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Биографии на военни и политици от Третия Райх

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    Империал, ти забрави, че искаше да поправяш биографичните бележки. Аз сега се хващам да ги променя. След 15 дни почвам даскало и после една година няма да мога да направя нищо. Така че след като променя тази на Хайдрих и съобщя, че съм я променил ще кажеш дали се е получило. Няма време за губене.


      Ще слагам по една снимка на човек - по възможност цветна. Всяка ще е с различна големина - вашата задача ще е да ги направите с еднаква и да понамалите размера за да е по-естетично.

      За да е ясно ще сложа предварителен списък на тези на които мисля да пише биографични бележки. Така ИГЩ и редакторите на енциклопедията могат да махнат или да добавят някой.

      Ще ги карам на азбучен ред с латиница и кирилица

      Adalbert Schulz/Адалберт Шулц

      Adolf Eichmann/Адолф Айхман

      Adolf Galland/Адолф Галанд

      Born in Westherhold, District Recklinghausen
      Died in Oberwinter

      Fahnenjunker-Unteroffizier (01 May 1934); Fдhnrich (01 Sep 1934); Leutnant (01 Jan 1935); Oberleutnant (01 Aug 1937); Hauptmann (01 Oct 1939); Major (19 Jul 1940); Oberstleutnant (01 Nov 1940); Oberst (04 Dec 1941); Generalmajor (01 Nov 1942); Generalleutnant (01 Nov 1944)
      Pilot-Training at the Commercial-Flying-School Braunschweig (1932-1934)
      Entered the Army as Fahnenjunker in the 10th Infantry-Regiment (01 Apr 1934-30 Sep 1935)
      Transferred to Luftwaffe Service as Flight-Teacher at the Flying-School SchleiЯheim then in Fighter-Wing Richthofen, then Group Bernburg (01 Oct 1935-06 Msy 1937)
      Leader of Staff-Company J 88 (Legion Condor) (07 May 1937-00 Aug 1937)
      Squadron-Captain 3/J 88 – Legion Condor (00 Aug 1937-00 Jun 1938)
      Detached to the 3rd Department, Staff S in the RLM (00 Jun 1938-31 Aug 1938)
      Adjutant of Fighter-Wing ‘Richthofen’ (01 Sep 1938-31 Oct 1938)
      Squadron-Captain in the I. Group of Fighter-Wing ‘Richthofen’ (01 Nov 1938-31 Jan 1939)
      Squadron-Captain in the 52nd Fighter-Wing (01 Feb 1939-30 Jun 1939)
      Squadron-Captain 4./II. (Battle)/2nd Instruction-Wing (01 Jul 1939-30 Sep 1939)
      Adjutant of the 27th Fighter-Wing (01 Oct 1939-31 Mar 1940)
      Officer with Special Duties with the Staff of the 27th Fighter-Wing, Detached to I. Group of the 27th Fighter-Wing (01 Apr 1940-05 Jun 1940)
      Commander of III. Group of the 26th Fighter-Wing ;Schlageter’ (06 Jun 1940-21 Aug 1940)
      Commodore of the 26th Fighter-Wing ‘Schlageter’ (22 Aug 1940-04 Dec 1941)
      Inspector, later General Of Fighters, Air Inspection 3, RLM (05 Dec 1941-31 Jan 1945)
      Commander of the 44th Fighter-Formation (Me 262) (01 Feb 1945-26 Apr 1945)
      Wounded, in Hospital (26 Apr 1945-06 May 1945)
      In US Captivity (06 May 1945-10 May 1947)
      Released (10 May 1947)

      Decorations & Awards:
      Spanienkreuz in Gold mit Brillanten (07 Jun 1939)
      Ritterkreuz (29 Jul 1940)
      Eichenlaub zum Ritterkreuz (24 Sep 1940, 3rd recipient)
      Schwerter zum Ritterkreuz (21 Jun 1941, 1st recipient)
      Brillanten zum Ritterkreuz (28 Jan 1942, 2nd recipient)
      1939 EK I
      1939 EK II
      WWII Ace: 104 Air Victrories

      Adolf Hitler/Адолф Хитлер

      Albert Kesselring/Алберт Кеселринг

      Born in Marksteft by Kitzingen, Lower Franconia (Unterfranken)
      Died in Bad Nauheim

      Fдhnrich (04 Feb 1905); Leutnant (08 Mar 1906); Oberleutnant (25 Oct 1913); Hauptmann (19 May 1916); Major (01 Apr 1925); Oberstleutnant (01 Feb 1930); Oberst (01 Oct 1932); Generalmajor (01 Oct 1934); Generalleutnant (01 Apr 1936); General der Flieger (01 Jun 1937); Generalfeldmarschall (19 Jul 1940)
      Entered Army Service as Fдhnrich and Company-Officer in the 2nd Bavarian Foot-Artillery-Regiment (20 Jul 1904-30 Sep 1912)
      Detached to the War School in Munich (01 Mar 1905-25 Jan 1906)
      Detached to Engineer and Artillery School (01 Oct 1908-18 Mar 1910)
      Training as a Balloon-Observer with the Bavarian Airship and Motor-Transport Battalion (04 Jun 1912-22 Jun 1912)
      Adjutant of the I. Battalion of the 2nd Bavarian Foot-Artillery-Regiment (01 Oct 1912-04 Dec 1914)
      Adjutant of the 1st Bavarian Foot-Artillery-Brigade-Command (05 Dec 1914-12 Mar 1915)
      Officer with Special Duties with the 1st Bavarian Foot-Artillery-Brigade-Command (13 Mar 1915-07 May 1915)
      Adjutant of the I. Battalion of the 2nd Bavarian Foot-Artillery-Regiment (08 May 1915-02 Sep 1915)
      Hauptmann with Special Duties with the 1st Bavarian Foot-Artillery-Brigade-Command (03 Sep 1915-05 Mar 1917)
      Adjutant with the Bavarian Artillery-Commander 3 (06 Mar 1917-23 Nov 1917)
      Course at the Army-Gas-Protection-School, Berlin (08 Oct 1917-13 Oct 1917)
      General-Staff-Aspirant with the Staff of the 2nd Bavarian Territorial-Division (24 Nov 1917-03 Jan 1918)
      Assigned with the General-Staff of the III. Bavarian Army-Corps (04 Jan 1918-06 Jan 1918)
      General-Staff-Officer with Army High Command 6 (06 Jan 1918-14 Apr 1918)
      General-Staff-Officer in the General-Staff of the III. Bavarian Army-Corps (15 Apr 1918-23 Aug 1919)
      Battery-Chief in the 24th Artillery-Regiment (24 Aug 1919-20 Oct 1919)
      With the Staff of the 24th Artillery-Regiment (21 Oct 1919-07 Nov 1919)
      Battery-Chief in the 24th Artillery-Regiment (08 Nov 1919-31 Dec 1920)
      Battery-Chief in the 7th Artillery-Regiment (01 Jan 1921-30 Sep 1922)
      Advisor in the RWM (01 Oct 1922-30 Sep 1925)
      With the Staff of the Chief of Army Command, RWM (01 Oct 1925-30 Sep 1926)
      Advisor in the Military Office, RWM (01 Oct 1926-31 Mar 1929)
      Detached to the Staff of the 7th Division (01 Apr 1929-04 May 1930)
      Detached to the RWM (05 May 1930-31 May 1930)
      Detached to the Staff of the 3rd Division (01 Jun 1930-31 Jul 1930)
      Advisor in the Army-Personnel-Office, RWM (01 Aug 1930-31 Jan 1932)
      Commander of the III. Battalion of the 4th Artillery-Regiment (01 Feb 1932-30 Sep 1933)
      Transferred to Luftwaffe Service as Chief of the Administration-Office (LD), RLM (01 Oct 1933-31 May 1936)
      Chief Of The General Staff Of The Luftwaffe (Luftwaffe-Command-Office), RLM (03 Jun 1936-31 May 1937)
      Commanding General and Commander in Air-District III, Dresden (01 Jun 1937-03 Feb 1938)
      Commanding General and Commander of Luftwaffe-Command 1, Berlin (04 Feb 1938-31 Jan 1939)
      Chief of Air-Fleet 1 and Commander East (01 Feb 1939-11 Jan 1940)
      Chief of Air-Fleet 2 (12 Jan 1940-26 Jun 1943)
      At the same time, Commander North (12 Jan 1940-30 Nov 1941)
      At the same time, Commander-in-Chief South (02 Dec 1941-20 Nov 1943)
      Commander-in-Chief South-West and Commander-in-Chief Army-Group C (21 Nov 1943-23 Oct 1944)
      Severely Wounded, in Hospital (23 Oct 1944-14 Jan 1945)
      Commander-in-Chief South-West and Commander-in-Chief Army-Group C (15 Jan 1945-09 Mar 1945)
      Commander-in-Chief West (10 Mar 1945-01 May 1945)
      Commander-in-Chief South (02 May 1945-08 May 1945)
      In Western Allied Captivity, Tried by a British Court in Venice for being concerned with the massacre of 335 Italians in the Ardeatine Caves and other War Crimes, sentenced to death on 07 May 1947. Sentence commuted to Life Imprisonment on 04 Jul 1947 (08 May 1945-23 Oct 1952)
      Released Early (23 Oct 1952)

      Decorations & Awards:
      - Ritterkreuz (3): am 30.09.1939 als General der Flieger und Chef der Luftflotte 1 (Aushдndigung des Ritterkreuzes durch Adolf Hitler)
      - Eichenlaub (78): am 25.02.1942 als Generalfeldmarschall und OB Sьd
      - Schwerter (15): am 18.07.1942 als Generalfeldmarschall und OB Sьd
      - Brillanten (14): am 19.07.1944 als Generalfeldmarschall und OB der Heeresgruppe C
      - 1939 EK I –S-: 25.09.1939
      - 1939 EK II –S-: 12.09.1939
      - 1914 EK I
      - 1914 EK II
      - Kgl. Bayer. Prinz-Regent-Luitpold Jubilдums-Medaille
      - Kgl. Bayer. Militдr-Verdienstkreuz III Klasse
      - Kgl. Bayer. Militдr-Verdienstorden IV Klasse mit Schwertern
      - Ritterkreuz II Klasse des kgl. Sдchs. Albrechts-Orden mit Schwertern
      - Kgl. Bayer. Militдr-Verdienstorden IV Klasse mit der Krone und Schwertern
      - Ehrenkreuz fьr Frontkдmpfer
      - Wehrmacht-Dienstauszeichnung I Klasse
      - Gemeinsames Flugzeugfьhrer-und-Beobachterabzeichen in Gold mit Brillanten
      - Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 1. Oktober 1938???
      - Grosskreuz des kgl. Italien. Ordens der Krone
      - Frontflugspange fьr Zerstцrer in Gold mit Anhдnger Einsatzzahl “400”: 00.00.1942
      - Italien. Flugzeugfьhrer-Abzeichen
      - Дrmelband « Afrika »
      - Nennung im Wehrmachtsbericht : 08.10.1940 ; 26.10.1940 ; 09.11.1940 ; 20.11.1940 ; 25.11.1940 ; 19.06.1941 ; 06.08.1941 ; 07.08.1941 ; 19.09.1941 ; 18.10.1941 ; 19.10.1941 ;17.06.1942 ; 10.09.1943

      Albert Speer/Алберт Шпеер

      Alfred Jodl/Алфред Йодл

      Born in Wьrzburg
      Died in Nuremberg (Nьrnberg) (Executed)

      Fдhnrich (10 Jul 1910); Leutnant (28 Oct 1912); Oberleutnant (14 Jan 1916); Rittmeister/Hauptmann (28 Sep 1921); Major (01 Feb 1931); Oberstleutnant (01 Oct 1933); Oberst (01 Aug 1935); Generalmajor (01 Apr 1939); Generalleutnant (19 Jul 1940); General der Artillerie (19 Jul 1940); Generaloberst (30 Jan 1944)
      Entered the Bavarian Cadet-Corps (1903-10 Jul 1910)
      Entered Army Service (10 Jul 1910)
      Fдhnrich in the 4th Bavarian Field-Artillery-Regiment (10 Jul 1910-24 Aug 1914)
      Detached to the Bavarian War-School, Munich (01 Oct 1910-20 Aug 1912)
      Detached to the Bavarian Firing School, Leutnant in 2nd Battery of the 4th Bavarian Field-Artillery-Regiment (21 Aug 1912-28 Sep 1912)
      Wounded as an Artillery-Platoon-Leader, in Hospital (24 Aug 1912-00 Dec 1914)
      With the 16th Field-Artillery-Regiment (00 Dec 1914-10 Mar 1915)
      Battery-Officer in the 19th Bavarian Field-Artillery-Regiment (10 Mar 1915-01 May 1915)
      Taken ill and transferred to the Replacement-Battalion of the 4th Bavarian Field-Artillery-Regiment (01 May 1915-01 Dec 1916)
      Battery-Leader in the 19th Bavarian Field-Artillery-Regiment (01 Dec 1916-01 Jan 1917)
      Battery-Commander in 3rd Battery of the k.u.k. Austro-Hungarian 72nd Honved-Field-Cannon-Regiment (01 Jan 1917-01 Apr 1917)
      Battery-Leader in the 10th Bavarian Field-Artillery-Regiment (01 Apr 1917-26 May 1917)
      Regiments-Adjutant of the 19th Bavarian Field-Artillery-Regiment (26 May 1917-12 Dec 1917)
      Adjutant of the Bavarian Artillery-Commander 8 (12 Dec 1917-23 Dec 1918)
      Battery-Officer in the 4th Bavarian Field-Artillery-Regiment (23 Dec 1918-01 Feb 1919)
      Battery-Leader of Volkswehr-Battery Augsburg (01 Feb 1919-15 Jun 1919)
      Battery-Leader in the 22nd Light Artillery-Regiment (15 Jun 1919-01 Oct 1919)
      Battery-Officer in the 21st Artillery-Regiment (01 Oct 1919-01 Mar 1920)
      Temporary Battery-Chief in the 21st Artillery-Regiment (01 Mar 1920-15 Oct 1920)
      Battery-Officer in the 4th Transport-Battalion (15 Oct 1920-03 Jan 1921)
      Subsidiary-Leadership-Training with the Staff of 7th Division (03 Jan 1921-01 Oct 1922)
      Detached to the 7th Motor-Transport-Battalion (20 May 1922-19 Jun 1922)
      Battery-Chief in III. Battalion of the 7th Mountain-Artillery-Regiment, Landsberg/Lech (01 Oct 1922-01 Oct 1923)
      Detached to Berlin University (01 Oct 1923-01 Oct 1924)
      Advisor in the Staff of 7th Division, Ic, Munich (01 Oct 1924-01 Oct 1927)
      Battery-Chief in III. Battalion of the 7th Mountain-Artillery-Regiment, Landsberg/Lech (01 Oct 1927-01 Oct 1928)
      Instructor for Subsidiary-Leadership-Training in the Staff of 7th Division (01 Oct 1928-01 Jun 1932)
      Detached to the RWM (01 Jun 1932-01 Oct 1932)
      Advisor in the RWM, Troop-Office, Group-Director in the Operations-Department (01 Oct 1932-21 May 1935)
      Detached to the Turkish Army (00 Nov 1934-00 Jun 1935)
      Advisor in the RKM (21 May 1935-01 Jul 1935)
      Department-Chief in RKM/Department for National Defence (L) in the Wehrmacht Operations Office (01 Jul 1935-04 Feb 1938)
      Chief of the Wehrmacht-Operations-Office, OKW (04 Feb 1938-20 Nov 1938)
      Artillery-Commander 44, Vienna (20 Nov 1938-25 Aug 1939)
      Detached to the Wehrmacht-Operations-Office, OKW (25 Aug 1939-27 Aug 1939)
      Chief of the Wehrmacht-Operations-Office, OKW WFSt (27 Aug 1939-08 Aug 1940)
      Chief of the Wehrmacht-Operations-Staff, OKW (08 Aug 1940-06 May 1945)
      At the same time, Temporary Chief of OKW (01 May 1945-06 May 1945)
      Went to Reims on Instruction from Dцnitz. There he spoke to Eisenhower and requested a 4 Day Respite up to the Surrender in the East, which was rejected (06 May 1945-07 May 1945)
      At 02:41 Hours Jodl signed the total Surrender at Reims (07 May 1945)
      Eisenhower brought instruction to US Major-General Rooks in Flensburg-Mьrwik that Jodl is to begin Succeed Keitel as Chief of OKW (13 May 1943-23 May 1945)
      At the same time, Chief of the Army General Staff (13 May 1945-23 May 1945)
      Arrested to War Captivity along with Dцnitz and Albert Speer in Flensburg. Interned initially in Mondorf/Luxembourg (Palace-Hotel) (23 May 1945-12 Aug 1945)
      Tried at Nuremburg by the International Military Tribunal as a Major War Criminal, indicted on all 4 counts and convicted on 01 Oct 1946 on all 4 counts, sentenced to Death (12 Aug 1945-01 Oct 1946)
      Executed (Hanged) (16 Oct 1946)

      Decorations & Awards:
      - Ritterkreuz: am 06.05.1945 als Generaloberst und Chef des Wehrmachtfьhrungsstabes im OKW
      - Eichenalub: am 10.05.1945 als Generaloberst und Chef des Wehrmachtfьhrungsstabes im OKW
      - 1939 EK I –S-: 23.12.1939
      - 1939 EK II –S-: 30.09.1939
      - 1914 EK I: 03.05.1918
      - 1914 EK II: 20.11.1914
      - Kgl. Bayer. Prinz-Regent-Luitpold Jubilдums-Medaille
      - Kgl. Bayer. Militдr-Verdienstorden IV Klasse mit Schwertern
      - Kaiserlich und Kцniglich Цsterr. Militдr-Verdienstkreuz III Klasse mit der Kriegsdekoration
      - Verwundetenabzeichen, 1918 in Schwarz
      - Deutsches Reichssportabzeichen
      - Ehrenkreuz fьr Frontkдmpfer
      - Wehrmacht-Dienstauszeichnung I Klasse
      - Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 13. Marz 1938
      - Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 1. Oktober 1938
      - Finn. Freiheitskreuz I Klasse mit Eichenlaub und Schwertern
      - Goldenes Parteiabzeichen (N.S.D.A.P.): 30.01.1943
      - Rumдn. Orden “Michael der Tapfere” III Klasse: 23.12.1943
      - Rumдn. Orden “Michael der Tapfere” II Klasse: 23.12.1943
      - Verwundetenabzeichen, 20.07.1944 in Schwarz

      Alfred Rosenberg/Алфред Розенберг

      Alfred Schlemm/Алфред Шлем

      Arthur Axmann/Артур Аксман

      Arthur Seyss-Inquart/Артур Зайс-Инкварт

      Baldur von Schirach/Балдур фон Ширах

      Balthasar "Bobby" Woll/Балтазар "Боби" Вол

      Carl Friedrich Goerdeler/Карл Фридрих Гьорделер

      Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg/Клаус Шенк Граф фон Щауфенберг

      Eduard Dietl/Едуард Дийтл

      Born in Bad Aibling, Upper Bavaria (Oberbayern)
      Died near Hartberg, Styria (Steiermark) (Air Crash)

      Fahnenjunker-Gefreiter (29 Jan 1910); Fahnenjunker-Unteroffizier (11 Mar 1910); Fдhnrich (04 May 1910); Leutnant (26 Oct 1911); Oberleutnant (09 Jul 1915); Hauptmann (29 Aug 1919); Major (01 Feb 1930); Oberstleutnant (01 Feb 1933); Oberst (01 Jan 1935); Generalmajor (01 Apr 1938); Generalleutnant (01 Apr 1940); General der Infanterie, spдter umbernannt General der Gebirgstruppe (19 Jul 1940); Generaloberst (01 Jun 1942)
      Entered Army Service (01 Oct 1909)
      Fahnenjunker in the 5th Bavarian Infantry-Regiment (01 Oct 1909-31 Oct 1911)
      Detached to the War School in Munich (01 Oct 1910-20 Aug 1911)
      Detached to the Military Firing School in Lechfeld (21 Aug 1911-29 Sep 1911)
      Platoon-Leader in the MG-Company of the 5th Bavarian Infantry-Regiment (31 Oct 1911-11 Aug 1914)
      Detached to Meat-Inspection-Course in Bamberg (26 Jul 1912-08 Aug 1912)
      Detached to Spotlight-Training (30 Jun 1913-02 Jul 1913)
      Detached to Training-Courses for Food-Supply-Officers and Meat-Inspection-Course (08 Jul 1913-12 Jul 1913)
      Adjutant of the I. Battalion of the 5th Bavarian Infantry-Regiment (11 Aug 1914-10 Oct 1914)
      Wounded, in Hospital (10 Oct 1914-31 Jan 1915)
      Transferred to the Replacement-Battalion of the 1st Bavarian Infantry-Regiment (31 Jan 1915-13 Mar 1915)
      Transferred to the Replacement-Battalion of the 5th Bavarian Infantry-Regiment (13 Mar 1915-24 Mar 1915)
      Transferred as Adjutant of the I. Battalion of the 5th Bavarian Infantry-Regiment (24 Mar 1915-17 Nov 1916)
      2nd Adjutant of the 7th Bavarian Infantry-Brigade (17 Nov 1916-22 Oct 1917)
      Regiments-Adjutant of the 5th Bavarian Infantry-Regiment (22 Oct 1917-03 Dec 1917)
      Adjutant of the 7th Bavarian Infantry-Brigade (03 Dec 1917-02 Oct 1918)
      Detached to 1st Leaders-Course (09 Feb 1918-13 Feb 1918)
      Detached to Battalion-Leaders-Course of the 4th Army (20 May 1918-24 May 1918)
      Wounded, in Hospital (02 Oct 1918-05 Feb 1919)
      Transferred back into the 5th Bavarian Infantry-Regiment (05 Feb 1919-07 Apr 1919)
      Assigned to Freikorps Epp/41st Reichswehr-Rifle-Regiment (07 Apr 1919-24 Aug 1920)
      Detached to Sports-Courses of the 21st Rifle-Brigade, Munich (17 Sep 1919-15 Oct 1919)
      Member of the Provisional Army Chamber (24 Aug 1920-16 Sep 1920)
      Company-Chief in the 19th Infantry-Regiment (16 Sep 1920-01 Apr 1924)
      Detached to MG-Course in Grafenwцhr (02 Nov 1921-18 Nov 1921)
      Leader of MG-Courses in the 19th Infantry-Regiment (06 Mar 1922-25 Mar 1922)
      Detached as Instructor with the Infantry-School (22 Oct 1923-08 Nov 1923)
      Transferred to the Staff of the Training-Battalion and Detached as Instructor with the Infantry-School (01 Apr 1924-01 Aug 1924)
      Transferred as Instructor to the Infantry-School (01 Aug 1924-01 Oct 1928)
      Detached to the 19th Infantry-Regiment (01 Oct 1924-01 Mar 1925)
      Detached to the 19th Infantry-Regiment (15 Oct 1925-01 Mar 1926)
      Detached to Artillery-Course for Night-Artillery in Jьterbog (05 Oct 1926-20 Oct 1926)
      Detached to Motor-Transport-Course for Tactics-Instructors in Berlin-Lankwitz (14 Mar 1927-18 Mar 1927)
      Transferred as Operations-Staff-Officer into the III. Battalion of the 19th Infantry-Regiment (01 Oct 1928-01 Feb 1931)
      Detached as Leader of the German Military Team with the International Patrol-Runs in Oslo (12 Feb 1930-04 Mar 1930)
      Detached to Firing-Course for Heavy Infantry Weapons in Dцberitz (04 Mar 1930-29 Mar 1930)
      Detached as Course-Leader with the Army-Mountaineer-Courses in Oberstdorf (17 Jun 1930-28 Jun 1930)
      Detached as Course-Leader with the Army-Mountaineer-Courses in GroЯglocknergebiet (21 Sep 1930-05 Oct 1930)
      Commander of the III. Battalion of the 19th Infantry-Regiment (01 Feb 1931-28 Mar 1931)
      Detached to the Winter School of the Royal Norwegian Army Akerhus, Oslo (07 Feb 1931-21 Feb 1931)
      Detached as Course-Leader with the Army-Mountaineer-Courses in Stubai (15 Apr 1931-29 Apr 1931)
      Appointed Army Mountaineer (28 Mar 1931-01 Apr 1934)
      Detached to Staff-Officers-Course of the 7th Division in Munich (19 Oct 1931-03 Nov 1931)
      Detached to the Troop-Exercise-Grounds Grafenwцhr (18 Jun 1933-01 Jul 1933)
      Transferred to the Staff of the 19th Infantry-Regiment (01 Apr 1934-01 Oct 1934)
      Detached to Mountain-Manoeuvres with the Royal Italian Army (05 Aug 1934-25 Aug 1934)
      Commander of Infantry-Regiment Amberg (01 Oct 1934-01 Nov 1934)
      Commander of Infantry-Regiment Regensburg (01 Nov 1934-15 Oct 1935)
      Commander of the 99th Mountain-Regiment (15 Oct 1935-01 May 1938)
      Detached to the 3rd Grenadier-Regiment of the Royal Italian Army in Viterbo (05 Aug 1937-19 Aug 1937)
      Commander of the 3rd Mountain-Division (01 May 1938-24 Apr 1940)
      Commander of Group Narvik (24 Apr 1940-14 Jun 1940)
      Commanding General of Mountain-Corps Norway (14 Jun 1940-15 Jan 1942)
      Commander-in-Chief of Army Lapland (15 Jan 1942-20 Jun 1942)
      Commander-in-Chief of the 20th Mountain-Army (20 Jun 1942-23 Jun 1944)
      Killed in an Air Crash over Hartberg, Styria (23 Jun 1944)

