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    Намерих и инсталирах игрицата. Значи, първо, ДОС командите в pg.bat нещо не работят, затова ще се наложи ръчно да си преименуваш файла panzequp.eqp. Второ, тези файлове трябва да се копират в директория /dat. Това е.
    Модератор на раздели "Втора световна война" и "Междувоенен период".
    Проект 22.06.1941 г.
    "... там можете да попаднете на персонажи като например "честен прокурор" - а това, съгласете се, е същество къде-къде по-фантастично от някакъв си там "тъмен елф"." ©


      Хмм, за мой срам съм затрил сценария си за Panzer General 2 за Ниш 1944. Наложи се да го търся из нета. Открих го (http://www.dirk-cremer.de/hg/eng/pg3d.htm) и съм го закачил по-долу.

      Eто описание на сценария:

      As Soviet 3rd Ukrainian front approached Bulgarian borders in September 1944, Bulgaria, a former German ally, declared war on Germany thus joining the Allies. The HQ of 3rd Ukrainian Front ordered the Bulgarian army to attack westwards into Yugoslav territory in order to interrupt the German communications with Greece and to guard the Soviet left flank. To complete these objectives Bulgaria had
      10 infantry, 1 cavalry divisions, 1 armoured, 1cavalry and 1 border guard brigades facing Yugoslavia - an estimate total of 272 000 men, 2139 guns and mortars, 150 - 200 AFV, and 141 warplanes. The main Bulgarian thrust had to be made by 2nd army (4th, 6th,9th,12th infantry divisions, 2nd cavalry division, 1st Guards division, the Armoured Brigade, 4th Frontier Guard Brigade, etc - 80000 men, 1000 guns and mortars, 150 AFV) towards Nish. Facing the army were vastly outnumbered Axis units whose mainstay was the crack 7th SS division "Prinz Eugen". Their task was to delay the Bulgarians in order to win time for the withdrawal of the troops in Greece. They had an advantage in experience over the relatively green Bulgarian troops, however their back was unsecured as Tito's partisan units appeared to be everywhere.
      The Bulgarian assault began on 8th of October. The German resistance was crushed two days later with the assistance of the Armoured Brigade. Nish was taken on 14th October with a combined Bulgarian-Soviet-Yugoslav attack. 7th SS division was badly shaken, but managed to withdraw. Bulgarian losses were 1500 dead or wounded, estimated German loses - 5200 dead or wounded, 3850 prisoners.

      Приятна игра

      Ето още един - Страцин 1944:

      As Soviet 3rd Ukrainian front approached Bulgarian borders in September 1944, Bulgaria, a former German ally, declared war on Germany thus joining the Allies. The HQ of 3rd Ukrainian Front ordered the Bulgarian army to attack westwards into Yugoslav territory in order to interrupt the German communications with Greece and to guard the Soviet left flank. To complete these objectives Bulgaria had
      10 infantry, 1 cavalry divisions, 1 armoured, 1cavalry and 1 border guard brigades facing Yugoslavia - an estimate total of 272 000 men, 2139 guns and mortars, 150 - 200 AFV, and 141 warplanes. The main Bulgarian thrust had to be made by 2nd army towards Nish. (see my first scenario Nish 1944). On its left flank was 1st Army whose task was capturing Skopie, an important road juncture. The army had two infantry divisions: 1st and 2nd (later was reinforced with 1st Guards, 2nd Cavalry and 11th Infantry divisions) and faced the difficult task of throwing the Germans (11th Luftwaffen and 22nd infantry divisions, several small units, many more coming from Greece) back from their mountain fortifications. The Army was assisted by most of the Bulgarian Air Force and several Macedonian and Yugoslav partisan units. After a month of heavy fighting and heavy losses on November 14, 1944 the town of Skopie was liberated and objectives accomplished.
      Attached Files
      We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are
      ---Anais Nin----


        Воланд, който4но файл трябва да преименувам и какво ново име да му дам?

        А, откъде мога да си сваля Panzer 2, взех го от датата, но нещо не тръгна като хората. Идеи как да тръгне?
        „Аз, Драгомир, писах.
        Аз, Севаст Огнян, бях при цар Шишман кефалия и много зло патих. В това време турците воюваха. Аз се държах за вярата на Шишмана царя.“

        Модератор на раздел "Военна Авиация"


          Трябва да направиш следното:
          ако искаш да играеш руски сценарий, с руските части, трябва файла panzequp.rus да се преименува на panzequp.eqp и да се копира върху съществуващия със същото име в директория /dat.
          Същото се прави за германския файл, само че той се казва panzequp.ger.
          Panzer General II го има насам-натам, този в data.bg не съм го пробвал дали работи. Ако не можеш да го намериш отникъде, а си от София, мога да ти го копирам.
          Модератор на раздели "Втора световна война" и "Междувоенен период".
          Проект 22.06.1941 г.
          "... там можете да попаднете на персонажи като например "честен прокурор" - а това, съгласете се, е същество къде-къде по-фантастично от някакъв си там "тъмен елф"." ©

