решаване, и като създаване на нови проблеми, които да занимават играча
                Ако командването на генерала е само да речем относно неща, за които играчът няма да може да се грижи пълноценно, например микромениджмънт - ударените дивизии да минават в резерв до попълване/възстановяване на организацията им или поведение някакво в заемната провинция - добре. Или примерно използването на авиацията там, където е нужна. Въобще, има много ненужен микромениджмънт в играта, особено когато става дума за авиация и особено флот.
                По-различно ще е ако става дума за оперативни решения - примерно назначаване на командващ на цял фронт (няколко съединения и провинции). Там нещата няма да са толкова еднозначни и решенията, върху които ще е построен игровият модел ще са доста решаващи за геймплея като цяло.
                Има и още една група възможности, които надявам се няма да се реализират - примерно назначеният генерал да си попълва сам армията или да да допълва дивизиите си с наличните допълнителни бригади по свое усмотрение. Подобни неща съм виждал реализирани и обикновено са проблем, а не решение.
                Но аз приветствам всякакви решения, намаляващи досадния микромениджмънт.
                Модератор на раздели "Втора световна война" и "Междувоенен период".
                Проект 22.06.1941 г.
                "... там можете да попаднете на персонажи като например "честен прокурор" - а това, съгласете се, е същество къде-къде по-фантастично от някакъв си там "тъмен елф"." ©


                  Intelligence: you can find out where enemy troops are, to which province they are going and so on. Intelligence will be much more importend!

                  Victory-Conditions: There are 25 Victory-conditions per country, you chose 15 of them at the beginning, if you reach 10 you win the game.


                    Още малко инфо :

                    За разработването: за някои технологии (например нови танкове или самолети) ще е нужно IC, а за други (нови бомби за самолетите, военни тактики или пък нови торпеда) ще са нужни рисърч поинтс както във Виктория . Също както във Виктория ще са и фабриките: строят се в отделни провинции. Всяка фабрика ще дава по 1 ИК (?) и ще произвежда определен ресурс - например фабрика за амуниции - и тези амуниции ще се конвертират във supplies.

                    Ако се появи още някоя новинка ще пиша тук


                      Първи скрииншоти от играта

                      Ето ги и първите алфа скрииншотове

                      There are no province or country borders there, as they simply would be too small. And yeah, we're still working on adjusting and tweaking province borders Bulgaria, Netherlands and Belgium especially.

                      The second screenshot shows Germany zoomed in in detail in the terrain mapmode, so you can see how many provinces there are.

                      Last edited by kris4o1993; 03-10-2008, 16:51.


                        Намирам за голяма безмислица 3д графиката в случая.Можеха да се концентрират на другите аспекти от играта вместо по шарена картинка.Дано си заслужава като излезе.

                        The end of the world came pretty much as we predicted.Atomic spark,struck by human hand raged out of control.Great cities were reduced to dust,burning continents were absorbed by boiling oceans.The spirits of the dead faded in the background radiation that blanked the Earth.

                        The 2 minute war - FallOut


                          BulSoldier написа Виж мнение
                          Намирам за голяма безмислица 3д графиката в случая.Можеха да се концентрират на другите аспекти от играта вместо по шарена картинка.Дано си заслужава като излезе.
                          Повечето хора обаче търсят шаренко и искат марката "3D" да присъства в техните забавления. Би могло да се каже, че вярват в нея както някои хора вярват във фразата, че "невидимата ръка на пазара може да оправи всичко" .
                          Модератор на раздели "Втора световна война" и "Междувоенен период".
                          Проект 22.06.1941 г.
                          "... там можете да попаднете на персонажи като например "честен прокурор" - а това, съгласете се, е същество къде-къде по-фантастично от някакъв си там "тъмен елф"." ©


                            Мен лично 3д-то ме радва много


                              За такъв тип игри няма никакво реално значение. Но пък вероятно някои неща могат по-лесно да се реализират в 3Д (преминаването между различни нива на мащаб и прочее). За сметка на това, модването на графичната част бе много по-лесно в 2Д, т.е. изискваше значително по-малко труд и познания на специфичен софтуер. Обаче това е въпрос, вече дискутиран някъде в този раздел.