      Decorations & Awards:
      - Ritterkreuz (25) : am 09.05.1940 als Generalleutnant und Kommandeur der 3. Gebirgs-Division/ Gruppe XXI/ OKW (Verleihung: Fьhrer-Befehl)
      - Eichenlaub (1) : am 19.07.1940 als General der Infanterie und Kommandierender General des Gebirgs-Korps Norwegen
      - Schwerter (72) : am 01.07.1940 als Generaloberts und OB der 20. Gebirgs-Armee
      - 1939 EK I –Spange- : 15.04.1940
      - 1939 EK II –Spange- : 24.09.1939
      - 1914 EK I : 03.09.1916
      - 1914 EK II : 16.09.1914
      - Kgl. Bayer. Prinz-Regent-Luitpold Jubilдums-Medaille : 12.03.1911
      - Hessisch. Tapferkeitsmedaille : 16.10.1915
      - Verwundetenabzeichen, 1918 in Silber : 00.00.1917
      - Kgl. Bayer. Militдr-Verdienst-Orden IV Klasse mit Schwertern: 18.06.1918
      - Kgl. Bayer. Militдr-Verdienst-Orden IV Klasse mit der Krone und Schwertern
      - Heeresbergfьhrer-Abzeichen
      - Kommandeur-Kreuz zum Bayer. Militдr-Verdienst-Ordens : 17.08.1933
      - Kommandeur-Kreuz des Chil. Verdienst-Ordens : 17.08.1933
      - Ehrenkreuz fьr Frontkдmpfer : 18.01.1935
      - Wehrmacht-Dienstauszeichnung IV Klasse : 02.10.1936
      - Wehrmacht-Dienstauszeichnung I Klasse : 02.10.1936
      - Deutsches Olympia-Ehrenzeichen I Klasse
      - Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 13. Marz 1938
      - Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 1. Oktober 1938
      - Nennung im Wehrmachtsbericht: 10.06.1940
      - Flugzeugfьhrer-und Beobachterabzeichen in Gold mit Brillanten
      - Goldenes Parteiabzeichen (N.S.D.A.P.)
      - Zerstцrer-Kriegsabzeichen: 05.11.1940
      - Fliegerabzeichen mit Brillanten: 05.01.1941
      - Narvikschild: 21.03.1941
      - Grosskreuz des Ordens der Weissen Rose von Finnland mit Schwertern und Bruststern: 09.11.1941
      - Medaille “Winterschlacht im Osten 1941/1942”
      - 1 Schwert des japanischen nationalen Verbandes Shochoku Seishin Shinkokai an Generaloberst Dietl: 18.06.1943
      - Finnisches Freiheitskreuz I Klasse mit Eichenlaub und Schwertern und Bruststern: 20.01.1944
      - Grosskreuz des Finnisches Freiheitskreuzes: 28.06.1944
      - Verwundetenabzeichen, 1939 in Gold

      Emil Seibold/Емил Зайболд

      Erhard Milch/Ерхард Милх

      Born in Wilhelmshaven
      Died in Wuppertal

      Fдhnrich (18 Oct 1910); Leutnant (18 Aug 1911); Oberleutnant (18 Aug 1915); Hauptmann (18 Aug 1918); Charakter als Oberst (28 Oct 1933); Charakter als Generalmajor (24 Mar 1934); Charakter als Generalleutnant (28 Mar 1935); Charakter als General der Flieger (30 Jan 1936); General der Flieger (20 Apr 1936); Generaloberst (01 Nov 1938); Generalfeldmarschall (19 Jul 1940)
      Entered the Army as Fahnenjunker, Battery-Officer in the 1st Foot-Artillery-Regiment (24 Feb 1910-01 Aug 1914)
      Detached to the Foot-Artillery-Firing-School (01 Oct 1913-01 Jan 1914)
      Adjutant of the II. Reserve-Battalion of the 1st Foot-Artillery-Regiment (02 Aug 1914-30 Jun 1915)
      Pilot-Trainer in Jьterbog (01 Jul 1915-04 Aug 1915)
      Observer with the 205th Artillery-Flying-Battalion (05 Aug 1915-27 Aug 1915)
      Observer with the Artillery-Flying-Battalion A 204 (28 Aug 1915-14 Jun 1916)
      Adjutant of the Artillery-Flying-School East I (15 Jun 1916-03 Jul 1917)
      Detached to Army-Flight-Park 6 (04 Jul 1917-08 Jul 1917)
      Observer and Temporary-Leader of the 5th Flying-Battalion (09 Jul 1917-30 Jul 1917)
      Photographic-Officer with Flying-Group-Leader 2 (30 Jul 1917-08 Apr 1918)
      Detached as Aspirant for the Grand General Staff to Army-Flight-Park 17 (09 Apr 1918-18 Jul 1918)
      At the same time, Company-Leader in the 41st Infantry-Regiment (23 Apr 1918-08 Jun 1918)
      At the same time, Leader of the Escort-Battery in the 273rd Field-Artillery-Regiment (09 Jun 1918-18 Jul 1918)
      Signals-Officer with the Staff of the Commander Of Flying 17 (19 Jul 1918-19 Sep 1918)
      Leader of Flying-Battalion A 204 (20 Sep 1918-30 Sep 1918)
      Leader of Fighter-Group 6 (01 Oct 1918-02 Dec 1918)
      Demobilisation in Graudenz (02 Dec 1918-03 Dec 1918)
      Detached to the Staff of the Commander Of Flying 1 and Placed to the Disposal of the Chief Of The General Staff of the XVII. Army-Corps (04 Dec 1918-11 Jan 1919)
      Observer with the Border-Protection-Flying-Battalion A 429 (12 Jan 1919-26 Feb 1919)
      Leader of Flying-Special-Squadron of the XVII. Army-Corps (27 Feb 1919-19 Apr 1919)
      Leader of Border-Protection-Flying-Squadron 412, later renamed Reichswehr-Flying-Squadron 117 (20 Apr 1919-04 Sep 1919)
      Leader of the Police-Flying-Squadron Kцnigsberg (05 Sep 1919-04 Dec 1919)
      Placed to the Disposal of the Processing-Office of the I. Army-Corps, Kцnigsberg (05 Dec 1919-31 Jan 1920)
      Retired (31 Jan 1920)
      Leader of the Danzig Air Post and Flight-Leader of the Firm Junkers Air-Commerce AG, Danzig (01 Feb 1920-1921)
      Managing Director of the Firm Junkers Air-Commerce AG then of the German Lufthansa (1921-31 Dec 1925)
      Member of the Executive Committee of German Lufthansa AG, Berlin (01 Jan 1926-21 Feb 1933)
      Deputy Reichs Commissioner for Aviation (02 Feb 1933-05 May 1933)
      State-Secretary in the Reichs Air Ministry (05 May 1933-20 Jun 1944)
      Entered Army Service – with the Authorisation to Carry the Uniform of the 1st Artillery-Regiment (28 Oct 1933-20 Apr 1936)
      Transferred into Luftwaffe Service (20 Apr 1936)
      General-Inspector of the Luftwaffe and Representative of the Reichs Minister of Aviation and Commander-in-Chief of the Luftwaffe (01 Feb 1939-31 Jan 1945)
      Commander-in-Chief of Air-Fleet 5 (12 Apr 1940-09 May 1940)
      Chairman of the Supervisory-Board and President of the German Lufthansa AG, Berlin (1942-31 Jan 1945)
      Leader of Transport-Formations Stalingrad (19 Jan 1943-30 Jan 1943)
      Fьhrer-Reserve OKL (04 Feb 1945-04 May 1945)
      In British Captivity then Military-Prison (04 May 1945-28 Jun 1954)
      Tried by the US Number II Court at Nuremberg, January-April 1947 for deportations, enslavements and criminal medical experiments in human beings (Crimes Against Humanity) and Sentenced to Life Imprisonment (17 Apr 1947)
      Sentence reduced to 15 Years (31 Jan 1951)
      Released (28 Jun 1954)

      Decorations & Awards:
      - Ritterkreuz : am 04.05.1940 als Generaloberst und Staatssekretдr im Reichsluftfahrtministerium und Chef der Luftflotte 5
      - 1939 EK I –S-
      - 1939 EK II –S-
      - 1914 EK I : 00.03.1916
      - 1914 EK II
      - Flugzeugbeobachter-Abzeichen
      - Ehrenkreuz fьr Frontkдmpfer
      - Wehrmacht-Dienstauszeichnung
      - Deutsche Olympia-Ehrenzeichen II Klasse
      - Luftschutz-Ehrenzeichen I Klasse : 20.04.1938
      - Gemeinsames Flugzeugfьhrer-und-Beobachterabzeichen in Gold mit Brillanten
      - Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 13. Marz 1938
      - Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 1. Oktober 1938 mit Spange “Prager Burg”
      - Medaille zur Erinnerung an die Heimkehr des Memellandes
      - Goldenes Parteiabzeichen (N.S.D.A.P.)

      Erich Baerenfanger/Ерих Бeренфангер

      Born in Menden, District Iserlohn
      Died in Berlin (Suicide)

      Gefreiter (01 Oct 1937); Gefreiter (ROA) (01 Dec 1937); Unteroffizier (ROA) (01 Jun 1938); Feldwebel (ROA) (01 Oct 1938); Leutnant der Reserve (01 Apr 1939); Leutnant (01 Sep 1941); Oberleutnant (01 Sep 1941); Hauptmann (01 Aug 1942); Major (10 Jun 1943); Oberstleutnant (01 Feb 1944); Oberst ьbersprungen; Generalmajor (28 Apr 1945)
      Entered Army Service (Reserves) (16 Oct 1936); Active-Officer (01 Sep 1941)
      Conscripted into the 67th Infantry-Regiment (16 Oct 1936-09 Nov 1938)
      Reserve-Officer-Aspirant-Course (04 Apr 1938-30 Apr 1938)
      Transferred into the 123rd Border-Infantry-Regiment (09 Nov 1938-20 Apr 1939)
      Platoon-Leader in the 123rd Border-Infantry-Regiment (20 Apr 1939-26 Aug 1939)
      Platoon-Leader in the 123rd Infantry-Regiment (26 Aug 1939-06 Jun 1940)
      Wounded, Hospital (06 Jun 1940-14 Jul 1940)
      Transferred into the 122nd Infantry-Replacement-Battalion (14 Jul 1940-30 Aug 1940)
      Platoon-Leader in the 123rd Infantry-Regiment (30 Aug 1940-10 Sep 1940)
      Acting-Adjutant of the III. Battalion of the 123rd Infantry-Regiment (10 Sep 1940-20 Sep 1940)
      Adjutant of the III. Battalion of the 123rd Infantry-Regiment (20 Sep 1940-24 Sep 1941)
      Wounded (12 Jul 1941)
      Wounded (05 Aug 1941)
      Wounded (21 Aug 1941)
      Company-Leader in the 123rd Infantry-Regiment (24 Sep 1941-18 Dec 1941)
      Wounded (21 Nov 1941)
      Wounded (22 Nov 1941)
      Leader of the III. Battalion of the 123rd Infantry-Regiment (18 Dec 1941-01 Jan 1942)
      Company-Chief in the 123rd Infantry-Regiment (01 Jan 1942-01 Oct 1942)
      Leader of the III. Battalion of the 123rd Infantry-Regiment (10 May 1942-30 Sep 1942)
      Commander of the III. Battalion of the 123rd Grenadier-Regiment (01 Oct 1942-00 Feb 1944)
      At the same time, Leader of the 123rd Grenadier-Regiment (29 Oct 1943-30 Oct 1943)
      Fьhrer-Reserve – Detached to Regimental Leaders Course (00 Feb 1944-18 Jun 1944)
      Placed to the disposal of the Reich’s Youth Leader as Inspector of the Military Training Camp (18 Jun 1944-01 Aug 1944)
      Detached to the General-Inspectorate for the Army Youth Leadership (30 Jun 1944-28 Aug 1944)
      General-Inspector of the Army Youth Leadership (15 Jul 1944-01 Nov 1944)
      Fьhrer-Reserve OKH and Detached to the Reich’s Youth Leadership, Inspector of the Defence Efficiency Camp of the Hitler Youth (01 Nov 1944-24 Apr 1945)
      Battle-Commandant of Section A of the Berlin Defensive District (24 Apr 1945-01 May 1945)
      At the same time, Battle-Commandant of Section B of the Berlin Defensive District (25 Apr 1945-01 May 1945)
      After a failed breakout from a cellar in a ruined house, by the Underground Station Prenzlauer Berg – he committed suicide (01 May 1945)

      Decorations & Awards:
      - - Rittekreuz (1087): am 07.08.1942 als Oberleutnant und Fьhrer III Bataillon/ Infanterie-Regiment 123/ 50. Infanteriedivision/ LIV Armeekorps/ 11. Armee/ Heeresgruppe Sьd
      - - Eichenlaub (243): am 17.05.1943 als Hauptmann und Komm. III Bataillon/ Grenadier-Regiment 123/ 50. Infanteriedivision/ XLIX Gebirgskorps/ 17. Armee/ Heeresgruppe A
      - - Schwerter (45): am 23.01.1944 als Major und Komm. III Bataillon/ Grenadier-Regiment 123/ 98. Infanteriedivision/ V Armeekorps/ 17. Armee/ Heeresgruppe A (Aushдndigung die Schwerter durch Adolf Hitler)
      - - Deutsches Kreuz in Gold (42/10): am 26.12.1941 als Leutnant der Reserve und Fьhrer 7. Kompanie/ Infanterie-Regiment 123/ 50. Infanteriedivision/ LIV Armeekorps/ 11. Armee/ Heeresgruppe Sьd
      - - 1939 EK I: 21.06.1940
      - - 1939 EK II: 12.06.1940
      - - Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 1. Oktober 1938
      - - Verwundetenabzeichen, 1939 in Schwarz: 01.07.1940
      - - Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen in Silber: 23.07.1941
      - - Verwundetenabzeichen, 1939 in Silber: 09.08.1941
      - - Rumдn. Orden der Krone V Klasse mit Schwertern: 13.08.1941
      - - Verwundetenabzechen, 1939 in Gold: 10.01.1942
      - - Kgl. Bulgar. Taperkeitsorden: 07.02.1942
      - - Ehrenzeichen der kgl. Bulgar. Infanterie in Silber: 07.02.1942
      - - Rumдn. Erinnerungsmedaille Kreuzzug gegen den Kommunismus: 23.05.1942
      - - Medaille “Winterschlacht im Osten 1941/1942”: 05.08.1942
      - - Nennung im Ehrenblatt des Heeres (1129): am 14.08.1942 als Oberleutnant und Fьhrer III Bataillon/ Infanterie-Regiment 123/ 50. Infanteriedivision/ LIV Armeekorps/ 11. Armee/ Heeresgruppe A/ Tat am 07.06.1942 vor Sewastopol
      - - Krimschild: 02.11.1942
      - - Kubanschild???

      Erich Hartmann/Ерих Хартман

      Erich Hoepner/Ерих Хьопнер

      Born: 14 Sep 1886 in Frankfurt, Oder
      Died: 08 Aug 1944 in Berlin-Plцtzensee (Executed)
      Fдhnrich (18 Nov 1905); Leutnant (18 Aug 1906); Oberleutnant (17 Feb 1914); Rittmeister (18 Jun 1915); Major (01 Feb 1926); Oberstleutnant (01 Apr 1930); Oberst (01 Feb 1933); Generalmajor (01 Jan 1936); Generalleutnant (30 Jan 1938); General der Kavallerie (20 Apr 1939); Generaloberst (19 Jul 1940)
      Entered Army Service (10 Mar 1905)
      Fahnenjunker in the schleswig-holsteinischen 13th Dragoon-Regiment, Metz (10 Mar 1905-1911)
      Regiments-Adjutant of the schleswig-holsteinischen 13th Dragoon-Regiment (1911-1913)
      Detached to the War Academy Berlin (01 Oct 1913-01 Aug 1914)
      Ordinance-Officer with the General-Staff of XVI. Army-Corps (01 Aug 1914-17 Oct 1915)
      Transferred into the General-Staff of VI. Army-Corps (17 Oct 1915-1916)
      In the General-Staff of 1st Army (1916-00 Jan 1917)
      In the General-Staff of 7th Army (00 Jan 1917-1918)
      In the General-Staff of the 105th Infantry-Division (1918-00 Jan 1919)
      In the General-Staff of the 36th Infantry-Division (00 Jan 1919-00 May 1919)
      In the Staff of the 17th Reichswehr-Brigade (00 May 1919-01 May 1920)
      Squadron-Chief in the 2nd Mounted-Regiment (01 May 1920-01 Oct 1921)
      With the Inspection of Cavalry, RWM (01 Oct 1921-01 Apr 1923)
      With the Staff of the 1st Cavalry-Division, Frankfurt on the Oder (01 Apr 1923-01 Oct 1927)
      With the Staff of 1st Division (01 Oct 1927-01 Apr 1930)
      Commander of I. Battalion of the 17th Infantry-Regiment, Braunschweig (01 Apr 1930-01 Oct 1932)
      Commander of the 4th Mounted-Regiment, Potsdam (01 Oct 1932-01 Feb 1933)
      Chief of Staff of 1st Division, Kцnigsberg (01 Feb 1933-01 Oct 1934)
      Chief of the General Staff of I. Army-Corps, Kцnigsberg (01 Oct 1934-01 Oct 1935)
      Chief of the General Staff of Group-Command 1, Berlin (01 Oct 1935-12 Oct 1937)
      Commander of the 1st Light Brigade (12 Oct 1937-19 Oct 1938)
      Commander of the 1st Light Division (19 Oct 1938-24 Nov 1938)
      Commanding General of XVI. Army-Corps (mot.) (24 Nov 1938-17 Feb 1941)
      Commander-in-Chief of Panzer-Group 4 (17 Feb 1941-01 Jan 1942)
      Commander-in-Chief of 4th Panzer-Army (01 Jan 1942-08 Jan 1942)
      Retired (Discharged from the Army because of 'Cowardice & Disobedience', Lost the Right to carry the Uniform and Medals & lost all Pension rights. The reason was because he retreated 4 Divisions west of Moscow) (08 Jan 1942)
      Arrested as a Participant in the Bomb Plot against Hitler, he was intended as Commander-in-Chief of the Home Theatre of War (20 Jul 1944-07 Aug 1944)
      Sentenced to Death by the Peoples' Court (07 Aug 1944-08 Aug 1944)
      Executed (Hanged) (08 Aug 1944)

      Decorations & Awards:
      - Ritterkreuz: am 27.10.1939 als General der Kavallerie und Komm. Gen. XVI Armee-Korps (Aushдndigung des Ritterkreuzes durch Adolf Hitler)
      - Ritterkreuz des kgl. Preuss. Hausordens von Hohenzollern mit Schwertern
      - 1939 EK I –S- 27.09.1939
      - 1939 EK II –S- 21.09.1939
      - 1914 EK I
      - 1914 EK II
      - Ritterkreuz II Klasse des kgl. Wьrttembg. Friedrichs-Orden mit Schwertern
      - Ehrenkreuz fьr Frontkдmpfer
      - Wehrmacht-Dienstauszeichnung I Klasse
      - Panzerkampfabzeichen

      Erich Raeder/Ерих Редер

      Born: 24 Apr 1876 in Wandsbek by Hamburg
      Died: 06 Nov 1960 in Kiel
      Honorary Doctorate In Philosophy: 31 May 1926 at the Christian-Albrecht University in Kiel
      Bestowed Rank as Reichsminister: 20 Apr 1936
      Seekadett (13 May 1895); Unterleutnant zur See (25 Oct 1897); Leutnant zur See (01 Jan 1899); Oberleutnant Zur See (09 Apr 1900); Kapitдnleutnant (21 Mar 1905); Korvettenkapitдn (15 Apr 1911); Fregattenkapitдn (26 Apr 1917); Kapitдn zur See (29 Nov 1919); Konteradmiral (01 Aug 1922); Vizeadmiral (10 Sep 1925); Admiral (01 Oct 1928); Generaladmiral (20 Apr 1936); GroЯadmiral (01 Apr 1939)
      Entered the Navy and Attended Basic-Training and Kadett on Board the School-Ship ‘Stosch’ (16 Apr 1894-17 Apr 1895)
      On Board the School-Ship ‘Gneisenau’ (18 Apr 1895-14 Apr 1896)
      Naval-School and Special-Briefings (15 Apr 1896-10 Oct 1897)
      Signal-Officer on the Armoured-Ship ‘Sachsen’ (11 Oct 1897-18 Nov 1897)
      Signal-Officer on the Armoured-Ship ‘Baden’ (19 Nov 1897-30 Nov 1897)
      Signal-Officer on the Heavy Cruiser ‘Deutschland’ and at the same time, Signal-Officer of the II. Division of the Cruiser-Squadron (02 Dec 1897-13 Apr 1899)
      Adjutant of the Chief of the II. Division of the Cruiser-Squadron on Board the Heavy Cruiser ‘Deutschland’ (14 Apr 1899-17 Nov 1899)
      Departed to Tsingtau (18 Nov 1899-04 Jan 1900)
      Company-Officer in the I. Sailor-Division (05 Jan 1920-31 Mar 1900)
      Watch-Officer on the Coastal-Armoured-Ship ‘Aegir’ (01 Apr 1900-30 Apr 1900)
      2nd Adjutant of the I. Sailor-Division (01 May 1900-22 Jul 1900)
      Watch-Officer on the Coastal-Armoured-Ship ‘Aegir’ (23 Jul 1900-25 Sep 1900)
      2nd Adjutant of the I. Naval-Inspection (30 Sep 1900-26 Apr 1901)
      First Officer on the Aviso ‘Grille’ (01 May 1901-25 Sep 1901)
      Watch-Officer on the Liner ‘Kaiser Wilhelm der GroЯe’ (01 Oct 1901-31 Oct 1901)
      Watch-Officer on the Liner ‘Kaiser Friedrich III’ (01 Nov 1901-30 Sep 1903)
      I. Course at the Naval-Academy (01 Oct 1903-30 Jun 1904)
      Placed to the Disposal of the Inspection of Training Affairs of the Navy (01 Jul 1904-30 Sep 1904)
      II. Course at the Naval-Academy (01 Oct 1904-30 Jun 1905)
      Admiral-Staff-Duty on the Aviso ‘Grille’ (12 Jul 1905-19 Jul 1905)
      Placed to the Disposal of the I. Shipyard-Division (20 Jul 1905-30 Sep 1905)
      Navigation-Officer on the Coastal-Armoured-Ship ‘Frithjof’ (01 Oct 1905-31 Mar 1906)
      In the Signals-Bureau of the Reichsmarine-Office (01 Apr 1906-30 Sep 1908)
      Navigation-Officer on the Heavy Cruiser ‘Yorck’ (01 Oct 1908-15 Mar 1909)
      Placed to the Disposal of the I. Naval-Inspection (16 Mar 1909-21 Jul 1909)
      Navigation-Officer on the Coastal-Armoured-Ship ‘Hildebrand’ (22 Jul 1909-15 Sep 1909)
      Navigation-Officer on the Heavy Cruiser ‘Yorck’ (01 Oct 1909-14 Sep 1910)
      Navigation-Officer on the Yacht ‘Hohenzollern’ (15 Sep 1910-30 Sep 1912)
      1st Admiral-Staff-Officer with the Staff of the Commander of Reconnaissance-Ships (01 Oct 1912-13 Jun 1917)
      Chief Of Staff of the Commander of Reconnaissance-Ships (14 Jun 1917-07 Jan 1918)
      Commandant of the Small Cruiser ‘Cцln’ (17 Jan 1918-09 Oct 1918)
      Placed to the Disposal of the Admiral-Staff of the Navy for Special Use (already during the Shipyard-Repairs of the Cruiser at the end of September, Detached as ‘Representative Front’ to the Grand Headquarters at Spa) (10 Oct 1918-13 Oct 1918)
      Placed to the Disposal of the State-Secretary of the Reichsmarineamt (14 Oct 1918-03 Dec 1918)
      Chief of the Central-Department, Reichsmarineamt (04 Dec 1918-14 Jul 1919)
      Chief of the Central-Department, Admiralty (15 Jul 1919-30 Jun 1920)
      Department-Head of the Naval-Archives (01 Jul 1920-19 Jul 1922)
      Inspector of Training-Affairs of the Navy (20 Jul 1922-18 Sep 1924)
      Commander of the Light Sea-Forces of the North Sea (19 Sep 1924-09 Jan 1925)
      Chief of the Naval-Station of the Baltic Sea (10 Jan 1925-30 Sep 1928)
      At the same time, Acting-Chief of Naval-Command (24 Sep 1928-30 Sep 1928)
      Chief of the Naval Command (01 Oct 1928-31 May 1935)
      Commander-in-Chief of the Kriegsmarine (01 Jun 1935-30 Jan 1943)
      Admiral-Inspector of the Kriegsmarine (30 Jan 1943-08 May 1945)
      Captured by the Red Army and sent to Moscow (23 Jun 1945-20 Nov 1945)
      Accused of War Crimes in the Nuremberg-Trials before the International Military Court (20 Nov 1945-30 Sep 1946)
      Found Guilty of Crimes Against Peace and War Crimes and Sentenced to Life Imprisonment (30 Sep 1946-26 Sep 1955)
      Released Early from Spandau Prison due to ill health (26 Sep 1955)

      Decorations & Awards:
      Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes (30 Sep 1939)
      1939 Spange zum 1914 EK I
      1939 Spange zum 1914 EK II
      1914 EK I
      1914 EK II
      Wehrmacht- Dienstauszeichnungen
      Ehrenkreuz fьr Frontkдmpfer
      Goldenes Parteiabzeichen

