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"Operation Danube" - Czechoslovakia 1968

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    "Operation Danube" - Czechoslovakia 1968

    Hi to everybody in Bulgaria !
    I search some pictures of Bulgarian and Hungarian forces during the "Operation Danube"/ Czechoslovakia in 1968 (and infos about it, or links). On pictures, I see only Russian or Polish units.
    Here's my main topic (Polish forum) with some links (pictures and maps): MAIN TOPIC
    And the same question (Hungarian forum): Hungarian forum
    I have an info that the Bulg. "112th Reinforced Infantry Regiment" was in Slovakia. And some paratroopers in Prague ??? That's all ...
    Thanks !
    Polish treasure hunting forum

    You may try to find something here - http://www.isn.ethz.ch/php/index.htm
    Пишут нам много.... Погубит нас всеобщая грамотность.
    Неизвестен руски адмирал


      There is nothing I thought rather about somethink like this: pictures and infos from Bulgarian books, newspapers, photo albums or father's stories... some examples:
      Polish forces: Link 1 Link 2 Link 3
      Russian forces: Link 4 Link 5 Link 6 Link 7
      Maps: Link 8 Link 9
      but Bulg. and Hung. ones
      Polish treasure hunting forum


        I think I may be able to find something, but you will have to wait till the next week.
        We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are
        ---Anais Nin----


          Bulgarian forces in Chechoslovakia- 1968:
          -12 motorized regiment
          -22 motorized regiment.


            Good catch
            We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are
            ---Anais Nin----


              Thanks, it's a good start. Can somebody translate something ? For example the captions. Are this realy pictures from "Operation Danube" ? Is this a book ?
              Last edited by zbV; 15-06-2006, 15:53.
              Polish treasure hunting forum


                Hey men, don't leave me in the lurch
                Polish treasure hunting forum


                  Maybe someone here can show me some pictures of Bulgarian army during the "Warsaw Pact" period ?? Or some links ?
                  Polish treasure hunting forum


                    zbV написа
                    Maybe someone here can show me some pictures of Bulgarian army during the "Warsaw Pact" period ?? Or some links ?

                    Nem sokat hallottam az 1968-as önzetlen baráti segítségnyújtási akciójáról a Magyar Néphadseregnek. Csak hogy volt egy bevonulás a Felvidékre, harckocsikkal, légierővel, meg kivonulás. Több ezer vagy tízezer magyar honvéd vett részt benne. Nem csak tisztek hanem sorkatonák. Ők mire emlékeznek, hogy élték meg ? Voltak harcok ? Itthon hogy gondolkodtak akkor erről az emnberek. Nem a hivatalos szövegekre gondolok hanem a közbeszédre. Erre szeretnék megtudni többet, főként résztvevőktöl ha lehet,

                    Nem sokat hallottam az 1968-as önzetlen baráti segítségnyújtási akciójáról a Magyar Néphadseregnek. Csak hogy volt egy bevonulás a Felvidékre, harckocsikkal, légierővel, meg kivonulás. Több ezer vagy tízezer magyar honvéd vett részt benne. Nem csak tisztek hanem sorkatonák. Ők mire emlékeznek, hogy élték meg ? Voltak harcok ? Itthon hogy gondolkodtak akkor erről az emnberek. Nem a hivatalos szövegekre gondolok hanem a közbeszédre. Erre szeretnék megtudni többet, főként résztvevőktöl ha lehet,
                    Last edited by robertus; 11-01-2007, 22:11. Причина: Автоматично сливане на двойно мнение


                      Help ! The site is disappeared
                      Can somebody find the article on that site ??? (the article/book about Bulgarian forces in Czechoslovakia 1968)
                      Polish treasure hunting forum


                        We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are
                        ---Anais Nin----


                          Thanks ! It's so difficult to find something without proficiency in a foreign language.
                          Who have more pictures ?
                          Can somebody summerize that site ?
                          Polish treasure hunting forum


                            It's a scientific feature from 2002 - included in a military-historical collection from 2004. It describes shortly the activity of the two BG regiments in 1968. The last picture presents soldiers from 22 regiment before Vodohodi airport near Prague.
                            The last big font paragraph before Notes-Бележки:
                            "Българските части до 22 октомври изпълняват тактически задачи по охрана и отбрана на определените им райони. Службата е носена безупречно, въпреки че за някои действия личният състав не е бил подготвен – закриване на печатница, преследване на нелегални радиостанции и други, и то в „братска социалистическа” страна, без употреба на оръжие."-"The Bulgarian units up to 22 October perform tactical tasks of protection and defense of the predefined areas. The tasks were performed flawlessly although the stаff was not prepared for some activities, such as closing an illegal printing-office, chasing illegal radio-stations and others, and this - in a "brotherly socialistic" country, without use of weapons."
                            Last edited by Imperial; 12-07-2007, 16:40.
                            "Мисля, че видът на изпотени мъже им въздействаше." - дан Глокта


                              That's interesting. I see the Polish troops were better prepared. They had SIGINT-units and a "task force" with helicopters.
                              The 12th and 22nd regiments, where were they in Bulgaria stationed ?

                              Some pictures:
                              Last edited by zbV; 21-07-2007, 13:32.
                              Polish treasure hunting forum

