Държавно първенство на СССР, 1976 г. Няма вече такива сервитьорки
No announcement yet.
Азмайпарашвили коментира предстоящите избори. Пълно е с бисери, но най-весел е финала:
And finally, because the elections are held in Georgia (Batumi), as a Georgian, I must say - Dvorkovich cannot escape the fact that his country and Kremlin had captured my homeland, Georgia's ancient corner, Samachablo and Kodori Valley exactly 10 years ago. Georgia remembers a lot of unacceptable things from Russia, but the 2008 war and such an open aggression has never been there before. Exactly in that period, during the August war days, Dvorkovich was assisting Russia's President. Although it was in economic and financial issues, but still... In the recent past, he was the Deputy Prime Minister of the country that has occupied 20% of my country…
Such a high-ranking person should acknowledge and take into account that the Georgian people cannot be positive towards his persona. Before his arrival in Batumi for the FIDE presidential elections, I advise him to understand the situation and carefully find the messages that will at least slightly change the attitude of the Georgian people towards him.
Дали пък Путин няма да прати Дворкович в Батуми с един-два батальона охрана
Обикновен лаик написа Виж мнениеВсъщност общото между четиримата е, че са били не толкова трудолюбиви или залягащи над теорията, колкото талантливи (или по-вярно - гениални).
Кухулин написа Виж мнениеИлюмжинов отказался выдвигать свою кандидатуру на пост президента FIDE
На выборах президента организации, которые состоятся 3 октября в Батуми, Илюмжинов намерен поддержать кандидатуру Аркадия Дворковича.