      Erich Topp/Ерих Топ

      Erich von Manstein/Ерих фон Манщайн

      Born: 24. Nov. 1887 in Berlin.
      Died: 10. Jun. 1973.
      GFM: 1. Jul. 1942; Gen.Obst.: 7. Mar. 1942; Gen.d.Inf.: 1. Jun. 1940; Gen.Lt.: 1. Apr. 1938; Gen.Maj.: 1. Oct. 1936; Oberst: 1. Dec. 1933; Obstlt.: 1. Apr. 1931; Major: 1 Feb. 1927; Hptm.: 24. Jul. 1915; Oblt.: 1. Jun. 1914; Lt.: 27. Jan. 1907 (Patent 14. Jun. 1905); Fдhnrich: 6. Mar. 1906.
      Oberbefehlshaber Heeresgruppe "Don" (later "Sьd"): 22. Nov. 1942 - 31. Mar. 1944.
      Oberbefehlshaber 11.Armee: 15. Sep. 1941 - 22. Nov. 1942.
      Kom.Gen. XXXVIII.Armee-Korps: 1. Feb. 1940 -
      Chef Gen.St. Heeresgruppe "A": 26. Oct. 1939 -
      Chef Gen.St. Heeresgruppe "Sьd": 18. Aug. 1939 -
      Kdr. 18.Inf.Div.: 4. Feb. 1938 - 18. Aug. 1939.
      Oberquartiermeister I in Gen.St.d.Heeres: 6. Oct. 1936 - 4. Feb. 1938.
      Head of Operations Branch (Op Abt. I), Army General Staff: 1. Jul. 1935 -
      Chef des Stabes, Wehrkreis III (Berlin)(Gen. von Witzleben): 1. Feb. 1934 - 1. Jul. 1935
      Kdr. Jдger Battailon, Inf.Rgt. 4: 1. Oct. 1932 - 1. Feb. 1934.
      Operations Branch, Truppenamt: 1. Sep. 1929 - 1. Oct. 1932.
      General Staff Officer in Wehrkreise I, II, and IV: 1923 - 1927.
      Company commander in Inf.Rgt. 5, Angermunde/Pommern: 1. Oct. 1920 - 1923.
      General Staff Officer, Grenzschutz Ost, Breslau. Staff Officer with General v. Lossberg, Berlin & Kassel: 1919
      Ia, 213.Sturm Infanterie-Division, Westfront: May 1918 -
      Ia 4.Kavallerie-Division, Kurland: 1917 -
      Staff Officer, 1.Armee HQ, Somme: Jul. 1916 -
      Staff Officer, 11.Armee, Verdun Front: 22. Jan. 1916 -
      Adjutant, 12.Armee Hq: 19. Aug. 1915 -
      Staff Officer w/Army Group Gallwitz, Poland & Serbia: 17. Jun. 1915 -
      Adjutant, 2.Guards Reserve Rgt. (Marne campaign): 2. Aug. 1914 -
      Battalion Adjutant: 1. Jul. 1911 -
      Commissioned Leutnant in 3.Gren.Rgt.zu FuЯ: 27. Jan. 1907.
      Entered service as Fдhnrich: 6. Mar. 1905.
      Postwar Prosecution:
      Tried by British military court for war crimes; sentenced to 18 years' imprisonment; later commuted to 12 years. Released, 6. May 1953
      Decorations & Awards:
      - Ritterkreuz: am 19.07.1940 als General der Infanterie und Komm. Gen. des XLVIII Armee-Korps
      - Eichenlaub (209): am 14.03.1943 als Generalfeldmarschall und OB. der Heeresgruppe Sьd
      - Schwerter (59): am 30.03.1944 als Generalfeldmarschall und OB. der Heeresgruppe Sьd (Manstein erhдlt die Schwerter aus der Hand Adolf Hitler)
      - Ritterkreuz des kgl. Preuss. Hausordens von Hohenzollern mit Schwertern
      - 1939 EK I –S-: 21.09.1939
      - 1939 EK II –S-: 16.09.1939
      - 1914 EK I
      - 1914 EK II
      - Verwundetenabzeichen, 1918 in Schwarz
      - Kgl. Bayer. Militдr-Verdienstkreuz II Klasse
      - Ritterkreuz I Klasse des kgl. Wьrttembg. Friedrichs-Orden mit Schwertern
      - Hamburgisches Hanseatenkreuz
      - Schaumburg-Lippisches Kreuz fьr treue Dienste
      - Kaiserlich und Kцniglich Цsterr. Militдr-Verdienstkreuz III Klasse mit der Kriegsdekoration
      - Tьrkischer Eiserner Halbmond
      - Ehrenkreuz fьr Frontkдmpfer
      - Wehrmacht-Dienstauszeichnung I Klasse
      - Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 1.Oktober 1938 mit Spange “Prager Burg”
      - Panzerkampfabzeichen???
      - Gemeinsames Flugzeugfьhrer-und-Beobachterabzeichen in Gold mit Brillanten
      - Rumдn. Orden “Michael der Tapfere” III Klasse: 25.11.1941
      - Rumдn. Orden “Michael der Tapfere” II Klasse: 16.07.1942
      - Medaille “Winterschlacht im Osten 1941/1942”
      - Krimschild (in Gold)
      - Auszeichnung des Ungar. Heeres
      - Auszeichnung des Rumдn. Heeres
      - Nennung im Wehrmachtsbericht

      Ernst Barkmann/Ернст Баркман

      Ernst Busch/Ернст Буш

      Born: 06 Jul 1885 in Essen-Steele
      Died: 17 Jul 1945 in Camp Aldershot near London
      Leutnant (10 Mar 1904); Oberleutnant (16 Jun 1913); Hauptmann (27 Jan 1915); Major (01 Apr 1925); Oberstleutnant (01 Feb 1930); Oberst (01 Dec 1932); Generalmajor (01 Sep 1935); Generalleutnant (01 Oct 1937); General der Infanterie (01 Feb 1938); Generaloberst (19 Jul 1940); Generalfeldmarschall (01 Feb 1943)
      Entered Army Service (10 Mar 1904)
      Leutnant in the 13th Infantry-Regiment (10 Mar 1904-17 Nov 1906)
      Transferred to the 57th Infantry-Regiment (17 Nov 1906-03 Aug 1914)
      Detached to the Military Gymnasium (01 Oct 1909-31 Aug 1910)
      Detached to the Military Gymnasium (01 Oct 1910-31 Aug 1911)
      Detached as Inspections-Officer to the War-School Kassel (13 Sep 1912-03 Aug 1914)
      Company-Leader in the 56th Infantry-Regiment (03 Aug 1914-21 May 1915)
      At the same time, Delegated with the Leadership of II. Battalion of the 56th Infantry-Regiment (19 Nov 1914-25 Dec 1914)
      Wounded, in hospital (21 May 1915-11 Jun 1915)
      Company-Leader in the 56th Infantry-Regiment (11 Jun 1915-18 Jun 1916)
      At the same time, Delegated with the Leadership of the II. Battalion of the 56th Infantry-Regiment (18 May 1916-15 Jun 1916)
      Commander of the II. Battalion of the 56th Infantry-Regiment (18 Jun 1916-10 Mar 1917)
      Wounded, in hospital (10 Mar 1917-24 Mar 1917)
      Commander of the II. Battalion of the 56th Infantry-Regiment (24 Mar 1917-07 Sep 1918)
      Detached to Signals-School 21, Saarburg (31 Jan 1918-06 Feb 1918)
      Detached to Leadership-Course in Wцrth (07 Mar 1918-11 Mar 1918)
      Company-Chief in the 56th Infantry-Regiment (07 Sep 1918-10 Jan 1919)
      At the same time, Delegated with the Leadership of the 56th Infantry-Regiment (11 Dec 1918-19 Dec 1918)
      Leader of the MG-Company of the 56th Infantry-Regiment (10 Jan 1919-25 Apr 1919)
      Detached to Officers-Training-Course in Mьnster (25 Apr 1919-13 Aug 1919)
      MG-Officer with the Staff of the 7th Reichswehr-Brigade (13 Aug 1919-15 Sep 1919)
      Company-Leader in Infantry-Regiment Libau (15 Sep 1919-15 May 1920)
      Company-Chief in the 13th Reichswehr-Rifle-Regiment (15 May 1920-01 Oct 1920)
      Company-Chief in the 18th Infantry-Regiment (01 Oct 1920-08 Aug 1921)
      Transferred to the Staff of the 6th Division (08 Aug 1921-01 Oct 1924)
      Transferred to the General-Staff of Group-Command 1 (01 Oct 1924-01 Oct 1925)
      Transferred to the RWM (01 Oct 1925-01 Oct 1928)
      Transferred to the Staff of the 2nd Division (01 Oct 1928-01 Mar 1930)
      Commander of the III. Battalion of the 9th Infantry-Regiment (01 Mar 1930-01 Jan 1932)
      Commander of the 9th Infantry-Regiment (01 Jan 1932-01 Oct 1934)
      Commander of Infantry-Regiment Potsdam (01 Oct 1934-15 Oct 1935)
      Commander of the 23rd Division (15 Oct 1935-04 Feb 1938)
      At the same time, Director of the Staff-Officers-Courses of the 23rd Division (29 Nov 1937-11 Dec 1937)
      Commanding General of VIII. Army-Corps (04 Feb 1938-23 Oct 1939)
      At the same time, Commander in Military-District VIII (01 Mar 1938-31 Aug 1939)
      Commander-in-Chief of 16th Army (23 Oct 1939-04 Nov 1943)
      Fьhrer-Reserve OKH and at the same time, Delegated with the Temporary Leadership of Army-Group Centre (28 Oct 1943-06 May 1944)
      Commander-in-Chief of Army-Group Centre (06 May 1944-28 Jun 1944)
      Removed from Command and Granted Leave (28 Jun 1944-16 Aug 1944)
      Fьhrer-Reserve OKH – To Disposal of the Fьhrer (16 Aug 1944-14 Mar 1945)
      Commander-in-Chief of Operations-Staff North Coast (14 Mar 1945-20 Mar 1945)
      Commander-in-Chief North-West (20 Mar 1945-01 May 1945)
      Commander-in-Chief North (02 May 1945-07 May 1945)
      In British captivity (07 May 1945-17 Jul 1945)
      Died in British captivity of natural causes (Angina) (17 Jul 1945)

      Decorations & Awards:
      - Ritterkreuz (45) : am 26.05.1940 als General der Infanterie und OB der 16. Armee/ Heeresgruppe A
      - Eichenlaub (274) : am 21.08.1943 als Generaloberst und OB der 16. Armee/ Heeresgruppe Nord
      - Pour le mйrite : am 04.10.1918 als Hauptmann und Komm. II Bataillon/ Infanterie-Regiment « Vogel von Falckenstein » 56
      - Ritterkreuz des kgl. Preuss. Hausordens von Hohenzollen mit Schwertern : 14.06.1917
      - 1939 EK I –S- : 25.09.1939
      - 1939 EK II –S- : 18.09.1939
      - 1914 EK I : 06.03.1915
      - 1914 EK II : 20.09.1914
      - Verwundetenabzeichen, 1918 in Silber
      - Ehrenkreuz fьr Frontkдmpfer : 01.01.1935
      - Wehrmacht-Dienstauszeichnung I Klasse : 02.10.1936
      - Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 1. Oktober 1938 mit Spange « Prager Burg »
      - Medaille “Winterschlacht im Osten 1941/1942”: 30.07.1942
      - Demjanskschild
      - Nennung im Wehrmachtsbericht: 06.08.1941; 16.09.1941; 21.10.1941; 28.01.1943

      Ernst Kaltenbrunner/Ернст Калтенбрунер
      SS-Obergruppenfuehrer und General der Waffen-SS und Polizei/СС-Обергрупенфюрер и Генерал от Вафен-СС и Полицията
      (04.10.1903 - 16.10.1946)

      SS-Obergruppenfьhrer und General der Waffen-SS und Polizei / Statssekretдr / M.d.R.:
      Born: 4. Oct. 1903 in Ried / Цsterreich.
      Hanged: 16. Oct. 1946 in Nьrnberg Prison.
      NSDAP-Nr.: 300 179 (Joined Austrian NSDAP, 10.1930)
      SS-Nr.: 13 039 (Joined 31.08.1931)
      Gen.d.W-SS: 1.12.44; SS-OGruf.u.Gen.d.Pol.: 21.06.43; Gen.Lt.d.Pol.: 1.04.41; SS-Gruf.: 11.09.38; SS-Brigf.: 12.03.38; SS-Oberf.: 20.04.37; SS-Staf.: 20.04.36; SS-Sturmhauptfьhrer: 25.09.32;
      Staatssekretдr im Reichsministerium des Innern:
      Chef Reichssicherheitshauptamt (RSHA): 1. Jan. 1943 - May 1945.
      Mitglied des Reichstages: 01.1939 - 8.05.1945.
      HSSPF "Donau" (HQ: Wien): 11.09.1938 - 31.01.1943.
      Fьhrer SS-Oberabschnitt "Donau" (HQ: Linz to 03.1938, then Wien; Retitled from SS-Oa. "Цsterreich", 05.1938): 20.01.1937 - 31.01.1943 цsterreichischer Staatssekretдr fьr die цffentliche Sicherheit: 11.03.38 -
      Fьhrer SS-Abschnitt VIII (Linz): 15.06.1935 - 12.03.1938 [Abschnitt officially banned by Austrian government, continued to exist in secrecy].
      Fьhrer 37.SS-Standarte (Linz): 15.06.1934 - 15.06.1935.
      Joined SS, assigned to Stab SS-Abschnitt VIII (Linz): 31.08.1931 -
      Joined Austrian NSDAP: 10.1930.
      Postwar Prosecution:
      Tried by International Military Tribunal, Nьrnberg. Sentenced to death, 1. Oct. 1946.
      The son of a lawyer, Kaltenbrunner attended University of Graz, first studying chemistry, then law. Title of Dr. jur. awarded: 1926. Praced law, Linz, ultimately becoming involved in Nazi political activities. Arrested in connection with these by Austrian authorities, he was jailed from Jan. to Apr. 1934. Suspected of treason, he was once again arrested in May 1935 and received a sentence of six months; he was also forbidden to practice law. These imprisonments later resulted in his receiving the "Blood Order" of the NSDAP.
      Decorations & Awards:
      Ritterkreuz des KVK m. Schw.: 15. 11. 1944 as SS-OGruf.u.Gen.d.Pol. & Chef, RSHA;
      Deutsches Kreuz in Silber: 22. 10. 1943;
      KVK I m. Schw.: 30.01.1943; KVK II m. Schw.: ;
      Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 1. Okt. 1938
      Spange "Prager Burg"
      Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 13. Mдrz 1938
      Goldenes Parteiabzeichen: 30.01.1939
      Blutorden: 6.05.1942
      Dienstauszeichnungen der NSDAP in Silber und Bronze
      Ehrendegen des RF SS / Totenkopfring der SS

      Ernst Udet/Ернст Удет

      Erwin Rommel/Ервин Ромел
      (15.11.1891 - 14.10.1944)

      ROMMEL, Erwin Johannes Eugen (RK m. EL, Schw. u. Brill.;Plm)
      (1891 - 1944)
      Born: 15. Nov. 1891 in Heidenheim an der Brenz / Wьrttemberg, near Ulm.
      Suicide: 14. Oct. 1944 in Heidenheim, by cyanide, (to avoid trial by People's Court and punishment for his wife and son)
      GFM: 22. Jun. 1942; Gen.Obst.: 30. Jan. 1942; Gen.d.Pz.Tr.: 1. Jul. 1941; Gen.Lt.: 1. Jan. 1941; Gen.Maj.: 1. Aug. 1939 (Patent 1. Jun. 1939); Oberst: 1. Aug. 1937; Obstlt.: 1. Mar. 1935; Major: 10. Oct. 1933; Hptm.: Oct. 1917; Oblt.: Sep. 1915; Lt.: 27. Jan. 1912 (Patent, 30. Jan. 1910); Fahnenjunker: 19. Jul. 1910.
      Oberbefehlshaber Heeresgruppe "B": 1. Jan. 1944 - 17. Jul. 1944 (received severe head wounds that date when an Allied fighter bomber attacked his staff car).
      Oberbefehlshaber Heeresgruppe "Afrika": 1. Jan. 1943 - 9. Mar. 1943.
      Oberbefehlshaber Panzerarmee "Afrika": 21. Feb. 1942 - Kom.Gen. Panzergruppe "Afrika": 1. Sep. 1941 -
      Kom.Gen. Deutschen Afrika Korps: 14. Feb. 1941 -
      Kdr. 7.Panzer-Division (HQ: Godesberg/Rhein): 5. Feb. 1940 -
      Kdt. Fьhrerhauptquartier: 25. Aug. 1939 - 5. Feb. 1940.
      Kdr. Kriegsschule Wiener-Neustadt: 9./10. Nov. 1938 -
      Instructor at Kriegsschule Potsdam: 15. Oct. 1935 - 1937.
      Instructor at Infantry School, Dresden: 1. Oct. 1929 - 1933.
      World War I Service:
      Entered service as Fahnenjunker, 19 Jul. 1910. Commissioned Leutnant in Inf.Rgt. 124: 27. Jan. 1912. Notes:
      Married to Lucie Mollin, Danzig, Nov. 1916.
      Author of Infanterie greift an (Infantry Attacks), 1937.
      Decorations & Awards:
      - Ritterkreuz (43): am 27.05.1940 als Generalmajor und Komm. der 7. Panzer-Division
      - Eichenlaub (10): am 20.03.1941 als Generalleutnant und Befehlshaber der Deutschen Truppen in Libyen (Aushдndigung des Eichenlaubes durch Adolf Hitler)
      - Schwerter (6): am 20.01.1942 als Generalleutnant und OB. der Panzergruppe Afrika
      - Brillanten (6): am 11.03.1943 als Generalfeldmarschall und OB. der Heeresgruppe Afrika (Rommel erhдlt die Brillanten aus der Hand Adolf Hitler)
      - Pour le mйrite: am 10.12.1917 als Oberleutnant und Komm. einer Kampfgruppe des wьrttembg. Gebirgs-Bataillon
      - 1939 EK I –S-: 21.05.1940
      - 1939 EK II –S-: 17.05.1940
      - 1914 EK I: 22.03.1915
      - 1914 EK II: 30.09.1914
      - Kgl. Wьrttembg. Goldene Militдr-Verdienstmedaille: 25.02.1915
      - Ritterkreuz des kgl. Wьrttembg. Militдr-Verdienstorden: 08.04.1915
      - Kgl. Bayer. Militдr-Verdienstorden IV Klasse mit Schwertern
      - Ritterkreuz I Klasse des kgl. Wьrttembg. Friedrichs-Orden mit Schwertern
      - Kaiserlich und Kцniglich Цsterr. Militдr-Verdienstkreuz III Klasse mit Schwertern
      - Kgl. Bayer. Militдr-Verdienstkreuz II Klasse
      - Verwundetenabzeichen, 1918 in Silber
      - Ehrenkreuz fьr Frontkдmpfer
      - Wehrmacht-Dienstauszeichnung I Klasse
      - Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 1. Oktober 1938 mit Spange “Prager Burg”
      - Medaille zur Erinnerung an die Heimkehr des Memellandes
      - Дrmelband “Fьhrerhauptquartier”
      - Panzerkampfabzeichen in Silber
      - Italien. Tapferkeitsmedaille in Silber: 22.04.1941 (Rommel erhдlt die medaille aus der Hand General Italo Garibaldi)
      - Grossoffizierskreuz des kgl. Italien. Militдrordens von Savoyen : 00.00.1941
      - Grossoffizierskreuz des kgl. Italien. Kolonial-Orden vom Stern : 28.04.1942 (Rommel erhдlt die medaille aus der Hand Generafeldmarschall Ettore Bastico)
      - Gemeinsames Flugzeugfьhrer-und-Beobachterabzeichen in Gold mit Brillanten
      - Дrmelband “Afrika”
      - Rumдn. Orden “Michael der Tapfere” III Klasse: 12.07.1944
      - Rumдn. Orden “Michael der Tapfere” II Klasse: 12.07.1944
      - Verwundetenabzeichen, 1939 in Gold: 07.08.1944
      - Nennung im Wehrmachtsbericht: 21.06.1942; 10.09.1943
      On 12.06.1965 the barracks of Panzer-Brigade 28 ("Kaserne auf dem Lerchenfeld") was honored with the name "Generalfeldmarschall Rommel"-Kaserne.

      Erwin von Witzleben/Ервин фон Вицлебен

      Born: 4. Dec. 1881 in Breslau.
      Hanged: 9. Aug. 1944 at Plцtzensee Prison.
      GFM: 19. Jul. 1940; Gen.Obst.: 1. Nov. 1939; Gen.d.Inf.: 1. Oct. 1936 (Patent 1. Mar. 1936); Gen.Lt.: 1. Dec. 1934; Gen.Maj.: 1. Feb. 1934; Oberst: 1. Apr. 1931; Obstlt.: 1. Jan. 1929; Major: 1. Apr. 1923; Hauptmann: 1919;
      Oberbefehlshaber West: 1. May 1941 - 15. Mar. 1942.
      Oberbefehlshaber Heeresgruppe D: 26. Oct. 1940-
      Oberbefehlshaber 1.Armee (Western Front): 1. Sep. 1939 - [26. 10. 1940?]
      Kom.Gen. Gruppenkommando 2: 10. 11. 1938-[1. 09. 1939?].

      Kadett, then entered service as Leutnant in West Prussian Gren.Rgt. 7 (based in Liegnitz/Schlesien), 22. 03. 1901 (Patent 22. 06. 1901).
      Decorations & Awards:
      - Ritterkreuz: am 24.06.1940 als Generaloberst und OB. der 1. Armee
      - Ritterkreuz des kgl. Preuss. Hausordens von Hohenzollern mit Schwertern
      - 1939 EK I –S-
      - 1939 EK II –S-
      - 1914 EK I
      - 1914 EK II
      - Kgl. Bayer. Militдr-Verdienstorden IV Klasse mit Schwertern
      - Hamburgisches Hanseatenkreuz
      - Reussisches Ehrenkreuz III Klasse mit der Krone und Schwertern
      - Verwundetenabzeichen, 1918 in Schwarz
      - Preuss. Dienstauszeichnungskreuz
      - Schlesischer Adler-Orden II Stufe
      - Ehrenritter des Preuss. Johanniter-Orden
      - Ehrenkreuz fьr Frontkдmpfer
      - Rechtsritter des Preuss. Johanniter-Orden
      - Wehrmacht-Dienstauszeichnung I Klasse
      - Deutsche Olympia-Ehrenzeichen II Klasse
      - Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 1. Oktober 1938
      - Eichenlaub zur Wehrmacht-Dienstauszeichnung I Klasse
      - Deutsche Schutzwall-Ehrenzeichen


        Ewald von Kleist/Евалд фон Клайст

        Born in Braunfels.
        Died in Soviet POW camp Vladimir, Russia.

        GFM: 1. Feb. 1943; Gen.Obst.: 19. Jul. 1940; Gen.d.Kav.: 1. Aug. 1936; Gen.Lt.: 1. Dec. 1933; Gen.Maj.: 1. Oct. 1932; Oberst: 1. Oct. 1929; Obstlt.: 1. Dec. 1926; Major: ; Rittmeister: ; Oblt.: ; Lt.: 18. Aug. 1902 (Patent 19. Aug. 1900; Fahnenjunker: 13. Sep. 1901.
        Oberbefehlshaber Heeresgruppe "Sьdukraine": 9. Mar. 1943 - 31. Mar. 1944.
        Oberbefehlshaber Heeresgruppe "A": 10. Sep. 1942 - [9. Mar. 1943?]
        Oberbefehlshaber 1.Panzer-Armee: 5. Oct. 1941 - [10. Sep. 1942?]
        Postwar Prosecution & Confinement:
        Decorations & Awards:
        - Ritterkreuz (15) : am 15.05.1940 als General der Kavallerie und Komm. Gen. des XXII Armee-Korps (mot.) (Panzergruppe Kleist)
        - Eichenlaub (72) : am 17.02.1942 als Generaloberst und OB. der Panzergruppe 1/ Heeresgruppe Sьd
        - Schwerter (60): am 30.03.1944 als Generalfeldmarschall und OB. der Heeresgruppe A (direkte Verleihung) (Kleist erhдlt die Schwerter aus der Hand Adolf Hitler)
        - 1939 EK I –S-: 27.09.1939
        - 1939 EK II –S-: 17.09.1939
        - 1914 EK I: 27.01.1915
        - 1914 EK II: 04.10.1914
        - Hamburgisches Hanseatenkreuz
        - Kaiserlich und Kцniglich Цsterr. Militдr-Verdienstkreuz III Klasse
        - Ehrenritter des Preuss. Johanniter-Orden : 00.00.1917
        - Kgl. Bayer. Militдr-Verdienstkreuz III Klasse
        - Preuss. Dienstauszeichnungskreuz
        - Ehrenkreuz fьr Frontkдmpfer
        - Rechtsritter des Preuss. Johanniter-Orden : 00.00.1935
        - Wehrmacht-Dienstauszeichnung I Klasse : 02.10.1936
        - Panzerkampfabzeichen ???
        - Grosskreuz des kgl. Ungar. Verdienstordens mit Schwertern : 13.05.1941
        - Rumдn. Orden « Michael der Tapfere » III Klasse : 16.07.1942
        - Kommandeurkreuz des kgl. Italien. Militдrordens von Savoyen : 30.07.1942
        - Medaille « Winterschlacht im Osten 1941/1942 »
        Krimschild ???
        - Rumдn. Orden « Michael der Tapfere » II Klasse : 06.10.1942
        - Rumдn. Orden « Michael der Tapfere » I Klasse : 06.10.1942
        - Kubanschild ???
        - Nennung im Wehrmachtsbericht : 10.04.1941 ; 13.04.1941 ; 26.08.1941 ; 27.08.1941 ; 11.10.1941 ; 12.10.1941 ; 22.11.1941 ; 30.05.1942 ; 19.08.1943 ; 09.10.1943

