Снимки от играта: тук
Gameplay at least seems impressive, with a selection of single-player scenarios and a custom mode that can be played alone or with up to 32 opponents via the Internet or a LAN. You can take control of any nation on the picturesque rotating globe (zoom in and you can even make out highways and rivers) and direct its three spheres of influence: political, economic, and military. Politically, you can outlaw religions, ban languages, and declare various forms of dictatorships, while in economics you get to play with commerce. The military sphere is perhaps the most interesting, however, as here you get to purchase and design jet fighters, tanks, and the other hardware required to attack neighbors. You can even direct forces on the battlefield using an abstract map to direct units, although the options are so limited that it makes more sense to let the computer automatically generate battle results.
Някой може ли да помогне малко с тази игра? Вчера си я инсталирах, но имам един много голям проблем: как да си задържа бюджета на зелено? Играх 2 пъти с Япония, но всеки път фалирам.