Моля някой да пусне данни за Т 54 облегчен!?Предварително благодаря!
No announcement yet.
falcon_bg написа Виж мнениеБрех,тоя булдог много здраво ще хапе бе!
Gaden Gogi написа Виж мнениеако оцели, и някой има търпени да го чака да свие...но в троен платун сигурно ще е отврат космическа, както и в разните варианти на оторна игра с 8-ци.
These changes are based on SUPERTEST 9.3, might be a bit different in test 9.3
- all light tanks (except for Type 62, strangely enough) got their suspensions buffed by cca 10 percent (10-20 hitpoints)
- Jagdpanther 88mm L/56 depression nerfed from -8 to -5
- repair costs for VK3601 lowered by 25 percent
- Birch gun 25pdr got removed apparently
- T49 tank destroyer renamed to T67
- T71 light tank and T69 medium T185 gun made more expensive (63k to 73k credits)
- interestingly enough, SU-76I was buffed, which implies this vehicle might be implemented into the game
- stock tracks terrain resistance nerfed from 1,2/1,4/2,3 to 1,2/1,5/2,3, traverse nerfed from 22 to 20
- elite tracks terrain resistance nerfed from 1,1/1,3/2,1 to 1,1/1,4/2,1, traverse nerfed from 24 to 22
- accuracy loss after moving nerfed from 0,36 to 0,38
- Q.F. 25-Pr. Gun/How. reload nerfed from 8,6 to 8,9s, aimtime nerfed from 4,5 to 4,8s, shot dispersion factor after moving the gun and after shot nerfed from 0,36/5 to 0,42/6
- 4.5in Howitzer reload nerfed from 12 to 13,5s, aimtime nerfed from 4,5 to 4,8s, shot dispersion factor after turret rotation and after shot nerfed from 0,36/5 to 0,42/6
- reverse speed nerfed from 8 km/h to 6 km/h
- hitpoints nerfed by 5
- stock tracks terrain resistance nerfed from 1,4/1,7/2,7 to 2/2,2/2,9, traverse nerfed from 28 to 18
- elite tracks terrain resistance nerfed from 1,3/1,5/2,5 to 1,9/2,1/2,8, traverse nerfed from 30 to 22
- 75mm M1A1 reload nerfed from 4,8s to 5,2s, shot dispersion factor after moving the gun nerfed from 0,16 to 0,18
- 2pdr reload nerfed from 2,1s to 2,5s, shot dispersion factor after moving the gun nerfed from 0,12 to 0,14
- stock tracks accuracy on the move and when turning nerfed by 60 percent
- terrain resistance for stock tracks nerfed (soft/medium/hard) by 9/14/9 percent
- elite tracks accuracy on the move and when turning nerfed by 57 percent
- terrain resistance for elite tracks nerfed (soft/medium/hard) by 10/17/10 percent
- maxium reverse speed nerfed from 20 to 12 km/h
- 76mm M1A2 AT accuracy loss from turning the turret nerfed by 12 percent
- 90mm M3 reload time nerfed from 8s to 8,5s, accuracy loss from turning the turret nerfed by 25 percent
T57 Heavy:
- aimtime nerfed from 2,7 to 2,9
- accuracy loss from moving the turret nerfed by 30 percent
- accuracy loss from moving and turning the hull nerfed by 25 percent
- accuracy loss from moving at full speed nerfed by 25 percent
M5 Stuart:
(apart from being reworked, losing the 75mm gun and the turret changed)
- maximum speed buffed from 58 to 64,4
- terrain resistance buffed by cca 10 percent
- elite traverse speed nerfed from 45 to 42
- health buffed by 24 hitpoints
T92 SPG:
- accuracy loss from moving the gun buffed from 0,64 to 0,62
- accuracy loss from moving or turning the hull buffed from 0,38 to 0,34
- accuracy on the move buffed by cca 10 percent
- terrain resistance buffed from 1,2/1,4/2,3 to 1,1/1,2/1,9
Chafee changes can be found here.
- stock turret: 100mm D-10T reload buffed from 9,3s to 7,8s, aimtime buffed from 2,9s to 2,7s, accuracy buffed from 0,42 to 0,38, accuracy when turning the turret buffed by cca 23 percent
- elite turret: 100mm D-10T reload buffed from 9,3s to 7,6s, aimtime buffed from 2,9s to 2,7s, accuracy buffed from 0,42 to 0,38, accuracy when turning the turret buffed by cca 23 percent
Object 430:
- 100mm U-8TS reload buffed from 6,9s to 6,4s, accuracy nerfed from 0,35 to 0,38, accuracy loss after moving the turret buffed by cca 33 percent
War, war never changes..
Вътрешни майли в WG:
The first part of the mail conversation takes place many months ago around the time before the Great Arty Nerf (8.6 was it? Can’t remember). The chain mail structure was modified by me to resemble a conversation (I threw out the “re: re: re:” etc)
Developer 1 (RU): So, what are the Data feeds on the “Arty problem?
Developer 2 (RU): What arty problems?
Developer 3 (RU): Artywhiners.
Developer 4 (RU) posts some artillery statistics and copies of whine on forums
Developer 1 (RU): *reacting on Developer 4* Is this even correct?
Developer 5 (RU): Afraid so 95% players play arty, 14 clusters accounted in EU/US/RU most vocal ones are forum speakers estimated not even 5% of them are actually accounted for, most problematics come from the US cluster
Developer 5 (RU): *posts US server artillery statistics*
Developer 2 (RU): so, why are we even considering a nerf? since when this is a democracy?