        Fedor von Bock/Федор фон Бок

        Born in Kьstrin, Neumark
        Died im Oldenburg Naval-Hospital, Holstein

        Sekondeleutnant (15 Mar 1898); Oberleutnant (10 Sep 1908); Hauptmann (22 Mar 1912); Major (30 Dec 1916); Oberstleutnant (18 Dec 1920); Oberst (01 May 1925); Generalmajor (01 Feb 1929); Generalleutnant (01 Feb 1931); General der Infanterie (01 Mar 1935); Generaloberst (15 Mar 1938); Generalfeldmarschall (19 Jul 1940)
        Entered Army Service (15 Mar 1898)
        Sekondeleutnant in the 5th Foot Guards-Regiment (15 Mar 1898-12 Jul 1904)
        Detached to the 3rd Pioneer-Battalion (01 Jun 1902-28 Jun 1902)
        Detached to the Military Gymnasium (01 Oct 1903-29 Feb 1904)
        Detached as Auxiliary-Instructor to the Military Gymnasium (01 Mar 1904-10 Jul 1904)
        Adjutant of the I. Battalion of the 5th Foot Guards-Regiment (12 Jul 1904-28 Jan 1906)
        Regiments-Adjutant of the 5th Foot Guards-Regiment (28 Jan 1906-22 Mar 1910)
        Detached to the Grand General Staff (01 Apr 1910-22 Mar 1912)
        Hauptmann in the Grand General Staff (22 Mar 1912-01 Oct 1913)
        Chief Supply Officer (Ib) in the General-Staff of the Guards-Corps (01 Oct 1913-00 Sep 1914)
        Acting-Chief of Operations (Ia) in the General-Staff of the Guards-Corps (00 Sep 1914-21 Jan 1915)
        Chief of Operations (Ia) in the General-Staff of the Guards-Corps (21 Jan 1915-00 May 1915)
        Transferred into the General-Staff of the 11th Army (00 May 1915-06 Aug 1916)
        At the same time, Detached as Battalion-Leader of the 4th Foot Guards-Regiment (28 Jan 1916-10 Feb 1916)
        Chief of Operations (Ia) of the 200th Infantry-Division (06 Aug 1916-24 Mar 1917)
        Chief of Operations (Ia) in the General-Staff of the Guards-Corps (24 Mar 1917-11 Apr 1917)
        Chief Supply Officer (Ib) in the General-Staff of Army-Group Deutscher Kronprinz (11 Apr 1917-27 Jul 1917)
        Chief of Operations (Ia) in the General-Staff of Army-Group Deutscher Kronprinz (27 Jul 1917-10 Jan 1919)
        Placed to the Disposal of the General-Command of the III. Army-Corps and then the Army-Peace-Commission (10 Jan 1919-12 Jan 1919)
        Officer of the Army and Placed to the Disposal of the General-Command of the Guards-Corps for Special Use (12 Jan 1919-22 Feb 1919)
        Transferred into the Grand General Staff (22 Feb 1919-14 Mar 1919)
        Member of the Military Representation in the German Peace Embassy (14 Mar 1919-25 May 1919)
        Transferred into the 5th Foot Guards-Regiment and Assigned to the Reichswehr-Group-Command 1 for Special Use (25 May 1919-26 Sep 1919)
        Relieved of Command in the Reichswehr-Group-Command 1 (26 Sep 1919)
        Detached to the General-Staff of the Reichswehr-Group-Command 1 (12 Dec 1919-03 Jan 1920)
        Chief of Staff of Military-District-Command III (16 May 1920-01 Oct 1920)
        Chief of Staff of the 3rd Division (01 Oct 1920-01 Apr 1924)
        Commander of the II. Battalion of the 4th Infantry-Regiment (01 Apr 1924-01 Feb 1926)
        At the same time, Detached to Artillery-Course for Night-Artillery in Jьterbog (05 Oct 1925-31 Oct 1925)
        Transferred into the Staff of the 4th Infantry-Regiment (01 Feb 1926-01 Jun 1926)
        Commander of the 4th Infantry-Regiment (01 Jun 1926-01 Nov 1929)
        At the same time, Detached to Battle-School-Course in Dцberitz (05 Nov 1926-16 Nov 1926)
        Transferred into the Staff of Group-Command 1 (01 Nov 1929-01 Dec 1929)
        Commander of the 1st Cavalry-Division (01 Dec 1929-01 Oct 1931)
        Commander of the 2nd Division and Commander in Military-District II, Stettin (01 Oct 1931-01 Apr 1935)
        Commander of the Army-Service-Office Dresden (01 Apr 1935-20 May 1935)
        Delegated with the Leadership of Group-Command 3 (20 May 1935-15 Oct 1935)
        Commander-in-Chief of Group-Command 3 (15 Oct 1935-04 Feb 1938)
        Commander-in-Chief of Army-Group-Command 3 (04 Feb 1938-10 Nov 1938)
        At the same time, Acting-Commander of the Austrian Federal Army (12 Mar 1938-03 Apr 1938)
        Commander-in-Chief of Army-Group-Command 1 (10 Nov 1938-26 Aug 1939)
        Commander-in-Chief of Army-Group North (26 Aug 1939-10 Oct 1939)
        Commander-in-Chief of Army-Group B (10 Oct 1939-22 Jun 1941)
        Commander-in-Chief of Army-Group Centre (22 Jun 1941-19 Dec 1941)
        Fьhrer-Reserve OKH (19 Dec 1941-16 Jan 1942)
        Commander-in-Chief of Army-Group South (16 Jan 1942-09 Jul 1942)
        Commander-in-Chief of Army-Group B (09 Jul 1942-15 Jul 1942)
        Taken ill – Placed to the Disposal of the Fьhrer (15 Jul 1942-03 May 1945)
        Badly wounded due to an Air Strafing Attack by British fighters near Lensahn, Holstein (03 May 1945)
        Died in Hospital as a result of his wounds (04 May 1945)

        Decorations & Awards:
        - Ritterkreuz (1): am 30.09.1939 als Generaloberst und OB der Heeresgruppe Nord (Aushдndigung des Ritterkreuzes durch Adolf Hitler)
        - Pour le Mйrite: 01.04.1918 als Major und 1. Generalstabs-Offizier Heeresgruppe Deutscher Kronprinz
        - Ritterkreuz des Kцniglichen Preuss. Hauseordens von Hohenzollern mit Schwertern: 25.10.1916
        - 1939 EK I –Spange-: 22.09.1939
        - 1939 EK II –Spange-: 22.09.1939
        - 1914 EK I: 30.10.1914
        - 1914 EK II: 18.09.1914
        - Kgl. Preuss. Krone-Orden IV Klasse: 13.09.1911
        - Fьrstl. Hohenzollern Ehrenkreuz III Klasse mit Schwertern: 00.00.1914
        - Kaiserlich und Kцniglich Цsterr. Militдr-Verdienst-Kreuz III Klasse mit der Kriegsdekoration: 24.06.1915
        - Kaiserlich und Kцniglich Цsterr. Oredn der Eisernen Krone III Klasse mit Schwertern: 09.02.1917
        - Grossherzoglich Mecklenbg. –Schwerin-Militдr-Verdienst-Kreuz II Klasse: 03.08.1917
        - Hamburgisches Hanseantenkreuz: 19.09.1917
        - Ritterkreuz I Klasse des Grossherzoglich-Badischen Ordens vom Zдhringer Lцwen mit Schwertern: 10.01.1918
        - Ritterkreuz des Kgl. Orden der Wьrttembg. Krone mit Schwertern: 25.01.1918
        - Bremisches Hanseatenkreuz: 30.01.1918
        - Komturkreuz des Kgl. Bulgar. Militдr-Verdienst-Orden: 02.08.1918
        - Verwundetenabzeichen, 1918 in Schwarz
        - Preuss. Dienstauszeichnung-Kreuz: 00.03.1920
        - Schlesischer Adler-Orden II Stufe
        - Schlesischer Adler-Orden I Stufe: 15.04.1921
        - Ehrenkreuz fьr Frontkдmpfer: 14.12.1934
        - Wehrmacht-Dienstauszeichnung IV Klasse: 02.10.1936
        - Wehrmacht-Dienstauszeichnung III Klasse: 02.10.1936
        - Wehrmacht-Dienstauszeichnung II Klasse: 02.10.1936
        - Wehrmacht-Dienstauszeichnung I Klasse: 02.10.1936
        - Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 13. Marz 1938: 21.11.1938
        - Kgl. Orden der Jugosl. Krone I Klasse: 01.06.1939
        - Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 1. Oktober 1938
        - Eichenlaub zur Wehrmacht-Dienstauszeichnung I Klasse: 12.09.1939
        - Grosskreuz des Kgl. Ordens der Krone von Italien : 27.08.1940
        - Medaille « Winterschlacht im Osten 1941/1942 » ?????
        - Rumдn. Orden « Michael der Tapfere » III Klasse : 29.07.1942
        - Rumдn. Orden « Michael der Tapfere » II Klasse : 29.07.1942
        - Rumдn. Orden « Michael der Tapfere » I Klasse : 01.09.1942
        - Grosskreuz des Kgl. Ungar. Verdienst-Ordens am Kriegsbande mit Schwertern : 27.11.1942
        - Nennung im Wehrmachtsbericht : 07.08.1941 ; 19.09.1941 ; 18.10.1941 ; 30.05.1942

        Ferdinand Schoerner/Фердинанд Шьорнер
        (12.05.1892 - 02.07.1973)

        Born in Mьnchen / Bayern
        Died in Mьnchen / Bayern

        GFM: 5.04.45; Gen.Obst.: 1.04.44; Gen.d.Geb.Tr.: ; Gen.Lt.: ; Gen.Maj.: ; Obst.: ;
        O.B. Armeegruppe A:
        O.B. Heeresgruppe Nord:
        Kom.Gen. XXXX.Panzer-Korps: 16. Nov. 1943 - 31.Jan. 1944.
        Postwar Captivity:
        In Soviet POW camps, 15. May 1945 - 17. Jan. 1955.
        Decorations & Awards:
        - Ritterkreuz (268): am 20.04.1941 als Generalmajor und Komm. der 6. Gebirgs-Division/ XVIII Armee-Korps/ 12. Armee
        - Eichenlaub (398): am 17.02.1944 als General der Gebirgstruppe und Komm. Gen. XL Panzer-Korps/ 6. Armee/ Heeresgruppe A
        - Schwerter (93): am 28.08.1944 als Generaloberst und OB der Heeresgruppe Nord
        - Brillanten (23): am 01.01.1945 als Generaloberst und OB der Heeresgruppe Nord
        - Pour le mйrite: am 05.12.1917 als Leutnant der Reserve und Fьhrer 12. Kompanie/ Bayer. Leib-Infanterie-Regiment
        - 1939 EK I -S-: 20.09.1939
        - 1939 EK II –S-: 12.09.1939
        - 1914 EK I: 27.01.1917
        - 1914 EK II: 22.12.1914
        - Kgl. Bayer. Militдr-Verdienstorden IV Klasse mit Schwertern: 11.10.1915
        - Kaiserlich und Kцniglich Цsterr. Militдr-Verdienstkreuz III Klasse mit der Kriegsdekoration: 20.04.1916
        - Kgl. Bayer. Militдr-Verdienstorden IV Klasse mit der Krone und Schwertern: 24.10.1917
        - E.Z. der goldenen Hochzeit S.M.: 20.02.1918
        - Verwundetenabzeichen, 1918 in Silber: 00.00.1918
        - Ehrenkreuz fьr Frontkдmpfer
        - Wehrmacht-Dienstauszeichnung IV Klasse: 02.10.1936
        - Wehrmacht-Dienstauszeichnung III Klasse: 02.10.1936
        - Wehrmacht-Dienstauszeichnung II Klasse: 02.10.1936
        - Komturkreuz des kgl. Ordens der Krone von Italien : 02.08.1938
        - Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 1. Oktober 1938
        - Kgl. Bulgar. St. Alexander-Orden II Klasse mit Schwertern durch die Mitte: 15.07.1941
        - Finn. Freiheitskreuz I Klasse mit Eichenlaub: 01.06.1942
        - Medaille “Winterschlacht im Osten 1941/1942”: 20.08.1942
        - Goldenes Parteiabzeichen (N.S.D.A.P.): 30.01.1943
        - Дrmelband “Kurland”
        - Nennung im Wehrmachtsbericht: 18.02.1944; 30.11.1944; 01.01.1945; 05.04.1945; 09.05.1945

        Franz Baeke/Франц Бeке

        Born in Schwarzenfels
        Died in Hagen, Westphalia (Westfalen) (Automobile Accident)

        Doctorate In Dental Medicine: 1923
        Leutnant der Reserve (01 Dec 1937); Oberleutnant der Reserve (01 Jan 1940); Hauptmann der Reserve (01 May 1941); Major der Reserve (01 Aug 1942); Oberstleutnant der Reserve (01 Nov 1943); Oberst der Reserve (01 May 1944); Oberst (01 Jan 1945); Generalmajor (20 Apr 1945)
        Entered Army Service (19 May 1915)
        War Volunteer in the 3rd Infantry-Regiment, lastly Vizefeldwebel and Officer-Aspirant in the 7th Foot-Artillery-Regiment (19 May 1915-00 Jan 1919)
        Retired (00 Jan 1919)
        Study of Medicine and Dentistry (1919-1922)
        Entered Army Reserve (01 Apr 1937)
        1st Reserve-Training in the 6th Reconnaissance-Battalion (01 Apr 1937-11 Jun 1937)
        2nd Reserve-Training in the 6th Reconnaissance-Battalion (11 Jun 1937-01 Aug 1939)
        Called-Up from Reserve to Army Service (01 Aug 1939); Active-Officer (01 Jan 1945)
        Platoon-Leader in the Light Column of the 65th Anti-Tank-Battalion (01 Aug 1939-01 Jan 1940)
        Company-Chief in the 65th Anti-Tank-Battalion (01 Jan 1940-01 May 1941)
        Wounded, remained with the Troop (17 May 1940)
        Wounded, Remained with the Troop (19 May 1940)
        Leader of the Panzer-Squadron of the 11th Panzer-Regiment (01 May 1941-01 Nov 1941)
        Ordinance-Officer with the Staff of the 11th Panzer-Regiment (01 Nov 1941-01 Jun 1942)
        Commander of the II. Battalion of the 11th Panzer-Regiment (01 Jun 1942-14 Jul 1943)
        Wounded, remained with the Troop (13 Jul 1943)
        Delegated with the Leadership of the 11th Panzer-Regiment (14 Jul 1943-01 Nov 1943)
        Commander of the 11th Panzer-Regiment (01 Nov 1943-13 Jul 1944)
        Commander of the 106th Panzer-Brigade Feldherrnhalle (13 Jul 1944-24 Jan 1945)
        Division Leaders Course (24 Jan 1945-09 Mar 1945)
        Delegated with the Leadership of the 13th Panzer-Division (09 Mar 1945-20 Apr 1945)
        Commander of the 13th Panzer-Division (20 Apr 1945-08 May 1945)
        In captivity (08 May 1945-1947)
        Released (1947)

        Decorations & Awards:
        - - Ritterkreuz (1425): am 11.01.1943 als Major der Reserve und Komm. II Abteilung/ Panzer-Regiment 11/ 6. Panzerdivision/ Heeresgruppe Don
        - - Eichenlaub (262): am 01.08.1943 als Major der Reserve und Komm. II Abteilung/ Panzer-Regiment 11/ 6. Panzerdivision/ III Panzerkorps/ Armee-Abteilung Kempf/ Heeresgruppe Sьd
        - - Schwerter (49): am 21.02.1944 als Oberstleutnant der Reserve und Komm. Panzer-Regiment 11 (Direkte Verleihung; Aushдndigung die Schwerter durch Adolf Hitler)
        - - 1939 EK I: 01.06.1940
        - - 1939 EK II –S-: 26.09.1939
        - - 1914 EK II: 15.07.1916
        - - Ehrenkreuz fьr Frontkдmpfer
        - - Wehrmacht-Dienstauszeichnung
        - - Verwundetenabzeichen, 1939 in Gold
        - - 3. Sonderabzeichen fьr Panzervernichtung durch Einzelkдmpfer
        - - Nahkampfspange???
        - - Panzerkampfabzeichen in Gold “Sonderstufe” (100): 26.04.1944 (direkte durch Adolf Hitler)
        - - Nennung im Wehrmachtsbericht: 31.01.1944; 05.10.1944; 06.12.1944

        Franz Halder/Франц Халдер

        Born in Wьrzburg
        Died in Aschau, Chiemgau

        Fдhnrich (29 Jan 1903); Leutnant (09 Mar 1904); Oberleutnant (07 Mar 1912); Hauptmann (09 Aug 1915); Major (17 Mar 1924); Oberstleutnant (01 Feb 1929); Oberst (01 Dec 1931); Generalmajor (01 Oct 1934); Generalleutnant (01 Aug 1936); General der Artillerie (01 Feb 1938); Generaloberst (19 Jul 1940)
        Entered Army Service (14 Jul 1902)
        Fahnenjunker in the 3rd Bavarian Field-Artillery-Regiment Prinz Leopold (14 Jul 1902-02 Aug 1914)
        Detached to the War-School Munich (01 Mar 1903-00 Feb 1904)
        Detached to the Bavarian Artillery & Engineer School (01 Oct 1906-31 Jul 1907)
        Detached to the Bavarian War-Academy, Munich (01 Oct 1911-31 Jul 1914)
        Ordinance-Officer with the General-Command of III. Bavarian Army-Corps (02 Aug 1914-06 Jan 1915)
        Chief Supply Officer (Ib) in the General-Staff of the 6th Bavarian Infantry-Divison (06 Jan 1915-28 Dec 1936)
        Chief of Operations (Ia) in the General-Staff of the 5th Bavarian Infantry-Division (28 Dec 1916-26 Mar 1917)
        Transferred into the General-Staff of the 2nd Army (26 Mar 1917-14 Jun 1917)
        Transferred into the General-Staff of the 4th Army (14 Jun 1917-12 Jul 1917)
        General-Staff-Officer with Commander-in-Chief East, Section-Command Pniowno (12 Jul 1917-30 Oct 1917)
        Standing General-Staff-Officer for Section Mцrchingen with XV. Bavarian Reserve-Corps (30 Oct 1917-05 Nov 1917)
        Director of Staging-Command 16, Trient (05 Nov 1917-01 Dec 1917)
        General-Staff-Officer with Army High Command 2 (01 Dec 1917-24 Dec 1917)
        Transferred into the General-Staff of Army-Group Kronprinz Rupprecht von Bayern (24 Dec 1917-20 Dec 1918)
        Adjutant of Central-Office of the Bavarian General Staff (20 Dec 1918-25 Mar 1919)
        General-Staff-Officer in the Army-Department of the Bavarian Ministry for Military Matters (25 Mar 1919-01 Oct 1919)
        Advisor in the Training-Department of the RWM (01 Oct 1919-01 Mar 1920)
        Auxiliary-Officer in the Training-Department, RWM (01 Mar 1920-30 Jul 1920)
        Transferred to the Staff of 7th Division (30 Jul 1920-17 Aug 1920)
        Assigned to Command-Office Munich (17 Aug 1920-18 Jan 1921)
        General-Staff-Officer with the Staff of Command-Office Munich (18 Jan 1921-01 Oct 1921)
        General-Staff-Officer and Instructor for Tactics with the Course for Subsidiary-Leadership-Training with the Staff of 7th Division (01 Oct 1921-01 Oct 1923)
        Chief of the 4th Battery in the 7th Artillery-Regiment, Landsberg/Lech (01 Oct 1923-01 Dec 1925)
        Detached to Training & Firing Course on the Troop-Exercise-Grounds Senne (15 Jun 1925-17 Jul 1925)
        Chief of Operations (Ia) in the Staff of 7th Division, Munich (01 Dec 1925-01 Apr 1926)
        Advisor in the Army-Training-Department, RWM, Troop-Office (01 Apr 1926-01 Oct 1931)
        Detached to the 7th Motor-Transport-Battalion (03 Jul 1928-05 Aug 1928)
        Chief of Staff of 6th Division, Mьnster (01 Oct 1931-01 Oct 1934)
        Artillery-Leader VII, Munich (01 Oct 1934-15 Oct 1935)
        Commander of the 7th Division (15 Oct 1935-12 Nov 1936)
        Transferred into the Army General Staff (12 Nov 1936-12 Oct 1937)
        Senior-Quartermaster II in the Army General Staff (12 Oct 1937-10 Feb 1938)
        Senior-Quartermaster I in the Army-General-Staff (01 Mar 1938-01 Sep 1939)
        Chief of the General Staff of the Army (01 Sep 1939-24 Sep 1942)
        Fьhrer-Reserve OKH (24 Sep 1942-31 Jan 1945)
        Retired (31 Jan 1945)
        Arrested and Detained by the Gestapo in connection with the 20 Jul 1944 Assassination Attempt on Hitler (23 Jul 1944-08 May 1945)
        In US Captivity (08 May 1945-00 Sep 1947)
        Released (00 Sep 1947)
        Director of the War History Research Staff of the US Army in Kцnigstein/Taunus and Karlsruhe (1947-1961)

        Decorations & Awards:
        - Ritterkreuz : am 27.10.1939 als General der Artillerie und Chef des Heeresgeneralstabes (Aushдndigung des Ritterkreuzes durch Adolf Hitler)
        - Ritterkreuz des kgl. Preuss. Hausordens von Hohenzollern mit Schwertern : 02.10.1918
        - 1939 EK I –S-
        - 1939 EK II –S-
        - 1914 EK I
        - 1914 EK II
        - Kgl. Bayer. Prinz-Regent-Luitpold Jubilдums-Medaille
        - Kgl. Bayer. Militдr-Verdienstorden IV Klasse mit Schwertern
        - Kgl. Bayer. Militдr-Verdienstorden IV Klasse mit der Krone und Schwertern
        - Ritterkreuz I Klasse des kgl. Sдchs. Albrechts-Orden mit Schwertern
        - Kaiserlich und Kуniglich Цsterr. Militдr-Verdienstkreuz III Klasse mit der Kriegsdekoration
        - Ehrenkreuz fьr Frontkдmpfer
        - Wehrmacht-Dienstauszeichnung I Klasse
        - Rumдn. Orden “Michael der Tapfere” III Klasse: 14.10.1941
        - Rumдn. Orden “Michael der Tapfere” II Klasse: 14.10.1941
        - U.S. Meritorius Civilian Service Medal: 00.11.1961

        Franz von Papen/Франц фон Папен

        Friedrich Paulus/Фридрих Паулус

        Born in Breitenau bei Melsungen / Hessen-Nassau.
        Died in Dresden / Sachsen.

        GFM: 31. Jan. 1943; Gen.Obst.: 20. Nov. 1942; Gen.d.Pz.Tr.: 1. Jan. 1942; Gen.Lt.: 1. Aug. 1940; Gen.Maj.: 1. Jan. 1939; Oberst: 1. Jun. 1935; Obstlt.: 1. Jun. 1933; Major: ; Hptm.: ; Oblt.: ; Lt.: 18. Aug. 1911 (Patent 20. Aug. 1909); Fahnenjunker: 18. Feb. 1910.

        Oberbefehlshaber 6.Armee: 1. Jan. 1942 - 31. Jan. 1943.
        Oberquartiermeister I in Generalstab des Heeres: 30. May 1940 - 31. Dec. 1941.
        Chef Generalstab 6.Armee: 26. Oct. 1939 - [29. May 1940?]
        Chef Generalstab 10.Armee: 1. Sep. 1939 - [25. Oct. 1939?]
        Decorations & Awards:
        - Ritterkreuz (1099): am 26.08.1942 als General der Panzertruppe und OB. der 6. Armee/ Heeresgruppe Sьd
        - Eichenlaub (178): am 15.01.1943 als Generaloberst und OB. der 6. Armee/ Heeresgruppe Sьd (direkte Verleihung)
        - 1939 EK I –S-: 27.09.1939
        - 1939 EK II –S-: 21.09.1939
        - 1914 EK I
        - 1914 EK II
        - Kgl. Bayer. Militдr-Verdienstorden IV Klasse mit Schwertern
        - Ritterkreuz II Klasse des Grossherzoglich-Badischen Ordens vom Zдhringer Lцwen mit Schwertern
        - Grossherzoglich M

        Gerd von Rundstedt/Герд фон Рундщедт

        Born in Aschersleben/Harz, near Halberstadt.
        Died in Hannover.

        GFM: 19. Jul. 1940; Gen.Obst.: 1. Mar. 1938; Gen.d.Inf.: 1. Oct. 1932; Gen.Lt.: 1. Mar. 1929; Gen.Maj.: 1. Nov. 1927; Oberst: 1. Feb. 1923; Obstlt.: 1. Oct. 1920; Major: 28. Nov. 1914; Hauptmann: 24. Mar. 1907; Obertleutnant: 12. Sep. 1902; Leutnant: 17. Jun. 1893.
        Oberbefehlshaber West: 5. Sep. 1944 - 9. Mar. 1945.
        Oberbefehlshaber West: 15. Mar. 1942 - 2. Jul. 1944.
        Oberbefehlshaber Heeresgruppe Sьd: 10. Jun. 1941 - 1. Dec. 1941.
        Oberbefehlshaber West: 1. Oct. 1940 - [10. Jun. 1941?]
        Oberbefehlshaber Heeresgruppe A: 25. Oct. 1939 - [1. Oct. 1940?]
        Oberbefehlshaber Ost: 1. Oct. 1939 - 20. Oct. 1939.
        Oberbefehlshaber Heeresgruppe Sьd: (1. Sep. 1939) - 1. Oct. 1939.
        Chef Infanterie-Regiment 18: 1. Nov. 1938 - May 1945.
        Decorations & Awards:
        - Ritterkreuz (1): am 30.09.1939 als Generaloberst und OB der Heeresgruppe Sьd (Aushдndigung des Ritterkreuzes durch Adolf Hitler)
        - Eichenlaub (519): am 01.07.1944 als Generalfeldmarschall und OB West
        - Schwerter (133): am 18.02.1945 als Generalfeldmarschall und OB West
        - Ritterkreuz des kgl. Preuss. Hausordens von Hohenzollern mit Schwertern
        - 1939 EK I –S-: 21.09.1939
        - 1939 EK II –S-: 16.09.1939
        - 1914 EK I
        - 1914 EK II
        - Kgl. Preuss. Kronen-Orden IV Klasse
        - Ritterkreuz II Klasse des Sachsen-Weimarischer Hausorden der Wachsamkeit oder vom weissen Falken
        - Kgl. Preuss. Roter Adler-Orden IV Klasse
        - Ritterkreuz I Klasse des Sachsen-Ernestinischer Hausorden
        - Waldecksches Verdienstkreuz IV Klasse
        - Schwarzburgisches Ehrenkreuz III Klasse
        - Kaiser-Wilhelm-Erinnerungs-Medaille 1797-1897 (Centenarmedaille)
        - Kgl. Bayer. Militдr-Verdienstorden IV Klasse mit Schwertern
        - Ritterkreuz I Klasse des kgl. Sдchs. Albrechts-Orden mit Schwertern
        - Kgl. Bayer. Militдr-Verdienstkreuz I Klasse
        - Lippisches Kriegsverdienstkreuz
        - Kgl. Bayer. Militдr-Verdienstkreuz IV Klasse mit der Krone und Schwertern
        - Kaiserlich und Kцniglich Цsterr. Militдr-Verdienstkreuz III Klasse mit der Kriegsdekoration
        - Tьrkischer Eiserner Halbmond
        - Preuss. Dienstauszeichnungskreuz
        - Ehrenkreuz fьr Frontkдmpfer
        - Wehrmacht-Dienstauszeichnung I Klasse
        - Eichenlaub zur Wehrmacht-Dienstauszeichnung I Klasse
        - Grosskreuz des kgl. Ungar. Verdienstorden: 11.08.1937
        - Grosskreuz des kgl. Italien. Orden der Krone: 07.06.1938
        - Kgl. Jugoslw. Heisen-Orden II Klasse: 06.07.1938
        - Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 1. Oktober 1938
        - Rumдn. Orden “Michael der Tapfere” III Klasse: 19.09.1941
        - Rumдn. Orden “Michael der Tapfere” II Klasse: 19.09.1941
        - Rumдn. Orden “Michael der Tapfere” I Klasse: 01.09.1942
        - Nennung im Wehrmachtsbericht: 06.08.1941; 08.08.1941; 19.09.1941; 11.10.1941; 12.10.1941; 10.09.1943

        Hans Frank/Ханс Франк

        Hans Fritsche/Ханс Фриче

        Hans Guenther von Kluge/Ханс Гюнтер фон Клуге

        Born in Posen.

