Предлагам в тази тема да съберем данни за практическата скорострелност на всички кораби по време на сраженията, в които са участвали, както и нещо още по-важно техните технически повреди /ако има такива/.Всички знаем, че в последния бой на КГV две от кулите му са излизали от строя за част от времет.По нататък ще поместя инфо и за тях.Но поради механични повреди на затворите залпове са пропускали ту едно, ту друго оръдие на Родни:
AL (36) AC (46) AR (22), BL (45), BC (44) BR (52), XL (44), XC (42), XR (44).
He gives a total of 375 shells fired.
Assuming (a big assumption) it was broadside fire at about one per minute – we could use say 55 or 60 broadsides.
This yields
60 possible nine gun broadsides
540 possible
55 possible nine gun broadsides
495 possible
Rodney was manovering at the time, guns would have been masked at some stage. Anyone have any better data? Confirmation that it was broadside rather than salvo fire?
75-80% would seem to be not to shabby for “unreliable” mountings in Force 8 winds.
Masked guns are not counted in casualty rates. A gun casualty is when a gun could and should be fired but did not.
During the first hour of the "Final Battle" against Bismarck, Rodney fired the equivalent of 1.5 salvos per minute. During the entire battle, she fired 1.6 salvos per minute during salvo firing and 1.1 broadsides per minute during broadside firing with outputs of 77% and 62% respectively (salvos were of four and five guns while broadsides were of all nine guns). The following description of the problems encountered by Rodney is taken from "The Final Action: The Sinking of Bismarck, 27 May 1941" by John Roberts:
"She experienced various minor problems with mechanical failures and drill errors, the worst being with the right gun of A turret. This gun missed 11 salvos due to problems with the slide locking gear and then, at salvo 65, a complete jam occurred in the right shell pusher hoist. As a result of drill errors the top shell was rammed up the hoist and jammed in the gunhouse with its nose against the rangefinder supports. It was not cleared until 12 hours after the action. In addition the centre gun of A missed 2 salvos due to slow drill and all the salvos from 64 to 88 due to mechanical failures, the left gun of A missed 10 salvos and did not fire after salvo 97 due to mechanical failures. B turret's centre gun misfired at salvo 4 and missed 5 or 6 over a period of 7 minutes towards the end of the action due to drill errors. The left gun of B had several delays as a result of drill errors but X turret suffered only two jams which caused only minor delays."
AL (36) AC (46) AR (22), BL (45), BC (44) BR (52), XL (44), XC (42), XR (44).
He gives a total of 375 shells fired.
Assuming (a big assumption) it was broadside fire at about one per minute – we could use say 55 or 60 broadsides.
This yields
60 possible nine gun broadsides
540 possible
55 possible nine gun broadsides
495 possible
Rodney was manovering at the time, guns would have been masked at some stage. Anyone have any better data? Confirmation that it was broadside rather than salvo fire?
75-80% would seem to be not to shabby for “unreliable” mountings in Force 8 winds.
Masked guns are not counted in casualty rates. A gun casualty is when a gun could and should be fired but did not.
During the first hour of the "Final Battle" against Bismarck, Rodney fired the equivalent of 1.5 salvos per minute. During the entire battle, she fired 1.6 salvos per minute during salvo firing and 1.1 broadsides per minute during broadside firing with outputs of 77% and 62% respectively (salvos were of four and five guns while broadsides were of all nine guns). The following description of the problems encountered by Rodney is taken from "The Final Action: The Sinking of Bismarck, 27 May 1941" by John Roberts:
"She experienced various minor problems with mechanical failures and drill errors, the worst being with the right gun of A turret. This gun missed 11 salvos due to problems with the slide locking gear and then, at salvo 65, a complete jam occurred in the right shell pusher hoist. As a result of drill errors the top shell was rammed up the hoist and jammed in the gunhouse with its nose against the rangefinder supports. It was not cleared until 12 hours after the action. In addition the centre gun of A missed 2 salvos due to slow drill and all the salvos from 64 to 88 due to mechanical failures, the left gun of A missed 10 salvos and did not fire after salvo 97 due to mechanical failures. B turret's centre gun misfired at salvo 4 and missed 5 or 6 over a period of 7 minutes towards the end of the action due to drill errors. The left gun of B had several delays as a result of drill errors but X turret suffered only two jams which caused only minor delays."