Developer 6 (US): There are obviously some artillery that needs a remodel on their damage physics, SU-26 is taken for granted the French bagels too.. but all? Most artillery will become nearly unplayable unless we fix the Sigma, whats the word of kruta? (SS: kruta = Storm)
Developer 2 (RU) in English: *REMOVES BRAIN*
Several weeks later… Wargaming is working on artillery nerf
Developer 5 (RU): “Please send the supertesters 116 the new feed on the damage model, we estimated a 25% and upwards decrease on all artillery model damage, can it be confirmed?”
Developer 4 (RU): “Confirmed, playing Obj 212 makes onions cry, how is this even fun now?”
A few mails later, developers argue about the artillery nerf and wild SerB appears in what is allegedly one of his most famous tirades amongst the developers. The translation is the Insider’s, I left it as it is (the picture was a part of the e-mail apparently). Please pay attention to what SerB predicts.
Sergey Burkatovskiy *redacted*@wargaming.net
>Remember this is a business Model, not a democracy, despite what players whine about over 90% of the database owns artillery at low to mid tiers and 83% owns an end-tier piece, this is contrary to the actual statistics of “arty sucks” and hear, these little krayfish dont even know what they want, all they want is win, win, win, and when they dont win they blame anything that can be accounted for, once we Nerf artillery, Tank Destroyers will come, they are blind and only see what they have the most immediate benefit of their wins, and then we will have a Tank Destroyer problem – too strong to be maintained in check! and the cycle will repeat, the new statistics are meant to define less damage per game as solution and it seems to be working. and noting else will be ever moved from now on unless a new model is approached. we must focus on what statistics form server tells not some Arty vocals, artillery is a piece of the game that is instrumental to our models, it will NEVER be removed and even if kraulf was to bring a second homecoming id rather make him drink piss.
>Map wars statistics shows use of SPG just fine, the “pros” may whine on it on forums, but are held accountable for using it as well to maintain their map provinces. their logic is wicked. Numbers dont lie
>Start ignoring at your discretions, we ignore artillery talks form now on, focus on what the numbers tell us, they never lie, whenever the model increments from win ratio of 50.1 its candidate to review, and nothing else.
>The priority of the review is now on the low, some artillery will be an all time low winrate due the changes, review and fix so their roles adapt properly in line with the win ratio, dont move damage expectations per battle nor accuracy with the new model.
>Where is my drink
And a reaction…
Developer 7 (RU): To all SoO designers, the new priority has shifted to increase localizations, WoT Blitz, WoWp, WoWs and WoT: generals are underway. Game balance should not be more than 6 people at once for the time being, Artillery is not a priority anytime anymore, inform the forum managers on clusters.
And now, months later, just a few months ago…
Developer 9 (RU): Called it, now Tank destroyers are the new “hot spot” for whine, plans?
Developer 1 (RU): sad, sad sad truth, we are waiting on the new data feed, the priority list is Hellcat, T49, T18, Tortoise, all waffentrager line, mind the new 1.18 camouflage remodels, its a work in progress, we may break something, i dont advise applying anything related to camouflage until new physics model arrives in 9.5.
Whine never changes, called it, now we fix the mess, but artillery wont be buffed, the numbers are being maintained, prodding with artillery wont be even looked out for, look for alternatives
Note: FV304 is candidate for review, win ratio exceeds 52% global perhaps the only one of the SPG lines the new target win rate is 49% global as usual.
Developer 8 (RU): People still complaining about arty? you have to be a masochist to play it already, or have a really dumb moment on the open to get hit by one, but i agree on the FV
Developer 10 (presumably US): USA calls it “skycancer” this days
Developer 5 (RU): Its the same with some Europeans against Poland, its disgusting to hear immature playerbase, and will be ignored rightly so, PR already received complains and have handed permanent bans to vocal players in battle chats — most offenders are from UK/Germany/Czech based on report counts, least comes from Italy and Poland — 2 death treats handed to authorities, both from Czech Republic. And please refrain from talking related to cancer, *redacted* wife was recently diagnosed with cancer and is undertaking medical care, some players dont even know what they want and talk out of their… butt, and toss tantrums because you know.. “internet”
Developer 11 (US): Usually banned/disgruntled players are thriving in a forum called wotlabs.net, players that dislike arty/TDs are led by a banned player on the forums.
Anyways, sorry to interrupt but i have a major problem with the phyton files and *redacted* is on break again (hes now in Poland on business trip to set up the new localization team), is there going to be changes of the tanks names? the phyton refers a few tanks with different names as usual and i already got mails from Chicago team saying they have no idea.
Developer 10 (presumably US): Sorry for the cancer remark, will refrain from now on, however now players complain about “invisible TD tanks”, it is to assume this is an aftereffect of the artillery demotion?
Developer 1 (RU): I ve corrected the phyton files, should be reflected on your Sisulizer localization program nowYes its an aftereffect as expected, Tank Destroyer players have increased by 40% in data feeds however their win ratios are maintained, its not a problem for now, Kruta and Grom are maintaining a look at it.
New priority is in: light tanks must be remodeled to increase “likeability”, as it stands they are poor performers and unwanted, only increasing players leaning towards medium tanks and Tank destroyers, however if we overbuff it will cause dispairing, A new model is being researched.
Developer 12 (EU): RIP Arty, leave it alone already! if they get hit its their fault, despite how much they deny it, no win ratio can be maintained above 50% by playing pure artillery unlike any other tank and no player exists like that despite claims.
So what do you think? Well, SerB called it and it happened, the dominance of TD’s that led to another round of nerfs. The moral of the story is: Wargaming people know what they are doing. Usually.War, war never changes..
Premium tanks:
- 50 percent bonus to crew XP
- bonus to XP income, depending on tier as such:
А такааа!!
- tier 10 reward tanks (VK7201) will also get bonus XP and crew XP bonusLast edited by StrEagle; 04-09-2014, 18:22.War, war never changes..