        GFM: 19.06.40; Gen.Obst.: 1.10.39; Gen.d.Art.: 1.08.36 (Patent 1.12.35); Gen.Lt.: 1.04.34; Gen.Maj.: 1.02.33; Oberst: 1.02.30; Obstlt.: 1. 07.27 (Patent 1.02.27); Major: ; Hptm.: ; Oblt.: ; Lt.: 22.03.01 (Patent 22.06.01); Kadett.

        Oberbefehlshaber Heeresgruppe "B": 19. 07. 1944 - 16. 08. 1944.
        Oberbefehlshaber West und Heeresgruppe "D": 2. 07. 1944 - 16. 08. 1944.
        Oberbefehlshaber Heeresgruppe "Mitte": 19. 12. 1941-
        Oberbefehlshaber 4.Armee: (1. 09. 1939)-
        Decorations & Awards:
        - Ritterkreuz (1) : am 30.09.1939 als General der Artillerie und OB. der 4. Armee (Aushдndigung des Ritterkreuzes durch Adolf Hitler)
        - Eichenlaub : (181) : am 18.01.1943 als Generalfeldmarschall und OB der Heeresgruppe Mitte (direkte Verleihung)
        - Schwerter (40) : am 29.10.1943 als Generalfeldmarschall und OB der Heeresgruppe Mitte (direkte Verleihung)
        - Ritterkreuz des kgl. Preuss. Hausordens von Hohenzollern mit Schwertern
        - 1939 EK I –S- : 17.09.1939
        - 1939 EK II –S- : 05.09.1939
        - 1914 EK I
        - 1914 EK II
        - Kgl. Bayer. Militдr-Verdienstorden IV Klasse mit Schwertern
        - Kgl. Bayer. Militдr-Verdienstkreuz II Klasse
        - Mecklenburg-Schwerinsches Militдr-Verdienstkreuz II Klasse
        - Fliegerabzeichen 1916
        - Oldenburgisches Verdienstmedaille fьr Rettung aus Gefahr
        - Kaiserlich und Kцniglich Цsterr. Orden der Eisernen Krone III Klasse mit der Kriegsdekoration
        - Kaiserlich und Kцniglich Цsterr. Militдr-Verdienstkreuz III Klasse mit der Kriegsdekoration
        - Verwundetenabzeichen, 1918 in Schwarz
        - Ehrenkreuz fьr Frontkдmpfer
        - Wehrmacht-Dienstauszeichnung I Klasse
        - Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 13. Marz 1938
        - Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 1. Oktober 1938
        - Medaille “Winterschlacht im Osten 1941/1942”
        - Nennung im Wehrmachtsbericht: 07.08.1941; 18.10.1941; 19.10.1941; 03.09.1943

        Hans Heinrch Lammers/Ханс Хайнрих Ламерс

        Hans Joachim Marseille/Ханс Йоахим Марсей

        Hans Juеrgen von Arnim/Ханс Юрген фон Арним

        Born in Ernsdorf, District Reichenbach, Silesia (Schlesien)
        Died in Bad Wildungen

        Fahnenjunker-Gefreiter (25 May 1908); Fahnenjunker-Unteroffizier (18 Jul 1908); Fдhnrich (19 Nov 1908); Leutnant (19 Aug 1909); Oberleutnant (27 Jan 1915); Hauptmann (27 Jan 1917); Major (01 Apr 1928); Oberstleutnant (01 Apr 1932); Oberst (01 Jul 1934); Generalmajor (01 Jan 1938); Generalleutnant (01 Dec 1939); General der Panzertruppe (17 Dec 1941); Generaloberst (04 Dec 1942)
        Entered Army Service (01 Apr 1908)
        Fahnenjunker in the 4th Foot Guards-Regiment (01 Apr 1908-01 Oct 1913)
        Detached to the War School in Danzig (01 Oct 1908-01 Jul 1909)
        Adjutant of the I. Battalion of the 4th Foot Guards-Regiment (01 Oct 1913-02 Aug 1914)
        Adjutant of the I. Battalion of the 93rd Reserve-Infantry-Regiment (02 Aug 1914-23 Aug 1914)
        Wounded, in Hospital (23 Aug 1914-17 Sep 1914)
        Transferred back to the Regiment in the Field (17 Sep 1914-04 Nov 1915)
        Temporary-Regiments-Adjutant of the 93rd Reserve-Infantry-Regiment (23 Nov 1914-23 Dec 1914)
        Temporary-Regiments-Adjutant of the 93rd Reserve-Infantry-Regiment (03 Jun 1915-20 Jun 1915)
        Company-Leader of the 93rd Reserve-Infantry-Regiment (04 Nov 1915-20 Jul 1916)
        Wounded, in Hospital (20 Jul 1916-20 Oct 1916)
        Transferred back to the Regiment in the Field and Detached as Ordinance-Officer in the Staff of the 4th Guards-Infantry-Division (20 Oct 1916-07 Jan 1917)
        Transferred into the Staff of the 4th Guards-Infantry-Division as Ordinance-Officer (07 Jan 1917-27 Apr 1917)
        Auxiliary-Officer in the General-Command of the Guards-Reserve-Corps (27 Apr 1917-04 Jul 1917)
        Adjutant of the 4th Guards-Infantry-Division (04 Jul 1917-01 May 1919)
        At the same time, was Detached as Battalion-Commander in the 93rd Reserve-Infantry-Regiment (20 Oct 1917-02 Nov 1917)
        At the same time, was Detached as Battalion-Commander in the 93rd Infantry-Regiment (01 Jan 1918-14 Jan 1918)
        At the same time, was Detached as Battalion-Commander in the 93rd Reserve-Infantry-Regiment (30 Jun 1918-25 Jul 1918)
        Company-Chief in the 29th Reichswehr-Infantry-Regiment (01 May 1919-01 Oct 1920)
        Detached into the Staff of the I. Battalion of the 29th Reichswehr-Infantry-Regiment (15 Jan 1920-01 Feb 1920)
        Company-Chief in the 5th Infantry-Regiment (01 Oct 1920-01 Oct 1921)
        Detached for Subsidiary-Leadership-Course with the Staff of the 2nd Division (01 Oct 1921-01 Oct 1922)
        Transferred into the Staff of Group-Command 2 (01 Oct 1922-01 Oct 1924)
        Transferred into the RWM (01 Oct 1924-01 Oct 1925)
        Transferred into the Staff of Group-Command 1, while retaining previous position (01 Oct 1925-01 Dec 1926)
        Transferred into the Staff of the 7th Division (01 Dec 1926-01 Oct 1929)
        Detached for Training to the 7th Motor-Transport-Battalion (15 Jul 1927-04 Aug 1927)
        Transferred into the Staff of Artillery-Leader VII (01 Oct 1929-01 Oct 1932)
        Commander of the I. Battalion of the 2nd Infantry-Regiment (01 Oct 1932-15 Mar 1934)
        Chief of Operations (Ia) with the Staff of Artillery-Leader VI (15 Mar 1934-15 Oct 1935)
        Commander of the 68th Infantry-Regiment (15 Oct 1935-04 Feb 1938)
        Commander of Army-Service-Office 4, Schweidnitz (04 Feb 1938-01 May 1939)
        Officer for Special Duties with OKH (01 May 1939-26 Aug 1939)
        Fьhrer-Reserve OKH (26 Aug 1939-12 Sep 1939)
        Commander of the 52nd Infantry-Division (12 Sep 1939-05 Oct 1940)
        Commander of the 17th Panzer-Division (05 Oct 1940-11 Nov 1941)
        Delegated with the Leadership of the XXXIX. Panzer-Corps (11 Nov 1941-01 Feb 1942)
        Commanding General of the XXXIX. Panzer-Corps (01 Feb 1942-01 Dec 1942)
        Fьhrer-Reserve OKH (01 Dec 1942-03 Dec 1942)
        Commander-in-Chief of the 5th Panzer-Army (03 Dec 1942-09 Mar 1943)
        Commander-in-Chief of Army-Group Africa (09 Mar 1943-12 May 1943)
        In British captivity near Tunis (12 May 1943-01 Jul 1947)
        Released (01 Jul 1947)

        Decorations & Awards:
        - Ritterkreuz: am 04.09.1941 als Generalleutnant und Komm. der 17. Panzer-Division
        - Ritterkreuz des kgl. Preuss. Hausordens von Hohenzollern mit Schwertern: 07.09.1918
        - 1939 EK I –S-
        - 1939 EK II –S-
        - 1914 EK I
        - 1914 EK II
        - Hamburgisches Hanseatenkreuz
        - Verwundetenabzeichen, 1918 in Silber
        - Ehrenkreuz fьr Frontkдmpfer
        - Wehrmacht-Dienstauszeichnung I Klasse
        - Panzerkampfabzeichen
        - Verwundetenabzeichen, 1939??? (27.06.1941: schwer verwundet/ Ostfront)
        - Medaille “Winterschlacht im Osten 1941/1942”
        - Chomschild???
        - Дrmelband “Afrika”

        Hans Speidel/Ханс Шпайдел

        Hans Ulrich Rudel/Ханс Улрих Рудел

        Hans Valentin Hube/Ханс Валентин Хубе

        Born: 29 Oct 1890 in Naumburg, Saale
        Died: 21 Apr 1944 near Thundorf, 4km south-west of Ainring Airport of Obersalzberg (Air Crash)

        Fдhnrich (18 Oct 1909); Leutnant (11 Aug 1910); Oberleutnant (25 Feb 1915); Hauptmann (27 Jan 1918); Major (01 Feb 1941); Oberstleutnant (01 Jun 1934); Oberst (01 Aug 1936); Generalmajor (01 Jun 1940); Generalleutnant (08 Apr 1942); General der Panzertruppe (01 Oct 1942); Generaloberst (01 Apr 1944)
        Entered Army Service (27 Feb 1909)
        Fahnenjunker in the 26th Infantry-Regiment Fьrst Leopold von Anhalt-Dessau, Magdeburg (27 Feb 1909-02 Aug 1914)
        In the Field as Platoon-Leader with the 26th Infantry-Regiment (02 Aug 1914-24 Aug 1914)
        Adjutant of II. Battalion of the 26th Infantry-Regiment (24 Aug 1914-20 Sep 1914)
        Severely wounded at Fontenay, left arm amputated (20 Sep 1914-00 Dec 1915)
        Back at the Front (00 Dec 1915-29 Jan 1916)
        Leader of 7th Company of the 26th Infantry-Regiment (29 Jan 1916-06 Jul 1916)
        Ordinance-Officer with the General-Command of IV. Army-Corps (06 Jul 1916-03 Nov 1916)
        Regiments-Adjutant of the 26th Infantry-Regiment (03 Nov 1916-25 Jun 1917)
        YTemporary Battalion Leader in the 26th Infantry-Regiment (25 Jun 1917-20 Jan 1918)
        Temporary Brigade Adjutant (20 Jan 1918-24 Mar 1918)
        Standing General-Staff-Officer with the Staff of the 7th Infantry-Division (24 Mar 1918-10 Apr 1918)
        Adjutant of II. Battalion of the 26th Infantry-Regiment, recieved severe Gas Poisoning with the Defence of English Tank Attacks, in Hospital (10 Apr 1918-10 Apr 1919)
        Company-Leader in the Landesschьtzenkorps (10 Apr 1919-01 Oct 1919)
        Company-Chief in the 17th Reichswehr-Infantry-Regiment (01 Oct 1919-01 Jan 1921)
        Chief of 11th Company of the 12th Infantry-Regiment, Halberstadt (01 Jan 1921-01 Apr 1925)
        Hauptmann with the Staff of the 10th Infantry-Regiment, Magdeburg, Detached as Infantry-Instructor with the Officer-Course at the Infantry-School Dresden (01 Apr 1925-01 Apr 1928)
        Transferred to Group-Command 2, Service Trip to the USA (01 Apr 1928-01 Oct 1928)
        Tactics-Ibstructor at the Infantry-School Dresden (01 Oct 1928-01 Oct 1932)
        Commander of III. Battalion of the 3rd Infantry-Regiment, Osterode, East Prussia (01 Oct 1932-01 Oct 1934)
        Detached to Firing Course A for heavy Infantry-Weapons in Dцberitz (03 Oct 1933-18 Oct 1933)
        Commander of III. Battalion of Infantry-Regiment Deutsch-Eylau (01 Oct 1934-01 Jan 1935)
        Commander of Infantry-Training-Staff Dцberitz (Author of the Manuel 'Der Infanterist', 2 Volumes) (01 Jan 1935-18 Oct 1939)
        Commander of the 3rd Infantry-Division (18 Oct 1939-04 Jun 1940)
        Commander of the 16th Infantry-Division (04 Jun 1940-06 Aug 1940)
        Commander of the 16th Panzer-Division (12 Aug 1940-01 Nov 1940)
        Commander of the Formation of the 16th Panzer-Division (01 Nov 1940-15 Sep 1942)
        At the same time, Commander of Instruction-Staff II in Romania (00 Dec 1940-15 Sep 1942)
        Delegated with the Leadership of XIV. Panzer-Corps (15 Sep 1942-01 Oct 1942)
        Commanding General of XIV. Panzer-Corps (01 Oct 1942-28 Dec 1942)
        Reported to the Fьhrer-Headquarters to recieve the Schwertern zum Ritterkreuz from Hitler in person (28 Dec 1942-08 Jan 1943)
        Commanding General of XIV. Panzer-Corps (08 Jan 1943-18 Jan 1943)
        Despite protest, on Instruction of Hitler, Hube was airlifted from Gumrak on 19 Jan 1943 in a snowstorm in a Focke-Wulf 200 C (flown by Leutnant Hans Gilbert) (18 Jan 1943)
        Delegated with the Formation of the new XIV. Panzer-Corps (05 Mar 1943-17 Aug 1943)
        At the same time, Commander of Group Hube (12 Jul 1943-17 Aug 1943)
        At the same time, Commander-in-Chief of all Army & Flak Troops on Sicily (17 Jul 1943-17 Aug 1943)
        Fьhrer-Reserve OKH (23 Oct 1943-23 Oct 1943)
        Delegated with the Leadership of the 1st Panzer-Army (23 Oct 1943-15 Feb 1944)
        Commander-in-Chief of the 1st Panzer-Army (15 Feb 1944-21 Apr 1944)
        Killed in an Air Crash (21 Apr 1944)

        Decorations & Awards:
        - Ritterkreuz (405): am 01.08.1941 als Generalmajor und Komm. der 16. Panzerdivision/ XLVII Panzerkorps/ Panzergruppe 1/ Heeresgruppe Sьd
        - Eichenlaub (62): am 16.01.1942 als Generalmajor und Komm. der 16. Panzerdivision (direkte Verleihung)
        - Schwerter (21): am 21.12.1942 als General der Panzertruppe und Komm. Gen. XIV Panzerkorps/ 6. Armee/ Heeresgruppe Don (Hube erhдlt die Schwerter aus der Hand Adolf Hitler)
        - Brillanten (13): am 20.04.1944 als General der Panzertruppe und OB. der 1. Panzerarmee (Hube erhдlt die Brillanten aus der Hand Adolf Hitler)
        - Ritterkreuz deskgl. Preuss. Hausordens von Hohenzollern mit Schwertern
        - 1939 EK I –S-: 03.06.1940
        - 1939 EK II –S-: 24.05.1940
        - 1914 EK I: 00.00.1916
        - 1914 EK II: 00.00.1915
        - Anhaltisches Friedrich-Kreuz
        - Verwundetenabzeichen, 1918 in Silber
        - Kgl. Bayer. Militдr-Verdienstkreuz III Klasse
        - Ehrenkreuz fьr Frontkдmpfer
        - Wehrmacht-Dienstauszeichnung I Klasse
        - Panzerkampfabzeichen in Silber
        - Medaille “Winterschlacht im Osten 1914/1942”
        - Verwundetenabzeichen, 1939 in Gold
        - Nennung im Wehrmachtsbericht: 17.08.1943; 31.01.1944; 09.04.1944

        Hasso Eccard Freiherr von Manteuffel/Хасо Екард Фрайхер фон Мантойфел
        General der Panzertruppe/Генерал от танковите войски

        Born in Potsdam.
        Died in Reith im Alpbachtal / Цsterreich

        General der Panzertruppe:
        Commands & Assignments:
        Decorations & Awards:
        Ritterkreuz des E.K.: 31. 12. 1941 as Obstlt., Kdr. Schьtzen-Rgt. 6 / 7.Pz.Div. / LVI.Armee-Korps (mot) / Pz.Gruppe 3 / Heeresgruppe Mitte
        - Eichenlaub (Nr. 332): 23. 11. 1943 as Gen.Maj., Kdr. 7.Pz.Div. / 4.Pz.Armee / Heeresgruppe Sьd
        -- Schwertern (Nr. 50): 22. 02. 1944 as Gen.Maj., Kdr. 7.Pz.Div. / 4.Pz.Armee / Heeresgruppe Sьd
        --- Brillanten (Nr. 24): 18. 02. 1945 as Gen.d.Pz.Tr., OB 5.Pz.Armee / Heeresgruppe B
        1939 Spange zum 1914 EK I: 1.08.1941
        1939 Spange zum 1914 EK II: 22.07.1941
        1914 EK I: 2.05.1917
        1914 EK II: 13.10.1916
        Wehrmachtbericht: 8.10.1943; 16.11.1943; 14.03.1944; 8.05.1944
        Дrmelband "Afrika"
        Ehrenkreuz fьr Frontkдmpfer
        Goldenes Hitler-Jugend Ehrenzeichen

        Heinrich Himmler/Хайнрих Химлер

        Heinrich Mueller/Хайнрих Мюлер

        Heinz Guderian/Хайнц Гудериан

        Born in Kulm, West Prussia (WestpreuЯen)
        Died in Schwangau, Allgдu (Buried in Goslar)
        Fдhnrich (28 Feb 1907); Leutnant (27 Jan 1908); Oberleutnant (08 Nov 1914); Hauptmann (18 Dec 1915); Major (01 Feb 1927); Oberstleutnant (01 Feb 1931); Oberst (01 Oct 1933); Generalmajor (01 Aug 1936); Generalleutnant (10 Feb 1938); General der Panzertruppe (23 Nov 1938); Generaloberst (19 Jul 1940)
        Entered Army Service (28 Feb 1907)
        Passed Out the Cadet-Corps as Fдhnrich in the 10th Jдger-Battalion (28 Feb 1907-10 Apr 1907)
        Detached to War School in Metz (10 Apr 1907-14 Dec 1907)
        Detached to the 10th Pioneer-Battalion (28 Jun 1910-28 Jul 1910)
        Detached to the 3rd Telegraph-Battalion, Koblenz (01 Oct 1912-01 Oct 1913)
        Detached to the War Academy, Berlin (01 Oct 1913-02 Aug 1914)
        Leader of heavy Radio-Station 3 of the 5th Cavalry-Division (02 Aug 1914-04 Oct 1914)
        Leader of the heavy Radio-Station 14 of the 4th Army (04 Oct 1914-17 May 1915)
        Auxiliary-Officer of the Secret Signals Service with Army High Command 4 (17 May 1915-27 Jan 1916)
        Detached then later Transferred to Army High Command 5 (27 Jan 1916-09 Feb 1916)
        Transferred as Auxiliary-Officer of the Secret Signals Service to Army High Command 5 (09 Feb 1916-18 Jul 1916)
        Signals-Officer with Army High Command 4 (18 Jul 1916-03 Apr 1917)
        Transferred as Chief Supply Officer (Ib) in a General-Staff-Office of the 4th Infantry-Division (03 Apr 1917-27 Apr 1917)
        Detached as standing General-Staff-Officer to Army High Command 1 as Supply Officer (27 Apr 1917-00 May 1917)
        Detached as standing General-Staff-Officer to the 52nd Reserve-Division during the Aisne Battle as Supply Officer (Ib) (00 May 1917-00 Jun 1917)
        Detached to the General-Command of the Guards-Corps as Quartermaster (00 Jun 1917-00 Jul 1917)
        Detached to the General-Command of the X. Reserve-Corps as Chief Intelligence Officer (Ic) (00 Jul 1917-11 Aug 1917)
        Transferred back into the General-Staff of the 4th Infantry-Division (11 Aug 1917-00 Sep 1917)
        Leader II, 14th Infantry-Regiment (00 Sep 1917-24 Oct 1917)
        Chief Of Operations (Ia) in the General-Staff of Army-Detachment C (24 Oct 1917-27 Feb 1918)
        Detached to 6th General-Staff-Course Sedan (10 Jan 1918-08 Feb 1918)
        Transferred to the Army General Staff, while retaining previous position (27 Feb 1918-23 May 1918)
        Transferred as Quartermaster in the General-Staff of the XXXVIII. Reserve-Corps (23 May 1918-20 Sep 1918)
        Transferred as Chief Of Operations (Ia) into the General-Staff of the Representatives in Occupied Italy (20 Sep 1918-08 Nov 1918)
        Officer Of The Army and Transferred to the Replacement General-Command of the X. Army-Corps (08 Nov 1918-22 Nov 1918)
        Transferred to the Chief Of The General Staff of the Field Army, Replacement General-Command of the I. Army-Corps for Special Use while retaining Officer Of The Army Status (22 Nov 1918-26 Nov 1918)
        Detached to the Command of Homeland-Protection East (26 Nov 1918-17 Dec 1918)
        Transferred to the War Ministry – with the Staff of the Central-Office Border-Protection East (17 Dec 1918-10 Jan 1919)
        In the General-Staff of Army High Command Border-Protection South, Breslau (10 Jan 1919-16 Apr 1919)
        Assigned, by Order of the War Ministry under transferred to the 10th Jдger-Battalion, to the Supreme-Command Border-Protection North, Bartenstein, for Special Use (16 Apr 1919-30 May 1919)
        Supply-Officer (Ib), temporarily also Chief Of Operations (Ia) in the Staff of the Eisernen Division (Baltic) (Riga, later Mitau) (30 May 1919-24 Aug 1919)
        In the General-Staff of the High-Command Border-Protection North (24 Aug 1919-30 Oct 1919)
        Transferred to the Processing-Office of the 10th Jдger-Battalion and Detached to the 10th Reichswehr-Brigade, Hannover (30 Oct 1919-16 Jan 1920)
        Company-Chief of the 3rd Company in the 10th Jдger-Battalion, Goslar (16 Jan 1920-16 May 1920)
        Company-Chief in the 20th Reichswehr-Infantry-Regiment (16 May 1920-08 Sep 1920)
        Company-Chief in the III. Battalion of the 17th Infantry-Regiment (08 Sep 1920-16 Jan 1922)
        Detached to the 7th Motor-Transport-Battalion, Munich (16 Jan 1922-01 Apr 1922)
        In the RWM/Department for Motor Transport Troops In 6 (K) (01 Apr 1922-01 Oct 1924)
        In the General-Staff of the 2nd Division, Stettin, as Instructor for Subsidiary-Leadership-Courses (01 Oct 1924-01 Oct 1927)
        In the RWM/Troop-Office/Army-Department (T1T) (01 Oct 1927-01 Feb 1930)
        At the same time, Tactics Instructor with the Motor-Transport-Instruction-Staff, Berlin (01 Oct 1928-31 Jan 1930)
        Commander of the 3rd Motor-Transport-Battalion (01 Feb 1930-01 Oct 1931)
        Chief Of Staff of the Inspection Of Motor Transport Troops (In 6) (01 Oct 1931-01 Jul 1934)
        Chief Of Staff of the Command of Motorised Combat Troops (01 Jul 1934-27 Jun 1935)
        Chief Of the General Staff of the Command of Panzer Troops (27 Sep 1935-15 Oct 1935)
        Commander of the 2nd Panzer-Division, Wьrzburg (15 Oct 1935-04 Feb 1938)
        Commander of the Command of Panzer Troops (04 Feb 1938-01 Apr 1938)
        Commanding General of XVI. Army-Corps (Motorised) (01 Apr 1938-24 Nov 1938)
        Chief Of Fast Troops (24 Nov 1938-26 Aug 1939)
        Commanding General of XIX. Army-Corps (Motorised) (26 Aug 1939-01 Jun 1940)
        Commander of Panzer-Group Guderian (01 Jun 1940-30 Jun 1940)
        Commanding General of XIX. Army-Corps (Motorised) (01 Jul 1940-16 Nov 1940)
        Commander of Panzer-Group 2 (16 Nov 1940-28 Jul 1941)
        Commander of Army-Group Guderian (28 Jul 1941-03 Aug 1941)
        Commander of Panzer-Group 2 (03 Aug 1941-05 Oct 1941)
        Commander-in-Chief 2nd Panzer-Army (05 Oct 1941-26 Dec 1941)
        Relieved of Command and Fьhrer-Reserve OKH (26 Dec 1941-16 Jan 1942)
        Assigned to the Staff of the Replacement General Command of the III. Army-Corps, Berlin (16 Jan 1942-28 Feb 1943)
        General-Inspector of Panzer Troops (28 Feb 1943-28 Mar 1945)
        At the same time, Acting-Chief Of The General Staff of the Army (21 Jul 1944-28 Mar 1945)
        Granted Leave (28 Mar 1945-01 May 1945)
        With the Staff of the General-Inspection of Panzer Troops at Tyrol (01 May 1945-10 May 1945)
        In American Captivity with the Staff of the General-Inspection of Panzer Troops (10 May 1945-16 Jun 1948)
        Released (16 Jun 1948)

