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Войната в Сирия

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    The vote of British MPs against military intervention in Syria is likely to send shock waves through the Obama administration. Britain has tended to march in lockstep with the US and this rejection of President Barack Obama's argument will leave bruises.
    In other words, America could go it alone.

    But that is uncomfortable. There is no question that it has the military might, though that is hardly the point.

    Mr Obama has always made a point of seeking the widest possible international support.

    To be abandoned by such a close ally leaves him looking particularly exposed.
    Britain has tended to march in lockstep with the US, and Parliament's rejection of President Barack Obama's argument for Syrian intervention will leave bruises.
    Peace Through Strength -- Victory Through Devastation


      Турция ще е влезе в всяка коалиция да свалят Башар Асад. Дори и без разрешението на ООН.
      ...Глава министерства Ахмет Давутоглу заявил, что сейчас 36-37 стран обсуждают альтернативную ООН коалицию ради решения сирийского вопроса. По словам главы турецкого МИД, если во время этих обсуждений коалиция все же будет сформирована, то Турция обязательно займет в ней место...
      36-37 стран обсуждают альтернативную ООН коалицию ради решения сирийского вопроса


        What happens in Syria after the Tomahawks hit?

        US officials hope that any military assault on Syria will be surgical and limited. But what does the US do after the missiles or bombs have fallen?

        It could go either way. The US may attack - or may not. "I've not made a decision," US President Barack Obama said on Wednesday.
        Mr Obama has maintained that if the Syrian government uses chemical weapons, the US will act militarily.
        And last week, according to US officials, President Bashar al-Assad's forces deployed poison gas against rebels in a Damascus suburb. More than 1,000 people, including women and children, were reported killed.
        Syrian government officials say they did not use chemical weapons, but the US is ready to act.

        'We are prepared'

        UN inspectors are looking for evidence of a gas attack in the Damascus suburb, and plan to finish their work on Friday.
        Meanwhile officials in Washington DC are laying the groundwork for military operations.
        "We are prepared," Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel told the BBC.
        If US officials proceed with military operations, they will likely be supported by Turkey and France, at least in some fashion. They will not have the backing of the UK, where Parliament on Thursday night rejected a government motion supporting intervention in Syria.
        Nor is the UN Security Council expected to support an attack, because the Russians are opposed.
        The US military would most likely use Tomahawk cruise missiles for an attack on the Syrian government forces. These missiles are now stored on destroyers in the eastern Mediterranean.
        The missiles would not be fired at places where chemical weapons might be stored, since poisonous gas could spread or chemical agents could fall into the wrong hands.
        Instead, military facilities would be targeted - radio centres, command posts and missile launchers, says Douglas Ollivant, who served as an operations officer with the Army's Fifth Cavalry Regiment in Iraq.
        The initial military operation would be fast.
        The US military is getting ready to attack the Assad regime, but the aftermath remains unclear.
        "Най-тежкият грях спрямо ближните ни не е омразата, а безразличието ни към тях. Това е същността на безчовечността."

        Джордж Бърнард Шоу


          Софийски номер:

          Peace Through Strength -- Victory Through Devastation


            Кой как гледа на потенциална външна намеса в Сирия:

            Syria crisis: Where key countries stand
            The conflict in Syria has drawn in major global powers, supporting and opposing President Bashar al-Assad and the myriad rebel groups ranged against him.

            The French president has said a vote by UK MPs against involvement in military strikes on Syria has not changed France's resolve to take firm action.

            Francois Hollande said all options were being considered, and that a strike within days was not ruled out.

            His comments came after US Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel said Washington would continue to seek a coalition for possible military action.

            However, Germany said it would not participate in military action.
            President Hollande says France is still ready to take action in Syria alongside the US, despite UK MPs blocking British involvement.
            Peace Through Strength -- Victory Through Devastation


              НАТО няма да участва в акция срещу Сирия


                Архивирана статия за изтекло електронно писмо още от януари - според контрактор с британско базиране: "с одобрението на Вашингтон... Катар ще спонсорира бунтовниците да използват химическо оръжие."
                "Мисля, че видът на изпотени мъже им въздействаше." - дан Глокта


                  Американските и турски аргументи, че химическото нападение е дело на режима на Асад
                  "Мисля, че видът на изпотени мъже им въздействаше." - дан Глокта


                    Obama mulls limited military action in Syria
                    The United States has made it clear that it would punish the Syrian President, Bashar al-Assad, for the "brutal and flagrant" chemical weapons attack that it said killed 1,429 people near Damascus last week.
                    The US Secretary of State, John Kerry, said on Friday that the dead included 426 children.
                    In a speech at the State Department, he described the attack as an "inconceivable horror".
                    President Barack Obama later said the US was considering a "limited narrow act" in response to the attack, which posed "a challenge to the world".