        Decorations & Awards:
        - Ritterkreuz (3): am 27.10.1939 als General der Panzertruppe und Komm. Gen. des XIX Panzer-Korps (Aushдndigung des Ritterkreuzes durch Adolf Hitler)
        - Eichenlaub (24) am 17.07.1941 als Generaloberst und Befehlshaber der Panzergruppe 3 (direkte Verleihung)
        - 1939 EK I –S-: 13.09.1939
        - 1939 EK II –S-: 05.09.1939
        - 1914 EK I: 08.11.1916
        - 1914 EK II: 17.09.1914
        - Ritterkreuz II Klasse des kgl. Wьrttembg. Friedrichs-Orden mit Schwertern
        - Ehrenkreuz fьr Frontkдmpfer
        - Цsterr. Kriegs-Erinnerungs-Medaille mit Schwertern
        - Wehrmacht-Dienstauszeichnung I Klasse
        - Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 13. Marz 1938
        - Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 1. Oktober 1938 mit Spange “Prager Burg”
        - Ungar. Kriegs-Erinnerungs-Medaille mit Schwertern
        - Panzerkampfabzeichen in Silber
        - Nennung im Wehrmachtsbericht: 06.08.1941; 07.08.1941; 21.09.1941; 18.10.1941; 19.10.1941


          Heinz Kling/Хайнц Клинг

          Heinz von Westernhagen/Хайнц фон Вестернхаген

          Heinz Wolfgang Schnauffer/Хайнц Волфганг Шнауфер

          Helmut Lent/Хелмут Лент

          Helmut Stieff/Хелмут Щиф

          Henning von Treskow/Хенинг фон Тресков

          Herbert Gille/Херберт Гиле

          Hermann Balck/Херман Балк
          General der Panzertruppe/Генерал от танковите войски

          Born in Danzig-Langfuhr
          Died in Erbenbach-Rockenau (Buried on 03 Dec 1982 in Asperg by Ludwigsburg)

          Oberjдger (27 Mar 1913); Fдhnrich (18 Dec 1913); Leutnant (10 Aug 1914); Oberleutnant (01 May 1924); Rittmeister (01 Feb 1929); Major (01 Jun 1935); Oberstleutnant (01 Feb 1938); Oberst (01 Aug 1940); Generalmajor (01 Aug 1942); Generalleutnant (21 Jan 1943); General der Panzertruppe (12 Nov 1943)
          Entered Army Service (10 Apr 1913)
          Fahnenjunker in the 10th Jдger-Battalion (10 Apr 1913-12 Feb 1914)
          Detached to the Military School Hannover (12 Feb 1914-01 Aug 1914)
          Platoon-Leader in the 10th Jдger-Battalion (01 Aug 1914-12 Aug 1914)
          Temporary-Adjutant of the 10th Jдger-Battalion (12 Aug 1914-30 Oct 1914)
          Wounded, Hospital (30 Oct 1914-06 Feb 1915)
          Transferred to the 22nd Reserve-Jдger-Battalion (06 Feb 1915-28 Jun 1915)
          Wounded, with the Replacement-Battalion of the 10th Jдger-Battalion (28 Jun 1915-18 Sep 1915)
          Company-Leader in the 22nd Reserve-Jдger-Battalion (18 Sep 1915-05 Dec 1915)
          Commander of Hunt-Command Balck of the 5th Cavalry-Division (05 Dec 1915-01 Mar 1916)
          Commander of the MG-Company of the 22nd Reserve-Jдger-Battalion (01 Mar 1916-09 Nov 1916)
          Commander of the MG-Company of the 10th Jдger-Battalion (09 Nov 1916-11 Feb 1918)
          Commander of the 4th Company of the 10th Jдger-Battalion (11 Feb 1918-23 Jan 1919)
          Company-Leader with the Volunteer-Jдger-Battalion Kirchheim (23 Jan 1919-01 Aug 1919)
          Transferred into the 20th Reichswehr-Infantry-Regiment (01 Aug 1919-25 Oct 1919)
          Adjutant to the 10th Reichswehr-Jдger-Battalion (25 Oct 1919-01 Oct 1920)
          Adjutant to the III. (Jдger) Battalion of the 17th Infantry-Regiment (01 Oct 1920-01 Oct 1921)
          Company-Officer in the 17th Infantry-Regiment (01 Oct 1921-01 Nov 1922)
          Company-Officer in the Training-Battalion of the 17th Infantry-Regiment (01 Nov 1922-01 Jun 1925)
          Detached for Subsidiary-Leadership-Training – Transferred into the 18th Mounted-Regiment (01 Jan 1923-01 Oct 1923)
          Detached to Artillery School (01 Oct 1923-31 Aug 1924)
          Detached to MG-Course on the Troop-Exercise-Grounds Senne (30 Sep 1924-23 Oct 1924)
          MG-Officer and Leader of the MG-Platoon in the 18th Mounted-Regiment (01 Jun 1925-01 Oct 1928)
          Detached to Battle School Course in Dцberitz (20 Oct 1925-28 Nov 1925)
          Squadron-Chief in the 18th Mounted-Regiment (01 Oct 1928-01 Oct 1933)
          With Defence-Region-Direction Frankfurt/Oder (01 Oct 1934-15 Oct 1935)
          Adjutant IIa with the Staff of 3rd Division (01 Apr 1934-01 Oct 1934)
          Transferred into the Staff of Commander Frankfurt/Oder (01 Oct 1934-15 Oct 1935)
          Commander of the 1st Bicycle-Battalion (15 Oct 1935-12 Oct 1937)
          Commander of the 1st Bicycle-Detachment (12 Oct 1937-10 Nov 1938)
          Administrator for Motorised Troops in OKH/In 3 + In 6 (10 Nov 1938-23 Oct 1939)
          Commander of the 1st Rifle-Regiment (23 Oct 1939-15 Dec 1940)
          Commander of the 3rd Panzer-Regiment (15 Dec 1940-15 May 1941)
          Commander of the 2nd Panzer-Brigade (15 May 1941-25 Jun 1941)
          Detached to OKH/Chief of Army Armaments and Commander of the Replacement Army (Ag.K) (25 Jun 1941-07 Jul 1941)
          Fьhrer-Reserve OKH, Special Assignment: Settling the motor-vehicle situation in the Army with full powers (07 Jul 1941-01 Nov 1941)
          General of Fast Troops with the Commander-in-Chief of the Army (01 Nov 1941-16 May 1942)
          Delegated with the Leadership of the 11th Panzer-Division (16 May 1942-01 Aug 1942)
          Commander of the 11th Panzer-Division (01 Aug 1942-05 Mar 1943)
          Fьhrer-Reserve (05 Mar 1943-12 Nov 1943)
          Delegated with the Temporary-Leadership of Infantry-Division GroЯdeutschland (19 May 1943-10 Jun 1943)
          Fьhrer-Reserve (10 Jun 1943-02 Sep 1943)
          Delegated with the Leadership of XIV. Panzer-Corps (02 Sep 1943-08 Oct 1943)
          Commanding General of XXXX. Panzer-Corps (14 Nov 1943-15 Nov 1943)
          Delegated with the Leadership of XXXXVIII. Panzer-Corps (15 Nov 1943-01 Feb 1944)
          Commanding General of XXXXVIII. Panzer-Corps (01 Feb 1944-05 Aug 1944)
          Delegated with the Temporary-Leadership of the 4th Panzer-Army (05 Aug 1944-01 Sep 1944)
          Commander-in-Chief of the 4th Panzer-Army (01 Sep 1944-21 Sep 1944)
          Commander-in-Chief of Army-Group G (21 Sep 1944-23 Dec 1944)
          Commander-in-Chief of the 6th Army (23 Dec 1944-08 May 1945)
          At the same time, Commander-in-Chief of Army-Group Balck (23 Dec 1944-18 Mar 1945)
          In US captivity (08 May 1945-1947)
          Released (1947)

          Awards & Decorations:
          - - Ritterkreuz (53): am 03.06.1940 als Oberstleutnant und Komm. Schьtzen-Regiment 1/ 2. Panzerdivision/ Panzergruppe Kleist/ 4. Armee/ Heeresgruppe B
          - - Eichenlaub (155): am 20.12.1942 als Generalmajor und Komm. 11. Panzerdivision/ Heeresgruppe Don (direkte Verleihung)
          - - Schwerter (25): am 04.03.1943 als Generalleutnant und Komm. 11. Panzerdivision/ XLVIII Panzerkorps/ 4. Panzerarmee/ Heeresgruppe Sьd
          - - Brillanten (19): am 31.08.1944 als General der Panzertruppe und mdsFb 4. Panzerarmee/ Heeresgruppe Nordukraine
          - - Ritterkreuz des kgl. Preuss. Hausordens von Hohenzollern mit Schwertern: 03.12.1917
          - - 1939 EK I –S-: 13.05.1940
          - - 1939 EK II –S-: 12.05.1940
          - - 1914 EK I: 26.11.1914
          - - 1914 EK II: 15.10.1914
          - - Kgl. Bayer. Militдr-Verdienstorden IV Klasse mit Schwertern: 15.11.1914
          - - K.u.K. Цsterr. Militдr-Verdienstkreuz III Klasse mit der Kriegsdekoration: 28.02.1916
          - - Verwundetenabzeichen, 1918 in Gold: 10.05.1918
          - - Ehrenkreuz fьr Frontkдmpfer
          - - Wehrmacht-Dienstauszeichnung I Klasse
          - - Nennung im Ehrenblatt des Heeres: am 17.05.1940 als Oberstleutnant und Komm. Schьtzen-Regiment 1
          - - Anerkennungsschreiben des OB. des Heeres: am 23.06.1940 als Oberstleutnant und Komm. Schьtzen-Regiment 1 (“Ich, Generaloberst von Brauchitsch, spreche dem Oberstleutnant Balck weine besondere Anerkennung fьr seine hervorragenden Leistungen auf dem Schlachtfelde in Frankreich am 17/18.06.1940 aus”)
          - - Panzerkampfabzeichen in Silber
          - - Kgl. Bulgar. Tapferkeitsorden III Klasse mit Schwertern: 02.12.1941
          - - Verwundetenabzeichen, 1939??? (05.09.1943: nack Flugzeugabsturz in Italien (schwere innere Verletzungen) Korpsfьhrung beibehalten)
          - - Nennung im Wehrmachtsbericht: 17.05.1940; 20.12.1942; 09.09.1944

          Hermann Breith/Херман Брайт
          General der Panzertruppe/Генерал от танковите войски

          Born in Pirmasens, Rhine Palatinate (Rheinpfalz)
          Died in Pech

          Fahnenjunker-Unteroffzier (13 Aug 1910); Fдhnrich (20 Dec 1910); Leutnant (13 Sep 1911); Oberleutnant (25 Nov 1916); Hauptmann (01 Mar 1924); Major (01 Dec 1933); Oberstleutnant (01 Apr 1936); Oberst (01 Jan 1939); Generalmajor (01 Aug 1941); Generalleutnant (01 Nov 1942); General der Panzertruppe (01 Mar 1943)
          Entered Army Service (16 Apr 1910)
          Fahnenjunker in the 60th Infantry-Regiment (16 Apr 1910-12 Oct 1916)
          Detached to War-School in Hersfeld (01 Oct 1910-1911)
          Leader of the MG-Company of the 166th Infantry-Regiment (12 Oct 1914-05 Dec 1914)
          Adjutant of the III. Battalion of the 166th Infantry-Regiment (05 Dec 1914-12 Apr 1915)
          Leader of the MG-Company of the 60th Infantry-Regiment (12 Apr 1915-04 Sep 1915)
          Regiments-Adjutant of the 60th Infantry-Regiment (12 Apr 1915-20 Oct 1917)
          Detached to the Staff of the 121st Infantry-Division (20 Oct 1917-22 Oct 1917)
          Ordinance-Officer with the Staff of the 121st Infantry-Division (22 Oct 1917-17 Jul 1918)
          Adjutant of the 241st Infantry-Brigade (17 Jul 1918-03 Jan 1919)
          Demobilising in Bad Orb (03 Jan 1919-06 Jan 1919)
          Transferred to the Replacement-Battalion of the 60th Infantry-Regiment (06 Jan 1919-13 Feb 1919)
          Regiments-Adjutant of the 60th Infantry-Regiment (13 Feb 1919-17 May 1919)
          Transferred into the Bicycle-Company of the Division von Lettow (17 May 1919-01 Oct 1919)
          Transferred into the 18th Reichswehr-Rifle-Regiment (01/10/1919-16/12/1919); Company-Officer in the 1st MG-Company of the 18th Reichswehr-Rifle-Regiment (16 Dec 1919-16 Feb 1920)
          Adjutant of the I. Battalion of the 18th Reichswehr-Rifle-Regiment (16 Feb 1920-07 Sep 1920)
          Company-Officer in the 2nd Company of the 17th Reichswehr-Infantry-Regiment (07 Sep 1920-01 Jan 1921)
          Company-Officer in the 10th Company of the 6th Infantry-Regiment (01 Jan 1921-01 Oct 1923)
          Detached to the Leadership of the Military Corridor-Platoon at Schneidemьhle (15 Jan 1921-10 Mar 1921)
          Detached to the Course on light machine-guns in the I. Battalion of the 6th Infantry-Regiment (07 Nov 1921-21 Nov 1921)
          Transferred to the Staff of the III. Battalion of the 6th Infantry-Regiment (01 Oct 1923-01 Oct 1925)
          Detached to the 6th Motor-Transport-Battalion (01 Oct 1925-01 Oct 1926)
          Transferred into the 1st Motor-Transport-Battalion (01 Oct 1926-01 Jan 1927)
          Company-Chief in the 1st Motor-Transport-Battalion (01 Jan 1927-01 Feb 1931)
          Detached to the Gas-Protection-Course D in Berlin (26 Nov 1928-09 Dec 1928)
          Detached to Course in the Motor-Transport-Training-Command of the 3rd Motor-Transport-Battalion (01 Oct 1929-21 Dec 1929)
          Transferred to the Staff of Group-Command 1 (01 Feb 1931-01 Oct 1931)
          Detached to the RWM/In 6 (01 Jun 1931-20 Aug 1931)
          Advisor in the RWM/In 6 (01 Oct 1931-01 Aug 1934)
          Transferred to the Motor-Transport-Instruction-Command in Zossen (01 Aug 1934-15 Oct 1935)
          Commander of the II. Battalion of the 5th Panzer-Regiment (15 Oct 1935-10 Nov 1938)
          Commander of the 36th Panzer-Regiment (10 Nov 1938-15 Feb 1940)
          Commander of the 5th Panzer-Brigade (15 Feb 1940-14 Nov 1940)
          Detached to the OKH, Staff of the General of Fast-Troops (14 Nov 1940-03 Jun 1941)
          Fьhrer-Reserve OKH (03 Jun 1941-16 Oct 1941)
          At the same time, Detached to the Staff of the General of Fast Troops, OKH (07 Jul 1941-30 Oct 1941)
          Detached to the Staff of the 3rd Panzer-Division (16 Oct 1941-22 Oct 1941)
          Commander of the 3rd Panzer-Division (22 Oct 1941-02 Oct 1942)
          Fьhrer-Reserve OKH (02 Oct 1942-01 Jan 1943)
          Detached to the Staff of Army-Group A (01 Jan 1943-03 Jan 1943)
          Delegated with the Leadership of III. Panzer-Corps (03 Jan 1943-01 Mar 1943)
          Commanding General of III. Panzer-Corps (01 Mar 1943-08 May 1945)
          In captivity (08 May 1945-00 May 1947)
          Released (00 May 1947)

          Awards & Decorations:
          - - Ritterkreuz (66): am 03.06.1940 als Oberst und Komm. 5. Panzerbrigade/ 5. Panzerdivision/ XVI Armeekorps/ Gruppe Hoth
          - - Eichenlaub (69): am 31.01.1942 als Generalmajor und Komm. 3. Panzerdivision/ Heeresgruppe Sьd
          - - Schwerter (48): am 21.02.1944 als General der Panzertruppe und Komm. Gen. III Panzerkorps
          - - Ritterkreuz des kgl. Preuss. Hausordens von Hohenzollern mit Schwertern: 28.10.1918
          - - 1939 EK I –S-: 02.10.1939
          - - 1939 EK II –S-: 23.09.1939
          - - 1914 EK I: 30.07.1916
          - - 1914 EK II: 10.09.1914
          - - Hamburgisches Hanseatenkreuz
          - - Ehrenkreuz fьr Frontkдmpfer
          - - Wehrmacht-Dienstauszeichnung I Klasse
          - - Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 1. Oktober 1938 mit Spange “Prager Burg”
          - - Panzerkampfabzeichen in Silber
          - - Medaille “Winterschlacht im Osten 1941/1942
          - - Verwundetenabzeichen, 1939 in Gold
          - - Nennung im Wehrmachtsbericht: 31.01.1942; 20.02.1944; 09.09.1944; 30.10.1944

          Hermann Goering/Херман Гьоринг

          Born: 12 Jan 1893 in Rosenheim, Upper Bavaria (Oberbayern)
          Died: 15 Oct 1946 in Nuremberg (Nьrnberg) (Suicide)
          Leutnant (20 Jan 1914); Oberleutnant (18 Aug 1917); Charakter als Hauptmann (08 Jun 1920); Charakter als General der Infanterie (31 Aug 1933); General der Flieger (01 Mar 1935); Generaloberst (20 Apr 1936); Generalfeldmarschall (04 Feb 1938); Reichsmarschall (19 Jul 1940)
          Entered the Army as a Company-Officer in the 4th Baden Infantry-Regiment Prinz William 112 (20 Jan 1914-19 Aug 1914)
          Battalion-Adjutant in the 4th Baden Infantry-Regiment 112 (20 Aug 1914-12 Oct 1914)
          Observer-Training with the 3rd Flying-Replacement-Battalion (13 Oct 1914-27 Oct 1914)
          Observer with the 25th Field-Flying-Battalion (28 Oct 1914-29 Jun 1915)
          Pilot-Training at the Flying-School Freiburg (30 Jun 1915-14 Sep 1915)
          Pilot with the 25th Field-Flying-Battalion (15 Sep 1915-08 Jul 1916)
          Pilot with the 203rd Artillery-Flying-Battalion (09 Jul 1916-04 Aug 1916)
          Pilot with the 25th Field-Flying-Battalion (05 Aug 1916-05 Sep 1916)
          Detached to Battle-Squadron Metz (06 Sep 1916-27 Sep 1916)
          Pilot with the 7th Fighter-Squadron (28 Sep 1916-19 Oct 1916)
          Pilot with the 5th Fighter-Squadron (20 Oct 1916-21 Oct 1916)
          Training with the 10th Flying-Replacement-Battalion (22 Oct 1916-14 Feb 1917)
          Pilot with the 26th Fighter-Squadron (15 Feb 1917-16 May 1917)
          Leader of the 27th Fighter-Squadron (17 May 1917-16 Jul 1918)
          Commander of the 1st Fighter-Wing ‘Richthofen’ (17 Jul 1918-30 Jul 1919)
          With the Processing-Office of the 112th Infantry-Regiment then Granted Leave (31 Jul 1919-11 Mar 1920)
          Retired (11 Mar 1920)
          Test-Pilot and Advisor in Flight-Affairs in Denmark (1919-1920)
          Flight-Chief of the Firm Svenska Luftravik, Stockholm (1920-1921)
          Oberster SA-Fьhrer (00 Dec 1922-23 Apr 1945)
          Severely Wounded with the March on the Beer-Hall in Munich, fled to Tirol then to Rome then Stockholm (09 Nov 1923-1927)
          Returned home to Germany (1927)
          Member of the German Reichstag (NSDAP) (00 May 1928-23 Apr 1945)
          President of the German Reichstag (30 Aug 1932-23 Apr 1945)
          Reichs-Minister without Portfolio (30 Jan 1933-05 May 1933)
          Reichs-Commissioner for Aviation (02 Feb 1933-05 May 1933)
          Prussian Prime Minister (11 Apr 1933-23 Apr 1945)
          Prussian Interior-Minister (21 Apr 1933-01 May 1934)
          Entered the Luftwaffe and Assigned with the Secret Organisation of the Luftwaffe (27 Apr 1933-28 Feb 1935)
          Reichs-Minister for Aviation (05 May 1933-23 Apr 1945)
          Reichs Forestry and Hunting Master (08 Jul 1933-23 Apr 1945)
          Reichs-State-Governor in Prussia (30 Jan 1935-23 Apr 1945)
          Chief of the Reichs Luftwaffe (01 Mar 1935-31 May 1935)
          Commander-in-Chief of the Luftwaffe (01 Jun 1935-23 Apr 1945)
          Representative for the Four Year Plan (18 Oct 1936-23 Apr 1945)
          Member of the Secret Cabinet (04 Feb 1938-23 Apr 1945)
          Chairman of the Council Of Ministers for Reichs Defence (30 Aug 1939-23 Apr 1945)
          Relieved by Hitler of all party and public offices because of alleged betrayal, and put under arrest. He was also discharged from the NSDAP in the Political Will of Hitler on 29 Apr 1945. Hitler excluded him from all rights, from the Reichstag-Decree of 01 Sep 1939, as well as the decree of 26 Jun 1941 (representation and follow-up) (23 Apr 1945)
          In US Captivity (08 May 1945-15 Oct 1946)
          Convicted To Death by the International Military Court in Nuremberg as ‘Head War Criminal Number 1’. A few hours before he was due to be hanged he Committed Suicide by a Cyanide Capsule given to him by a sympathetic US Prison Guard whom he'd found friendship (01 Oct 1946)

          Decorations & Awards:
          - Grosskreuz zum Ritterkreuz: am 19.07.1940 als Generalfeldmarschall und Reichsminister der Luftfahrt u. OB der Luftwaffe
          - Ritterkreuz: am 30.09.1939 als Generalfeldmarschall und Reichsminister der Luftfahrt und OB der Luftwaffe (Aushдndigung des Ritterkreuzes durch Adolf Hitler)
          - Pour le mйrite: am 02.06.1918 als Oberleutnant und Fьhrer der Jagdstaffel 27
          - Ritterkreuz des kgl. Preuss. Hausordens von Hohenzollern mit Schwertern: 20.10.1917
          - 1939 EK I –S-: 00.09.1939
          - 1939 EK II –S-: 00.09.1939
          - 1914 EK I : 22.03.1915
          - 1914 EK II: 15.09.1914
          - Flugzeugbeobachter-Abzeichen: 15.11.1914
          - Ritterkreuz II Klasse des Grossherzoglich Badischen Ordens vom Zдhringer Lцwen mit Schwertern: 08.07.1915
          - Flugzeugfьhrer-Abzeichen: 12.10.1915
          - Ehrenbecher fьr dem Sieger in Luftkampf: 15.04.1916
          - Ritterkreuz des Grossherzoglich Badischen Militдrischer Karl-Friedrich-Verdienstorden: 20.10.1917
          - Tьrkischer Eiserner Halbmond
          - Verwundetenabzeichen, 1918 in Schwarz
          - Ehrenzeichen vom 9. November 1923 (Blutorden)
          - Goldenes Parteiabzeichen (N.S.D.A.P.)
          - Ehrenkreuz fьr Frontkдmpfer
          - Wehrmacht-Dienstauszeichnung
          - Gemeinsames Flugzeugfьhrer-und-Beobachterabzeichen in Gold mit Brillanten
          - Luftschutz-Ehrenzeichen I Klasse: 20.04.1938
          - Kriegs-Erinnerungs-Дrmelband “Jagdgeschwader Freiherr von Richthofen nº 1 1917/1918”
          - Grosskreuz mit Grand Cordon des kgl. Heiligen Mauricius-und-Lazarus Ordens von Italien
          - Kgl. Ordens der Heiligen Verkьndigung von Italien
          - Grosskreuz des Ordens der Finnischen Weissen Rose mit Schwertern
          - Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 13. Marz 1938???
          - Orden Imperial del Yugo y las Flechas de Espaсa
          - Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 1. Oktober 1938 mit Spange “Prager Burg”???
          - Medaille zur Erinnerung an die Heimkehr des Memellandes???
          - Grosskreuz des kgl. Italien. Ordens des Stern
          - Slowakisches Kriegssiegerkreuz I Klasse
          - Rumдn. Orden “Michael der Tapfere” III Klasse: 14.10.1941
          - Rumдn. Orden “Michael der Tapfere” II Klasse: 14.10.1941
          - Rumдn. Orden “Michael der Tapfere” I Klasse: 14.10.1941
          - Rumдn. Flugzeugfьhrer-Abzeichen
          - Komturkreuz des Rumдn. Ordens Aeronautische Tugend mit der Kriegsdekoration und Schwertern
          - Grosskreuz des kgl. Italien. Militдrordens von Savoyen
          - Grosskreuz des finnischen Freiheistkreuzes mit Schwertern
          - Grosskreuz des finnischen Lцwenordens mit Schwertern
          - U-Bootkriegsabzeichen, 1939 mit Brillanten



            Hermann Graf/Херман Граф

            Hermann Hoth/Херман Хот

            Born in Neuruppin
            Died in Goslar

            Fдhnrich (27 Feb 1904); Leutnant (27 Jan 1905); Oberleutnant (19 Jun 1912); Hauptmann (08 Nov 1914); Major (01 Jan 1924); Oberstleutnant (01 Feb 1929); Oberst (01 Feb 1932); Generalmajor (01 Oct 1934); Generalleutnant (01 Oct 1936); General der Infanterie (01 Nov 1938); Generaloberst (19 Jul 1940)
            Cadey-Corps Potsdam, GroЯ-Lichterfelde (1896-1904)
            Entered Army Service (27 Feb 1904)
            Passed Out the Cadet-Corps as Fдhnrich in the 72nd Infantry-Regiment (4. Thьringische), Torgau (27 Apr 1904-1907)
            Detached to the War-School Danzig (00 Apr 1904-01 Feb 1905)
            Adjutant of II. Battalion of the 72nd Infantry-Regiment (1907-01 Oct 1913)
            Detached to the War Acadamy (01 Oct 1910-21 Jul 1913)
            Detached to the 3rd Foot-Artillery-Regiment (22 Jul 1913-17 Sep 1913)
            Regiments-Adjutant of the 72nd Infantry-Regiment (01 Oct 1913-01 Apr 1914)
            Detached to the Grand General Staff (01 Apr 1914-02 Aug 1914)
            Transferred into the Replacement Army General Staff & Assigned to the General Staff of Army High Command 8 (02 Aug 1914-25 Dec 1914)
            While retainingprevious Position, transferred into the Army General Staff (25 Dec 1914-20 Jan 1915)
            Officer of the Army (20 Jan 1915-06 Feb 1915)
            Signals-Officer with Army High Command 10 (06 Feb 1915-06 Sep 1915)
            Transferred into the General-Staff of XVII. Reserve-Corps (06 Sep 1915-14 May 1916)
            At the same time, Battalion-Leader in the 342nd Infantry-Regiment (20 Mar 1916-21 Apr 1916)
            While retaining previous Position, Placed to the Disposal of the Field Flight Chief (14 May 1916-20 May 1916)
            Detached to Experiment & Exercise Park 1, West Tergnion (20 May 1916-00 Jun 1916)
            Leader of the 49th Flying-Training-Battalion with the General Staff of the Commanding General of the Air Force (00 Jun 1916-10 Aug 1916)
            Detached to Army High Command 2 (10 Aug 1916-26 Oct 1916)
            Transferred into the Staff of the Commanding General of the Air Force (26 Oct 1916-09 Aug 1918)
            Chief of Operations (Ia) in the General-Staff of the 30th Infantry-Division (09 Aug 1918-28 Aug 1919)
            Leader of 14th Company of the Volunteer Landesjдgerkorps (General Maercker) (28 Aug 1919-24 Dec 1919)
            General-Staff-Officer with Command-Office VI (24 Dec 1919-09 Mar 1920)
            Company-Chief in the 32nd Reichswehr-Infantry-Regiment (09 Mar 1920-01 Oct 1920)
            Company-Chief in the 18th Reichswehr-Infantry-Regiment, Paderborn (01 Oct 1920-07 Dec 1920)
            Detached to the RWM (07 Dec 1920-01 Jan 1921)
            Transferred as General-Staff-Officer to the RWM, Organisation-Department (01 Jan 1921-01 Oct 1923)
            Chief of Operations (Ia) in the Staff of Infantry-Leader II, Stettin (01 Oct 1923-08 May 1925)
            Detached to the RWM (08 May 1925-01 Oct 1925)
            Advisor in the Training-Department/RWM, T 4 (01 Oct 1925-01 Jan 1929)
            Detached to Artillery-Course for Night-Artillery in Jьterbog (05 Oct 1925-31 Oct 1925)
            Detached to Combat School Course in Dцberitz (09 Oct 1928-01 Nov 1928)
            Commander of I. Battalion of the 4th Infantry-Regiment, Stargard/Pomerania (01 Jan 1929-01 Nov 1930)
            Transferred to the Staff of Group-Command 1, Ia, Berlin (01 Nov 1930-01 Oct 1932)
            Detached to Firing Course for heavy Infantry-Weapons in Dцberitz (06 Oct 1931-23 Oct 1931)
            Commander of the 17th Infantry-Regiment, Braunschweig (01 Oct 1932-01 Aug 1933)
            Transferred into the 6th Infantry-Regiment (01 Aug 1933-01 Oct 1933)
            Transferred to Military-Region-Command Lьbeck (01 Oct 1933-01 Feb 1934)
            Commandant of Lьbeck (01 Feb 1934-01 Oct 1934)
            Infantry-Leader III, Liegnitz (01 Oct 1934-15 Oct 1935)
            Commander of the 18th Division (15 Oct 1935-01 Apr 1938)
            Placed to the Disposal of OKH (01 Apr 1938-01 Nov 1938)
            Detached to the Formation-Staff of XV. Army-Corps (01 Nov 1938-10 Nov 1938)
            Commanding General of XV. Army-Corps (10 Nov 1938-13 May 1940)
            Commander of Panzer-Group Hoth (14 May 1940-30 Jun 1940)
            Commanding General of XV. Army-Corps (30 Jun 1940-16 Nov 1940)
            Commander of Panzer-Group 3 (16 Nov 1940-05 Oct 1941)
            Commander-in-Chief of the 17th Army (05 Oct 1941-15 May 1942)
            Commander-in-Chief of the 4th Panzer-Army (15 May 1942-03 Nov 1943)
            At the same time, Commander-in-Chief Army-Group Hoth (4th Panzer-Army & IV. Romanian Army-Corps) (22 Nov 1942-00 Jan 1943)
            Fьhrer-Reserve OKH (10 Dec 1943-00 Apr 1945)
            Commander Erz Mountains under Army High Command 7 (00 Apr 1945-08 May 1945)
            In US Captivity (08 May 1945-27 Oct 1948)
            Sentenced to 15 Years Imprisonment in the Nuremberg Trials (Case Number 12 (OKW) ) because of Alleged War Crimes and imprisoned in Landsberg, Lech (27 Oct 1948-07 Apr 1954)
            Released (07 Apr 1954)

            Decorations & Awards:
            - Ritterkreuz (6): am 27.10.1939 als General der Infanterie und Komm. Gen. des XV Armee-Korps (Aushдndigung des Ritterkreuzes durch Adolf Hitler)
            - Eichenlaub (25): am 17.07.1941 als Generaloberst und OB. der Panzergruppe 3 (direkt durch Adolf Hitler)
            - Schwerter (35): am 15.09.1943 als Generaloberst und OB. der 4. Panzerarmee
            - Ritterkreuz des kgl. Preuss. Hausordens von Hohenzollern mit Schwertern: 16.08.1918
            - 1939 EK I –S-: 27.09.1939
            - 1939 EK II –S-: 21.09.1939
            - 1914 EK I: 02.08.1915
            - 1914 EK II: 20.09.1914
            - Hmburgisches Hanseatenkreuz
            - Kaiserlich und Kцniglich Цsterr. Militдr-Verdienstkreuz III Klasse mit der Kriegsdekoration
            - Tьrkischer Eiserner Halbmond
            - Ritterkreuz des kgl. Bulgar. Militдr-Verdienstorden
            - Kgl. Bayer. Militдr-Verdienstkreuz II Klasse
            - Verwundetenabzeichen, 1918 in Schwarz
            - Ehrenkreuz fьr Frontkдmpfer
            - Wehrmacht-Dienstauszeichnung I Klasse
            - Panzerkampfabzeichen in Silber
            - Medaille “Winterschlacht im Osten 1941/1942”
            - Rumдn. Orden “Michael der Tapfere” III Klasse: 06.11.1942

            Hugo Kraas/Хуго Краас

            Hugo Primozic/Хуго Примоцик

            Hugo Sperrle/Хуго Шперле

            Born in Ludwigsburg
            Died in Munich (Mьnchen)
            Fдhnrich (25 Feb 1904); Leutnant (18 Oct 1904); Oberleutnant (18 Oct 1912); Hauptmann (28 Nov 1914); Major (01 Oct 1926); Oberstleutnant (01 Feb 1931); Oberst (01 Aug 1933); Generalmajor (01 Oct 1935); Generalleutnant (01 Apr 1937); General der Flieger (01 Nov 1937); Generalfeldmarschall (19 Jul 1940)
            Entered the Army as an Fahnenjunker and Company-Officer in the 126th Infantry-Regiment (06 Jul 1903-31 Mar 1910)
            Adjutant of the II. Battalion of the 126th Infantry-Regiment (01 Apr 1910-30 Sep 1913)
            Detached to the War Academy and Flying-Training (01 Oct 1913-01 Aug 1914)
            Observer and Pilot in the 4th Field-Flying-Battalion (02 Aug 1914-09 Dec 1915)
            Leader of the 42nd Field-Flying-Battalion (10 Dec 1915-23 Feb 1916)
            Crashed and Wounded, in Hospital (23 Feb 1916-27 Apr 1916)
            Placed to the Disposal of Inspection Of Flying (28 Apr 1916-04 May 1916)
            With the 1st Flying-Replacement-Battalion (05 May 1916-02 Jul 1916)
            Leader of the 60th Field-Flying-Battalion (03 Jul 1916-23 Oct 1916)
            Leader of the Flying-Battalion A 249 (24 Oct 1916-01 Mar 1917)
            Flying-Group-Leader 13 with Army High Command 7 (02 Mar 1917-14 Aug 1917)
            Detached to Exercise-Course at Sedan (15 Aug 1917-28 Sep 1917)
            Placed to the Disposal of the Inspection of Flying (29 Sep 1917-28 Oct 1917)
            Commander of the Flying-Observer-School Cologne (29 Oct 1917-20 Jan 1918)
            Commander of Flying of the 7th Army (21 Jan 1918-09 Jan 1919)
            Commander of Flying with Corps Lьttwitz (Reichswehr-Group-Command 1) (10 Jan 1919-30 Sep 1919)
            Commander of the Wьrttemberg Command-Office (01 Oct 1919-26 Sep 1920)
            Flying-Advisor with the Staff of the 5th Division (Military-District-Command V) (27 Sep 1920-28 Feb 1924)
            Hauptmann in the 4th Artillery-Regiment and Detached to the RWM (01 Apr 1924-28 Feb 1925)
            Advisor in the Organisation-Department of the RWM (01 Mar 1925-31 Jan 1929)
            Commander of the III. Battalion of the 14th Infantry-Regiment (01 Feb 1929-31 Oct 1930)
            With the Regiments-Staff of the 8th Infantry-Regiment (01 Nov 1930-30 Sep 1933)
            Commander of the 8th Infantry-Regiment (01 Oct 1933-28 Feb 1934)
            Transferred into the Luftwaffe as Officer with Special Duties in the RLM (01 Mar 1934-31 Mar 1934)
            Commander of Army-Flying and of the (camouflaged) 1st Flying-Division (01 Apr 1934-31 Mar 1935)
            Higher Flying Commander 2, Berlin (01 Apr 1935-30 Sep 1935)
            Commanding General and Commander in Air-District V, Munich (01 Oct 1935-31 Mar 1938)
            Detached to Operations-Staff 88 (Legion Condor) (01 Nov 1936-05 Nov 1936)
            At the same time, Commander of Operations-Staff 88 (Legion Condor) (06 Nov 1936-31 Oct 1937)
            Commander of Luftwaffe-Group-Command 3 (01 Apr 1938-31 Jan 1939)
            Chief of Air-Fleet 3 (01 Feb 1939-23 Aug 1944)
            At the same time, Commander West (08 Jul 1940-23 Jul 1944)
            Fьhrer-Reserve OKL (24 Aug 1944-04 Oct 1944)
            Placed to the Disposal of the Reichsmarschall (05 Oct 1944-20 Apr 1945)
            Fьhrer-Reserve OKL and Placed to Disposal of the Commander-in-Chief of the Luftwaffe (20 Apr 1945-08 May 1945)
            In Captivity, Tried at Nuremberg for Alleged War Crimes (Case Number 12) and Acquitted (08 May 1945-1946)
            Released (1946)

            Decorations & Awards:
            - Ritterkreuz: am 17.05.1940 als General der Flieger und Chef der Luftflotte 3
            - Ritterkreuz des kgl. Preuss. Hausordens von Hohenzollern mit Schwertern: 31.03.1917
            - 1939 EK I –S-
            - 1939 EK II –S-
            - 1914 EK I
            - 1914 EK II
            - Ritterkreuz II Klasse des Grossherzoglich-Badischen Ordens vom Zдhringer Lцwen mit Eichenlaub und Schwertern: 18.05.1915
            - Ritterkreuz des kgl. Wьrttembg. Militдr-Verdienstorden: 21.06.1915
            - Ritterkreuz I Klasse des kgl. Wьrttembg. Friedrichs-Orden mit Schwertern: 21.06.1917
            - Reussisches Ehrenkreuz III Klasse mit der Krone und Schwertern
            - Flugzeugfьhrer-Abzeichen
            - Flieger Erinnerungs-Abzeichen
            - Ehrenkreuz fьr Frontkдmpfer
            - Wehrmacht-Dienstauszeichnung I Klasse
            - Medalla de la Campaсa de Espaсa
            - Cruz de Guerra de Espaсa
            - Spanische Flugzeugfьhrer-Abzeichen
            - Medalla Militar Individual de Espaсa con Diamantes
            - Gemeinsames Flugzeugfьhrer-und-Beobachterabzeichen in Gold mit Brillanten: 01.11.1937
            - Spanienkreuz mit Schwertern in Gold mit Brillanten: 04.06.1939

            Joachim Muеncheberg/Йоахим Мюнхеберг

            Joachim von Ribbentrop/Йоахим фон Рибентроп

            Jochen Peiper/Йохен Пайпер

            Johannes Blaskowitz/Йоханес Бласковиц

            Johannes Kuеmmel/Йоханес Кюмел

            Josef "Sepp" Dietrich/Йозеф "Зеп" Дитрих

            Josef Goebbels/Йозеф Гьобелс

            Julius Streicher/Юлиус Щрайхер

            Karl Doenitz/Карл Дьониц

            Born in Grьnau near Berlin
            Died in Aumьhle near Hamburg

            Fдhnrich zur See (15 Apr 1911); Leutnant zur See (27 Sep 1913); Oberleutnant zur See (22 Mar 1916); Kapitдnleutnant (01 Jan 1921); Korvettenkapitдn (01 Nov 1928); Fregattenkapitдn (01 Oct 1933); Kapitдn zur See (01 Oct 1935); Kommodore (28 Jan 1939); Konteradmiral (01 Oct 1939); Vizeadmiral (01 Sep 1940); Admiral (14 Mar 1942); GroЯadmiral (30 Jan 1943)
            Career: Entered the Navy as a Seekadett and Attended Basic-Training on the Heavy Cruiser ‘Hertha’ (01 Apr 1910-31 Mar 1911)
            Naval-School and Special-Briefings (01 Apr 1911-30 Sep 1912)
            On Board the Light Cruiser ‘Breslau-Midilli’ (01 Oct 1912-11 Sep 1916)
            With the Flying-Station San Stefano and Dardanelles (12 Sep 1916-00 Dec 1916)
            Submarine-Training (00 Dec 1916-16 Jan 1917)
            Watch-Officer on Board the Submarine ‘U-39’ (17 Jan 1917-28 Feb 1918)
            Commandant of the Submarine ‘UC-27’ (01 Mar 1918-04 Sep 1918)
            Commandant of the Submarine ‘UB-68’ (05 Sep 1918-04 Oct 1918)
            In Captivity (04 Oct 1918-15 Jul 1919)
            Released and Detached to the Staff of the Naval-Station of the Baltic Sea (16 Jul 1919-13 Mar 1920)
            Commandant of the Torpedo-Boat ‘V 5’ (14 Mar 1920-19 Apr 1920)
            Commandant of the Torpedo-Boats ‘T 157’ and ‘G 8’ (20 Apr 1920-14 Mar 1923)
            Advisor and Adjutant of the Inspection of Torpedo and Mine Affairs (20 Mar 1923-02 Nov 1924)
            Advisor in the Naval-Defence-Department of the Naval Command (03 Nov 1924-02 Oct 1927)
            Course and Information on the Cruiser ‘Nymphe’ (03 Oct 1927-16 Dec 1927)
            Navigations-Officer on the Cruiser ‘Nymphe’ (17 Dec 1927-23 Sep 1928)
            Chief of the 4th Torpedo-Boat-Half-Flotilla (24 Sep 1928-29 Sep 1930)
            1st Admiral-Staff-Officer with the Staff of the Naval-Station of the North Sea (30 Sep 1930-09 Sep 1934)
            Commandant of the Cruiser ‘Emden’ (29 Sep 1934-21 Sep 1935)
            Chief of the Submarine-Flotilla ‘Weddigen’ (27 Sep 1935-13 Oct 1936)
            Leader of Submarines (01 Jan 1936-16 Oct 1939)
            Commander of Submarines (17 Oct 1939-30 Jan 1943)
            Commander-in-Chief of the Kriegsmarine (30 Jan 1943-30 Apr 1945)
            At the same time, Wehrmacht Commander-in-Chief North (17 Apr 1945-30 Apr 1945)
            Head Of State and Supreme Commander of the Wehrmacht (01 May 1945-23 May 1945)
            In British Captivity (23 May 1945-01 Oct 1946)
            Tried at Nuremberg for Alleged War Crimes, Convicted of Crimes Against Peace and War Crimes and was sentenced to 10 Years Imprisonment (01 Oct 1946-01 Oct 1956)
            Released (01 Oct 1956)

            Decorations & Awards:
            Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes (21 Apr 1940)
            Eichenlaub zum Ritterkreuz (06 Apr 1943, 223rd recipient)
            U-Boot-Kriegsabzeichen mit Brillanten;
            1939 Spange zum 1914 EK I (20 Dec 1939)
            1939 Spange zum 1914 EK II (18 Jan 1939)
            1914 EK I (15 May 1916)
            1914 EK II (07 Nov 1914)
            Wehrmachtbericht (14 Mar 1942 & 05 May 1945)
            U-Bootabzeichen (1918)
            Ehrenkreuz fьr Frontkдmpfer;
            Deutscher Orden (00 May 1945)
            Goldenes Parteiabzeichen

            Karl Wolff/Карл Волф

            Konstantin Freiherr von Neurath/Константин Фрайхер фон Нойрат

            Leon Degrelle/Леон Дегрел

            Martin Bormann/Мартин Борман

            Max Wuensche/Макс Вюнше

            Maximilian Freiherr von Weichs/Максимилиан Фрайхер фон Вайхс

            Born in Dessau / Herzogthum Anhalt
            Died in Burg Rцsberg gei Bonn am Rhein
            GFM: 1.02.43; Gen.Obst.: 19.07.40; Gen.d.Kav.: 1.10.36; Gen.Lt.: 1.04.35; Gen.Maj.: 1.04.33; Oberst: 1.11.30; Obstlt.: 1.02.28; Major: ; Hptm.: ; Oblt.: ; Lt.: 12.03.02; Fahnenjunker: 15.07.00.
            Oberbefehlshaber Heeresgruppe "F" und Oberbefehlshaber Sьdost: 26. Aug. 1943 - 25. Mar. 1945.
            Oberbefehlshaber 2.Armee:
            Postwar Prosecution:
            Decorations & Awards:
            - Ritterkreuz (105): am 29.06.1940 als General der Kavallerie und OB. der 2. Armee
            - Eichenlaub (731): am 05.02.1945 als Generalfeldmarschall und OB. Sьdost
            - 1939 EK I –S-: 29.09.1939
            - 1939 EK II –S-: 18.09.1939
            - 1914 EK I : 12.11.1915
            - 1914 EK II: 20.09.1914
            - Kgl. Bayer. Militдr-Verdienstorden IV Klasse mit Schwertern
            - Kgl. Bayer. Dienstauszeichnungskreuz II Klasse
            - Ehrenkreuz fьr Frontkдmpfer
            - Wehrmacht-Dienstauszeichnung I Klasse
            - Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 1. Oktober 1938 mit Spange “Prager Burg”
            - Medaille “Winterschlacht im Osten 1941/1942”
            - Nennung im Wehrmachtsbericht: 11.04.1941; 07.08.1941; 23.09.1941; 18.10.1941; 19.10.1941; 10.09.1943; 19.01.1944

            Michael Wittmann/Михаел Витман

            Otto Carius/Ото Кариус

            Otto Dietrich/Ото Дитрих

            Otto Ernst Remer/Ото Ернст Ремер

            Otto Guensche/Ото Гюнше

            Otto Skorzeny/Ото Скорцени

            Paul Hausser/Паул Хаусер
            SS-Oberstgruppenfuehrer und Generaloberst de Waffen-SS

            Paul von Kleist/Паул фон Клайст

            Reinhard Heydrich/Райнхард Хайдрих

            Robert Ley/Роберт Лей

            Rudolf Hess/Рудолф Хес

            Rudolf von Ribbentrop/Рудолф фон Рибентроп

            Theodor Eicke/Теодор Айке

            Traugott Herr/Траугот Хер
            Last edited by Док Холидей; 04-01-2005, 12:46.


              Walter Krupinsky/Валтер Крупински

              Walter Model/Валтер Модел

              Walter Nehring/Валтер Неринг
              General der panzertruppe/Генерал от танковите войски

              Walter Nowotny/Валтер Новотни

              Walter Schellenberg/Валтер Шеленберг

              Walter von Brauchitsch/Валтер фон Браухич

              Walter von Reichenau/Валтер фон Райхенау

              Walter Warlimont/Валтер Варлимонт

              Walther Wenck/Валтер Венк
              General der Panzertruppe/Генерал от танковите войски

              Born in Wittenberg.
              Died in Ried / Цsterreich.

              General der Panzertruppe: 1. Apr. 1945 (Patent 1. Nov. 1944)
              Generalleutnant: 1. Apr. 1944
              Generalmajor: 1. Feb. 1943
              Oberst i.G.: 1. Jun. 1942
              Oberstleutnant i.G.: 1. Dec. 1940
              Leutnant: 1. Feb. 1923
              Fahnenjunker: 12. Aug. 1919
              Oberbefehlshaber 12.Armee: 10. Apr. 1945 -
              Chef Operations-Abteilung in OKH and Chef der Fьhrungsgruppe/stellv.. Chef der Generalstab der F.H.: 22. Jul. 1944 - 17. Feb. 1945
              Chef Generalstab Heeresgruppe Sьdukraine: 24. Mar. 1944 -
              Chef Generalstab 1. Panzer-Armee: 11. Mar. 1943 -
              Chef Generalstab Armee-Abteilung Hollidt (later 6.Armee): 27. Dec. 1942 -
              Chef Generaltab 3rd Romanian Army: 26. Nov. 1942 -
              Chef Generalstab LVII.Panzer-Korps: 3. Sep. 1942 -
              Instructor at the Kriegsakademie: 4. Feb. 1942 -
              Ia 1.Panzer-Division: 1. Apr. 1939 -
              Commissioned/assigned to Infanterie-Regiment 9: 1. Feb. 1923 -
              Entered service as Fahnenjunker, assigned to Freikorps "von Oven": 12. Aug. 1919 -
              Decorations & Awards:
              ~ Ritterkreuz des Eisernes Kreuzes: 28. Dec. 1942 as Oberst i.G., Deutscher Chef des Generalstabs Romanian 3rd Army
              ~ Deutsches Kreuz in Gold: 26. Jan. 1942 as Oberstleutnant i.G., Stab 1.Panzer-Division
              1939 Eisernes Kreuz I. Klasse
              1939 Eisernes Kreuz II. Klasse

              Werner Freiherr von Fritsch/Вернер Фрайхер фон Фрич

              Born in Benrath
              Died near Praga, Warsaw (KIA)
              Fдhnrich (22 May 1899); Leutnant (27 Jan 1900); Oberleutnant (18 Oct 1909); Hauptmann (22 Mar 1913); Major (16 Sep 1917); Oberstleutnant (05 Feb 1923); Oberst (01 Mar 1927); Generalmajor (01 Nov 1930); Generalleutnant (01 Jun 1932); General der Artillerie (01 Feb 1934); Generaloberst (20 Apr 1936)
              Entered Army Service (21 Sep 1898)
              Fahnenjunker in the 25th Field-Artillery-Regiment (21 Sep 1898-01 Oct 1902)
              Detached to Artillery and Engineer School (01 Oct 1902-1903)
              Adjutant of the I. Battalion of the 25th Field-Artillery-Regiment (1903-22 Mar 1913)
              Detached to the War Academy (01 Oct 1907-20 Jul 1910)
              Detached to the Grand General Staff (20 Mar 1911-01 Apr 1911)
              Transferred into the Grand General Staff (22 Mar 1913-1914)
              In the General-Staff of the 1st Guards-Infantry-Division; In the General-Staff of the 4th Army; In the General-Staff of the Commanding General of the Air Force; Chief Of Operations (Ia) in the General-Staff of the VI. Reserve-Corps (1914-1918)
              Chief Of Operations (Ia) of the General-Command Border-Protection North (15 Jan 1919-01 Oct 1919)
              In the Staff of Group-Command III (01 Oct 1919-01 Apr 1920)
              Advisor in the RWM (01 Apr 1920-01 Mar 1922)
              Commander of the II. Battalion of the 5th Artillery-Regiment (01 Mar 1922-01 Apr 1924)
              Chief Of The General Staff of the 1st Division (01 Apr 1924-01 Feb 1926)
              Department-Director in the RWM/T1 (01 Feb 1926-01 Nov 1928)
              Commander of the 2nd Artillery-Regiment (01 Nov 1928-01 Mar 1930)
              Artillery-Leader II, Stettin (01 Mar 1930-01 Oct 1931)
              Commander of the 1st Cavalry-Division (01 Oct 1931-01 Oct 1932)
              Commander of the 3rd Division and Commander in Military-District III (01 Oct 1932-01 Feb 1934)
              Chief Of Army Command (01 Feb 1934-01 Jun 1935)
              Commander-in-Chief of the Army (01 Jun 1935-28 Jan 1938)
              Granted Leave (28 Jan 1938-04 Feb 1938)
              Retired (04 Feb 1938)
              Chef des Artillerie-Regiments 12 (15 Jun 1938)
              Volunteer In the Field with the 12th Artillery-Regiment (01 Sep 1939-22 Sep 1939)
              Killed-in-Action (22 Sep 1939)

              Awards & Decorations:
              - Ritterkreuz des kgl. Preuss. Hausordens von Hohenzollern mit Schwertern
              - 1914 EK I
              - 1914 EK II
              - Kgl. Preuss. Kronen-Orden IV Klasse
              - Verwundetenabzeichen, 1918 in Schwarz
              - Kgl. Bayer. Militдr-Verdienstorden IV Klasse mit Schwertern
              - Kgl. Bayer. Militдr-Verdienstorden IV Klasse mit der Krone und Schwertern
              - Ritterkreuz I Klasse des kgl. Wьrttembg. Friedrichs-Orden mit Schwertern
              - Ritterkreuz II Klasse des Hessischer Verdienstorden Philipps des Grossmьtigen
              - Hamburgisches Hanseatenkreuz
              - Kaiserlich und Kцniglich Цsterr. Militдr-Verdienstkreuz III Klasse mit der Kriegsdekoration
              - Tьrkischer Eiserner Halbmond
              - Preuss. Dienstauszeichnungskreuz
              - Ehrenritter des Preuss. Johanniter-Orden
              - Ehrenkreuz fьr Frontkдmpfer
              - Rechtsritter des Preuss. Johanniter-Orden
              - Wehrmacht-Dienstauszeichnung I Klasse
              - Goldenes Parteiabzeichen (N.S.D.A.P.)