                    "We are not considering any kind of military action that involves boots on the ground or a long-term campaign," he said.

                    But Obama said the use of chemical weapons threatens US national security and merits a response.
                    US administration says 1,429 people, including 426 children, killed in alleged chemical weapons attack by Syrian regime.
                    "No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity."
                    "But I know none, and therefore am no beast."

                    (Richard III - William Shakespeare)


                      "We are not considering any kind of military action that involves boots on the ground or a long-term campaign," - същото говориха и за Либия. В този тип градски боеве , не виждам как удари от въздуха ще направят кой знае какво в ущърб на правителствените сили - може би ще елиминират остатъците от авиацията, но основните сили ще останат незасегнати, а бунтовниците само с леко стрелково оръжие доста зор виждат срещу по-добре въоръжен противник и бронирана техника. Ако се придържат към този сценарии, смятам, че ударите ще бъдат от "кумова срама", колкото Обама да покаже,че е спазил обещанието за "червената линия"
                      Политикът трябва да може да предскаже какво ще стане утре, след седмица, след месец и след година. А после да обясни защо това не е станало


                        Ако приемем, че това е военен анализ, да така е. Но явно си пропуснал, че още когато се заговори за въздушна кампания, САЩ заявиха, че не си поставят за цел да свалят режима, а да проведат ограничена "наказателна акция", състояща се само от удари с крилати ракети и евентуално малко бомбардировки, за да се минимализира риска от пленени/загинали пилоти. Нещо като операция "Ел Дорадо" или "Пустинна лисица".

                        US claim on Syria chemical attack 'nonsense' - Putin
                        Russian President Vladimir Putin has dismissed US claims that Syria's regime used chemical weapons, describing them as "utter nonsense".
                        Russia's President Putin asks the US to present to the UN evidence behind claims that Syria was responsible for chemical weapons attacks.
                        "No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity."
                        "But I know none, and therefore am no beast."

                        (Richard III - William Shakespeare)


                          Ислямистите не изключват и удари от Сащ по техни щабове и складове.
                          Исламские экстремисты, сражающиеся против сирийской армии в рядах повстанцев, начали передислокацию своих штабов, складов и других важных объектов, опасаясь американских ударов с воздуха. В северных районах страны некоторые лидеры исламистов ушли в горы, где им намного проще спрятаться от потенциальной бомбардировки.

                          Репортер AP заявил, что сирийские мятежники фактически признались ему в применении химического оружия на восточной окраине Дамаска. Причем, по словам журналиста, это произошло по неосторожности. Едва мировая пресса попыталась осмыслить эту новость, как глава Госдепа США Джон Керри выступил с программной пафосной речью, которую эксперты расценили как манифест войны.

                          Президент Владимир Путин назвал «дурью несусветной» обвинения в адрес сирийских властей в том, что они применили против повстанцев химическое оружие. «В условиях наступления армии Сирии говорить о том, что химическое оружие применило сирийское правительство — дурь несусветная», — заявил он.

                          Анализа от пробите готов до две седмици.....

                          Оръжия и обсег:
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                          Карта с химичните атаки и позициите на враждуващите страни.
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                          Нусра "наказали" отвлечения мюфтия от Латакия.
                          Click image for larger version

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                            http://vk.com/away.php?to=http%3A%2F...2450421_170306 - Сводка за военните действия в Сирия за 30 август 2013 г.


                              31 август.
                              Атака САЩ срещу Сирия може да започне през следващите няколко часа, най-късно утре. 1 Септември. Как - втората световна война. То съобщава в кувейтския вестник "Аль-Кабас".
                              Новостная лента о событиях в российской и мировой экономике, политике, культуре. Мультимедийные проекты.


                                Click image for larger version

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ID:	537216

                                Етническа карта на района
                                We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are
                                ---Anais Nin----