              Werner Moelders/Вернер Мьолдерс

              Werner von Blomberg/Вернер фон Бломберг

              Born in Stargard, Pomerania (Pommern)
              Died in Nuremberg (Nьrnberg) (Buried in Bad Wiessee)
              Sekondeleutnant (13 Mar 1897); Oberleutnant (18 May 1907); Hauptmann (20 Mar 1911); Major (22 Mar 1916); Oberstleutnant (18 Dec 1920); Oberst (01 Apr 1925); Generalmajor (01 Apr 1928); Generalleutnant (01 Oct 1929); Charakter als General der Infanterie (30 Jan 1933); Generaloberst (31 Aug 1933); Generalfeldmarschall (20 Apr 1936)
              Entered Army Service (13 Mar 1897)
              Sekondeleutnant in the 73rd Fusilier-Regiment (13 Mar 1897-1902)
              Adjutant of the II. Battalion of the 73rd Fusilier-Regiment (1902-20 Mar 1911)
              Detached to the War Academy (01 Oct 1904-00 Jul 1907)
              Detached to the Grand General Staff (01 Apr 1908-20 Mar 1911)
              Hauptmann in the Grand General-Staff (20 Mar 1911-01 Apr 1912)
              Transferred into the Grand General-Staff of the Government Metz (01 Apr 1912-17 Jan 1914)
              Company-Chief in the 130th Infantry-Regiment (27 Jan 1914-02 Aug 1914)
              Chief of Operations (Ia) in the General-Staff of the 19th Reserve-Division (02 Aug 1914-20 Jul 1916)
              Chief of Operations (Ia) in the General-Staff of the XVIII. Reserve-Corps (20 Jul 1916-24 Feb 1917)
              Chief of Operations (Ia) in the General-Staff of the 7th Army (24 Feb 1917-01 Oct 1919)
              Advisor in the RWM (01 Oct 1919-00 May 1920)
              With the Staff of Brigade Dцberitz (00 May 1920-01 Oct 1920)
              Detached to the 10th Reichswehr-Brigade (24 Jul 1920-01 Oct 1920)
              RWM (01 Oct 1920-01 Apr 1921)
              Assigned to the 13th Infantry-Regiment and Detached to the Staff of the 5th Division (01 Apr 1921-01 May 1921)
              Chief of Staff of the 5th Division (01 May 1921-01 Jan 1925)
              Chief of the Army-Training-Department (T4), RWM (01 Jan 1925-01 Apr 1927)
              Chief of the Troop Office, RWM (01 Apr 1927-01 Oct 1929)
              Commander of the 1st Division and Commander in Military-District I (01 Oct 1929-30 Jan 1933)
              Retired from Army, and Appointed Reichs Defence Minister, after that, was Reactivated into the Army as a General der Infantrie and Reichs Minister (30 Jan 1933-15 May 1933)
              Reichs Defence Minister and Commander-in-Chief of the Wehrmacht (15 May 1933-01 Jun 1935)
              Reichs War Minister and Commander-in-Chief of the Wehrmacht (01 Jun 1935-26 Jan 1938)
              Dismissed (26 Jan 1938)
              Retired from Army Service (04 Feb 1938)
              Chef des Infanterie-Regiments 73 (13 Mar 1937)

              Decorations & Awards:
              - Pour le mйrite: am 03.06.1918 als Major und Ia im Generalstab der 7. Armee
              - Ritterkreuz des kgl. Preuss. Hausordens von Hohenzollern mit Schwertern: 07.10.1917
              - 1914 EK I
              - 1914 EK II
              - Kgl. Preuss. Kronen-Orden IV Klasse
              - Fьrstl. Hohenzollernsches Ehrenkreuz III Klasse mit der Krone und Schwertern
              - Kgl. Bayer. Militдr-Verdienstorden IV Klasse mit Schwertern
              - Ritterkreuz I Klasse des kgl. Sдchs. Albrechts-Orden mit Schwertern
              - Kgl. Bayer. Militдr-Verdienstorden IV Klasse mit der Krone und Schwertern
              - Grossherzoglich Hessisch. Tapferkeitsmedaille
              - Braunschweigisches Kriegsverdienstkreuz II Klasse
              - Braunschweigisches Kriegsverdienstkreuz I Klasse
              - Grossherzoglich Oldenburgisches Friedrich August-Kreuz II Klasse
              - Grossherzoglich Oldenburgisches Friedrich August-Kreuz I Klasse
              - Bremisches Hanseatenkreuz
              - Herzoglich Sachsen-Meiningisches Ehrenkreuz fьr Verdienst im Kriege
              - Lippisches Kriegsverdienstkreuz
              - Schaumburg-Lippisches Kreuz fьr treue Dienste
              - Verwundetenabzeichen, 1918 in Schwarz
              - Preuss. Dienstauszeichnungskreuz
              - Ehrenkreuz fьr Frontkдmpfer
              - Wehrmacht-Dienstauszeichnung I Klasse
              - Gemeinsames Flugzeugfьhrer-und-Beobachterabzeichen in Gold mit Brillanten
              - Goldenes Parteiabzeichen (N.S.D.A.P.)

              Wilhelm Canaris/Вилхелм Канарис

              Born in Aplerbek, District Hцrde
              Died in Flossenbьrg Concentration-Camp (Executed)
              Fдhnrich zur See (07 Apr 1906); Leutnant zur See (28 Sep 1908); Oberleutnant zur See (29 Aug 1910); Kapitдnleutnant (16 Nov 1915); Korvettenkapitдn (01 Jan 1924); Fregattenkapitдn (01 Jun 1929); Kapitдn zur See (01 Oct 1931); Konteradmiral (01 May 1935); Vizeadmiral (01 Apr 1938); Admiral (01 Jan 1940)
              Entered the Navy as a Seekadett, Attended Basic-Training and on Board the School-Ship ‘Stein’ (01 Apr 1905-31 Mar 1906)
              Naval-School and Special-Briefings (01 Apr 1906-05 Oct 1907)
              On Board the Small Cruiser ‘Bremen’ (23 Nov 1907-28 Oct 1909)
              Company-Officer with the I. Torpedo-Division (27 Nov 1909-30 Sep 1911)
              At the same time, Watch-Officer on the Torpedo-Boat ‘V 163’ (04 Jan 1910-28 Jan 1910)
              At the same time, Watch-Officer on the Torpedo-Boat ‘V 162’ (29 Jan 1910-02 Apr 1910)
              At the same time, Watch-Officer on the Torpedo-Boat ‘S 145’ (04 Apr 1910-15 Jun 1910)
              At the same time, Watch-Officer on the Torpedo-Boat ‘S 145’ (06 Aug 1910-10 Sep 1910)
              At the same time, Watch-Officer on the Torpedo-Boat ‘S 145’ (13 Mar 1911-25 Mar 1911)
              At the same time, Watch-Officer on the Torpedo-Boat ‘S 145’ (07 Jul 1911-08 Jul 1911)
              At the same time, Watch-Officer on the Torpedo-Boat ‘S 145’ (26 Aug 1911-13 Sep 1911)
              Watch-Officer on the Small Cruiser ‘Dresden’ (01 Oct 1911-14 Mar 1915)
              Interned in Chile (15 Mar 1915-03 Aug 1915)
              Released and Returned home on ‘Frisia’ (04 Aug 1915-04 Oct 1915)
              Placed to the Disposal of the Chief of the Naval Station of the Baltic Sea then with the I. Naval-Inspection (05 Oct 1915-28 Oct 1915)
              Commandant of the Torpedo-Boats ‘T 111’ and the Torpedo-School-Ship ‘Wьrttemberg’ (15 Nov 1915-28 Nov 1915)
              With Special-Command in Spain, Naval Admiral Staff (30 Nov 1915-20 Oct 1916)
              Commandant of the Torpedo-Division-Boat ‘D 9’ (29 Nov 1916-01 Jan 1917)
              Submarine-Training at the Submarine-School (02 Jan 1917-01 Jun 1917)
              Commandant of the Submarine ‘U 16’ (02 Jun 1917-11 Sep 1917)
              Placed to the Disposal of the Leader of Submarines Mediterranean (16 Sep 1917-30 Sep 1917)
              Admiral-Staff-Officer and Acting-Leader of Submarines Mediterranean (01 Oct 1917-27 Nov 1917)
              Commandant of the Submarine ‘UC 27’ (28 Nov 1917-17 Jan 1918)
              Commandant of the Submarine ‘U 34’ (18 Jan 1918-13 Mar 1918)
              Admiral-Staff-Officer in the Staff of the Leader of Submarines Mediterranean (14 Mar 1918-30 Apr 1918)
              Construction-Indoctrination ‘UB 128’ (01 May 1918-10 May 1918)
              Commandant of the Submarine ‘UB 128’ (11 May 1918-30 Nov 1918)
              Placed to the Disposal of the Inspection of Submarine Affairs (01 Dec 1918-14 Feb 1919)
              Liaison-Officer to the Guards-Cavalry-Rifle-Corps then in the Personal Staff of the Reichs-Defence-Minister, Reichsmarineamt/Admiralty (15 Feb 1919-23 Jul 1920)
              Admiral-Staff-Officer in the Staff of the Naval-Station of the Baltic Sea (24 Jul 1920-18 Jun 1923)
              First Officer on the Cruiser ‘Berlin’ (19 Jun 1923-14 May 1924)
              Placed to the Disposal of the Chief of the Naval-Station of the Baltic Sea (15 May 1924-03 Oct 1924)
              Department-Head in the Fleet-Department, Naval-Command (04 Oct 1924-30 Sep 1926)
              In the Staff of the Chief of the Naval-Command (01 Oct 1926-21 Jun 1928)
              First Officer on the Liner ‘Schlesien’ (22 Jun 1928-28 Sep 1930)
              Chief Of Staff in the Staff of the Naval-Station of the North Sea (29 Sep 1930-23 Sep 1932)
              Commandant of the Liner ‘Schlesien’ (01 Oct 1932-28 Sep 1934)
              Commandant of Swinemьnde (29 Sep 1934-01 Jan 1935)
              Delegated with the Leadership of of Abwehr-Department, Reichs Defence Ministry (02 Jan 1935-25 Apr 1935)
              Chief of the Abwehr-Department, Reichs Defence Ministry (26 Apr 1935-06 Feb 1938)
              Chief of the Office-Group for General-Wehrmacht-Affairs, OKW (07 Feb 1938-31 May 1938)
              Chief of the Foreign/Abwehr Office-Group, OKW (01 Jun 1938-07 Nov 1939)
              Chief of the Foreign/Abwehr Office, OKW (08 Nov 1939-12 Feb 1944)
              Placed to the Disposal of OKW (13 Feb 1944-20 Mar 1944)
              Placed to the Disposal of the Commander-in-Chief of the Kriegsmarine (21 Mar 1944-30 Jun 1944)
              Chief of the Special-Staff Commercial-Economics For War, OKW (01 Jul 1944-23 Jul 1944)
              Placed Under Arrest by the Secret State Police (Gestapo) for his involvement in the 20 July Bomb Plot and previous plots against the Fьhrer (23 Jul 1944-09 Apr 1945)
              Hanged at the Concentration Camp Flossenbьrg (09 Apr 1945)

              Decorations & Awards:
              Deutsches Kreuz in Silber (11 Nov 1943)
              1914 EK I
              1914 EK II
              Ehrenkreuz fьr Frontkдmpfer

              Wilhelm Bittrich/Вилхелм Битрих

              Wilhelm Frick/Вилхелм Фрик

              Wilhelm Keitel/Вилхелм Кайтел

              Born in Helmscherode.
              Hanged in Nuremberg Prison.
              GFM: 19.07.1940; Gen.Obst.: 1.11.1938; Gen.d.Art.: 1.08.1937; Gen.Lt.: 1.01.1936; Gen.Maj.: 1.04.1934; Oberst: 1.10.1931; Obstlt.: 1.02.1929; Maj:; Hptm.: ; Oblt.: ; Lt.: 18.08.1902 (Patent 19.08.1901); Fahnenjunker: 9.03.1901.
              Chef Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (OKW):
              Postwar Prosecution:
              Decorations & Awards:
              - Ritterkreuz: am 30.09.1939 als Generaloberst und Chef des OKW (Aushдndigung des Ritterkreuzes durch Adolf Hitler)
              - Ritterkreuz des kgl. Preuss. Hausordens von Hohenzollern mit Schwertern
              - 1939 EK I –S-: 00.09.1939
              - 1939 EK II –S-: 00.09.1939
              - 1914 EK I: 00.10.1914
              - 1914 EK II
              - Verwundetenabzeichen, 1918 in Schwarz
              - Grossherzoglich Hessisch. Tapferkeitsmedaille
              - Hamburgisches Hanseatenkreuz
              - Braunschweigisches Heinrich des Lцwen-Orden IV Klasse
              - Braunschweigisches Kriegsverdienstkreuz II Klasse
              - Braunschweigisches Kriegsverdienstkreuz I Klasse
              - Bewдhrungsabzeichen zum Braunschweiger Kriegsverdienstkreuz II Klasse
              - Grossherzoglich Oldenburgisches Friedrich Agust-Kreuz II Klasse
              - Grossherzoglich Oldenburgisches Friedrich August-Kreuz I Klasse
              - Spange “Vor dem Feinde” zum Grossherzoglich Oldenburgisches Friedrich August-Kreuz II Klasse
              - Bremisches Hanseatenkreuz
              - Ritterkreuz II Klasse des Sachsen-Ernestinischer Hausorden
              - Kaiserlich und Kцniglich Цsterr. Militдr-Verdienstkreuz III Klasse mit der Kriegsdekoration
              - Ehrenkreuz fьr Frontkдmpfer
              - Wehrmacht-Dienstauszeichnung I Klasse
              - Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 13. Marz 1938
              - Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 1. Oktober 1938 mit Spange “Prager Burg”
              - Medaille zur Erinnerung an die Heimkehr des Memellandes
              - Goldenes Parteiabzeichen (N.S.D.A.P.): 00.04.1939
              - Rumдn. Orden “Michael der Tapfere” III Klasse: 14.10.1941
              - Rumдn. Orden “Michael der Tapfere” II Klasse: 14.10.1941
              - Rumдn. Orden “Michael der Tapfere” I Klasse: 14.10.1941
              - Grosskreuz des kgl. Italien. Militдrordens von Savoyen
              - Grosskreuz des Ordens der Weissen Rose von Finnland mit Schwertern
              - Grosskreuz des finnischen Freiheitskreuzes mit Schwertern
              - Verwundetenabzeichen, 20.07.1944 in Schwarz

              Wilhelm List/Вилхелм Лист

              Born bei Ulm / Wьrttemberg

              GFM: 19. 7. 40; Gen.Oberst: 1. 4. 39; Gen.d.Inf.: 1. 10. 35; Gen.Lt.: 1. 10. 32; Gen.Maj.: 1. 10. 30; Oberst: 1. 3. 27; Obstlt.: 1. 10. 23
              Hgr. A: 10. 7. 42 - 10. 9. 42
              OB Sьdost: 1. 7. 41 - 15. 10. 41
              12 Armee: 25. 10. 39
              14 Armee: 1. 9. 39
              OB Gr. Kdo. 5: 1. 4. 38
              OB Gr. Kdo 2: 4.2. 38
              IV A.K.: 1. 10. 35
              4 I.D.: 1. 10. 33
              Kdr. Inf. Schule: 1. 2. 30
              Decorations & Awards:
              - Ritterkreuz: am 30.09.1939 als Generaloberst und OB. der 14. Armee/ Heeresgruppe Sьd (Aushдndigung des Ritterkreuzes durch Adolf Hitler)
              - Ritterkreuz des kgl. Preuss. Hausordens von Hohenzollern mit Schwertern
              - 1939 EK I –S-: 00.09.1939
              - 1939 EK II –S-: 00.09.1939
              - 1914 EK I
              - 1914 EK II
              - Kgl. Bayer. Prinz-Regent-Luitpold Jubilдums-Medaille
              - Kgl. Bayer. Militдr-Verdienstorden IV Klasse mit Schwertern
              - Kgl. Bayer. Militдr-Verdienstorden IV Klasse mit der Krone und Schwertern
              - Ritterkreuz II Klasse des kgl. Wьrttembg, Friedrichs-Orden mit Schwertern
              - Kaiserlich und Kцniglich Цsterr. Militдr-Verdienstkreuz III Klasse mit der Kriegsdekoration
              - Ritterkreuz des kgl. Bulgar. Militдr-Verdienstorden
              - Verwundetenabzeichen, 1918 in Schwarz
              - Kgl. Bayer. Dienstauszeichnungskreuz II Klasse
              - Ehrenkreuz fьr Frontkдmpfer
              - Wehrmacht-Dienstauszeichnung I Klasse
              - Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 13. Marz 1938
              - Eichenlaub zur Wehrmacht-Dienstauszeichnung I Klasse
              - Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 1. Oktober 1938 mit Spange “Prager Burg”
              - Rumдn. Orden “Michael der Tapfere” III Klasse: 24.06.1942
              - Rumдn. Orden “Michael der Tapfere” II Klasse: 24.06.1942

              Wilhelm Mohnke/Вилхелм Монке

              Wilhelm Ritter von Leeb/Вилхелм Ритер фон Лееб

              Born in Passau.
              Died in Hohenschwangau.

              GFM: 19.07.40; Gen.Obst.: 1.11.38 (Patent 1.03.38); Gen.d.Art.: 1.01.34; Gen.Lt.: 1.02.30; Gen.Maj.: 1.02.29; Oberst: 1.02.25; Obstlt.: 1. Oct. 1920; Major: ; Hptm.: ; Oblt.: ; Lt.: 3.03.97; Fahnenjunker: 16.07.95.
              Oberbefehlshaber Heeresgruppe "Nord": May 1941 - 16. Jan. 1942.
              Oberbefehlshaber Heeresgruppe "C": 26. Aug. 1939 - [May 1941?]
              Retired from service as Char. Gen.Obst: 1. Mar. 1938. Kom.Gen. Grenzkommando 2: 1. Oct. 1933 -
              Kdr. 7.Division: 1. Feb. 1930 - [1. Oct. 1933?]
              Artillerie Fьhrer VII (Mьnchen): 1. Feb. 1929 - [1. Feb. 1930?]
              Kdr. Art.Rgt. 7: 1. Feb. 1926 - [1. Feb. 1929?]
              Commissioned Leutnant in 4.Fa.Rgt.: 3. Mar. 1897.
              Entered service as Fahnenjunker: 16. Jul. 1895.
              Postwar Prosecution:
              Decorations & Awards:
              - Ritterkreuz: am 24.06.1940 als Generaloberst und OB. der Heeresgruppe C
              - Ritterkreuz des kgl. Bayer. Militдr-Max-Joseph-Orden: am 02.05.1915 als Major und 1. Generalstabsoffiziers der 11. bayer. Infanterie-Division
              - Ritterkreuz des kgl. Preuss. Hausordens von Hohenzollern mit Schwertern
              - 1939 EK I –S-
              - 1939 EK II –S-
              - 1914 EK I
              - 1914 EK II
              - Prinz-Regent-Luitplod Jubilдums-Medaille
              - Kgl. Bayer. Militдr-Verdienstorden III Klasse mit Schwertern
              - Ritterkreuz I Klasse des kgl. Sдchs. Albrechts-Orden mit Schwertern
              - Ritterkreuz des kgl. Wьrttembg. Orden der Krone mit Schwertern
              - Hamburgisches Hanseatenkreuz
              - Mecklenburg-Schwerinsches Militдr-Verdienstkreuz II Klasse
              - Bremisches Hanseatenkreuz
              - Kaiserlich und Kцniglich Цsterr. Orden der Eisernen Krone III Klasse mit der Kriegsdekoration
              - Tьrkischer Eiserner Halbmond
              - Kgl. Bayer. Dienstauszeichnungskreuz II Klasse
              - Ehrenkreuz fьr Frontkдmpfer
              - Wehrmacht-Dienstauszeichnung I Klasse
              - Medaille zur Erinnerung an den 1. Oktober 1938 mit Spange “Prager Burg”
              - Medaille “Winterschlacht im Osten 1941/1942”???

              Wolfram Freiherr von Richthofen/Волфрам Фрайхер фон Рихтхофен

              Born on Gut Barzdorf, District Striegau, Silesia (Schlesien)
              Died in Bad Ischl, Austria
              Diploma In Engineering: 10 May 1924
              Doctorate In Engineering: 1929
              Fдhnrich (22 Mar 1913); Leutnant (19 Jun 1914); Charakter als Oberleutnant (29 Feb 1920); Leutnant (01 Nov 1923); Oberleutnant (31 Jul 1925); Hauptmann (01 Feb 1929); Major (01 Jun 1934); Oberstleutnant (20 Apr 1936); Oberst (23 Jan 1938); Generalmajor (01 Nov 1938); General der Flieger (19 Jul 1940); Generaloberst (01 Feb 1942); Generalfeldmarschall (16 Feb 1943)
              Entered the Army as Squadron-Officer and Platoon-Leader in the 4th Hussar-Regiment (22 Mar 1913-05 Sep 1917)
              Detached to the War School in Kassel (14 Sep 1913-19 Jun 1914)
              At the same time, Leader of the Horse-Depot of the 12th Cavalry-Brigade (20 Nov 1916-27 Dec 1916)
              At the same time, Squadron-Leader in the 4th Hussar-Regiment (04 Jun 1917-27 Jun 1917)
              Training with the 14th Flying-Replacement-Regiment (05 Sep 1917-20 Dec 1917)
              Training with the 11th Flying-Replacement-Battalion (21 Dec 1917-13 Mar 1918)
              Detached to Army-Flight-Park 2 (14 Mar 1918-18 Mar 1918)
              Detached to Fighter-Flying-Squadron-School 1 (19 Mar 1918-26 Mar 1918)
              Pilot in Fighter-Wing 1 ‘Richthofen’ (27 Mar 1918-00 Nov 1918)
              With Air-Base Gotha (00 Nov 1918-09 May 1919)
              Placed to the Disposal of the 4th Hussar-Regiment and Granted Leave (10 May 1919-29 Feb 1920)
              Retired (29 Feb 1920)
              Reactivated to Army Service and Assigned with the 11th Mounted-Regiment and Detached to the Commander Berlin (01 Nov 1923-30 Sep 1927)
              Transferred into the 13th Mounted-Regiment and Detached to the Commander Berlin (01 Oct 1927-31 Oct 1928)
              Company-Leader in the 5th Motor-Transport-Battalion (01 Nov 1928-10 Feb 1929)
              Detached to the Army-Statistical Department (T 3), RWM (11 Feb 1929-07 Apr 1929)
              Granted Leave to the German Embassy in Rome for Studying of the Italian Air Force (08 Apr 1929-30 Sep 1932)
              Company-Chief in the 6th Motor-Transport-Battalion (01 Oct 1932-30 Apr 1933)
              Detached to the Tactical-Technical Officers-Course with the Motor-Transport-Instruction-Staff Berlin (10 Jan 1933-31 Mar 1933)
              Company-Chief in the 6th Fighting-Vehicle-Battalion (01 May 1933-30 Sep 1933)
              Transferred into the Luftwaffe and Advisor LA III in the RLM (01 Oct 1933-31 May 1934)
              Leader of the Department for Tests-Affairs, L C, RLM (01 Jun 1934-05 Nov 1936)
              Leader of Experimental-Command 88 (Legion Condor) (06 Nov 1936-00 Jan 1937)
              Chief Of Staff of Legion Condor (00 Jan 1937-30 Sep 1937)
              Officer with Special Duties of the RLM and C-in-C Luftwaffe (01 Oct 1937-31 Mar 1938)
              Commodore of Bomber-Wing 257 (01 Apr 1938-31 Oct 1938)
              Commander of the Operations-Staff of Legion Condor (01 Nov 1938-18 Jul 1939)
              Special-Purpose-Flying-Leader, Berlin (19 Jul 1939-30 Sep 1939)
              Commander of the Special-Purpose-Flying-Division (01 Oct 1939-02 Oct 1939); Commanding General of the VIII. Flying-Corps (03 Oct 1939-30 Jun 1942)
              Chief of Air-Fleet 4 and Commander South-East (04 Jul 1942-03 Sep 1943)
              At the same time, Delegated with the Leadership of Air-Fleet 2 (26 Jun 1943-03 Sep 1943)
              Commander-in-Chief of Air-Fleet 2 (04 Sep 1943-27 Oct 1944)
              Taken ill and Granted Leave (27 Oct 1944-27 Nov 1944)
              Fьhrer-Reserve OKL – Special-Staff Field-Marshal von Richthofen and then in US Captivity (28 Nov 1944-12 Jul 1945)
              Died in US Captivity (12 Jul 1945)

              Decorations & Awards:
              - Ritterkreuz (31): am 17.05.1940 als Generalmajor und Komm. Gen. des VIII Flieger-Korps
              - Eichenlaub (26): am 17.07.1941 als General der Flieger und Komm. Gen. des VIII Flieger-Korps
              - 1939 EK I –S-: 25.09.1939
              - 1939 EK II –S-: 12.09.1939
              - 1914 EK I: 00.06.1918
              - 1914 EK II: 21.09.1914
              - Flugzeugfьhrer-Abzeichen
              - Ehrenkreuz fьr Frontkдmpfer
              - Wehrmacht-Dienstauszeichnung
              - Gemeinsames Flugzeugfьhrer-und-Beobachterabzeichen in Gold mit Brillanten
              - Medalla de la Campaсa de Espaсa
              - Spanische Flugzeugfьhrer-Abzeichen
              - Medalla Militar Individual de Espaсa con Diamantes: 06.06.1939
              - Spanienkreuz mit Schwertern in Gold mit Brillanten: 06.06.1939 (Richthofen erhдlt des Spanienkreuz aus der Hand des Reichsmarschall Gцring)
              - Kriegs-Erinnerungs-Дrmelband “Jagdgeschwader Freiherr von Richthofen nº 1 1917/1918”
              - Rumдn. Orden “Michael der Tapfere” III Klasse: 29.07.1942
              - Medaille “Winterschlacht im Osten 1941/1942”
              - Krimschild
              - Дrmelband “Kreta”???
              - Rumдn. Orden “Michael der Tapfere” II Klasse: 15.02.1943
              - Nennung im Wehrmachtsbericht: 20.06.1940; 21.10.1941; 19.05.1942; 20.05.1942; 02.07.1942; 12.08.1942; 20.03.1943



                Страничен въпрос?
                Този Манфред фон Рихтхофен, който остро критикува Славков за казуса с избора на Лондон за Олимпиада, какъв роднина е?

